Chapter 1 - To model or not to model?
Submitted March 28, 2007 Updated March 28, 2007 Status Incomplete | Kagome,Ayame,Sango and Iris are models.All of them are having guy problem.Whats up Iris's sleeves that has to do with Kagome and Sesshomaru?
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Kagome + Sesshomaru |
Chapter 1 - To model or not to model?
Chapter 1 - To model or not to model?
Dating Models
Iris: Yea I put up another story.No I don't care if none of them are done.
Hannah:I sn't this the one that you've already made a sequel to.
Iris: *nod* Yes it is.
Hannah: How can you right a sequel to a unfinished story?
Iris: No clue.
Hannah: -.-o
Chapter 1:To model or not to model that is the questing.........I think....
Disclamer-I don't own InuYasha and co. If I did Sesshomaru and Kagome would be the stars and Sesshou would have a secret kinky side that involved hand cuffs and whip cream. Muhaahha! *falls back in glee*
"Hay wake up,losers!" Yelled a fiery red head,with green eyes.
A set of sliver eyes snapped open,fire dancing in there depths.
"Why can't you let us sleep just one day,Ayame?!" Said the girl.
"Because it's 9am yea sliver eyed freak!" Yelled the irritated Ayame.
"Shut up!I swear you two can't have one peaceful morning." Said a raven haired and blue eyed beauty.
She was sporting a baggy white tee that said #1 Grandma and a lovely pair of blue shorts.
She also had a pair of knee high purple socks. (I love those socks!)
Ayame looked up at her roomy as she came down the stairs.
"Hay,sexy socks. Want some waffles?"
The girl smiled and nodded. "You bet I do."
She took a set at the bar and waited for her waffles.
Two other girls came down the stairs and joined them.
The taller of the two had long brown hair with blue tips,it was currently in a messy bun.
Her eyes were a deep brown.
She wore a see though white tiger striped sleeping kimono that had a pink trim,it was open showing a white japanese Hello Kitty tee.
A pair of black boy shorts were the only thing covering her rear.
The other girl had long black hair that had red and sliver highlights going though it,the same pair of sliver eyes stared at the cooking Ayame.
She had a open silk maroon sleeping kimono,under it was a black cami with red lacy trim around the top,then a pair of black shorts with red and black striped leggings.(they stop 3in. below the knee)
"Morning Kagome." The tall girl said to 'sexy socks.'
"Morning,Sango." Kagome said back. Sango smiled and took a set next to Kagome.
"Thanks for the love." Mumbled the sliver eyed girl.
"Morning Iris." Kagome said to her as she sat down.
"Whatever." Iris grunted.
"Heres the grub." Ayame said as she put a plat in front of each girl,the 'dug in.'
"How do we eat like this and model?" Kagome asked sipping some milk.
"Don't know,don't care. As long as I get food and look hot I'm good." Ayame said as she devored a poor helpless waffle.
*Darth Vader them song*
Iris jumped up and grabbed the phone,"Hay Drake."
The others sighed.
"Every since she meet him the phone bills have tripled." Kagome ground.
"Why don't they just date? It would save us thousands on phone bills." Ayame asked.
"They say there 'just friends' and refuse to date." Kagome said shaking her head as Iris walked all over the living room,talking.
"Just like your affaire." Sango stated,pointing her fork at Kagome.
"What affaire?" Kagome asked,clueless.
"We all know you've been eye-fracking that Sesshomaru dude at the runway." Ayame said,a kinky smile coming across her face.
"W-what?" Squeaked the big eyed Kagome. (O.O)
"Ayame you could cut down on the cussing." Sango shook her head at her fowl mouthed friend.
"Theres nothing wrong with the way I talk."
"It's horrid."
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Shut up! I'm on the phone!" Yelled Iris,hand over the phone.
"We know!" The two yelled back.
"I'll call you back,I've got two soon-to-be-dead roomys to take care of." Iris said into the phone,a chuckle was heard as she hung up the phone.
She turned to Ayame and Sango,who looked like dear in the headlights. (O.O)
"RUN!" The both screamed.
They ran from the room and in to the next,Iris hot on their hells.
"You can run but yo can't hide!" Iris let out a evil laughter. (^o^)
Kagome sweet dropped,'I need threophy.' (-.-o)
They ran around the island and into the living room. Kagome sighed as they once again past her,she took a bite of her waffle and shook her head.
Kagome looked wide eyed at the pile of body parts tangled together. A long leg twitched.
Then a moan and mumble of 'crazy phone-hogging dog' came from the pile.
A arm reached out and pulled it's owner out. Iris stood with a smile on her face,she fixed her wrinkled cloths.
Kagome raised a eye brow at her,Iris gave her a 'what' look.
Kagome sighed,slumping her sholders.
