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Chapter 4 - Yet Another Surprise

Ayaka broke up with Hiro. Shuichi tries to comfort his friend but it doesn't help but hurts not Hiro but Shuichi. What will Yuki do to help his lil pink haired baka and what will he finally realize? May contain some spoilers but unsure right now.

Chapter 4 - Yet Another Surprise

Chapter 4 - Yet Another Surprise
--Ch.4 Yet Another Surprise--

The next morning...

The tall novelist turned around and put his arms around Shuichi's waist. They were both in Lala Land. Shuichi slowly opens his eyes. "Huh?" He sits up, Yuki's arm still on his waist. 'Well at least the headache's a bit better' He sniffled a bit. 'Oh great a stuffy nose' Yuki grunted as Shuichi moved around. He opened his eyes. "Go back to sleep"

"But I'm sick!" Shuichi whined.

"Ugh fine, I'll get you some medicine" Yuki muttered as he got up. He slipped on his slippers and walked out. "Damn brat" Yuki walked out and headed toward the bathroom. 'There has to be some kind of Nyquil or something in there' Shuichi just laid down again. After a few minutes, Yuki walked back in with a bottle of Dayquil. "Here" He tossed the bottle at Shuichi.

"AH!" Shuichi screamed as he struggled to catch it. Yuki just stared at him. 'Okkkk' He walked over and took the bottle from the pink baka before he hurt himself. The seal was child-proof anyway. He opened the bottle and read the label. Two tablespoons for the little one. He picked up the little measuring cup thingy and poured the medicine in.

"Open your mouth"

"Wha?" Shuichi looked at him with big eyes.

"You heard me. I didn't stutter. Open your mouth" Shuichi just stared at the blonde with a confused look on his face. "Open it, or I'll open it for you" Shuichi thought about it for a second. Before he knew it, Yuki had squeezed both his cheeks in an attempt to open the young singer's mouth.

"Fine, fine. Just let go of me" Shuichi said as he struggled to get out of the novelist's death squeeze. Yuki finally let go and Shuichi opened his mouth. "Ya happpeh now?" He asked, trying not to close his mouth."

"Yes, very" Yuki replied as he poured the medicine down the teen's throat.

"AH! EW! Nasty! Minty!" Shuichi made a gagging noise as he tried to swallow it.

"Stop whining, brat. Take it like a man" He kept in a chuckle. 'Take it like a man. I can just imagine this!' Shuichi just laid back down. Thoughts of Hiro and that night went through his head. 'Whooooaaaa the ceiling's spinning....' He sat up and shook his head. Yuki looked at him, "Something wrong?"

"Noo..not at allll" He slurred out and fainted. Yuki leaned over him and opened his eyelids. 'He's out' He checked the pink haired baka's head next. 'Whoa he's really overheated' Yuki picked the boy up carefully and put him in a more comfortable position. The blonde then went to his study to work on his novel. As he was walking down the hallway, the phone rang so he walked to the living room. 'Damn phone' He picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi. How is Shuichi?"

"Perfectly fine. Without you."

Hiro lowly growled, he was almost unheard. "Is he coming to work?"

"So you can abuse him again? No."

"Haha, your so funny. I hope you like bullet holes in your wall. K's probably coming down there right now. Shuichi's 10 minutes late and K's not here"


"He's all ready here" With that, Eiri hung up the phone. "Hi K"

"Hey Eiri, where's Shuichi?"

"In bed, he's sick"

"Oh really?"

"Yea, really. Why would I lie to you about him?"

"Cause your a sex starved maniac"

"...No, go check for yourself if ya don't belive me" He pointed to the bedroom. K shot a bullet towards the door and heard a scream followed by an "OWWWW". Shuichi came stumbling out of the bedroom. "Ow my head hurts" He mumbled then he saw K and straightened up. "Hi K" He flashed a big smile to hide his pain. "What's up"

"Why aren't you at work?"

"Uh, I'm sick"

"As soon as your better, your working double time" And K walked out.

"Your getting those holes fixed" Yuki grumbled.

"I know I know" Shuichi walked over to the couch and collapsed. "You ok?" Yuki sat next to him and put the pink haired teen's head in his lap. "Yeah"

"You sure? You don't seem fine"

"I just have a headache and a cold I think" He sniffled. "Oh poor baby" Yuki kissed his forehead. "Your really burning up there Shu"


Yuki an his hand through the pink hair. "Shhh try not to move. It'll hurt more" Yuki sat there running his hand through Shu's hair until the teen fell asleep. Then he carefully placed the boy down on the couch and got a beer from the fridge. 'Wonder what got him sick' Yuki thought as he walked back to the couch and turned the TV on. He flipped through the channels and found nothing interesting so he turned it off. Then something hit him, 'He's hit him before...' He remembered yesterday when he listened to the conversation Hiro had with his Shuichi. He could hear Shu's voice saying that he's scared, that Hiro's hit him before. That was it. He needed to talk to Shuichi, NOW. He gently shook Shuichi, careful not to hurt him. "Shu, Shu?"

