Chapter 3 - White Chrysanthemum ~ Truth
Submitted June 5, 2007 Updated June 11, 2007 Status Complete | The third story. Well, Seto is growing irritated with Kay's constant pranks on him. What happens when he learns about Kay and her past? Title means, "Secrets Revealed in a Garden of Roses"
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples |
Chapter 3 - White Chrysanthemum ~ Truth
Chapter 3 - White Chrysanthemum ~ Truth
Another two weeks had passed and Seto was friggin pissed. Kay had some nerve- she had thrown a party in HIS mansion on Friday becuse there had been no school. (Read "What's Spin-the-Bottle?" for more detail) And why? To set up her stupid little friends.
And there she was, asleep with Mokuba on the couch. He carried Mokuba up to his room and when he walked back downstairs, the front door was closing and she was no longer there. He looked out the window to see her stretching as she walked towards to gate.
Kay got home and collapsed on her bed and looked to see she had two messages on her phone. She pressed play.
"Hi Kay, it's Alex. Listen, I just heard that there is a playwriting contest coming to town and I thought you'd be interested. Call me soon for the details. Later." Kay looked at the clock. It was almost eleven. Alex was probably asleep by now. Tomorrow was Saturday, she would call her then. Kay waited for the next message.
"Hi Kay-Chan, it's Cat. Yami, Kristen, and I wanted to go to the beach tomorrow and we were wondering if you wanted to come. We'll be meeting there at ten tomorrow if you don't get the chance to call. Ok, bye."
Kay sighed and went to change into a large T-shirt and some boxers. No beach tomorrow. She had to work on some new card designs. She washed up and collapsed into her bed and fell asleep.
Kay woke up at five after nine the next morning. She yawned and picked up the phone and called Cat first.
"Hey Cat-Chan."
"Kay-Chan! Can you come to the beach?"
"Sorry, I have to work today."
"Babysitting Mokuba."
"No, no. I need to work on some card designs and tonight I'm going to the museum to talk to Miss Ishtar."
"Busy day, I see."
"Pretty boring. Sorry. Have fun though."
"We will. See you later Kay."
"Bye." They both hung up then Kay called Alex.
"Hi Alex."
"Hey Kay. So, about the playwrite contest-"
"I can't enter. I don't have any time to write a whole play."
"Really? Normally you always find time."
"Yeah, sorry. I've been really busy lately."
"Ooh, busy with Kaiba?"
"NO!" Kay shrieked. "God no."
"Kay, why don't you just admit you like him?"
"Simple, I don't."
"You're hopelessly stubborn."
"Shut up."
"Well, I'm gonna go."
"Ok, bye."
"Laterz." Kay hung up and went to show then she changed into her favorite pair of jeans and a blue tank top then she took a bag with paper, pencils, pens, markers, and colored pencils with her to the park and sat down on a bench then started drawing.
And she was there for five hours and had three new cards.
Glacia Ictari
A tall woman in a dark blue robe with a snow flake design with white skin, long silver hair, and ice blue eyes with a crown on her head. She was like a queen of the arctic.
Tundra Wave
A long, light blue sea serpant with a dragon head and tentacles coming from it's back like a mane. It was a powerful dragon/sea serpant with the power to control not only water but electricity.
And Orthox the Iron Beast
A large robotic like being made from iron that looked almost black with glowing red eyes. It was a machine possessed by a fiend who caused destruction and can crush diamonds with a punch.
Kay sighed and stored her stuff then got up and walked to the museum. Ishizu was waiting for her.
"Good day, Miss Ishtar."
"Hello Miss Simms. We found an interesting tablet I think you should look at." Ishizu led her to a small room where a single stone Tablet was behind glass. "Take a look."
Kay stared. All seven millennium items were displayed and three other items were on the bottom.
"I don't believe it..."
"This tablet is a spell to free the Yamis from their millennium objects so they can be real people."
"Yes. You see, there are three objects for the three Yamis. I have only seen two, but apparently there is another. The object to free Yami is a red gem which means change, because he changed the most over time. The object to free Bakura is a green gem, for curiousity and chaos. And the final object is a yellow gem for uncertainty."
"Does it say where to find the gems?"
"They are all in an underground tomb in Egypt. The tomb is close to Cairo and the entrance is in a small Oasis, in the lake."
