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Chapter 6 - Hiro's Here

Ayaka broke up with Hiro. Shuichi tries to comfort his friend but it doesn't help but hurts not Hiro but Shuichi. What will Yuki do to help his lil pink haired baka and what will he finally realize? May contain some spoilers but unsure right now.

Chapter 6 - Hiro's Here

Chapter 6 - Hiro's Here
--Ch.6 Hiro's Here--

The next morning...

Yuki woke up at 6 so he was sure he didn't miss Hiro and that Shuichi didn't see his friend. He didn't want to see Shuichi break down. That was the last thing he needed. He carefully picked the boy up and carried him to the bedroom. They had fallen asleep on the couch. He put the boy down and covered him in a blanket. He then walked to the kitchen and took a water out of the fridge. He would have taken a beer but he only had light for some reason. "Don't remember buying that" he muttered. He got up and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. He closes the door and turns the water on. He takes his clothes off and steps in. He sighed as the warm water hit his skin. He shampooed his hair and did whatever. He finally got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked out into the hallway, and then into his room. Shuichi was still sleeping. He smiled and got some clothes out, pajama pants, boxers and a white shirt. 'Good enough' He looked at the clock. 8:30 All ready, wow. Yuki put his clothes on and as soon as he walked out of the room, the doorbell rang. Yuki walked over to the door and opened it. Sure enough it was Hiro. "Come in" Yuki stepped back.

"Thanks" Hiro stepped in and headed toward the couch. "Might as well sit before you tell me to"

"Smart alec"

"Whatever. What did you want?"

"I know there's something your not telling me about you and Shuichi. Something's wrong. Everytime he even HEARS of you, he gets sick."

Hiro took a deep breath and put his hands over his eyes. "It's nothing really. He'll get over it by Saturday. I'll tell ya that much"

Yuki was getting frustrated. "Enough with your games. I don't want Shuichi to wake up and see you here. Tell me whats wrong between you two."

"Nothing" Hiro snapped back. He leaned forward and folded his hands. "Absolutely nothing" He looked away.

"Don't tell me "Nothing". I've told you that before. I want to help him. I don't want to burden him with more stress so I came to you. Please Hiro."

Hiro hesitated. "I wanna tell you. To help Shuichi. But I can't. It's just this week...something happened this week a couple years ago. When he was 17 and it was my fault. It made him sick, really sick. It was my fault for telling him and..."

"And what?"

Hiro's eyes teared up. "I can't tell you anymore. If Shuichi says I can, I will." He wiped the tears from his eyes and got up. He tried to walk past Yuki. "Excuse me"

Yuki pushed him back down. "Your not going anywhere. Tell me."

"...I-I can't." Hiro looked up at him. "Please understand. It was ALL my fault. Just let it go....please."

Yuki was startled. "I...can't" Yuki looked down. "I-I...."

"It's all right. I know you wanna help him, but you can't this time. I-I can't tell you what happened. Ask Shuichi...he'll tell you." Hiro got up once more and tried to walk past Yuki. This time he got by. "Bye Eiri"

"...Bye" Yuki sat down on the couch when the door closed. He crossed his arms and looked ahead, thoughts were going through his. He was arguing with himself.

'I need to know'

"But I can't"

'I wanna help him'

"But I can't"

'I needa find out what happened this week. Two years ago, I believe. Lemme see, I think he just turned 19 two months ago, so yeah 2 years'

"I'm so smart. I can do math AND write. Anyway, what could have happened?"

'Rape? A murder?'

"No, can't be. Can it?" Yuki put an eyebrow up and shook his head before the thoughts of his old sensei came in. He got up and walked to the bedroom. He glanced at the clock. 9:30. 'If he wants, he can still go to practice' He checked the boy's temperature. 'Normal' He shook the boy gently. "Shuichi, wake up" Shuichi mumbled in his sleep. "Shuuuu....I love you"

'That hadda get him' Shuichi just took a pillow and covered his head. "Leave me alone, Hiro!" Yuki put a o.O; face on.

"It's Yuki, Shuichi...Hiro's not here" Yuki took the pillow off the singer's head. "C'mon wake up" He ruffled the pink hair. Shuichi sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Yuki?"

"Yea?" Yuki sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"Everything. I know you wanna know what's wrong. It's just hard...I don't even wanna get sick. I thought I moved on but I guess not. I didn't even realize what week it was. If I had, I woulda never bugged you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I knew something bad happens around this time. It did last year and I guessed it would this year. I didn't want you to be mad at me"

Yuki put his arm around Shuichi's shoulders and pulled his head towards his well toned chest. He could smell the strawberry scent again. "I'm not. I wanna help, you brat. Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what happened."

"I-I can't right now. If I remember, I'll tell ya this weekend. This should have passed over by then."



"All right then!" He put the singer into a headlock. "Let's have some fun!"

"GAH! YUKI! GET OFF!" Shuichi laughed.

"Your gunna have to make me" Yuki chuckled. Shuichi tried to bite Yuki's arm. "You look retarted" He said as he let go of the teen.

"Gotya off didn't it?"

Yuki rolled his eyes. "Whatever" Shuichi sighed. "Y'know you could still make it to practice. Your only, say, an hour late."

