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How come Shekiki is here but not Maria.

...Not sure...but you can ask me & one more thing...Ill be deleting all my other storys...Im sorry-_-But...Ill add your char if ya want^^



Chapter 1 - Maria...You were a great friend...
Submitted: June 3, 2005 • Updated: June 3, 2005
Word count: 299 • Size: 1k • Comments: 7 • views: 158

Chapter 3 - (Laughs crazy)IT WORKS!
Submitted: June 24, 2005 • Updated: June 24, 2005
Word count: 255 • Size: 1k • Comments: 4 • views: 258

Chapter 4 - *Last chapter*Bye-Bye!
Submitted: June 26, 2005 • Updated: June 26, 2005
Word count: 309 • Size: 1k • Comments: 4 • views: 228


Comments (89)

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Dangerboy4 on July 9, 2005, 2:37:11 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:I know what to do!*Pokes Trent in the eye*

Daggerboy:Thats the best you can think of?


Daggerboy:how about starting a daring contest, everybody loves those!

Dangerboy:Yah! first for dares I dare Daggerboy to kick somebody

Daggerboy:Okay*Kicks Dangerboy*


Dangerboy4 on July 8, 2005, 3:11:44 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Well, I had stabed myself in the head and now theres nothing to do anymore.


Impreza001 on July 8, 2005, 2:20:37 AM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 2)
Impreza001Trent: How is this dull?

Dangerboy4 on July 6, 2005, 8:19:45 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Daggerboy:GIVE ME BACK MY DAGGER DANGERBOY!!!*Pulls dagger out of Dangerboy's head*

Dangerboy:well this is most dull

Dangerboy4 on July 4, 2005, 7:24:50 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:And you care why I kill myself, Why?*Grabs the dagger out of Maria's hand and sticks back in his skull*

MariaTheFox on July 4, 2005, 7:16:00 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:*graves Dagger**slaps Dangerboy**grouls**starts cocking him then stop*NOW STOP BEING AN IDIOT!

Dangerboy4 on July 4, 2005, 7:07:52 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:DANG!!! I just realized something so GOODBY CRUEL WORLD!!!*puts a dagger in his own skull*

Dangerboy4 on July 4, 2005, 5:56:29 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:WOW! a target!*Shoots Rainbow with a crossbow bolt*

MariaTheFox on July 4, 2005, 5:46:02 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxRainbow:Chao,Chao...(She said Sister...)

Dangerboy4 on July 4, 2005, 5:41:41 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:A Sissy!*Shoots Diamond in the head with a crossbow* NOBODY CALLS MY FREIND A SISSY!!!

MariaTheFox on July 4, 2005, 5:12:31 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
Diamond:*comes back*WE GOT A DISCLAMER!^^I JUST HIERD HIM!^^
Disclamer:Hi...So some rules shall come...Next time she makes an RP^^Bye!*leaves*
Diamond:MARIA!*crys*MY SISY!

Dangerboy4 on July 3, 2005, 12:28:40 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Wait... I THINK I SEE DIAMOND!!!*Pulls out a crossbow and shoots it into Marias forehead* oops, sorry... I guess I didnt see Diamond^__^

MariaTheFox on July 3, 2005, 10:59:50 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:*gets out of jar & turns back to normal*Sister...

Dangerboy4 on July 3, 2005, 10:55:10 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Oh no! now Marias stuck in a jar and Diamonds gone forever... oh well*Puts the jar that Marias in down and walks around thinking then accidentaly knocks Maria's jar down a cliff where she cant be found*

MariaTheFox on July 3, 2005, 10:43:49 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)

Dangerboy4 on July 3, 2005, 10:40:43 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Oh no! Marias fading away! PULL OUT THE ICE CREAM!!!

Daggerboy:*Pulls out a big jar with ice cream inside*

Dangerboy:*Puts Marias soul in the jar with ice cream* there now she wont fade away and she can enjoy icecream*

MariaTheFox on July 2, 2005, 4:16:40 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:Sorry...Im...*cough*Sorry..*starts fading away*

Dangerboy4 on July 2, 2005, 4:09:18 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:*Throws Diamond into a wall and charges a fireblast* Never touch me again or I'll completly destroy you!