'I really need threophy.'
After that Sango and Ayame untangled them selves then went to their rooms to get ready for work.
Kagome walked down the stairs first,she was always neat and clean so it only took her 5 minutes to get ready. (She took a shower before she got breakfast)
She had a sleeveless red,black and white grung striped shirt and a worn blue jeans jacket that stooped right after her 'jugs.' (My friend told me to name them that,perverted Derek)
She had a pair of dark green capres that ended right after the knee, a white 2 row studded belt and a black 2 row studded belt were rapped around her hips. (Studded belts usual have three rows but these are smaller ones.)
A pair of black and white striped socks went 3in. above her ankle,the tops were flared.
She had a pair of converse//chuck taylor Hi notebooks (the have drawings on them,her's has a skull with thorns and roses going around it,black and white)
She had gray eye shadow and eyeliner,her lips were light red.
"Iris lets go!" Kagome yelled.
Iris came walking down the stairs were in a black graphic tee-shirt that had a gray skull and cross bones on it,under it was a net mesh top.
She had a chain belt worn as a long necklaces and a small black beaded necklaces on.
A sliver circle studded bracelet and a black sliver bullet bracelet were on her left wrist.
She wore a black layered skirt that went to her knees under it was some black net hose,then a pair of black tie up boots went to her knees.
Around her waist was a black circle studded belt.
Her nails were black and she had black eyeliner and shadow,her lips were a dark red.
"Ready,Iris?" Kagome asked.
The two of them worked for a gothic and punk modeling agency,while Ayame and Sango worked at a grung and vitage agency.
"Yea lets go." Iris walked with Kagome to the car,witch was a black 1969 Dodge Charger (I know I use it every were,but it's such a nice car.)
"Lets stop for a chapicheno." Iris said as they took off.
"My god not those horrid things." Kagome ground.
"Yes those 'horrid things.' There sooo good,but only the chocolate exeter foam,and a shot of expresso chapichenos."
Iris started to move in her set moaning. (Like moving back and forth,and mmmhhuuuing.)
"Iris damn it,don't have an orgasm!" Kagome yelled,then some guy cut her off.
"Asshole!Get back here!" Kagome speed up and sweaved behind the guy.
"Kagome you're scaring him!"
The car in front of them slowed down and his blinker came on.
"Yea thats what I thought asshole!" Kagome yelled as the poor man turned off the highway.
Iris sighed and closed her eyes,leaning back into the set.
"Can we please get a chapicheno?"
Kagome glared but turned into a coffee house.
"Oh boy,oh boy,oh boy." Iris said doing a mini happy dance,well the best happy dance any one could do sitting.
----------------Back at the House---------
"Ayame! We're going to be late if you don't get your furry @$$ down here!" Yelled a ready to leave Sango,she had a black and white striped hooded tee shirt that went a little past her waist.
Then a jean skirt that had black leggings under it,and a pair of black and white converse high tops.
She had a line of black eyeliner on her eye lid and white eye shadow, her black mascara was winged.
Then some black eyeliner,her lips were a bright red.
She had big black and white hopped earing.
Her hair was in a high pony tail.
Ayame came down the stairs wearing a white tank top and a black mini skirt,she added a pair of net arm warmers that went to her elbows.
A pair of knee high black 'hooker' boots were on her legs.
Her hair was up in piggy tails,white skull head bands held them up.
She had smokey grey eye shadow,and black winged eyeliner and mascara.
Her lips had some cherry lip-bam on them.
She had a coffe mug in one hand and a set of car keys in the other.
"Wetsgoo." Mumbled the half-asleep wolf.
---------Kagome's Car-----------
"I love chapacheno! I do! I do! I love chapacheno!" Said a off note Iris,chapacheno in hand.
'Please Kami,make it quick and painless.' Kagome silently prayed,she then swerved the car,making Iris hit her head on the window,knocking her out.
Sighing Kagome saw a pair of lights flash behind her. She looked in the review mirror and saw...............a police car.
"Nooo." Moaned Kagome pulling over and banging her head on the steering wheel.
--------Ayame's Car----------
"The speeds 45 not 15 damn it! Drive faster Ayame!" Sango yelled at the slanged,sleepy driver.
"Shut up or I'll dump you outa this damn thing!" Ayame yelled sending Sango a sleepy yet meaningful glare.
"dogy furr ball."
The car shoot down the road with one screaming demon slayer and one menacilly laughing wolf demon.
The cop watched them zoom by.
'I think I'll let that one go.'
---------Kagome's Car---------
"Next time pull over and hit her." The female cop said to the nervisly laughing Kagome,who told her why she swerved.
"Yes,ok officer."
The woman went back to her car,shaking her head.
'Damn young people.'
