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Chapter 4 - The Morning Dawn

Well I got bored and decided to make a NaruHina fan based story. But in this Naruto and Hinata all ready have a kid, she is 16 years old and ....well read the story to find out.

Chapter 4 - The Morning Dawn

Chapter 4 - The Morning Dawn
The Morning Dawn

As she lay in her bed she was looking up at her ceiling wondering what tomorrow will bring unto her. As she started to doze off, she kept thinking of the kiss that she shared with Kane. She buried her face into her blankets giggling and smiling. Around one in the morning she finally went to sleep. She wakes up in a white dress in the middle of a field of flowers. She got up and looked around to see everything that is around her. As she looked she saw Kane running towards her with his arms wide open in a white shirt and pants. But as he ran the earth started to shake and a giant pillar from the earth came out of the ground slicing Kane in half. She woke up again noticing that it was just a nightmare. She looked around in her room and saw that it was dawn already. She got up and yawned and walked downstairs. She walked down into the kitchen to see that her mother was already up.

Hinata: Good morning baby, its surprising to see you up this early.

Yumika: I know mom, have you seen dad?

Hinata: Yeah he is passed out on the couch drunker than a dog.

Yumika looked over to see him sprawled out all over the couch with drool coming from the side of his mouth. She laughed.

Yumika: What time did he get in last night?

Hinata: Shortly after you did actually.

Yumika: Wait, you were up?

Hinata: Yes and I saw what you and Kane did last night when he brought you home.

Yumika: You did?

Hinata: Sweetie, dont worry about it. If your dad trusts Kane then by all means I do to.

Yumika: Ok thanks mommy.

She walked up to Hinata and wrapped her arms around Hinatas hips.

Hinata: Well you better get ready because Kane will be here shortly for you to go training again. And you still havent eaten breakfast yet.

Yumika: Ok mom.

Yumika ran back upstairs and got dressed; meanwhile Hinata walked over to Naruto and kissed his lips.

Hinata: Sweetie, its time to get up. Breakfast is almost ready.

Naruto wiggled around the couch and finally got up after five minutes.

Naruto: Ok hun.

As they all were getting ready for breakfast, Kane was on his way to come and get Yumika. He saw another white rose on the road path; he looked at it for a couple of seconds and picked it. He continued to walk to Yumikas home and was stopped by a Jonin.

Jonin: Hey are you the one that took out the two-rookie jonin?

Kane: Yeah why?

Jonin: Well they are in critical mass because of you.

Kane: Come on, I just ruffed them up a bit. And youre telling me that put them both in critical condition.

Jonin: Ruffed them up? You blasted on to the point to where he was in coma. The other one has broken ribs and spine.

Kane: Cry me a river. Now get out of my way!

Jonin: No youre going to pay for what you done.

Kane: Ok fine; your funeral.

Kane placed the rose he found behind his ear and pulled out his Panteras Blades and charged at the jonin. He got 3 feet in front of the jonin, stopped and done an uppercut, which sent the jonin flying in the air. While in mid-air he grabbed the jonin in a pile driver and smashed his head into the ground. Kane got up and wiped the dust off of him and walked off. Meanwhile in the Uzumaki household everyone got ready to sit down for breakfast, then they heard a knock. Naruto got back up and answered it to see that it was Kane.

Naruto: Hey bud, what you doing here so early?

Kane: I came to see if Yumika was ready to train.

Naruto: Well we just sat down for breakfast, would you like to join us?

Kane: If it is ok with you, Hinata, and Yumika.

Hinata and Yumika: I dont mind.

Kane: Thank you. By the way, Yumika, this is for you.

Kane handed her the white rose, she blushed and had a grin from ear to ear. She jumped up and hugged him.

Hinata: Excuse me, but are you going to eat?

Yumika: Yeah.

Kane: I should have waited until later to give her that shouldnt I?

Hinata: No its fine. I just never have seen her act this way over a flower before.

As they were eating, every one was quiet again. For some odd reason, every one was looking at Kane, as if theyd never seen a guy give a girl a rose before.

