Chapter 1 - Part 1
Submitted May 23, 2005 Updated June 13, 2005 Status Incomplete | A story set between the battle of the last alliance and the fellowship in Middle Earth
Books » JRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, etc.) |
Chapter 1 - Part 1
Chapter 1 - Part 1
Lantathae's story: Out Running The Sunset
Part 1
The last light filtered through the emerald and gold leaves. It was later than I had imagined and so I started to walk home. I crept onto the path, looked up and then down and started to run.
Every evening I tried to out run the setting sun but every night I arrived home in darkness. The path was rocky and I slipped once or twice, when that happened I would get up laughing joyfully and run on. I felt sorry sometimes for adults who walked always having to look so elegant when running is so much more enjoyable.
Galadhrim or also known as Caras Gladhon was a place of light even in this darkness. In the city of trees it was as the twilight was a blanket of leaves that glowed to protect us or that was as my father had always said.
The many elves walked through the trees, past the thick trunks where stairs circled around like long thin snakes. I had to push passed them as I ran to my small talan.
I ran through the door and shut it after me. I slung my quiver over the end of my bed and carefully put my sword in exactly the place it had been. I pulled my cloths off and shoved myself into a delicate dress with such force that it almost ripped. I took a book off the shelf and sat in front of my desk just in time.
My mother came into the room with such elegance that she looked as if she glided, hovering over the ground instead of actually stepping. I tried to steady myself so that she would not see that I was out of breath.
`What are you reading?' She inquired gently with no accusation in her voice but I could see it in her narrowed eyes. I shut the book and she looked over my shoulder. `Can you read that? It is not in any elven language nor is it a tongue of the free peoples.'
I leant back and put the book back onto the shelf and lowered my eyes ashamed.
`You will be one of the best guardians the woods have ever had but there is much more than swordplay that you must know to become one.' She picked up one of the books and looked at it. `You are behind in your studies.' She put the book down. `We have so much knowledge for you…'
`And I will learn.' I promised her. `I know most of the languages of the free peoples and the Haradrim and Eastelings-'
`Why should you need to know that?' She demanded, suddenly a slight rage showed in her face.
`They are simple, almost the same as the common tongue.' I pleaded her.
She walked to the door. `Let us hope then that you will never need that skill.'
My mother was the lady Galadriel. She had always wished for me to know the history of every place and people, forgotten languages, all the kings and lords of ages passed. My father, Celeborn, encouraged my sword play and target practice. I was already then though young a keen shot and could beat almost anyone my age.
But that was a long time ago.
It was then that I had not felt the true harshness and bitterness the world had. And even now, I do not hate the men that had been corrupted by evil, even though they have been the foundation of almost all sadness in my life.
I hovered over the path, my concentration on nothing but that. I did not loosen my grip on the branch I was holding onto. The wind was still.
A leaf fell from the tree and distracted me as it passed my face. As it did so I felt a sharp jab in my side and fell off the branch. I landed on my back in the middle looking up.
A boy stood in the tree, just where I had been standing, laughing.
I stood up and brushed myself off. From the ground by the tree were I hidden them I found my bow and aimed an arrow at the still laughing boy, mocking me. I pulled the string and shot the arrow so it passed by his ear, cutting it slightly. Blood trickled down his neck.
He put his hand to this neck and then looked at the blood half with shock that I had fired. He wiped it on the dark bark of the tree and smiled again.
Then he jumped to the next tree but slipped and fell to the ground.
I ran after him but found that he was already running trough the trees.
`Come back here.' I demanded, and kept running.
By the time I hit another path I had lost him. Surprised by how well he knew the woods I looked up and down the path. I realised too late my mistake was that I did not look up.
He jumped off the branch he was balancing on and landed on me. I fell forwards, my face hit the ground hard. I started struggling but he had me pinned, he had most of his weight on the end of my back and my arms were not in the most comfortable position.
I went limp so he relaxed his grip on me. `Well' he started to say. `Now that your listening-'
I leapt up drawing my sword. I pushed him to the ground now and pressed my knee into his chest. I sank my sword into the soft earth next to his neck, threateningly.
He closed his eyes and smiled lightly. `You win' he said.
I removed my sword and got off him. Then he got up and started to run again. But this time I did not follow him. I knew that if I did my mother would have my head.
The next day I met him again.
I knew he was waiting for me as he looked up. He walked up to me. `This is yours.' He said giving me the arrow that I had shot him with, it still had some blood on one side.
`Sorry.' I said, truthfully. `Who are you?'
