Chapter 1 - Near end of summer party
Submitted April 15, 2007 Updated August 16, 2008 Status Incomplete | This is my new naruto story.The crew of My Naruto story goes middle school.The twins are flithy rich,Kakashi is a math teacher,Mintia teaches english,Gia teaches gym, well you get the point.IT"S INSANE!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 1 - Near end of summer party
Chapter 1 - Near end of summer party
It was the day-before-the-last day of Summer and Kitten(me) was hurriedly dressing before the phone rang. It was Samari and Aradanta.” Hey Kitten ”,They said all at once. “Hey guys, So are we still heading to the mall today?”, I asked. “Of course , How much money do you have?’ Aridanta asked. ”Eighty three dollars and twenty-five cents, why?” I replied“ Cool and you know why, so we can be sure we all have enough, We got Thirty three hundred from our mom”, Samarinia said cheerfully, “We’ll be over in five, okay!” “Kay, sounds good, Bye” I replied “ Bu-bye!” They said, once more in unison. After I got down stairs I ran into the kitchen where I found my sister ,Azure, making breakfast, Pancakes to be exact. “Morning sis”, I shouted.. “Morning little sis “, she replied. I’d chomped down few pieces of pancake when I herd a horn honking outside. “Samari & Ari must be here”, I shouted as I grabbed my nite bag, ran out the door and down to their limo. When I got there I found the twins, Riyokiri, and to my surprise Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, and Eroki as well. “Ready to go?” Riyokiri asked. I nodded as I sat down. “Than let’s go!” Samari shouted as we speed off towards the mall. Once there we all went to Uniform Surplus, Macy’s, and JC Penny, then they went to the food court to eat lunch. “Hey, after lunch let’s go to my place to try our uniforms on”, Aridanta suggested ,“We can use the spare room to change clothes and we can show off in the hallway.” We all nodded. “Let’s go!” Samari shouted enthusiastically. The minute the twin’s limo appeared, we jumped in and sped off towards their mansion. When we arrived Amarikiko ,their family maid, escorted us into their house. We all rushed up stairs and towards the twin’s room. “Who wants to go first?” Samari asked. “I’ll go first!” Riyokiri said enthusiastically. “Alright, go ahead Riyoki”, Samari shouted cheerfully. After a few minutes she came out in a red shirt w/ a white collar and a red stripe all the way around the edge of the collar and a red pleated skirt w/ a white stripe on the bottom. She had on knee high socks and black dress shoes, dangling broken heart earrings and a broken heart necklace w/ matching headband. “How do I look?”, she asked “awesome” Samari squealed. “I agree with my sis for once.”, Aridanta said w/ a smile “very cute!” I squealed. “Who’s next?” Aridanta asked. “I’ll go!” shouted her sister. “Alright sis”, she said. A while later she came out in the same uniform but a headband with snowflakes on, a snowflake necklace with matching earrings. “very cute!” Riyokiri said w/ a smile. “Definitely you.” her sister said sarcastically. “I agree with both of you.” I said with a nod. Just then the boys came up the stairs. “nice.” Eroki said when he saw Riyo and Samari. “the boys all get to go next.” Samari squealed. “In the same room?” Eroki asked inquisitively. All the girls except myself nodded. With lots of grumbling the marched into the spare room. Naruto and Sasuke came out first. They wore white dress shirts w/ red blazers over top and red pants. Naruto had a fox keychain on his belt loop. “nice” Riyo, Samari, and Aradanta shouted I merely whispered “ cute” under my breath. Neji and Eroki came out in similar uniforms. “Alright Kitten is next, then I’ll go.” Aridanta announced. I stepped into the spare room. A few minutes later I came out in a similar uniform as the other girls. I had three necklaces, one was a choker with a jingle bell attached , another had cat paws all the way around, the last had a cat like Naruto’s fox on his keychain. I also had a headband with paw prints all over it with matching dangling earrings. Everyone , even Sasuke thought I looked cute and that it suited me well. “Your turn.” I whispered to Aridanta. She quickly disappeared into the spare room and came out in a similar uniform to the rest of us and had a headband with flames on it, a bracelet with the word “I’m on fire!” printed on it, a choker with a small flame hanging from it and similar dangling earrings. “We all look super!” the twin’s shouted in unison. Then it became 5:40 and the boys had to leave. ”See you guys on the first day of school.” we (girls) shouted as we waved good bye. “I have to get home too, you know how my sister gets.” I said with a sigh. “Let’s call and ask if we can have one last sleepover before summer ends!” Samari squealed. “Okay!” I shouted enthusiastically “Let’s do it!” After a few ring my sister answered “Hello.” “Hi sis, can I stay at the Fuzukimari’s house tonight?” I asked hurriedly. “Sure I don’t see why not since summer is almost over, just one more day.” she trailed off the hurriedly said “Good-bye and good night sis.” “Bye” I whispered.