Iris:I know it's short, but really are you going to yell at a sleep deprived teenaged girl? *Falls on bed next to laptop* ZZzzz *twitch-foot-twitch*
Kami-God or Gods
Iris: Yea I put up another story.No I don't care if none of them are done.
Hannah:I sn't this the one that you've already made a sequel to.
Iris: *nod* Yes it is.
Hannah: How can you right a sequel to a unfinished story?
Iris: No clue.
Hannah: -.-o
Chapter 1:To model or not to model that is the questing.........I think....
Disclamer-I don't own InuYasha and co. If I did Sesshomaru and Kagome would be the stars and Sesshou would have a secret kinky side that involved hand cuffs and whip cream. Muhaahha! *falls back in glee*
"Hay wake up,losers!" Yelled a fiery red head,with green eyes.
A set of sliver eyes snapped open,fire dancing in there depths.
"Why can't you let us sleep just one day,Ayame?!" Said the girl.
"Because it's 9am yea sliver eyed freak!" Yelled the irritated Ayame.
"Shut up!I swear you two can't have one peaceful morning." Said a raven haired and blue eyed beauty.
She was sporting a baggy white tee that said #1 Grandma and a lovely pair of blue shorts.
She also had a pair of knee high purple socks. (I love those socks!)
Ayame looked up at her roomy as she came down the stairs.
"Hay,sexy socks. Want some waffles?"
The girl smiled and nodded. "You bet I do."
She took a set at the bar and waited for her waffles.
Two other girls came down the stairs and joined them.
The taller of the two had long brown hair with blue tips,it was currently in a messy bun.
Her eyes were a deep brown.
She wore a see though white tiger striped sleeping kimono that had a pink trim,it was open showing a white japanese Hello Kitty tee.
A pair of black boy shorts were the only thing covering her rear.
The other girl had long black hair that had red and sliver highlights going though it,the same pair of sliver eyes stared at the cooking Ayame.
She had a open silk maroon sleeping kimono,under it was a black cami with red lacy trim around the top,then a pair of black shorts with red and black striped leggings.(they stop 3in. below the knee)
"Morning Kagome." The tall girl said to 'sexy socks.'
"Morning,Sango." Kagome said back. Sango smiled and took a set next to Kagome.
"Thanks for the love." Mumbled the sliver eyed girl.
"Morning Iris." Kagome said to her as she sat down.
"Whatever." Iris grunted.
"Heres the grub." Ayame said as she put a plat in front of each girl,the 'dug in.'
"How do we eat like this and model?" Kagome asked sipping some milk.
"Don't know,don't care. As long as I get food and look hot I'm good." Ayame said as she devored a poor helpless waffle.
*Darth Vader them song*
Iris jumped up and grabbed the phone,"Hay Drake."
The others sighed.
"Every since she meet him the phone bills have tripled." Kagome ground.
"Why don't they just date? It would save us thousands on phone bills." Ayame asked.
"They say there 'just friends' and refuse to date." Kagome said shaking her head as Iris walked all over the living room,talking.
"Just like your affaire." Sango stated,pointing her fork at Kagome.
"What affaire?" Kagome asked,clueless.
"We all know you've been eye-fracking that Sesshomaru dude at the runway." Ayame said,a kinky smile coming across her face.
"W-what?" Squeaked the big eyed Kagome. (O.O)
"Ayame you could cut down on the cussing." Sango shook her head at her fowl mouthed friend.
"Theres nothing wrong with the way I talk."
"It's horrid."
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Shut up! I'm on the phone!" Yelled Iris,hand over the phone.
"We know!" The two yelled back.
"I'll call you back,I've got two soon-to-be-dead roomys to take care of." Iris said into the phone,a chuckle was heard as she hung up the phone.
She turned to Ayame and Sango,who looked like dear in the headlights. (O.O)
"RUN!" The both screamed.
They ran from the room and in to the next,Iris hot on their hells.
"You can run but yo can't hide!" Iris let out a evil laughter. (^o^)
Kagome sweet dropped,'I need threophy.' (-.-o)
They ran around the island and into the living room. Kagome sighed as they once again past her,she took a bite of her waffle and shook her head.
Kagome looked wide eyed at the pile of body parts tangled together. A long leg twitched.
Then a moan and mumble of 'crazy phone-hogging dog' came from the pile.
A arm reached out and pulled it's owner out. Iris stood with a smile on her face,she fixed her wrinkled cloths.
Kagome raised a eye brow at her,Iris gave her a 'what' look.
Kagome sighed,slumping her sholders.
'I really need threophy.'
After that Sango and Ayame untangled them selves then went to their rooms to get ready for work.