"I will send a team to uncover these gems as soon as I can, Miss Simms."
"I can also read the spell, but I won't say it now. Each spell is different."
"That makes sense. We will call when the gems are uncovered." Kay nodded and exited the museum and walked outside. It was nearing four in the afternoon. She was bored.
"Seto, Seto."
"What is it Mokuba?"
"Kay-Chan is coming over." Seto glared at Mokuba. So much for a quiet afternoon of reading in his garden for a change.
"What? Why? Did you invite her?"
"Yes. I want her to come by. I'm bored."
"Go read a book then."
"Well did you HAVE to invite that stupid, optimistic, annoying little BRAT over."
"She is a thorn in my side, Mokuba. The only reason I keep her around is because you like her. I don't want to see her more than neccesary. She has an attitude problem and I am getting sick of it."
"It's not her fault!" Mokuba cried.
"Oh really? Well then, whose fault is it? Hmm? She is a stupid and idiotic little girl, Mokuba. She needs to grow up and control her big mouth. And she-"
"Her father's!" Mokuba yelled. "After the way he treated her and her family, it's no wonder she can behave in a bi-polar way." Seto blinked.
"Mokuba, what are you talking about?"
"Her dad abused her, Seto. He killed her mother and her big sister and he kidnapped her little sister and for all we know she's dead too. Kay's got nobody here. And she is only here to find her little sister, Seto. Her dad was worse than Gozaboru. He truly hurt her. Where else do you think that scar on her forehead came from? He burned her, beat her until she couldn't move. It's a wonder she can even BE optimisstic. She is a little like you when you were younger and would still smile and have fun but can be serious and hide her true emotions, SO DON'T INSULT HER!" Mokuba yelled. Seto was shocked. "I love her like a big sister. Please don't be mean to her."
There was silence between the two brothers.
"Mokuba!" Her voice sailed like a breeze to them, happy as usual and completely unaware of the dark conversation. "You out here, sweetie?"
"Coming Kay!" He ran over to the back door. Seto watched her smile and hug him then lead him inside. He felt like a serious jerk for what he said about her. Now it made sense why she had been so upset a while ago. She missed her sister. It had probably been a time when she remembered it.
Seto picked some blooms, went inside, and handed them to a maid, asking her to put them in a vase. She brought them back to him in a glass vase and he put them on the dining room table. White Chrysanthemum in honor of the truth he had learned today.

(Here is a White Chrysanthemum)
"Kaiba-kun!" her voice called from the kitchen. He walked in to see her tying an apron...or trying to. "Want to help us? We're making chocolate chip cookies."
"My favorite!" Mokuba added. Seto didn't know what to answer. She just kept struggling with the bow on the back of her apron. He walked over, took the two ribbons from her hands, and work them into a bow. She smiled.
"Thanks." Then she put her hair up with a clip in a messy bun.
"Well Seto?"
"I'll just watch you two. Cooking is not my strong point." Kay and Mokuba shrugged.
"Ok Mokie, I'm gonna need-" She started listing the ingrediants and Mokuba ran to get them for her. She put it all in the bowl and had Mokuba stir. They both got covered in flour but were having one heck of a good time.
Seto just watched them and sorta spaced out, a failed to see Mokuba sneak behind him and powder him white with flour, shocking him.
"Agh!" Kay turned away from the oven and then started laughing like crazy when she saw Seto. He growled.
"Eek!" Mokuba ran off and Seto followed him.
"GET BACK HERE!" Kay just kept laughing and then put the cookies in the over and washed her hands. When Seto and Mokuba ran through the kitchen, Kay grabbed Seto's shoulders to stop him.
"Aw, come on, Kaiba-kun. Mokuba was just kidding around." She looked up at him with those green eyes and he frowned.
"...fine, he's off the hook THIS ONCE." Mokuba peeked his head back in and smiled.
"Thanks, Kay-Chan."
"Of course." After getting cleaned up and cleaning up the kitchen, the timer rang and Kay pulled the cookies out of the oven and put them on the cooling rack and started washing off the pan when she heard a loud shriek of pain. She turned and gasped. Mokuba had taken one of the cookies and burned his finger. She ran over. "Mokie, are oyu ok?"
"It burns, Kay-Chan."