Daggerboy:Better say something before he actualy does!*Runs and hides*

MariaTheFox on July 1, 2005, 3:56:17 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:*Knock out*

Impreza001 on July 1, 2005, 9:07:58 AM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 2)
Impreza001*Devil Trent shoot red lightning from his head*
Devil Trent: I missing everything! Hurry and fix the computer!

Me: I'm trying! ARG! It keeps freezing!

Devil Trent: *sigh* I'll never get any action. What happened here and where's Maria?!

Dangerboy4 on July 1, 2005, 1:41:46 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:*stabs Diamond with his sword arm* now! DARK CHAOS LIGHTNING!*shoots Dark Chaos Lightning at Diamond*

Daggerboy:Dangerboy gets REALLY annoyed when choked

MariaTheFox on June 30, 2005, 9:02:51 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:YOU LITTEL RAT!*starts chocking Dangerboy*DIE!
Maria:Shes on surgar agin...*drops kick Diamond*

Dangerboy4 on June 29, 2005, 2:38:50 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangeroby:There is only one option left to end this madness... I will kill us all now!*Pulls out a weird box and blows everything into tiny bits*


Dangerboy:Well... at least my plan worked!

MariaTheFox on June 29, 2005, 2:03:55 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:*stops Dangerboy*
Maria:*under her breath*Not for long...
Eggman:What did you say?
Maria:NOT FOR LONG!*drops kick Eggman**takes out gun**whishper*Its my turn to live & learn...*shoots Eggman in the head*
Maria:*drops kick me*DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?*points gun at my head*
Me:...Fine...*runs to Eggman*
Maria:Im sorry...*about to pull the triger*
Me:WAIT!*jumps up & down on Eggmans stomick*WEEEEEEEE!^^

Dangerboy4 on June 29, 2005, 10:31:14 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Heh! think you can stop me!*Enters Shapechanger realm and exits outside the rope then punches a hole inside Eggmans Plane then Super Punches Eggman*

Sonic:I'm injoying this greatly!*Continues watching Dangerboy and Eggman fight while eating popcorn*

MariaTheFox on June 29, 2005, 9:14:44 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMe:*heals eggman**evil grin*TAKE THIS!*tie you up in a type of rope that you cant even move or turn into lickwrid*
Maria:*starts to cry*

Dangerboy4 on June 29, 2005, 8:51:21 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:You think ropes can hold me!*Morphs through the ropes* Cool! I see Eggmans plane flying by! *Fies up and rips Eggmans cargo hold open then enters*

MariaTheFox on June 29, 2005, 8:43:49 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMe:*ties up Dangerboy*Did I tell you I realy work for Eggman?^^
Maria:& me^^(Which I still didnt get paid yet...I wish i didnt work for him...but hes the thing that makes me live...)

Dangerboy4 on June 29, 2005, 8:39:48 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Race?... sounds good, maybe I'll join the race!

Daggerboy:OH GOD!!! If Dangerboy enters the race then... TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!*Runs away like a maniac*

Impreza001 on June 29, 2005, 7:58:18 AM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 2)
Impreza001Trent: We'll race again soon. There's a enemy race gang that we have to beat, so get you car tuned up and ready!

Me: Chap 6'll be up soon.

Amy_Rose on June 29, 2005, 6:38:20 AM

Amy_Rose on (Chapter: 4)
Amy_Roselol good story1* hits death on the head* lol. ohhh you should write another story!

MariaTheFox on June 29, 2005, 6:36:10 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2) have...WHO!WHAT A PRETTY LIGHT!*jumps in light & turn back into a cat*OH YEAH!^^I CAN BOX AGIN!^^*starts bowing with Catgirl*
Catgirl:(SHOOT!She got stronge!)
Maria:TRENT!^^*hugs Trent*When are we going to race agin?^^

Impreza001 on June 29, 2005, 6:31:57 AM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 2)
Impreza001Trent: I've been missing everything!

