Chapter 2 - Trinity- The midget trio
Submitted January 9, 2007 Updated January 20, 2007 Status Incomplete | Choas begins as three girls are thrown into destiny that they did'nt sign up for. With their world turned upside down they must endure it together or all will fall. I refuse to write another chapter untill I get at least one review.
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Chapter 2 - Trinity- The midget trio
Chapter 2 - Trinity- The midget trio
Trinity, Chapter 2
The midget trio
" I swear, this little red bird thingy keeps fracking following me! I mean around every corner, it just pops up.... and then goes away again.!" Coal began with a bit to much enthusiasm for Ayu or the approaching Nevaeh. " And this Bird thing, you have only seen one?" Ayu said looking around feeling the odd presence but said nothing to avoid being seen as a pshycotic such as her freind was like at the moment. "... No.... thank god." Coal responded, the last bit hushed and looking away. Nevaeh giving a small smile waved to give notice to her approach. " Mornin, now what's this about ducks?" she said interested in what Coal had seen this morning as she usually makes a situation uch more dramatic then what has really happend, but always makes good for a story in her eyes. Turing to Nevaeh she sighed and rose her hands in the air to emphasise. " ok, this lil red midget birdy thing is following me around town all morning and if I find it I will Bash the sorry excuse for poultry right into time square of freakin TWILIGHT TOWN!" she said, now out of breath, panting and arms limp from flailing them around. An eyebrow raised Nevaeh tried to calm her over active friend down. " Coal I assure you that there are no......midget, colored duck." she said toneing it down a bit more as she saw a small white duck walking near them with a green shirt looking as if him walking down thier street was perfectly natural. " Louie!! get out of view!!!!!!!!" said a loud voice trying to be hushed as the small duckling was pulled behind a wall. " What the? HEY GET OUT FROM BEHIND THE WALL,WE ALREADY KNOW YOUR THERE YOU LIL MIDGETS! Coal said loudly trying to force herself forward only to be held back abruptly by ayu who yanked her back hard. " Ever hear of common curtisy?" ayu said giving Coal a harsh glare as she called out to the small voices from behind the alley wall. " Who are you and why do you follow my friend?" she said calmly keeping an eye on Coal who she knew at any given moment would take the chance to run at them. A small white bird in what seemed like a bit to short red t-shirt stepped out from the shadows of the small back alley, behind him similar ducks only in blue and another in green. " Howdy! my names Huey." he said trying to be friendly as he saw the look in coals eye as she saw her stalker up close. " So you mean to tell me you have been following me?" she said annoyed and crouching down to his height. " Your alittle on the small size for an assasin." she said as Ayu smacked her head and pulled Coal by the coller of her jacket back up to full hieght. " Coal come on, he's a tiny little duck, you really think that he's an assasin?" Ayu said softly in her ear as to not insult the small duckling. " But assassins follow people!" Coal said looking down to Huey who looked back up and cocked his head walking away from the two feeling rejected for his height. " But he's what 3 foot?" she said pulling away. " Look Huey is there any reason your here? " Ayu said croutching down. " Well sure there is, why would we be here if thier was'nt." said another small voice coming from the other duck in blue along with the green one. " Gah, theres more then one!!!!!!" Coal said flipping out at the small ducks. " Coal chill the hell out!" Ayu said annoyed at her younger friend's behavior. " Where here to find you." Dewey said smiling while the others smiled along with him. " To find us?" Ayu said lookign back at nevaeh as she walked up and shrugged her shoulders. " Aaaaassssaaaaasiiiiiiinssssss." Sang Coal in Ayu's ear as she moved from her left to her right. Looking at her friend she thought to herself. " If there assasins there abit blunt about it." she said looking at the ducks oddly. "Were not assasins." said Huey annoyed that this hyper girl kept thinking they were bad. " Oh, then why are you here to find us then? Coal responded standing next to Ayu to feel better. " We were sent by kingdom hearts to send ya this." Louie said as he jumped up and handed Nevaeh a small piece of paper. " Wait of you came all the way here just to give us this paper then why did you have to stalk me, why did'nt you just come out and give it to me instead fo following me everywhere." said Coal. " Well to begin with it was our duty to not bring attention to you when we gave you the letter but aside from that, was fun I guess." said huey as he gave a grin. " Stupid ducks." said coal as she turned to Nevaeh. " Well what's it say?" said Coal interested in the letter. " It's a poem." said Nevaeh as she read the poem out loud.
Encasment bound
by evil's thrive
The hearts true purpose
now strained to stride
For one's true essence
is without another
The goals, The mind
must mend together.
For one's deserved glory is
recived by all
If not a shared reward
Then to the vile we fall."