"Ohh, here." She took his hand and did what a mother or big sis would do for a little "boo-boo." She kissed it and then ran it under some cold water. "There, better." He nodded then smirked.
"Hey Seto, try one of these cookies." Seto walked into the kitchen.
"They're really good." Seto rolled his eyes. Kay's eyes widened.
"Wait, I wouldn't-" She winced as he hissed in pain and muttered an inexplicitive.
"Mokuba!" he yelled. Kay walked over to him and took Seto's hand and sighed then kissed him where he got burned and took him to the sink and rinsed the burn off in cold water.
"There, better?" she asked sweetly. He was a little surprised but he nodded.
"Aw, you two are holding hands."
"Wha?" Kay automatically blushed and let go of Seto's hand.
"Uh oh." She chased after him.
"What were you thinking?! Your brother could have gotten seriously hurt."
"Oh, so you care?" She blushed bright red.
"NO! It's just...that's the hand...he uses to sign my pay checks!"
"Lame excuse, Kay."
"Why you little-" She caught Mokuba. "Now, how am I going to punish you?" She thought for moment. "I know." she hands crept to his ribs and she tickled him mercilessly.
"CHEATER!" he cried.
"Too bad!" Mokuba tried to squirm away, but Kay was too strong.
"You're torturing him, very nice." Kay smirked up at Seto and then she let Mokuba go.
"I'll go easy on you, today." Mokuba sighed.
"You are cruel, Kay."
"Yeah, I know." Her cell phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello?"
"Kay, where are you?" Alex asked on the other end.
"I'm handing with Mokuba."
"His mansion."
"Ohhh, I see."
"Why? Are you ok?"
"I forgot most of my money at home and I'm stuck downtown without a ride. Could you please come by."
"Sure thing, Alex. Where are you? ...ok, I'm on my way." Kay hung up and stood up. "I gotta go and get Alex. She doesn't have money for a taxi. See you guys later." Kay walked outside and called a taxi and then drove away.
"I wonder if those cookies are good enough to eat now."
"Mokuba, why did you have me take one of those cookies when they were so hot?"
"Well...I did it and Kay kissed where I got burned and I thought she'd do the same for you."
"...uh-huh, and the point was?"
"Seto, you like herm she likes you. I'm just trying to push you two along."
"I do not like her, Mokuba."
"Right, sure you don't." Mokuba smirked and walked into the kitchen.
"I DON'T!" Seto fell onto the couch. "Right?"
And there she was, asleep with Mokuba on the couch. He carried Mokuba up to his room and when he walked back downstairs, the front door was closing and she was no longer there. He looked out the window to see her stretching as she walked towards to gate.
Kay got home and collapsed on her bed and looked to see she had two messages on her phone. She pressed play.
"Hi Kay, it's Alex. Listen, I just heard that there is a playwriting contest coming to town and I thought you'd be interested. Call me soon for the details. Later." Kay looked at the clock. It was almost eleven. Alex was probably asleep by now. Tomorrow was Saturday, she would call her then. Kay waited for the next message.
"Hi Kay-Chan, it's Cat. Yami, Kristen, and I wanted to go to the beach tomorrow and we were wondering if you wanted to come. We'll be meeting there at ten tomorrow if you don't get the chance to call. Ok, bye."
Kay sighed and went to change into a large T-shirt and some boxers. No beach tomorrow. She had to work on some new card designs. She washed up and collapsed into her bed and fell asleep.
Kay woke up at five after nine the next morning. She yawned and picked up the phone and called Cat first.
"Hey Cat-Chan."
"Kay-Chan! Can you come to the beach?"
"Sorry, I have to work today."
"Babysitting Mokuba."
"No, no. I need to work on some card designs and tonight I'm going to the museum to talk to Miss Ishtar."
"Busy day, I see."
"Pretty boring. Sorry. Have fun though."
"We will. See you later Kay."
"Bye." They both hung up then Kay called Alex.
"Hi Alex."
"Hey Kay. So, about the playwrite contest-"
"I can't enter. I don't have any time to write a whole play."
"Really? Normally you always find time."
"Yeah, sorry. I've been really busy lately."
"Ooh, busy with Kaiba?"
"NO!" Kay shrieked. "God no."
"Kay, why don't you just admit you like him?"
"Simple, I don't."
"You're hopelessly stubborn."
"Shut up."