"Hmm?" Shuichi muttered sleepily.

"I needa talk to you, NOW" He said seriously.

"Okk" Shuichi turned around and propped his head up on his hands but fell right down and stayed there, head on pillow, looking at Yuki. "Ow, what?"

"Last night, you said Hiro hit you BEFORE, what did you mean?"

"Uh-uh, nothing, I swear" He turned a shade of red. Yuki wasn't sure if it was from the fever or that he was hiding something. "Shu..."


"I'm not kidding. Has he hit you before?"

Shuichi hesitated. "Y-N-M-Y-Y-N-not now"

"Yes Shuichi, now. I'll find out sooner or later. The sooner, the better"

"Y-yes. He has. He was angry...I forget at what. I think it was something about his parents and everything. He was so mad and I was being so annoying. It wasn't his fault. It was mine."

"How hard?"

"Do I have to answer that...?"

"Yes, Shuichi" he put his beer down.

"Ugh, pretty badly. It wasn't---" He stopped.

"Wasn't what?"

He hesitated a bit. "It wasn't just a was more like a series of hits..." Shuichi bit his lip and looked away. His eyes started watering. "How bad did he hit you?" Yuki just stared straight ahead, a cold look was in his eyes, colder than usual. All he could think about was how to protect Shuichi and hurt Hiro. "I don't know..."

"Don't lie"

Shuichi took a deep breath and let it out. "Pretty bad. I was sore for about a month"

That was it. Yuki's eyes widened and he made a fist. "Yuki, don't. Please don't hurt Hiro!"

"Hurting him is the least of my problems" He got up and got his car keys and rushed out the door. Shuichi got up and reached for the phone. He dialed Hiro's cell phone number. "Hiro?"



"Huh? AH! GET AWAY HOLY shoot! BYE SHUICHI!!!!!!"

Shuichi screamed out as loud as he could, "YUKI STOP!" Yuki's voice came on

"Don't worry. I'm bringing him over."

"Godddd" He hung up the phone. Within a matter of minutes, Yuki was in the doorway with Hiro in front of him. "Yuuukkiii!!!"

"Calm down, I'm not gunna hurt him..yet. Shuichi go to bed"

"But Yuki!"


"Go Shuichi, I'll be fine." Hiro added calmly.

"A-all right" Shuichi got up and stumbled back to the bedroom. Yuki pushed Hiro towards the couch. "Sit"

"You don gotta be so harsh about it" Hiro added as he sat. Yuki stood in front of him, arms crossed. "So you've hit him before huh?" Hiro looked away. "You did, didn't you?"

Hiro blinked. "Yes"

"But yet you're on MY back telling ME not to hurt him?"

"I did it accidentily. I never meant it. I lost my temper. It's a once in a blue moon thing, and Shuichi happened to be there, both times. Besides I wouldn't be talking. You hurt him all the time"

"I don't BEAT him"

"No but you make have emotional breakdowns ALL THE TIME, it's just as bad."

Now it was Yuki's turn to turn away. "Shut it"

"Can't take when your losing?" Hiro said as he flicked his copper hair back. "It's not that. I-I--" He hesitated and added quietly, "don't want to see him hurt..."

"Now you know how I feel" Hiro looked up at him. "Yeah I do. I'm sorry" Hiro was shocked. "Your SORRY?!?"

"Yeah." He took a cigarette out and lit it. "Tell Shuichi that. He needs to hear it"

"I will, when you leave." Hiro took the hint and left. "Shuichi you can come back in now" Shuichi came back in with big eyes. "I feel better now..."

"Good to hear." The blonde sat down on the couch and put the cigarette out in the ash tray. "Sit" Shuichi obeyed and walked over to sit next to the novelist. "Yeah?"

"I'm" he mumbled, "sorry"

"For what?"

"Everything" Shuichi hugged him. "Thanks Yuki" Yuki ran his long fingers through the pink hair. He could smell the strawberry scent and smiled when it reached his nose. 'My Shuichi' He thought outloud. Almost too loud. "What was that Yuki?"

"Nothing" Shuichi put his head on Yuki's chest and was hypnotized by the rhythm. He started to hum along with it. Soon the humming stopped and Yuki looked down, Shuichi had once again fallen asleep. 'I'd rather have him hyper than sleeping, but he does look angel' The blonde closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.


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