Alex_McCat on June 27, 2005, 8:27:58 AM

Alex_McCat on (Chapter: 4)
Alex_McCatDeath isn't that crazy about weasel but who cares *Sees Charlee angry*Well....*Hides*Great job on the story

A11_ on June 27, 2005, 4:23:43 AM

A11_ on (Chapter: 4)

Dangerboy4 on June 27, 2005, 2:26:56 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:YAHOOOOO! my latest invention THE Q.G.E.P (Quantem Gravity Electron Projecter) Now watch! *uses Q.G.E.P to lift one of Diamonds chao and fires it at a wall* it can lift and fire objects anytime you like!

Daggerboy:I predict it will destroy the Earth in a month or so

MariaTheFox on June 26, 2005, 9:08:27 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 4)
MariaTheFoxLost all my ideas^^;

MariaTheFox on June 26, 2005, 6:57:46 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
Maria:Oh thank god for Diamond...
Diamond:...Can I have my rainbow emrald back?^^;

Dangerboy4 on June 26, 2005, 6:48:10 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dark Dangerboy:AUGH!*Turns into a puddle of color*

Daggerboy:OMG!!! everybody step away from the puddle since she used rainbow ligh chaos and that reduced him to his true form*put's him in a weird machine*Now everybody stand back as I restore him back to normal!

Dangerboy:*Comes out of the machine*And i'm back to normal!

MariaTheFox on June 26, 2005, 5:48:48 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:*thinking*I KNOW!^^HOW ABOUT LIGHT RAINBOW CHAOS!*throws a lght rainbow chaos emrald down Dangerboys throght*
Maria:Im not feeling so good...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!*littel dragon wings sprot from her back*Thats it!Im going to puck!*pucks*

Dangerboy4 on June 26, 2005, 2:12:57 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness:Thanks for the info John^__^*Shoots a Dark eco Super Blast at John*

Dangerboy:BLARGH!*starts spitting Dark eco out* Dark Chaos! that tastes...*Starts transorming*

Darkness:hahaha! thats all I needed to do to unlock Dangerboy's FULL POWER!

Dark Dangerboy:*Finishes mutating* rrrrr DANGERBOY SMASH!!!*Punches John through a wall*


MariaTheFox on June 25, 2005, 3:30:26 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
Maria:Comeon John^^;You have to do it^^;*in mudery voice*Or Ill kill you...

amyrosefreak on June 25, 2005, 1:55:22 PM

amyrosefreak on (Chapter: 3)
amyrosefreakya my charter worked nash is mine.

Amy_Rose on June 25, 2005, 11:01:46 AM

Amy_Rose on (Chapter: 3)
Amy_Roseyay ur story works *claps hands*! hmm intresting so Maria is her step mom, my brain hurts, to muvh thinking...yay Charlee was in there! so kewl!

MariaTheFox on June 25, 2005, 7:45:52 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:So John^^Does this remind you of anything?^^
Maria:*made an under ground house
Crystala:Hi John...Im sorry for all this stuff happiening^^;Here^^*gives John a pice of paper*Say these words & every thing will be back to normal^^

Dangerboy4 on June 25, 2005, 6:23:23 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness:Ha! I cannot be harmed by light attacks!*Grabs John by the foot and throws him into Diamond*

MariaTheFox on June 25, 2005, 4:40:27 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:...(I know!Ill just act like Matt & he will leave...This is going to be sick...)LOOK EVERY ONE!^^I GOT A BARNEY LUNCH BOX^^(THATS IT!IM GOING TO BE SICK!)*faints*
Diamond:...Odd plain*turs goddess**Zaps Noname*THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SUCKING ON MY HEAD!*sniff*Fress for the picking^^*graves Darkness*look!Im full light!DO YOU WANT TO DIE!I ALREADY DID!NOW!LEAVE OR DIE!
Maria:*Wakes up*Throwslunch box*I HATE BARNEY!I WANNA RACE!*starts digging a hole*

Dangerboy4 on June 25, 2005, 2:32:30 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:So... Johns full of Light eco... sounds familiar.... AHA!*Starts sucking Johns light eco out*mmmmmmm... light chaos! That is my favorite type of chaos!