Naruto: So Kane, what did Yumika and you do last night?

Kane: Well to tell you the truth, while we were training with one another, I noticed something about Yumika.

Naruto: And that is?

Kane: She wont ever give up until she succeeds. I was showing her that jutsu that I pulled off on you when we were sparring and she didnt give up until she finally figured it out. To tell you the truth, any one else would have given up after the first...10 tried but she wouldnt stop until she had it down pat.

Naruto: Then what happened afterwards?

Kane and Yumika: Nothing!

Naruto and Hinata smiled at one another.

Naruto: Now come on, I know that you two didnt spend hours just training.

Kane: Well, we did watch the moonrise together.

Naruto: Did it lead to anything else?

Hinata: NARUTO!!

Naruto: What I am just curious.

Hinata: Please excuse him.

Kane: Its fine maam.

Hinata: But anyways, what did happen between you two? I mean after you brought Yumika home.

Yumika: Mom!

Kane: Its ok Yumika. Well...hehe...we umm

Yumika: He just gave me a kiss goodnight.

Naruto: That was it?

Yumika: Yes.

Naruto: Kane, is this true?

Kane: Yep.

Hinata: Oh ok.

Hinata smiled at Naruto, and laughed. Naruto looked at Kane; Kanes face was blood red. Naruto reached behind Kane and patted him on the back.

Naruto: Listen Kane if there is anything that you need to talk to me about. Just holler ok?

Kane: Yes sir.

Well, everyone was done eating and Yumika helped her mother in the kitchen with the dished. Meanwhile Naruto and Kane were outside.

Naruto: Ok now really what happened?

Kane: We just kissed each other good night.

Naruto: Ok Kane.

Kane looked towards the door to see Yumika coming out side.

Yumika: You ready?

Kane: Yup.
As the walked, they grabbed each others hands and walked into the distance. Hinata came out and leaned against Naruto.

Hinata: So what do you think really happened?

Naruto: Ah kids these days, its hard to tell.

They looked at each other, smiled and kissed and went back inside. Meanwhile out in the woods, Kane and Yumika was sparring against one another to see what each other what martial arts they do know.

Kane: What is with your parents?

Yumika: What do you mean?

Kane: *blocked a punch and went to sweep her legs out from under her* Well, they wanted to know what went on when I brought you home.

Yumika: *Falls to the ground* Well, they are just nosy, thats all.

Kane extended his hand to help her up. She grabbed his hand and flipped him over top of her. Kane landed to turn around with a foot in coming at his face. He dodged the attack grabbed her foot and slung her up into the air. She stopped herself by catching a tree branch and landing on top of it. She jumped down and done a cyclone kick to Kane, which sent him flying, head first into a tree.

Yumika: OH NO! Are you ok?

Kane: *Pulled his head out of the tree and rubbed his head* OW...yeah its just a small bump.

Yumika: Hold on let me put something on that for you.

She pulled out a med kit out of her backpack and started to patch up the bump on his head.

Kane: Yumika...why do you care for me so much?

Yumika: Because if I werent here then who would care for you?

She smiled and finished wrapping up the bump. Kane got up and smiled at her.

Kane: How about we rest for a while?

Yumika: Ok.

She leaned towards him as they grabbed one anothers hands again and walked into an open field with flowers in it. She stopped and started to gasp for air.

Kane: Yumika are you ok?

Yumika: ...yeah just had a small image, thats all.

Kane looked at her face and noticed that look, as if he saw it plenty of times before. It was a worried look.

Kane: I will be right back ok Yumika?

Yumika: Ok.

Kane walked back into the woods and she lay down in the flowers.

Kane: Yumika where are you?

Yumika rose up and saw Kane running and just then the ground started to shake. Kane stopped and a giant spike came bursting out of the ground and went threw Kane.

Yumika: KANE!!!

Another ninja came jumping down from the trees and appeared in front of Yumika. It was a ninja from the village hidden in the sand.

Ninja: You come with me now!


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