Chapter 5 - Vampire Alice
Submitted September 24, 2008 Updated April 28, 2009 Status Incomplete | A story about a guy introduced to 'yuri. This is not intended to offend anyone. It's just a story and all characters names and actions are merely coinscience and are not based on reality.
Anime/Manga » - Original art » Couples/Pairings » Yaoi |
Chapter 5 - Vampire Alice
Chapter 5 - Vampire Alice
---So today I'm going to the Halloween store. I really need to learn how to speak up for myself... it's too late now.
---"Mom can you give me a ride to Staples?"
---"Why? Do you need school suppiles?"
---"No. I'm going to go to that old Halloween store."
---"I thought you said you grew out of that years ago, if I would of known you were planning to-"
---"No I did, but some of my friends really want to so..."
---"That's great honey!" Why the hell is she so cheerful for? "Are you going with that nice boy? The one you always go over to?
---"You should have him come home with you! Wouldn't it be nice to have him over?"
---No it wouldn't. "S-sure Mom..."
---"You should clean up your room so he doesn't see that mess."
---Mess? Compared to his!
---"Hey what's up?" Jessie smiled.
---"Hi, are you the only one here?" I questioned.
---She nodded. "Kaylin is picking up Kris."
---"Here they are now." She pointed to the right.
---Kaylin and Kris got out of the car, waved goodby, and walked over to us. I greeted with a smile and Kris whispered something into Kaylin's ear. Kaylin whispered in return and both the girls laughed. I looked over at Jessie and she looked confused. She tried to get into their conversation, but it only made them laugh more. Eh, whatever, it's pointless, girls are so weird. Jessie seemed to not be as 'girly' as Kris or Kaylin. Not just the way she dressed, she has a certain guy-like quality. I'm not making fun of her by saying this or anything! I just find that kinda cool.
---"Doesn't Tyler drive?" Kris asked turing my direction.
---"How the hell should I know?"
---"Well I thought you were his 'best friend'"
---As far as you know... I just sigh.
---"Don't you have his number or something?"
---"I don't have a cell phone." I replied.
---"You don;t have a ceell phone?!" All of them exclaimed in utter shock.
---"We're gonna make sure you get one!" Kris said excitely.
---"...I don't really want one."
---"Trust me you do," Kaylin repiled, "lookie who's here."
---I turned my head to see Tyler on a skateboard making his way over, I bet he is too lazy to learn to drive. No wonder it was taking him so long to get here.
---"Yo." He flipped up his board and ruffled my hair.
---"Can't you drive?" I ask.
---" guys what are we waiting for lets go to the store." He totally dodged my question. Well I guess it doesn't matter that much. >>
---"Wait we're going to that new Halloween store, right? Not that creepy one that's always open..." Kris asked.
---"What creepy one?" I ask. Of course I haven't been living here as long as they do, I don't know anything about this city.
---"There is a Halloween store here that is open 24/7; 365 days a year. Also, I heard that there is a guy there that is creepier than the stuff in it." Jessie told like she would a ghost story.
---"Well we aren't going in there so it doesn't matter." Kaylin shrugged and dragged us into the large Halloween store behind us.
---All of the girls ran off together leaving me with Mr.Failure.
---"I don't know what I wanna be..." I sigh.
---"Be Alice in Wonderland."
---"Screw you."
---"No I'm serious you could pull it off."
---"No!" He can't be serious.
---"Come on!" He pulled me towards the girls section. I can't believe this psycho!
---"W-wait a second!"
---"What?" He stopped.
---"It's not fair that I have to do this when you aren't so I'll only do it if you do it too!" He took a long pause. Ha! I got him now!
---"...Okay...we can be twins!"
---"...Say what?" He handed me a costume packet with a big grin. I think I just dug myself into a deeper hole.
---"What the heck are you two doing over here?" Jessie walked over with a skeptical look on her face.
---"Blakey wants to be Alice for Halloween!"
---"What the hell?! No!" I exclaimed in digust.
---Jessie laughed.
---"Come on it'll be fun!" Tyler continued to try to egg me on.
---"Screw you!" That's it I'm out of here!
---"Where you going?" Tyler called out to me.
---"Home!" I walked out the enterance and turn my head. What? He isn't following? Suddenly, I felt myself spin around.