`I' He announced proudly. `Am Lómdraug. My father says it is because of my hair.'
I had noticed his untamed hair that stuck out in almost every direction, black brown as shadow.
I had never met anyone with a name like that before. His name, Lómdraug, meant wolf echo or echo wolf. Suddenly my head pained, it hurt more than any aound I had ever had. My vision faded and strange images flashed across my eyes.
He ran to help me. `What is wrong?' he demanded.
The pain started to go but a small part of it stayed in the back of my mind. I got up from where I had collapsed on the ground.
`I…' I said, with even more pride than he. `Am Lantathae.'
I found my mother by the mirror. I was never aloud to see what was inside it, but then I was not tall enough. I tried to soften my footsteps as I walked down the stone steps but she heard me.
`What is it, my daughter?' She asked when she saw the worry on my face.
`I had a strange experience. I was in the woods, I was talking to a boy and when he told me his name my mind suddenly pained me and I saw things that were not there.' I tried to keep my speech steady but as I talked about it the pain started again, but not as bad as it had been.
My mother put her hand on my head and I felt a little better. She then walked to the fountain that she got her water from to put into the mirror. I did not go near it.
`When I was still with you in me,' she said. `I looked into the mirror. And as I looked a leaf from a tree above us fell into the water. I could do nothing but watch as the leaf that looked young, not old enough to fall by itself, twisted in the water. Its momentum made it fall onto the grass where it was no longer a leaf…' She put her hand into the cool water of the fountain and took out a round object; I was surprised to see that her hand was not wet. `I was this.'
She gave the object to me. It felt cold and heavy in my hand. It looked like glass or some clear stone, green but inside was trapped something else. They were light and dark, still, in a suspended animation as the circled and swirled around each other. And in the middle of that there was some light like a far away star…
As I looked at that I saw what the vision was clearly. I man in strange cloths was in the middle of a hallway in some stone place where the light was so faint I hardly saw him turn and walk into the darkness.
I looked up at my mother. `What did you see?' She asked slowly.
I could not speak for a time. `A… man, in darkness.'
As children we played hide-and-seek in the treetops. We were as brother and sister, hardly separable for years. My own sister was much older than me, and she spent time with higher elves, but sometimes she would sneak away and run in the woods like a child again.
I gave him the name Dîngaur, which meant silent werewolf, he liked it. Years and years later, we drifted apart and I did not call him it anymore.
My sister was going to be married to Elrond Halfelven, in Imladris. It was the first time that I had properly left Lorien and my excitement could not be controlled. But Lómdraug could not come.
I was much older now but people still called me very young. I had gone from wearing boys cloths in the woods to wearing a dress. The dress I usually wore was brown and stained with green, it had slits up the sides so that my running was not hindered, and green leggings under that, with soft boots and a warm cloak. On the way to Rivendel I wore a white dress rimmed with gold and silver leaves, and a cape of dark blue velvet. I had made the stone into a clasp that I put on my cloak.
This was my first glimpse of the world as it was. We passed over Caladhras, treacherous snow slowed our passage. Then we went west to Rivendel and arrived with much joy.
I met Elrond, from our first meeting I held much respect for him, he had a ring of power like my mother. Also I met Gil-galad, who I had met many times before and was very fond of.
Imladris was so different from Loth Lorien, it was a joyful place to be in but I then and always have loved Lorien and I missed it.
The day after we arrived I was allowed to go by myself to the woods that surrounded Rivendel. They were not as high or light as Lorien and beautiful in that way.
As I walked I saw a small stream through the trees and stepped quietly there. The water was dark blue and sparkled like a blanket of night. It was then that I was not the only person there.
He was an elf, but not a high elf like me and it took me some time of staring at him to realise that he was a wood elf. I had not noticed him because he was wearing dark cloths that made him hard to see.
He looked at the water but his gaze did not focus. His hair was dark and straight. I could not stop looking at him, silently in the wood.
After a while he looked up. I had realised that he would and wrapped my cloak around me with the hood up. He did not stop looking.
I heard him stand up and when I looked around from behind the tree I could not see him. He, like me, was blended into the forest. I went to another tree to look and I heard him do the same but I still could not see him. I looked up but the trees did not have any branches that were low enough or strong enough for me to could climb.
I stepped with my back to the trunk of the tree to look. He was there, his back to the same tree looking right at me. He leant forwards and his lips touched mine. I felt the same pain in my head. I stepped back and fell into the water. Through the pain I placed my hand on the crystal on my cloak and thought of the light at its centre.