“So what did she say?” they all asked at once. “Yes!” I said excitedly. After that we got ready for bed and Riyokiri, the twins, and I got on our laptops(Presents from the twin’s parents) and signed on to our chatroom
[color=]-Flame*Star *Ari-has signed on[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-has signed on[/color]
[color=]-Heartless+ Riyo-has signed on
[/color][color=]-Demon*Kitten-has signed on
Demon*Kitten-Wonder if the guys will get on soon?[/color]
[color=]Flame*Star *Ari-Sasuke, Neji, Naruto, and Crezar should be on soon![/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-hope so.[/color]
[color=]Naru D Fox-has signed on[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner-has signed on[/color]
[color=]Gecko Boy Crezar-has signed on[/color]
[color=]White eyed Master-has signed on[/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-Yosh, Everyones’ here, well except Eroki and Dameon, of course[/color]
[color=]Naru D Fox-So what’s up?[/color]
[color=]Gecko Boy Crezar-isn’t it obvious, we’re going to talk about our hopes for this school year.
[/color][color=]White eyed Master- Hhhph, and why exactly would we do that?[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner*Shrugged* I’m bored[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-I’ll fix that cutie;)[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner-excuse me but……RUN AWAY![/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-Damn it, I screwed up again.[/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-Naw he’s just always been a loner, hence his screen name.[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-*stares at screen* your right, thanx Kitten[/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-Not a problem[/color]
[color=]-Vampire_ Wannabe-has signed on[/color]
Demon*Kitten-Hey Eroki
[color=]-Vampire_ Wannabe- hi guys sorry I’m late
[/color][color=]Demon*Kitten-Hey no big deal right,as long as you’re here[/color]
*4 and a half hours later*
[color=]Demon*Kitten-night guys
-Demon*Kitten-has signed off[/color]
-[color=]Flame*Star *Ari-Same here as well as w/ Riyo and my sis
-Flame*Star *Ari-has signed off[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-has signed off[/color]
-[color=]Heartless+ Riyo-has signed off[/color]
[color=]Naru D Fox-has signed off[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner-has signed off[/color]
[color=]Gecko Boy Crezar-has signed off[/color]
[color=]White eyed Master-has signed off
-Vampire_ Wannabe-has signed off[/color]
We all shut down our laptops, put them away, and went to bed
-end of chapter one
“So what did she say?” they all asked at once. “Yes!” I said excitedly. After that we got ready for bed and Riyokiri, the twins, and I got on our laptops(Presents from the twin’s parents) and signed on to our chatroom
[color=]-Flame*Star *Ari-has signed on[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-has signed on[/color]
[color=]-Heartless+ Riyo-has signed on
[/color][color=]-Demon*Kitten-has signed on
Demon*Kitten-Wonder if the guys will get on soon?[/color]
[color=]Flame*Star *Ari-Sasuke, Neji, Naruto, and Crezar should be on soon![/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-hope so.[/color]
[color=]Naru D Fox-has signed on[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner-has signed on[/color]
[color=]Gecko Boy Crezar-has signed on[/color]
[color=]White eyed Master-has signed on[/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-Yosh, Everyones’ here, well except Eroki and Dameon, of course[/color]
[color=]Naru D Fox-So what’s up?[/color]
[color=]Gecko Boy Crezar-isn’t it obvious, we’re going to talk about our hopes for this school year.
[/color][color=]White eyed Master- Hhhph, and why exactly would we do that?[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner*Shrugged* I’m bored[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-I’ll fix that cutie;)[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner-excuse me but……RUN AWAY![/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-Damn it, I screwed up again.[/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-Naw he’s just always been a loner, hence his screen name.[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-*stares at screen* your right, thanx Kitten[/color]
[color=]Demon*Kitten-Not a problem[/color]
[color=]-Vampire_ Wannabe-has signed on[/color]
Demon*Kitten-Hey Eroki
[color=]-Vampire_ Wannabe- hi guys sorry I’m late
[/color][color=]Demon*Kitten-Hey no big deal right,as long as you’re here[/color]
*4 and a half hours later*
[color=]Demon*Kitten-night guys
-Demon*Kitten-has signed off[/color]
-[color=]Flame*Star *Ari-Same here as well as w/ Riyo and my sis
-Flame*Star *Ari-has signed off[/color]
[color=]-Ice*Princess*Sam-has signed off[/color]
-[color=]Heartless+ Riyo-has signed off[/color]
[color=]Naru D Fox-has signed off[/color]
[color=]Raven-haired Loner-has signed off[/color]
[color=]Gecko Boy Crezar-has signed off[/color]
[color=]White eyed Master-has signed off
-Vampire_ Wannabe-has signed off[/color]
We all shut down our laptops, put them away, and went to bed
-end of chapter one
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SasukesChick on May 27, 2007, 7:06:08 AM
SasukesChick on

Kittenrocks on May 29, 2007, 3:28:54 PM
Kittenrocks on
SasukesChick on May 30, 2007, 6:58:00 AM
SasukesChick on