"Yea! I wanna gooo!!! Wanna stay and watch me Yuki?" Yuki thought about it.

"Fine, only for today!" Shuichi bounced up and down. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!"

"Talk about mood swings" Yuki looked at Shuichi like o.O;;.

"C'mon Yuki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shuichi bounced into the closet and came out in a yellow hoodie and red shorts. "You look like a damn McDonalds sign"

Shuichi looked down to see what Yuki was talking about. "So?" He smiled and walked out of the room. 'Weirdo' Yuki got up and put a pair of black pants on and a white shirt. 'I look like Hiro. Oh joy' He thought as he changed into a green shirt. 'I have a green shirt. I don't remember that' He shrugged it off as he went into the living room. "Let's go" Shuichi nodded and headed for the door. Yuki followed. They put their shoes on and headed out the door. Shuichi rushed to the elevator and started pressing the button, Yuki walked over calmly and stopped Shuichi from pressing the damn button. "Your gunna break it"

"Nuh uh" And the doors opened. Shuichi jumped in and Yuki stepped in. He leaned against a wall and Shuichi stood there bouncing. Yuki watched him. "Someone's happy"

"Noooooo....Yeaaaaa..I'm not sick no more!!!!"

"You mean your gunna annoy me again?" Yuki asked with a smirk.

Shuichi thought about it before he said, "I dunno, do I bug you that much when I'm not sick?"

Now Yuki thought. "I don't remember, it's been.." He counted in his head, "Uh I think 3 days since you weren't hyper"

"Really?" Shuichi counts on his fingers and mumbles to himself. "Saturday I was hyper. Monday I was sick. Tuesday, sick. Wednesday sick. Today, fine." He smiles at Yuki. "Your right"

"Am I ever wrong?" Shuichi thought for a minute but before he could answer, the elevator doors opened and they headed out. Shuichi ran over to the black Mercedes and Yuki walked calmly to it. He opened the door and Shuichi sat in the passenger's seat. Yuki walked around to the other side and got in. "Want me to hurry again?"

Shuichi thought back to Monday and shakes his head violently. "No thats quite all right."

"All right. Damn I wanted to see you as a ghost again" He said sarcastically as he started the car.

"Your so mean Yuki!"

"If I was so mean then I wouldn't be coming with you, now would I?"

"I dunno" Shu shrugged it off. Within 10 minutes, they were in front the NG building. They stepped out and headed for the entrance. Yuki opened it and they stepped in. "Come on Yuki it's down here!" Shuichi said as he took Yuki's hand and dragged him to the room. When they got there, Tohma stepped out of the room and Shuichi would have slammed into him if Yuki hadn't pulled him back. "Hello Mr. Seguchi!"

"Hello, Shindou. Please it's Tohma." He smiled.

"Ok Mr. Se--Tohma. Only if you call me Shuichi!" Shu smiled back.

"Sure, why not Shuichi? Hi Eiri"


"What are you doing here?"

"Yuki's gunna watch me practice!" Shuichi said happily as he walked in.

"What he said" Yuki said as he followed in.

"Ok. I'll be in my office if you need me" Tohma walked away.

"HI EVERYONE!" Shuichi shouted as he walked in. They all looked at him funny.

"Hey Shu." Hiro replied.

"Hello, Mr. Shindou." Fujisaki added.

"I thought you were sick." K said getting his gun out.

"I'm better now?" Shuichi said, with a big sweatdrop falling off his face.

"You better be. We need to record the new single. And we aren't leaving until it's done"

"I'm leaving at 9 Shuichi" Yuki finally chimed in.

"Ok" Shu said with a smile.

"When did you get here?" K asked.

"I've been here this whole time, oh great smart one"

"Haha so funny. Shuichi get into the booth" Shuichi obeyed and walked into the recording booth. Hiro and Suguru were all ready there, ready to play. K gave them a thumbs up sign and Hiro and Suguru started the intro. Shuichi waited for his and started.

Why do you hide
What you feel
Why won't you admit
Your love is real
Why is it when your sweet
No one's around
Your sweet voice
No one's heard that sound

No matter what happens
I'll always search for you
No matter what happens
You'll be in my mind
Until I find the love I want
I won't leave you behind

You deny me of the love you have for me
I could say it all day
You'll just shrug it away
What did I do to deserve this fate
Ignoring me won't make me go away

Why do you hide
What you feel
Why won't you admit
Your love is real
Why is it when your sweet
No one's around
Your sweet voice
No one's heard that sound

So many things you won't admit
How you love the way I talk to you
I can see it in your eyes
No matter how hard you try to hide

I know your not that cold inside
Your heart's in the right place
You wanna be sweet and kind
But your mind won't let you, no
This won't change my mind

Why do you hide
What you feel
Why won't you admit
Your love is real
Why is it when your sweet
No one's around
Your sweet voice
No one's heard that sound

I can stare in your eyes
Looking for something true
Your soul shines so bright
Like a star in the night
But you won't let it out
I don't know why

Just because your nice
Doesn't mean your weak
Show your tough side
But still be sweet

Why do you hide
What you feel
Why won't you admit
Your love is real
Why is it when your sweet
No one's around
Your sweet voice
No one's heard that sound


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