I was no longer in the river but in a stone room with him fighting men, I could not move and soon the vision was over. I woke up cold and wet with him looking over me. I rolled onto my side away from him and coughed up water. He had started a small fire and sat by it.
`Are you all right?' he asked, his face full of worry.
I nodded and ringed water from my dress, not looking at him. He had hung my cloak on a tree near the fire and giver me his to keep warm.
`Why did you do that?' I asked after a while.
`It felt like the right thing to do at the time, I apologise.' He said, but he only said the apology, I could tell that he did not mean it.
Back in Imladris I was given a new dress as the one I had been wearing was now spoilt. It was light blue on the outside and dark underneath with a strip of cloth wrapped around my waist as if they were bandages. I liked the dress, people had always said that I was not as beautiful as my mother, she had long hair so fair that it was like soft glows, my was fair but slightly browner, shorter and not so neat. My face was more like my father's but my mother and I shared eyes, pale grey with blue around the pupil.
Celebrian looked so beautiful at the wedding, so happy, I was glad for her. Everything seemed so much more beautiful. I saw the wood-elf again and smiled at him; he was wearing dark colours again and looked almost out of place, he did not see me.
My sister saw me watching him and looked at my accusingly. I raised my eyebrows innocently, she grinned.
When the rejoicing was over and we had eaten everyone was in the hall. Music rang out and I spoke with Gil-galad. He promised to teach me how to use a spear the next day as it was the weapon that he preferred and I would show him my progress.
`Gil-galad?' I asked.
`Who is that over there?' I asked pointing at the wood-elf who was sitting silently in a dark corner.
`He has been in Riverndel for a few years now; I do not know where he comes from.' He replied slowly.
`What is his name?'
`Here he has been given the name Daedhel, you can tell why.'
This name suited him as it meant shadow elf.
Gil-galad had to go with Elrond so I walked onto a balcony. It overlooked the falls that were just outside the houses, they splashed down smoothly as of it were a blue piece of silk.
In my heavy gaze I did not hear Daedhel walk onto the balcony. `There is something you wish to ask me?'
I, surprised, swung around to come face to face with him. His skin was pale and his hair light, only his cloths showed him to be at all dark.
I could not speak for a minute but stared at him. `Was just wondering' I was able to say. `Where you come from.'
`Did Gil-galad not say that when you were speaking?'
`No, he said that he did not know'
The elf looked at me for mintues and I tried to keep his stare but broke it at times. `Are you afraid of me?' He asked.
I nodded slightly.
`I do not know.'
He turned to leave. `If you want to know, I am not from any place, I live nowhere.'
`Stop,' I did not know why I said that but some part of me did not wish for him to leave. He turned round slowly. `I was just wondering what your real name is.'
Turned around again and started to walk off. `My given name is fine.'
I did not see Daedhel again and we left Riverndel weeks later. I said goodbye to Celebrian, though she was much older than me we had always been close and we would miss each other as she was staying in Imladirs.
I was sorry to leave Imladris but happy to be back in Lothlorien when we arrived. It had not changed, but I had.
I kept the dress that the elves from Riverndel had given me as a memory. But I put it to the side and got out my forest cloths back on and started to train with the guard. Learning with them was much harder than what I did with Lómdraug and he had decided that he did not want to be in the guard. I sometimes saw him through the trees watching us, I was the only one that could see him as he only wanted me to. We still did meet and he noticed that I had changed but said nothing.
I was quickly excepted into the guard with Haldir as captain. We became close, I could not outrun him in the forest during our training but I knew that he would be no match for Lómdraug.
There was talk of was against Sauron and his ring. My mother and father were unsettled and a general sense of fear was all around. Any army that would be the last alliance was gathered; I decided that I would join when they came from Imladris to Lothlorien. Gil-galad came early. I was glad that he was here.
We were in the armoury fitting on my new armour. It was uncomfortable and slightly heavy but my movement was not too restricted. It was in the same style as the high king's and the rest of the armies but adapted to my fighting style which allowed me to move my legs and arms more. I laughed as I fought air which fitted it more.
Then I was another armoured figure beside Gil-galad watching me.
`Dîngaur!' I exclaimed in surprise. `You are coming with me.'
A wide smile spread across his face. `There is nothing anyone can do to stop me.' he looked at Gil-galad and then back at me. `I guess someone has to protect you.'
`You know perfectly well I can fight as well as you!'
He shrugged and turned to pick up a sword. “Wanna make a bet?'
Gil-galad sighed and took the sword out of Lómdraug's hands and put it in it's sheath. `Not here and not now, children.' He gave the sheath back to Lómdraug.
