Chapter 4 - New Friends
Submitted March 3, 2007 Updated May 27, 2007 Status Complete | Kay and her friends transfer to Domino High School together and meet future rivals, enemies, friends, and romances. How do they adjust? Pairings (Hinted at for the series) Kay/Seto Cat/Yami Kristen/Yuugi Khaos/Ryou
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples |
Chapter 4 - New Friends
Chapter 4 - New Friends
Chapter Four
New Friends
New Friends
"No WAY! I cannot believe that a rude, arrogant JERK like you can have such a sweet and adorable little brother. There is no freaking way."
"No way will I EVER allow my little brother to assiociate with such a rude, loud mouthed wench."
"WENCH?! Why you-"
"Kay, that's enough." Kay froze and looked at Pegasus who was frowning at her. She straightened.
"Very well, Uncle."
"Pegasus, you really should teach your neice some manners." Kay clenched her fists and teeth.
"Why that little..." she muttered to herself.
"Kay, wake up Alex. We need to leave."
"No complaints here." Kay shook Alex's arm. "Arundhati, we are leaving." Alex groaned but woke up.
"Where am I?" she asked drowsilly.
"In hell if we don't leave now," Kay whispered so only Alex could hear and she pulled her up. Pegasus sighed and guided them out.
The Next Day
Kay sighed as she sat down at her desk in Oral Interp. Minako was busy applying her make up to shoot her the usual death glare. Sad, she's been there for one day and already the death glare was scheduled. Sad...
Mr. Mikio entered the class and began discussing new techniques for Oral Interp. Boooooooring. Suddenly, the door slid open and a girl with long brown hair in a ponytail and blue eyes entered.
"May I help you, Cat?" Mr. Mikio asked.
"Yeah, I changed my schedule and got moved into this class period."
"Ah, alright Cat. Please take the seat next to Mr. Rao." This was the seat in front of Kay. Cat took her seat and Mr. Mikio continued his lesson.
Kay sighed in boredom. What could she do so she would not get punched by Minato because it seems to be Seto Kaiba related? Shrugging, Kay pulledo ut a sheet of paper and started to draw some dragons.
"Man, I thought we'd actually do something in Oral Interp, not listen to lectures..." Kay thought to herself. "Time for Minako's scheduled Death Glare in" Minako shot a glare. "I knew it..."
A piece of paper landed on Kay's desk. She stared at it and opened it up.
Hey, Minako bugging you?
Kay blinked and wrote down "yes" then looked around to see Cat holding her hand in a funny way to her side. Kay hesitantly put the slip of paper in her hand and Cat snatched it and her hand retreated. Kay blinked and waited a minuted before Cat placed the note on her desk again.
Ugh, I hate her. She used to make fun of my friend, Jackie. Why is she shooting you those death glares? Did you stand up to her? Yeah, that's what I did and I get a glare every five minutes.
Kay smiled. Looks like she wasn't alone.
She thinks I like Seto Kaiba because I drew a pic of the Blue Eyes White Dragon, but in truth I hate that rich pain in the @$$.
Cat took the note and Kay heard her fight back a laugh.
That sucks. She has some serious problems. Well, would you like to meet my friend Jackie? I'm sure you two would get laong well. And with another person, we can plot how to kill Minako SO much better.
Kay blinked and wrote her response.
Um...sure, I'd love to meet her...but the killing thing? Not to sure on that... Another death glare. ...but she's not convincing me to flat out say no.
Cat actually giggled a bit at this note.
Alright. Come have lunch with us. We'll wait for you outside by the bike racks
Alright, I'll see you there.
The rest of Oral Interp they actually got to look for pieces. Kay decided she's perform an HI (Humorous Interpretation) before anything. She went on the web and started searching and decided on Phantom of the Opera due to the fact she wanted to make fun of Carlotta but, expecially, RAOUL...god, she hated that fop.
The bell rang about two minutes after she printed the script. Kay hurriedly put it in her folder and rushed to the door where Anzu was waiting for her.
At Lunch
Kay waved to her friends and walked outside and over to the bike racks. Nobody was there yet so she stood and waited.
"Hmph, well if it isn't Pegasus' little neice." Kay resisted a groan and looked at Seto.
"Look, clearly we got off on the wrong foot."
"Hmph, you crashed into me."
"It was an accident. You could've said excuse me yourself, but instead you call me a scrub."
"Because you are."
"Um..." Kay spun to see Cat and a girl with long, pink hair in pigtails and pink eyes. "Er, this is Jackie." Kay smiled as politely as she could and held out her hand.
"Hello Jackie, I'm Kay." Jackie seemed slightly worried but she shook Kay's hand.
"Don't worry, I only am gonna bite Kaiba;s head off." She shot a glare at him. Seto smirked and started to walk away.
"The fangirls are getting more and more fiesty."
"FANGIRL?! WHY YOU-" Cat and Jackie grabbed Kay's arms to stop her from pouncing on Seto.
"Yo, easy Kay. You'll get expelled and KILLED by the real fangirls if you fight Kaiba." Kay growled.
"I'll get him someday."
"What's with you and Kaiba?" Jackie asked, confused.
"Because of him, Minako is out to kill me and he's an asshole."
"Ah. I hate Minako."
"What did she do to you?"
"She called me a bubblegum head and tried to stick REAL gum in my hair then chop it off."
"That dog."
"Well, would you two like to meet my friends?"
"Sure." Kay smiled and took them to meet Alex, Deni, Maria, and Kristen who were eating lunch with Miho and Anzu. Cat and Jackie said they already knew Anzu. Kay was surprised at Cat's slightly colder. Kay tilted her head slightly. She took out some paper while the other's sat and chatted and slid it to Cat.
You have something against Anzu, Cat?
Well...I'm not super fond of her. And she flirts a lot with the guy I like.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want to move?
No, it's fine. I just don't particularly like her, that's all.
OK, if you're sure.
"What are you two doing?" Deni asked.
"Nothing!" Kay said, crumpling up the note and throwing it in the trash. "Hey, you guys want to go out for pizza tonight? There's this new place that opened up."
"Sounds like fun."
"What time?"
"Alex and I should get off from work at about six, so about seven?"
"Ok." Kay told them the name of the place. "There's a karaoke lounge and everything." Cat brightened.
"Yeah, you like singing?"
"I LOVE singing."
"Me too!" Deni said.
"Well this is great. I'm sure it'll be fun."
"Do they have DDR?" Jackie asked. "I love DDR."
"Me too! And they should have it." Jackie beamed.
"Right on." The girls all chatted excitedly until the bell for lunch rang.
Kay smiled, todat was pretty good so far. She had new friends and plans for a fun evening. Not even Minako could spoil this for her.
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Fatal_dreamer on April 27, 2007, 12:37:04 PM

KionaKina on April 28, 2007, 1:14:20 AM
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Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 23, 2007, 11:22:57 AM
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KionaKina on April 23, 2007, 11:24:29 AM
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Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 23, 2007, 11:15:53 AM
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Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 22, 2007, 8:18:17 PM
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