---"You there!" A short boy with ebony hair, dark clothing, and heavy eye makeup stood before me.
---"Huh? Um...yes?"
---"Take off your jacket!" He ordered with a serious face.
---"What the hell?" (I sure say that phrase alot, don't I?)
---I noticed that he was nervously glancing. "Just help me!" He frantically moved his arms then unzipped his jacket and tossed it aside.
---I have no idea what is up with this guy, but I take my jacket off anyway. "Here..." I hand it to him. He grabs it fast and struggles to put it on. When he gets it on he flips up the hood and turns to the side. Maybe the guy is mental.
---"CLYDE!" A tall man with glasses stood outside of that old Halloween shop. He shouted once more and waited a few seconds before he pulled out his phone.
---The dark boy spoke softly. "If he comes over here don't say anything."
---"He went back inside that store."
---"The boy slowly lowered the hood and poked his small head through, nevously looking toward that store. "Sorry for bothering you, I just need to get out of there once in a while." He bent over and retrieved his jacket from the ground.
---"Why did you need my jacket though?"
---"If you hadn't noticed, I only wear black. Your jacket happens to be white." He repiled as he removed my clothing from himself.
---"Oh...I see." Wasn't I supposed to be going home?
---"So, I'll be going now-" He frantically moved his arms across his chest and his eyes scanned the floor like a robot. "Ah! Smiles!" He reached down and picked up a yellow button off the ground and pinned it to his own jacket. He gave a nervous laugh, tossed me my jacket, and scurried off.
---I really do not wanna know... I pull out my wallet for a quarter to call home. Hmm...should I really leave, maybe i was just overreacting too much.
---"Blake." Tyler slowly approached me, "are you really gonna leave?"
---I returned my wallet to my pocket. "No."
---"Thank goodness, I'm sorry if I offended you. I'll stop joking around so much." Tyler sincerly apologized. Wow, he didn't seem like the type of guy to be apologetic.
---"It's fine." I gave a weak smile.
---"Sombody kill me please..."
---Tyler whipped out his cell phone.
---"What is it Mum?" Nice ringtonw chose... "No! I told you I was gonna hang with my friends." He his voice silenced then it transitioned from its usual layed back tone into a British accent. "Sorry, I won't talk like an illiterate person." "Thank you, goodbye Mum." After he shut his phone he let a deep sigh.
---"What was that all about?" I questioned.
---"Ugh my Mum, i mean, Mom always has to know where I am 24/7. Plus, she is from Britain, but my father is from the U.S; if I talk like an American she gets upset."
---"Wow, I had no idea man." Despite the way this guy acts in public, in his private life he has to put up with that.
---"It's alright, I'm used to it." He flashed a smile, but it seemed to be fake. "Blakey, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
---"I can't really think of anything."
---"Well I think I'm going to be a vampire, ya I know, not too original."
--"I don't really have much choses, maybe I should just be a vampire too?"
---"Oh! You know what we should do instead of the traditional outfit and little fancies?"
---I gave a chuckle. "Little fancies?"
---"Shut up! We should just dress normally, but buy those really good fangs, you know the ones that look realistic? and get some of those cool red contacts!"
---"Good idea!" I grinned brightly. i think that was the first time I really connected to him and felt happy.
---"Aww that's sweet, you two seem to be getting along nicely." Kris approached us with a bag in hand.
---"Surprisng, I know." I said.
---"I'm going to be a fairy." She giggled.
---"I bet you'll look very pretty." Tyler said.
--"Kris blushed. "Thank y-you." She muttered. The smile he had given to her seemed to be so true and affectionate. It would be nice to get a smile like that...
---"I be a pirate, ARG!" Jessie strolled out from the store with a hook hand. Kaylin laughed alongside her.
---I forced a quiet chuckle. "What did you deicide on Kaylin?"
---She pouted. "I could'nt find anything."
---"You should come with me and Blake then. We're going to go to that other shop."
---"We are?" I questioned, "since when?"
---"Since we decided on our costume chose!"
---"No! I don't wanna go there!" Kaylin shivered.
---"I'm on her side." Kris exclaimed.
---"It's not that bad, sure that guy Craig, or whatever his name is, is creepy, but I hear he doesn't work there alot." Tyler assured her holding out his hand, "come on."
---"Ya, don't worry Kaylin, I'll come." Jessie said.