"Well, I'm gonna go."
"Ok, bye."
"Laterz." Kay hung up and went to show then she changed into her favorite pair of jeans and a blue tank top then she took a bag with paper, pencils, pens, markers, and colored pencils with her to the park and sat down on a bench then started drawing.
And she was there for five hours and had three new cards.
Glacia Ictari
A tall woman in a dark blue robe with a snow flake design with white skin, long silver hair, and ice blue eyes with a crown on her head. She was like a queen of the arctic.
Tundra Wave
A long, light blue sea serpant with a dragon head and tentacles coming from it's back like a mane. It was a powerful dragon/sea serpant with the power to control not only water but electricity.
And Orthox the Iron Beast
A large robotic like being made from iron that looked almost black with glowing red eyes. It was a machine possessed by a fiend who caused destruction and can crush diamonds with a punch.
Kay sighed and stored her stuff then got up and walked to the museum. Ishizu was waiting for her.
"Good day, Miss Ishtar."
"Hello Miss Simms. We found an interesting tablet I think you should look at." Ishizu led her to a small room where a single stone Tablet was behind glass. "Take a look."
Kay stared. All seven millennium items were displayed and three other items were on the bottom.
"I don't believe it..."
"This tablet is a spell to free the Yamis from their millennium objects so they can be real people."
"Yes. You see, there are three objects for the three Yamis. I have only seen two, but apparently there is another. The object to free Yami is a red gem which means change, because he changed the most over time. The object to free Bakura is a green gem, for curiousity and chaos. And the final object is a yellow gem for uncertainty."
"Does it say where to find the gems?"
"They are all in an underground tomb in Egypt. The tomb is close to Cairo and the entrance is in a small Oasis, in the lake."
"I will send a team to uncover these gems as soon as I can, Miss Simms."
"I can also read the spell, but I won't say it now. Each spell is different."
"That makes sense. We will call when the gems are uncovered." Kay nodded and exited the museum and walked outside. It was nearing four in the afternoon. She was bored.
"Seto, Seto."
"What is it Mokuba?"
"Kay-Chan is coming over." Seto glared at Mokuba. So much for a quiet afternoon of reading in his garden for a change.
"What? Why? Did you invite her?"
"Yes. I want her to come by. I'm bored."
"Go read a book then."
"Well did you HAVE to invite that stupid, optimistic, annoying little BRAT over."
"She is a thorn in my side, Mokuba. The only reason I keep her around is because you like her. I don't want to see her more than neccesary. She has an attitude problem and I am getting sick of it."
"It's not her fault!" Mokuba cried.
"Oh really? Well then, whose fault is it? Hmm? She is a stupid and idiotic little girl, Mokuba. She needs to grow up and control her big mouth. And she-"
"Her father's!" Mokuba yelled. "After the way he treated her and her family, it's no wonder she can behave in a bi-polar way." Seto blinked.
"Mokuba, what are you talking about?"
"Her dad abused her, Seto. He killed her mother and her big sister and he kidnapped her little sister and for all we know she's dead too. Kay's got nobody here. And she is only here to find her little sister, Seto. Her dad was worse than Gozaboru. He truly hurt her. Where else do you think that scar on her forehead came from? He burned her, beat her until she couldn't move. It's a wonder she can even BE optimisstic. She is a little like you when you were younger and would still smile and have fun but can be serious and hide her true emotions, SO DON'T INSULT HER!" Mokuba yelled. Seto was shocked. "I love her like a big sister. Please don't be mean to her."
There was silence between the two brothers.
"Mokuba!" Her voice sailed like a breeze to them, happy as usual and completely unaware of the dark conversation. "You out here, sweetie?"
"Coming Kay!" He ran over to the back door. Seto watched her smile and hug him then lead him inside. He felt like a serious jerk for what he said about her. Now it made sense why she had been so upset a while ago. She missed her sister. It had probably been a time when she remembered it.
Seto picked some blooms, went inside, and handed them to a maid, asking her to put them in a vase. She brought them back to him in a glass vase and he put them on the dining room table. White Chrysanthemum in honor of the truth he had learned today.

(Here is a White Chrysanthemum)
"Kaiba-kun!" her voice called from the kitchen. He walked in to see her tying an apron...or trying to. "Want to help us? We're making chocolate chip cookies."
