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Chapter 2 - The Plan

Ukitake is being driven off the wall by the increase in fighting between his two third seats. Shunsui comes up with a plan to give his best friend some peace and quiet, but it might work better than he thought. Sentarou/Kiyone

Chapter 2 - The Plan

Chapter 2 - The Plan
Kiyone was having a bad day.

The third seat glared at the wall of the shed from where she sat on the floor, her knees pulled up against her chest as she tried to stay warm. She tried to figure out what she had done to Shunsui to deserve this punishment, or better yet, why she had to be punished with him.

'I am never listening to Shunsui again.' She thought bitterly, turning her head just enough so that her eyes caught a glimpse of Sentarou, who sat about eight feet away, facing the opposite wall.

Her ordeal began when Shunsui came prancing into the 13th squad’s break room, where Kiyone had been making another batch of tea for her captain. He had looked innocent enough, but she should have known better.

"Hello Kiyone-chan! How are you on this lovely, winter day?" Shunsui said, practically skipping across the room to stand beside her. Kiyone smiled as she finished making the tea and set the pot and a few cups on a tray.

"Hey Captain Kyoraku. I'm fine, thanks. Do you need something?" Kiyone asked, turning her attention from the tea to the tall captain.

Shunsui grinned and said, "Ah, yes, actually. I need your opinion on something, a little project I’m working on for Juu-chan. You know him just as much as I do, so I thought you’d be the perfect person to ask."

Kiyone blinked before smiling proudly. She did know a lot about her captain, obviously much more than that idiot Sentarou if Shunsui wanted her help instead of his.

"Sure, I'd love to help you out! What are you working on?" Kiyone asked, hoping that she could give some good advice. But Shunsui just chuckled and strode to the doorway, stopping at the frame.

"It's a secret. I'll tell you when we get to its location. We wouldn't want to be eavesdropped on, now would we?" he said, his back to Kiyone so that she couldn't see the evil smirk plastered on his face. The third seat stared at Shunsui for a moment, but her curiosity got the better of her as she began to follow him.

After a few minutes of walking, the pair ended up outside, in Ukitake’s private garden, which was currently covered in a thick layer of fluffy snow. Kiyone hadn't expected to be going outside, so she didn't have any winter clothes on, causing her to shiver. Shunsui continued walking until he stopped at a small shed, where her captain kept all of his gardening supplies.

"This is where the project is?" Kiyone asked, wondering why Shunsui would keep such a secret hidden so close to Ukitake if he didn't want her captain to find out.

"Yup, this is it." He said, before he suddenly began sneezing violently.

"Yar, yar! Kiyone-chan! Could you - achoo! - open it for me? It - achoo! - seems I have a slight tickle in my nose!" Shunsui said between sneezes. He turned around and continued sneezing loudly. Kiyone raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior, but she undid the lock on the door and opened it. She then screamed as she was shoved hard from behind, falling face-first onto the cold floor of the shed. She jumped quickly back to her feet as she heard the door slam shut and lock.

"What the hell, Shunsui?!?" Kiyone yelled, grabbing the door handle and twisted, but it didn't budge. Shunsui’s loud laughter reached her ears as she banged on the door.

"I'm sorry, Kiyone-chan! This is for Juu-chan's own good! You two have fun in there!" Shunsui said, his voice getting fainter. Silence followed as Kiyone stood, staring at the door. She was trying to contemplate what just happened.

'Damn...He is so dead...' Kiyone thought, narrowing her eyes as she shivered. What was he thinking, locking two people in a shed in the middle of winter?

Wait, two?

"So, Shunsui tricked you too, huh?"

Kiyone spun around to see Sentarou sitting on the floor about eight feet away, his back leaning up against the wall opposite of the door. Kiyone ignored him for a moment as she tried breaking the door down, but she got nowhere. She sighed and dropped to the floor, her back against the door and her knees hugged to her chest.

"Do you know what he's planning?" Kiyone asked, her eyes narrowing into a glare.

"Not a clue. And don't give me that look, short stuff, 'cause I had nothing to do with this. I'd rather be anywhere but here right now." Sentarou sneered, as he returned her glare. They had a stare down for a minute before Kiyone snorted and turned around, facing the door.

"Whatever. I'd rather stare at this door than look at you're ugly face." She hissed, her deadly glare burrowing into the wooden door.

"My thoughts exactly." He retorted, and she heard him shift positions, turning to face the wall like she had.

And here Kiyone was, cold and miserable, and locked in a shed with her idiot counterpart. Only one thought repeated over and over in her head at this point:

'I'm going to kill Shunsui.'


"You did WHAT?"

Ukitake groaned and face-palmed as Shunsui laughed at his best friend's reaction.

"C'mon, Juu-chan! What's the big deal?"

"You locked my two third seats outside in a shed, in the middle of winter! What if they freeze to death?" Ukitake was usually a very calm and mellow person, but his day wasn’t going so well, and Shunsui had just made it worse.“"I'm going to let them out. What if they kill each other?" He stood up, but Shunsui grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back into his seat.

"Juu-chan, relax. It's only about 30 degrees outside, and there are ways to keep warm when there are two people involved." Shunsui said, winking at Ukitake, who face-palmed again.

"But Shun, they don't exactly like each other..." Ukitake started, but Shunsui cut him off.

"So? Love works in mysterious ways. And they say opposites attract." He said, plopping himself down on the couch and pulling his straw hat over his eyes.

"I don't know...I don't think it'll work..." Ukitake said, his lack of confidence in his friend’s plan evident in his voice. Shunsui just shrugged as he sprawled out on the couch, resting the back of his head on his hands.

"Wake me up in an hour, Juu-chan, and we'll go check on them. Finish your paperwork, chill out, and we’ll see who's right soon enough." Shunsui said, chuckling before drifting off to sleep, his snoring filling the small office quickly.

Ukitake groaned and looked out of his window, seeing that the snow had begun to fall faster. His friend's plan was actually backfiring, for it was just making Ukitake more and more restless. He tapped his pen on the desk, contemplating making a run for the shed, but he knew that Shunsui was probably ready to catch him, despite being asleep. The sickly captain sighed and resumed his paperwork, his mind drifting off as he worried about what his two third seats were doing, and he hoped to hell that they wouldn't come across the various sharp gardening tools that were stored in that shed.


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