Odd stares from Ayu and Coal where exchanged as the three small ducks heard the ending of the poem. " to the vile we fall, whats that mean?" said coal looking oddly at the poem. " I have no clue." said Nevaeh as she pulled down the poem. " What does this mean?" said Ayu to Dewey. " I'm not all that sure, all I know is it was mandatory we send that to you." he said as he stretched his wings. Silently nevaeh whispered the first few lines to herself.
"Encasement bound
by evil's thrive"
She looked hard at the poem and noticed some sort of heat emmiting from her hand. Looking down at her hand she saw puffs of green smoke comming from her finger tips and then swirling into a smoky ball in the middle of her hand. " Gah! Ayu!" she said as she closed her eyes as the ball expanded and took form of something long and slender until the smoke dissapeard and in its place lay some sort of swordTthe fairy's harp, that's a key blade!!!" Said Louie as he ran up and went to look at it. " Oooh yea I forgot about that." Dewey he said as he handed the poem to Ayu. " Uhm.. I think you have the second line, read it." he said as he jumped and handed it to Ayu since she was alot taller then he was. " Uhm.. allright." she said softly as she looked at the poem.
"The hearts true purpose
now strained to stride"
As she finished her statement she felt a similar feeling in her hand and blue smoke emmitted from her hand and formed a ball until it expanded creating a more sword like figure. " What is this?" she said holding up the slightly heavy sword. " I think it's called Diamond dust or something like that." said Huey as he poked it interested. " Like the fairy's harp it's also a keyblade." said Louie. Looking at the two Coal looked at her hands. Brining them down she saw Huey at her feet. " You too, read." he said pushing the small piece of parchmentinfront of her face. Looking alittle afraid she recited it.
"For one's true essence
is without another"
Finishing slowly she looked to see her hand giving a same smoky appearence as her friends only red. As the smoke died down a saber like figure was left. " What the bloody hell is this? a magic Fork?" she said swinging it around, the Silver catching the light. " No it's an Oath keeper if I remember correctly." Said Huey who held onto the end so she would stop swining it. " It looks like a fork." she said as she poked the ground. Looking around Huey looked at his brothers. " Looks like our work is done." he said as dewey and Louie nodded in aggreement. After about 7 minutes Coal coughed. " Arnt you going to leave now?" she said softly. " Oh heavens no, where stuck with ya from now on!" they said all in unicien. All eyes wide Coal was the first to voice her.. true thoughts. "WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Encasment bound
by evil's thrive
The hearts true purpose
now strained to stride
For one's true essence
is without another
The goals, The mind
must mend together.
For one's deserved glory is
recived by all
If not a shared reward
Then to the vile we fall."
[/size.]The midget trio
" I swear, this little red bird thingy keeps fracking following me! I mean around every corner, it just pops up.... and then goes away again.!" Coal began with a bit to much enthusiasm for Ayu or the approaching Nevaeh. " And this Bird thing, you have only seen one?" Ayu said looking around feeling the odd presence but said nothing to avoid being seen as a pshycotic such as her freind was like at the moment. "... No.... thank god." Coal responded, the last bit hushed and looking away. Nevaeh giving a small smile waved to give notice to her approach. " Mornin, now what's this about ducks?" she said interested in what Coal had seen this morning as she usually makes a situation uch more dramatic then what has really happend, but always makes good for a story in her eyes. Turing to Nevaeh she sighed and rose her hands in the air to emphasise. " ok, this lil red midget birdy thing is following me around town all morning and if I find it I will Bash the sorry excuse for poultry right into time square of freakin TWILIGHT TOWN!" she said, now out of breath, panting and arms limp from flailing them around. An eyebrow raised Nevaeh tried to calm her over active friend down. " Coal I assure you that there are no......midget, colored duck." she said toneing it down a bit more as she saw a small white duck walking near them with a green shirt looking as if him walking down thier street was perfectly natural. " Louie!! get out of view!!!!!!!!" said a loud voice trying to be hushed as the small duckling was pulled behind a wall. " What the? HEY GET OUT FROM BEHIND THE WALL,WE ALREADY KNOW YOUR THERE YOU LIL MIDGETS! Coal said loudly trying to force herself forward only to be held back abruptly by ayu who yanked her back hard. " Ever hear of common curtisy?" ayu said giving Coal a harsh glare as she called out to the small voices from behind the alley wall. " Who are you and why do you follow my friend?" she said calmly keeping an eye on Coal who she knew at any given moment would take the chance to run at them. A small white bird in what seemed like a bit to short red t-shirt stepped out from the shadows of the small back alley, behind him similar ducks only in blue and another in green. " Howdy! my names Huey." he said trying to be friendly as he saw the look in coals eye as she saw her stalker up close. " So you mean to tell me you have been following me?" she said annoyed and crouching down to his height. " Your alittle