Chapter 15 - The plan goes into action!
Submitted March 16, 2005 Updated July 27, 2005 Status Incomplete | some thing strange is going on in this story eggmans been awful quite latley its all ok until events that allready happend are happening again! its up to sonic and freinds to find out whats wrong!
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Chapter 15 - The plan goes into action!
Chapter 15 - The plan goes into action!
Everyone runs Down the Docks Just before Dawn and Angel hitches out theplanEveryone runs Down the Docks Just before Dawn and Angel hitches out theplan![/i][/b]
Angel: Ok everyone here?[/i][/b]
Sonic: Yup[/i][/b]
Tails: I’m here and I brought ma plane why do I need ma plane for?[/i][/b]
Angel: I will explain why[/i][/b]
Tails: Ok[/i][/b]
Angel: Right Tails u said u couldn’t get a scan on this area because somethingwas blocking your Radar right?[/i][/b]
Tails: Right![/i][/b]
Angel: Well isn’t it clear that eggman’s got some radar jammers out?[/i][/b]
Tails: No doubt why?[/i][/b]
Angel: right everything is ready ok here’s the plan![/i][/b]
Angel: Right Tails you need to create a distraction by destroying thoserobot radar jammers that should make Eggman open the entrance and send out somerobots then team Chaotix, Big, and everyone else help tails fight off thoserobots![/i][/b]
Cream: What about me miss Angel?[/i][/b]
Tails: Cream you can come with me in the X-Cyclone I’ll protect you don’tworry![/i][/b]
Cream: AH! Thank u Tails![/i][/b]
Angel: Right Me, sonic, Shadow, Akira and turbo will infiltrate thebase![/i][/b]
Ok we strike at Dawn![/i][/b]
Tails and Cream run towards the X-Cyclone[/i][/b]
Tails: Cream Get in![/i][/b]
Cream: OK![/i][/b]
Angel: Don’t go until I give the signal ok![/i][/b]
Tails: OK![/i][/b]
Angel: 10….9….8……7…..6…..5…..4[/i][/b]
Tails grips the control stick tight![/i][/b]
Tails: Almost time start up main engine thrusters![/i][/b]
Angel: 3[/i][/b]
Tails: X-Cyclone Take Off!!![/i][/b]
(Angel on the com) Tails blast that jammer to pieces!!![/i][/b]
Tails: TAKE THIS!!![/i][/b]
Tails shoots his chain gun at the jammer[/i][/b]
Rat-Tat-tat-tAt-Tat Tat-tat-tAt-Tat[/i][/b]
Eggman: *sleeping* BoOoOoOM!![/i][/b]
WHAAAAAA! What hell was that![/i][/b]
*looks at computer screen* Tails?[/i][/b]
How dare he destroy my creations and wake the Future world dominator![/i][/b]
I’ll show you my real power fox boy! All E-series and ultimate seriesreport to the surface destroy that pest and his little friends![/i][/b]
Cream: (In Tornado) Hey Tails Look the sea is opening up![/i][/b]
Tails: It is an underwater base after all hold on Cream it’s gonna geta little rough![/i][/b]
Turbo: Looks like your plan worked Angel![/i][/b]
Akira: I sense Loads of Enemies approaching the surface fast![/i][/b]
Angel: Guys get ready the enemy is here![/i][/b]
Everyone: OK![/i][/b]
Angel: ok guys here we go towards the entrance![/i][/b]
Shadow: Let’s go![/i][/b]
Sonic: Here we go![/i][/b]
Akira: Understood![/i][/b]
Turbo: Turbo Time![/i][/b]
Vector: here they are FIGHT![/i][/b]
Sonic, Shadow, Akira, Angel and Turbo run up to the entrance! To becontinued…[/i][/b]
