Chapter 5 - 2nd Day; Rivialries,Confession and ...Dates?! part2
Submitted April 15, 2007 Updated August 16, 2008 Status Incomplete | This is my new naruto story.The crew of My Naruto story goes middle school.The twins are flithy rich,Kakashi is a math teacher,Mintia teaches english,Gia teaches gym, well you get the point.IT"S INSANE!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 5 - 2nd Day; Rivialries,Confession and ...Dates?! part2
Chapter 5 - 2nd Day; Rivialries,Confession and ...Dates?! part2
*****With the Naruto and Sasuke*******
*****Sasuke's point of view****
Naruto and I walked around by ourselves, since he had something he couldn't discuss in front of Kitten. once we got to a quiet spot near the edge of the football field,we sat down. "Hey Sasuke, How many years have the three of us been friends?" Naruto asked "By the three of us you mean Kitten,yourself and me,Then its been about 7 years."Why do you ask?" i said/asked. "no reason...." he said though I noticed he was blushing. I could tell he was remembering when we first met.
Naruto and Sasuke were sitting beneath the old Oak. It was 7 years ago, in the Summer. a car had pulled up in front of thier neighbors house and a girl thier age stepped out. She had long, blonde hair, blue eyes, and cat ears and tail. She was carrying many suitcases and struggleing to lift them. " that girl looks like she's haveing trouble with her stuff, we should help her"Naruto said looking at the girl intently. " I guess" Sasuke said with a sigh and both of them got up and headed over to help the girl. After they got all her stuff into the house, she thanked them. " By the way, I never got your names?"the girl said with a sober politeness. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki,believe it, and this is my best friend Sasuke." Naruto said with a huge grin. "hmph" was all Sasuke had to say."My name is Kitten Paw-Paw Merrolina, pleased to meet you both" she said with a curtsy and a smile as big as Narutos. After that, the trio became friends.
>>>>>>>>>>End Flashback<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Hey Sasuke, what if I told you that my feels for Kitten have changed",he said, his voice sounded muffled," what would you do?"
I felt alittle unnerved by his question. "What do you mean by changed, Naruto?" I asked
"Like how Sakura feels about you, that's how I feel for her" He said, his face became redder than I've ever seen it.
"oh, I don't know" I said, feeling a little mad "I guess I'd tell you that I feel the same for her"
"oh" he said looking ashamed "I geuss that would make us rivials"
and with that we parted ways.
before 7th period,at Kitten's locker
******Kitten's P.O.V.*********
the Student council just put up flyers about the school dance tonight. Kitten sighed as a mountain of notes came flooding out of her locker. no doubt they were admirerer's letter, asking her to the school dance. She collect them up as well as grabbing her science notes and headed to class.I arrived to class on time and ploped into my desk. I deciede to look over my "fan mail" while I waited for class to begin. I was right about most of them, they were sad, sappy, pitifull attempts to ask me out to the dance, the rest were notes that were just plain asking me out. What silly little letters, they expect me to agree to such a sappy stuff my inner me laughed.
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GreyPichu on December 28, 2007, 4:14:03 AM
GreyPichu on

Kittenrocks on December 28, 2007, 11:24:15 AM
Kittenrocks on