Kagome walked down the stairs first,she was always neat and clean so it only took her 5 minutes to get ready. (She took a shower before she got breakfast)
She had a sleeveless red,black and white grung striped shirt and a worn blue jeans jacket that stooped right after her 'jugs.' (My friend told me to name them that,perverted Derek)
She had a pair of dark green capres that ended right after the knee, a white 2 row studded belt and a black 2 row studded belt were rapped around her hips. (Studded belts usual have three rows but these are smaller ones.)
A pair of black and white striped socks went 3in. above her ankle,the tops were flared.
She had a pair of converse//chuck taylor Hi notebooks (the have drawings on them,her's has a skull with thorns and roses going around it,black and white)
She had gray eye shadow and eyeliner,her lips were light red.
"Iris lets go!" Kagome yelled.
Iris came walking down the stairs were in a black graphic tee-shirt that had a gray skull and cross bones on it,under it was a net mesh top.
She had a chain belt worn as a long necklaces and a small black beaded necklaces on.
A sliver circle studded bracelet and a black sliver bullet bracelet were on her left wrist.
She wore a black layered skirt that went to her knees under it was some black net hose,then a pair of black tie up boots went to her knees.
Around her waist was a black circle studded belt.
Her nails were black and she had black eyeliner and shadow,her lips were a dark red.
"Ready,Iris?" Kagome asked.
The two of them worked for a gothic and punk modeling agency,while Ayame and Sango worked at a grung and vitage agency.
"Yea lets go." Iris walked with Kagome to the car,witch was a black 1969 Dodge Charger (I know I use it every were,but it's such a nice car.)
"Lets stop for a chapicheno." Iris said as they took off.
"My god not those horrid things." Kagome ground.
"Yes those 'horrid things.' There sooo good,but only the chocolate exeter foam,and a shot of expresso chapichenos."
Iris started to move in her set moaning. (Like moving back and forth,and mmmhhuuuing.)
"Iris damn it,don't have an orgasm!" Kagome yelled,then some guy cut her off.
"Asshole!Get back here!" Kagome speed up and sweaved behind the guy.
"Kagome you're scaring him!"
The car in front of them slowed down and his blinker came on.
"Yea thats what I thought asshole!" Kagome yelled as the poor man turned off the highway.
Iris sighed and closed her eyes,leaning back into the set.
"Can we please get a chapicheno?"
Kagome glared but turned into a coffee house.
"Oh boy,oh boy,oh boy." Iris said doing a mini happy dance,well the best happy dance any one could do sitting.
----------------Back at the House---------
"Ayame! We're going to be late if you don't get your furry @$$ down here!" Yelled a ready to leave Sango,she had a black and white striped hooded tee shirt that went a little past her waist.
Then a jean skirt that had black leggings under it,and a pair of black and white converse high tops.
She had a line of black eyeliner on her eye lid and white eye shadow, her black mascara was winged.
Then some black eyeliner,her lips were a bright red.
She had big black and white hopped earing.
Her hair was in a high pony tail.
Ayame came down the stairs wearing a white tank top and a black mini skirt,she added a pair of net arm warmers that went to her elbows.
A pair of knee high black 'hooker' boots were on her legs.
Her hair was up in piggy tails,white skull head bands held them up.
She had smokey grey eye shadow,and black winged eyeliner and mascara.
Her lips had some cherry lip-bam on them.
She had a coffe mug in one hand and a set of car keys in the other.
"Wetsgoo." Mumbled the half-asleep wolf.
---------Kagome's Car-----------
"I love chapacheno! I do! I do! I love chapacheno!" Said a off note Iris,chapacheno in hand.
'Please Kami,make it quick and painless.' Kagome silently prayed,she then swerved the car,making Iris hit her head on the window,knocking her out.
Sighing Kagome saw a pair of lights flash behind her. She looked in the review mirror and saw...............a police car.
"Nooo." Moaned Kagome pulling over and banging her head on the steering wheel.
--------Ayame's Car----------
"The speeds 45 not 15 damn it! Drive faster Ayame!" Sango yelled at the slanged,sleepy driver.
"Shut up or I'll dump you outa this damn thing!" Ayame yelled sending Sango a sleepy yet meaningful glare.
"dogy furr ball."
The car shoot down the road with one screaming demon slayer and one menacilly laughing wolf demon.
The cop watched them zoom by.
'I think I'll let that one go.'
---------Kagome's Car---------
"Next time pull over and hit her." The female cop said to the nervisly laughing Kagome,who told her why she swerved.
"Yes,ok officer."
The woman went back to her car,shaking her head.
'Damn young people.'
Iris:I know it's short, but really are you going to yell at a sleep deprived teenaged girl? *Falls on bed next to laptop* ZZzzz *twitch-foot-twitch*
Kami-God or Gods
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inukag4ever306 on May 2, 2009, 4:27:25 AM