Sorry it took so long guys stupid internet got knocked off and friedthe modem in the back of my comp. well here’s the next chapter of my fic I amalready starting to write the next 1 I am thinking about making a comic basedon ma story oh and I was wondering (please answer this question) if I shouldput my made up comic on FAC about evil copies of sonic and co. please comment^.~[/i][/b]
Angel: Ok everyone here?[/i][/b]
Sonic: Yup[/i][/b]
Tails: I’m here and I brought ma plane why do I need ma plane for?[/i][/b]
Angel: I will explain why[/i][/b]
Tails: Ok[/i][/b]
Angel: Right Tails u said u couldn’t get a scan on this area because somethingwas blocking your Radar right?[/i][/b]
Tails: Right![/i][/b]
Angel: Well isn’t it clear that eggman’s got some radar jammers out?[/i][/b]
Tails: No doubt why?[/i][/b]
Angel: right everything is ready ok here’s the plan![/i][/b]
Angel: Right Tails you need to create a distraction by destroying thoserobot radar jammers that should make Eggman open the entrance and send out somerobots then team Chaotix, Big, and everyone else help tails fight off thoserobots![/i][/b]
Cream: What about me miss Angel?[/i][/b]
Tails: Cream you can come with me in the X-Cyclone I’ll protect you don’tworry![/i][/b]
Cream: AH! Thank u Tails![/i][/b]
Angel: Right Me, sonic, Shadow, Akira and turbo will infiltrate thebase![/i][/b]
Ok we strike at Dawn![/i][/b]
Tails and Cream run towards the X-Cyclone[/i][/b]
Tails: Cream Get in![/i][/b]
Cream: OK![/i][/b]
Angel: Don’t go until I give the signal ok![/i][/b]
Tails: OK![/i][/b]
Angel: 10….9….8……7…..6…..5…..4[/i][/b]
Tails grips the control stick tight![/i][/b]
Tails: Almost time start up main engine thrusters![/i][/b]
Angel: 3[/i][/b]
Tails: X-Cyclone Take Off!!![/i][/b]
(Angel on the com) Tails blast that jammer to pieces!!![/i][/b]
Tails: TAKE THIS!!![/i][/b]
Tails shoots his chain gun at the jammer[/i][/b]
Rat-Tat-tat-tAt-Tat Tat-tat-tAt-Tat[/i][/b]
Eggman: *sleeping* BoOoOoOM!![/i][/b]
WHAAAAAA! What hell was that![/i][/b]
*looks at computer screen* Tails?[/i][/b]
How dare he destroy my creations and wake the Future world dominator![/i][/b]
I’ll show you my real power fox boy! All E-series and ultimate seriesreport to the surface destroy that pest and his little friends![/i][/b]
Cream: (In Tornado) Hey Tails Look the sea is opening up![/i][/b]
Tails: It is an underwater base after all hold on Cream it’s gonna geta little rough![/i][/b]
Turbo: Looks like your plan worked Angel![/i][/b]
Akira: I sense Loads of Enemies approaching the surface fast![/i][/b]
Angel: Guys get ready the enemy is here![/i][/b]
Everyone: OK![/i][/b]
Angel: ok guys here we go towards the entrance![/i][/b]
Shadow: Let’s go![/i][/b]
Sonic: Here we go![/i][/b]
Akira: Understood![/i][/b]
Turbo: Turbo Time![/i][/b]
Vector: here they are FIGHT![/i][/b]
Sonic, Shadow, Akira, Angel and Turbo run up to the entrance! To becontinued…[/i][/b]
Sorry it took so long guys stupid internet got knocked off and friedthe modem in the back of my comp. well here’s the next chapter of my fic I amalready starting to write the next 1 I am thinking about making a comic basedon ma story oh and I was wondering (please answer this question) if I shouldput my made up comic on FAC about evil copies of sonic and co. please comment^.~[/i][/b]
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AmyRoseFan on November 25, 2005, 7:41:44 AM
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Amy_Rose_25 on July 27, 2005, 8:21:23 AM
Amy_Rose_25 on