Galadriel entered the chamber and when she saw me she was filled with a wave of sadness that she could not hide. I walked out onto the talan with her and she looked to me, controlling tears that were collecting in her eye.
`I wish for you, daughter of the forest, to stay.' She announced. `While all our fighters are away who will protect Lorien and Caras Gladhon when we are at our most vulnerable.'
I saw the truth of her words. `I would rather go into battle but I know that as a guardian it is my duty to stay.'
I embraced my mother as she started to show weakness. The tears rolled off her face and onto the metal of my armour. I did love my mother and she did love me, but it was only rare moments like this that we showed it to each other.
I stood in front of Lómdraug not knowing what to say. I would not allow myself to cry at our parting but I could tell that he too was saddened.
`Dîngaur, I won't forgive you if you die.' I only half joked.
`Then I won't, Lant… but only for you.' He leant forwards and brought his face closer to mine, he kissed me gently on the lips and then walked off not looking back to join the end of the line of soldiers. I stood there and tears ran down my cheeks. I did not feel the headache which could tell me if we would meet again. I prayed we would.
There were orcs and goblins that came during dark hours through the forest but from high talans I could shoot them all before that got even a mile into the woods. There was no happiness here, but I knew there would be even less in the depressing lands to the southeast but that hardly lightened my spirits it only angered them.
Once I was in a clearing, I had not gone back to Caras Gladhon since I had left but I did not miss it, as all Lorien was my home. As I lay on the soft ground, fallen leaves for my bed, inside my head pain burst out. I bit back screams and rolled around in agony. I grabbed the stone off my neck and squeezed it.
The vision that came to me was of the dead planes of Mordor where both armys fought with all their might. On the ground the dead were not separated as orc and goblin bodies were mingled with fallen elves and men. I saw myself fighting beside Gil-galad both of us were covered in mud and our armour did not shine as they had done here in that grim light. Mehind me there was an unchallenged goblin who had strung his bow and aimed it at the High King. But as he fired, the arrow missed him and hit me on the shoulder of my right arm making me drop my weapon. I, through the pain, tried to reach down and pick my sword up with my left hand.
Gil-galad only noticed when it was too last that I was wounded and as I was set upon by so many orcs that I could not fight, even if my right arm was working, he slaughtered then all, as they had killed me.
I saw my broken body, bloody, on the floor, mingled with the bodies of orc and man.
I knew that that was what would have happened if I had gone to Mordor and there was no changing it.
But then I saw another vision, not another one of a pathway but I knew that that was what was happening that very second.
Gil-galad fought alone, the goblin missed him with one shot which flew through the air to where I had been standing but with another arrow, hit him in the back. The swarms attacked him and he fell…
I lay on the fallen leaves not able to anything about the death that I knew had just happened, and I thought… I had not seen Lómdraug in the vision.
I knew that my mother had seen what I had just witnessed and she knew that if I had fought with the Last Alliance then I would have died but because I didn't the High King Gil-galad did instead.
Above me a soft rain started as the sky wept for me, and even the forest looked dull as the sun went away.
I was in my sorrow sitting on a talan feeling so alone that I could hardly bare it. But then through the forest I saw a horse. I jumped off the talan and to it thinking it some evil thing, a threat to Lorien. But as I came closer I saw it was not, but a wounded grey horse, without a rider but still saddled.
It tried to go away from me when I went near him but his tiredness made him too slow and he collapsed on the ground.
I saw in the great stallions eyes the fear he had, his master must had died in the war and he had come all this way. I found a small sword and some food in the saddlebag which proved that his owner had been a man.
I nursed it back to health and gave it the name Thinarien, grey sunlight. He would follow me everywhere.
The army returned in low spirits and I met then near the start of the woods.
`Lord Souron has been destroyed and we are victorious, but in our hearts we have lost.' Said Haldir, as we lead the army to Caras Gladhon. `We lost Gil-galad, and many others.'
In sadness we walked of miles. `What of Lómdraug? Is he here?' I finally asked.
Haldir looked at me, then dack to the road. `On the way to Mordor, the back of the company were set upon by Easterlins and I think that Lómdraug was one of the ones killed by then, but I do not know for sure.' We kept walking and when we saw the great city I could go no further. I stood to the side as wounded and sorrowful elves walked with no hope into the place that had once been my home, a place of refuge to me, but no longer was it so. I would miss it and I would miss my mother and father but I could not go in.
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Tillyenna on June 20, 2005, 1:04:20 PM
Tillyenna on