---Kaylin glanced to me. "Well okay as long as Blake goes."
---"What! I'm still not going in!" Kris shouted.
---Looks liek I don't have a chose, yet again.
Long chapter... If there are any grammer mistakes please tell me.
---"Mom can you give me a ride to Staples?"
---"Why? Do you need school suppiles?"
---"No. I'm going to go to that old Halloween store."
---"I thought you said you grew out of that years ago, if I would of known you were planning to-"
---"No I did, but some of my friends really want to so..."
---"That's great honey!" Why the hell is she so cheerful for? "Are you going with that nice boy? The one you always go over to?
---"You should have him come home with you! Wouldn't it be nice to have him over?"
---No it wouldn't. "S-sure Mom..."
---"You should clean up your room so he doesn't see that mess."
---Mess? Compared to his!
---"Hey what's up?" Jessie smiled.
---"Hi, are you the only one here?" I questioned.
---She nodded. "Kaylin is picking up Kris."
---"Here they are now." She pointed to the right.
---Kaylin and Kris got out of the car, waved goodby, and walked over to us. I greeted with a smile and Kris whispered something into Kaylin's ear. Kaylin whispered in return and both the girls laughed. I looked over at Jessie and she looked confused. She tried to get into their conversation, but it only made them laugh more. Eh, whatever, it's pointless, girls are so weird. Jessie seemed to not be as 'girly' as Kris or Kaylin. Not just the way she dressed, she has a certain guy-like quality. I'm not making fun of her by saying this or anything! I just find that kinda cool.
---"Doesn't Tyler drive?" Kris asked turing my direction.
---"How the hell should I know?"
---"Well I thought you were his 'best friend'"
---As far as you know... I just sigh.
---"Don't you have his number or something?"
---"I don't have a cell phone." I replied.
---"You don;t have a ceell phone?!" All of them exclaimed in utter shock.
---"We're gonna make sure you get one!" Kris said excitely.
---"...I don't really want one."
---"Trust me you do," Kaylin repiled, "lookie who's here."
---I turned my head to see Tyler on a skateboard making his way over, I bet he is too lazy to learn to drive. No wonder it was taking him so long to get here.
---"Yo." He flipped up his board and ruffled my hair.
---"Can't you drive?" I ask.
---" guys what are we waiting for lets go to the store." He totally dodged my question. Well I guess it doesn't matter that much. >>
---"Wait we're going to that new Halloween store, right? Not that creepy one that's always open..." Kris asked.
---"What creepy one?" I ask. Of course I haven't been living here as long as they do, I don't know anything about this city.
---"There is a Halloween store here that is open 24/7; 365 days a year. Also, I heard that there is a guy there that is creepier than the stuff in it." Jessie told like she would a ghost story.
---"Well we aren't going in there so it doesn't matter." Kaylin shrugged and dragged us into the large Halloween store behind us.
---All of the girls ran off together leaving me with Mr.Failure.
---"I don't know what I wanna be..." I sigh.
---"Be Alice in Wonderland."
---"Screw you."
---"No I'm serious you could pull it off."
---"No!" He can't be serious.
---"Come on!" He pulled me towards the girls section. I can't believe this psycho!
---"W-wait a second!"
---"What?" He stopped.
---"It's not fair that I have to do this when you aren't so I'll only do it if you do it too!" He took a long pause. Ha! I got him now!
---"...Okay...we can be twins!"
---"...Say what?" He handed me a costume packet with a big grin. I think I just dug myself into a deeper hole.
---"What the heck are you two doing over here?" Jessie walked over with a skeptical look on her face.
---"Blakey wants to be Alice for Halloween!"
---"What the hell?! No!" I exclaimed in digust.
---Jessie laughed.
---"Come on it'll be fun!" Tyler continued to try to egg me on.
---"Screw you!" That's it I'm out of here!
---"Where you going?" Tyler called out to me.
---"Home!" I walked out the enterance and turn my head. What? He isn't following? Suddenly, I felt myself spin around.
---"You there!" A short boy with ebony hair, dark clothing, and heavy eye makeup stood before me.
---"Huh? Um...yes?"
---"Take off your jacket!" He ordered with a serious face.
---"What the hell?" (I sure say that phrase alot, don't I?)
---I noticed that he was nervously glancing. "Just help me!" He frantically moved his arms then unzipped his jacket and tossed it aside.