on the small size for an assasin." she said as Ayu smacked her head and pulled Coal by the coller of her jacket back up to full hieght. " Coal come on, he's a tiny little duck, you really think that he's an assasin?" Ayu said softly in her ear as to not insult the small duckling. " But assassins follow people!" Coal said looking down to Huey who looked back up and cocked his head walking away from the two feeling rejected for his height. " But he's what 3 foot?" she said pulling away. " Look Huey is there any reason your here? " Ayu said croutching down. " Well sure there is, why would we be here if thier was'nt." said another small voice coming from the other duck in blue along with the green one. " Gah, theres more then one!!!!!!" Coal said flipping out at the small ducks. " Coal chill the hell out!" Ayu said annoyed at her younger friend's behavior. " Where here to find you." Dewey said smiling while the others smiled along with him. " To find us?" Ayu said lookign back at nevaeh as she walked up and shrugged her shoulders. " Aaaaassssaaaaasiiiiiiinssssss." Sang Coal in Ayu's ear as she moved from her left to her right. Looking at her friend she thought to herself. " If there assasins there abit blunt about it." she said looking at the ducks oddly. "Were not assasins." said Huey annoyed that this hyper girl kept thinking they were bad. " Oh, then why are you here to find us then? Coal responded standing next to Ayu to feel better. " We were sent by kingdom hearts to send ya this." Louie said as he jumped up and handed Nevaeh a small piece of paper. " Wait of you came all the way here just to give us this paper then why did you have to stalk me, why did'nt you just come out and give it to me instead fo following me everywhere." said Coal. " Well to begin with it was our duty to not bring attention to you when we gave you the letter but aside from that, was fun I guess." said huey as he gave a grin. " Stupid ducks." said coal as she turned to Nevaeh. " Well what's it say?" said Coal interested in the letter. " It's a poem." said Nevaeh as she read the poem out loud.
Encasment bound
by evil's thrive
The hearts true purpose
now strained to stride
For one's true essence
is without another
The goals, The mind
must mend together.
For one's deserved glory is
recived by all
If not a shared reward
Then to the vile we fall."
Odd stares from Ayu and Coal where exchanged as the three small ducks heard the ending of the poem. " to the vile we fall, whats that mean?" said coal looking oddly at the poem. " I have no clue." said Nevaeh as she pulled down the poem. " What does this mean?" said Ayu to Dewey. " I'm not all that sure, all I know is it was mandatory we send that to you." he said as he stretched his wings. Silently nevaeh whispered the first few lines to herself.
"Encasement bound
by evil's thrive"
She looked hard at the poem and noticed some sort of heat emmiting from her hand. Looking down at her hand she saw puffs of green smoke comming from her finger tips and then swirling into a smoky ball in the middle of her hand. " Gah! Ayu!" she said as she closed her eyes as the ball expanded and took form of something long and slender until the smoke dissapeard and in its place lay some sort of swordTthe fairy's harp, that's a key blade!!!" Said Louie as he ran up and went to look at it. " Oooh yea I forgot about that." Dewey he said as he handed the poem to Ayu. " Uhm.. I think you have the second line, read it." he said as he jumped and handed it to Ayu since she was alot taller then he was. " Uhm.. allright." she said softly as she looked at the poem.
"The hearts true purpose
now strained to stride"
As she finished her statement she felt a similar feeling in her hand and blue smoke emmitted from her hand and formed a ball until it expanded creating a more sword like figure. " What is this?" she said holding up the slightly heavy sword. " I think it's called Diamond dust or something like that." said Huey as he poked it interested. " Like the fairy's harp it's also a keyblade." said Louie. Looking at the two Coal looked at her hands. Brining them down she saw Huey at her feet. " You too, read." he said pushing the small piece of parchmentinfront of her face. Looking alittle afraid she recited it.
"For one's true essence
is without another"
Finishing slowly she looked to see her hand giving a same smoky appearence as her friends only red. As the smoke died down a saber like figure was left. " What the bloody hell is this? a magic Fork?" she said swinging it around, the Silver catching the light. " No it's an Oath keeper if I remember correctly." Said Huey who held onto the end so she would stop swining it. " It looks like a fork." she said as she poked the ground. Looking around Huey looked at his brothers. " Looks like our work is done." he said as dewey and Louie nodded in aggreement. After about 7 minutes Coal coughed. " Arnt you going to leave now?" she said softly. " Oh heavens no, where stuck with ya from now on!" they said all in unicien. All eyes wide Coal was the first to voice her.. true thoughts. "WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Encasment bound
by evil's thrive
The hearts true purpose
now strained to stride
For one's true essence
is without another
The goals, The mind
must mend together.
For one's deserved glory is
recived by all
If not a shared reward
Then to the vile we fall."
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crazicat06 on January 20, 2007, 10:45:15 AM
crazicat06 on