"My favorite!" Mokuba added. Seto didn't know what to answer. She just kept struggling with the bow on the back of her apron. He walked over, took the two ribbons from her hands, and work them into a bow. She smiled.
"Thanks." Then she put her hair up with a clip in a messy bun.
"Well Seto?"
"I'll just watch you two. Cooking is not my strong point." Kay and Mokuba shrugged.
"Ok Mokie, I'm gonna need-" She started listing the ingrediants and Mokuba ran to get them for her. She put it all in the bowl and had Mokuba stir. They both got covered in flour but were having one heck of a good time.
Seto just watched them and sorta spaced out, a failed to see Mokuba sneak behind him and powder him white with flour, shocking him.
"Agh!" Kay turned away from the oven and then started laughing like crazy when she saw Seto. He growled.
"Eek!" Mokuba ran off and Seto followed him.
"GET BACK HERE!" Kay just kept laughing and then put the cookies in the over and washed her hands. When Seto and Mokuba ran through the kitchen, Kay grabbed Seto's shoulders to stop him.
"Aw, come on, Kaiba-kun. Mokuba was just kidding around." She looked up at him with those green eyes and he frowned.
"...fine, he's off the hook THIS ONCE." Mokuba peeked his head back in and smiled.
"Thanks, Kay-Chan."
"Of course." After getting cleaned up and cleaning up the kitchen, the timer rang and Kay pulled the cookies out of the oven and put them on the cooling rack and started washing off the pan when she heard a loud shriek of pain. She turned and gasped. Mokuba had taken one of the cookies and burned his finger. She ran over. "Mokie, are oyu ok?"
"It burns, Kay-Chan."
"Ohh, here." She took his hand and did what a mother or big sis would do for a little "boo-boo." She kissed it and then ran it under some cold water. "There, better." He nodded then smirked.
"Hey Seto, try one of these cookies." Seto walked into the kitchen.
"They're really good." Seto rolled his eyes. Kay's eyes widened.
"Wait, I wouldn't-" She winced as he hissed in pain and muttered an inexplicitive.
"Mokuba!" he yelled. Kay walked over to him and took Seto's hand and sighed then kissed him where he got burned and took him to the sink and rinsed the burn off in cold water.
"There, better?" she asked sweetly. He was a little surprised but he nodded.
"Aw, you two are holding hands."
"Wha?" Kay automatically blushed and let go of Seto's hand.
"Uh oh." She chased after him.
"What were you thinking?! Your brother could have gotten seriously hurt."
"Oh, so you care?" She blushed bright red.
"NO! It's just...that's the hand...he uses to sign my pay checks!"
"Lame excuse, Kay."
"Why you little-" She caught Mokuba. "Now, how am I going to punish you?" She thought for moment. "I know." she hands crept to his ribs and she tickled him mercilessly.
"CHEATER!" he cried.
"Too bad!" Mokuba tried to squirm away, but Kay was too strong.
"You're torturing him, very nice." Kay smirked up at Seto and then she let Mokuba go.
"I'll go easy on you, today." Mokuba sighed.
"You are cruel, Kay."
"Yeah, I know." Her cell phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello?"
"Kay, where are you?" Alex asked on the other end.
"I'm handing with Mokuba."
"His mansion."
"Ohhh, I see."
"Why? Are you ok?"
"I forgot most of my money at home and I'm stuck downtown without a ride. Could you please come by."
"Sure thing, Alex. Where are you? ...ok, I'm on my way." Kay hung up and stood up. "I gotta go and get Alex. She doesn't have money for a taxi. See you guys later." Kay walked outside and called a taxi and then drove away.
"I wonder if those cookies are good enough to eat now."
"Mokuba, why did you have me take one of those cookies when they were so hot?"
"Well...I did it and Kay kissed where I got burned and I thought she'd do the same for you."
"...uh-huh, and the point was?"
"Seto, you like herm she likes you. I'm just trying to push you two along."
"I do not like her, Mokuba."
"Right, sure you don't." Mokuba smirked and walked into the kitchen.
"I DON'T!" Seto fell onto the couch. "Right?"
HUZZAH! Another update. YAY! I had fun writing this one. I hope you nejoyed reading it. ^^ Cat and Yami are officialy together at this point, just so you all know. So WHEE!!! I love EternalShipping!!!!
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