---I have no idea what is up with this guy, but I take my jacket off anyway. "Here..." I hand it to him. He grabs it fast and struggles to put it on. When he gets it on he flips up the hood and turns to the side. Maybe the guy is mental.
---"CLYDE!" A tall man with glasses stood outside of that old Halloween shop. He shouted once more and waited a few seconds before he pulled out his phone.
---The dark boy spoke softly. "If he comes over here don't say anything."
---"He went back inside that store."
---"The boy slowly lowered the hood and poked his small head through, nevously looking toward that store. "Sorry for bothering you, I just need to get out of there once in a while." He bent over and retrieved his jacket from the ground.
---"Why did you need my jacket though?"
---"If you hadn't noticed, I only wear black. Your jacket happens to be white." He repiled as he removed my clothing from himself.
---"Oh...I see." Wasn't I supposed to be going home?
---"So, I'll be going now-" He frantically moved his arms across his chest and his eyes scanned the floor like a robot. "Ah! Smiles!" He reached down and picked up a yellow button off the ground and pinned it to his own jacket. He gave a nervous laugh, tossed me my jacket, and scurried off.
---I really do not wanna know... I pull out my wallet for a quarter to call home. Hmm...should I really leave, maybe i was just overreacting too much.
---"Blake." Tyler slowly approached me, "are you really gonna leave?"
---I returned my wallet to my pocket. "No."
---"Thank goodness, I'm sorry if I offended you. I'll stop joking around so much." Tyler sincerly apologized. Wow, he didn't seem like the type of guy to be apologetic.
---"It's fine." I gave a weak smile.
---"Sombody kill me please..."
---Tyler whipped out his cell phone.
---"What is it Mum?" Nice ringtonw chose... "No! I told you I was gonna hang with my friends." He his voice silenced then it transitioned from its usual layed back tone into a British accent. "Sorry, I won't talk like an illiterate person." "Thank you, goodbye Mum." After he shut his phone he let a deep sigh.
---"What was that all about?" I questioned.
---"Ugh my Mum, i mean, Mom always has to know where I am 24/7. Plus, she is from Britain, but my father is from the U.S; if I talk like an American she gets upset."
---"Wow, I had no idea man." Despite the way this guy acts in public, in his private life he has to put up with that.
---"It's alright, I'm used to it." He flashed a smile, but it seemed to be fake. "Blakey, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
---"I can't really think of anything."
---"Well I think I'm going to be a vampire, ya I know, not too original."
--"I don't really have much choses, maybe I should just be a vampire too?"
---"Oh! You know what we should do instead of the traditional outfit and little fancies?"
---I gave a chuckle. "Little fancies?"
---"Shut up! We should just dress normally, but buy those really good fangs, you know the ones that look realistic? and get some of those cool red contacts!"
---"Good idea!" I grinned brightly. i think that was the first time I really connected to him and felt happy.
---"Aww that's sweet, you two seem to be getting along nicely." Kris approached us with a bag in hand.
---"Surprisng, I know." I said.
---"I'm going to be a fairy." She giggled.
---"I bet you'll look very pretty." Tyler said.
--"Kris blushed. "Thank y-you." She muttered. The smile he had given to her seemed to be so true and affectionate. It would be nice to get a smile like that...
---"I be a pirate, ARG!" Jessie strolled out from the store with a hook hand. Kaylin laughed alongside her.
---I forced a quiet chuckle. "What did you deicide on Kaylin?"
---She pouted. "I could'nt find anything."
---"You should come with me and Blake then. We're going to go to that other shop."
---"We are?" I questioned, "since when?"
---"Since we decided on our costume chose!"
---"No! I don't wanna go there!" Kaylin shivered.
---"I'm on her side." Kris exclaimed.
---"It's not that bad, sure that guy Craig, or whatever his name is, is creepy, but I hear he doesn't work there alot." Tyler assured her holding out his hand, "come on."
---"Ya, don't worry Kaylin, I'll come." Jessie said.
---Kaylin glanced to me. "Well okay as long as Blake goes."
---"What! I'm still not going in!" Kris shouted.
---Looks liek I don't have a chose, yet again.
Long chapter... If there are any grammer mistakes please tell me.
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Forestdahedgehog on December 28, 2008, 12:08:10 AM