Tybalt:Weee!*Eats 80 bags of sugar* I'm hyper now!*zaps Trent with lightning* Zapping Trent with lightning is fun!*Zaps trent more*



Dangerboy4 on June 25, 2005, 2:25:01 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 3)
Dangerboy4Wahooo! your story works!*Dances* Do more of the story!

Dangerboy4 on June 25, 2005, 2:21:08 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness:*In Maria's mind*Hehehe! thought you could get rid of me that easy!

Siberthelioness on June 24, 2005, 3:23:21 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 3)
SiberthelionessI'm BACK on my grandparnet's computer.So I can be here ^___^

Great story

Siberthelioness on June 24, 2005, 2:47:38 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessHi everyone I'm out my grandparnets did I miss anything?

Noname:*Sucks on Diamond's head*CHICKEN


Me:I hate Noname

MariaTheFox on June 24, 2005, 2:06:27 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:I...I CANT CONTROLL MYSELF!*hits John with arrow right into a tree*...Im...A monster...*runs away*
Diamond:*wakes up**pulls out arrows out from evry one but John*The only way Ill break the spell for you is you take me on a date & kiss me^^
Shadow D:*wakes up*Yo Tanner!^^
Tanner:Whatz up dog^^*busts a move*Your turn!^^
Shadow D:Fine^^*busts a move*YEAH!^^

MariaTheFox on June 24, 2005, 1:35:13 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:She has one weakness...(I cant beleave Im going to do this!)*galp*(Shes going to kill me!)*kisses Trent**gage*
Maria:*turns back*GRRRRRRRRAHHHHHH!*gets out a bow & arrow*DIE!*hits Dark wolf,Darkness,Matt,(ON ACCINEDENT!)Daggerboy,& Diamond*(now thats a lot of peopel!)*snaps out of it*What happend?*faints*
Diamond:*cough*I...I cant breath...Im...Dying...*faints of illness*
Darkwolf:Crystala...My...Dauter...Ill miss you....*body fades away*
Crystala:FATHER!...Why?...Why must I suver my fathers DEATH?WHEN YOU ALL HATED HIM!
???:Im sorry...He was evil...The same thing happened to me...Eggman tricked us...We werent tough anuff...
Shadow D:DUDES!ITS MY OLD ROOM MATE!Tan...*faints*
ME:I cant let you spoil it Shadow D^^Comeon!^^Guess!

Dangerboy4 on June 24, 2005, 8:32:25 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness:*Unfuses with Dark Wolf and leaps into Maria*Hahaha! Now I control your body and nobody can kill me without killing you!

Daggerboy:*Shoots pie at everybody* HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Dangerboy:Cool! an angel!sorta makes me want to be one*Turns into Diamond in angel form* which I can!

MariaTheFox on June 24, 2005, 8:17:41 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDiamond:*in Darkness wolf stumick*I!...I!...IM SICK OF THIS!*does a meaga diamond angel blast**gets free*
Everyone:SHES AN ANGEL!?
Maria:Ever since me & her clided I actliydently gave her my unknown powers...well one of them anyway^^
Darkness wolf:*heals*Ha!*falls to the ground*WHAT THE!?
Diamond:*sperads her angel wings*Im sick of peopel that want to kill me because Im the main source of lightness & Maria is the main source of natral.
Maria:*turns into a half angel,half devil*

amyrosefreak on June 24, 2005, 7:54:57 AM

amyrosefreak on (Chapter: 2)
amyrosefreakhi. nice.

Dangerboy4 on June 24, 2005, 7:44:21 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness Wolf:Ha!*Reflects arrow back at Alex then Blasts Crystala with a blob of darkness*

Dangerboy:*Shoots Darkness Wolf with his enerby cannon untill his sheild explodes but misses on the last shot*

Darkness Wolf:*Regenerates* Ha! I regenerate too fast to be harmed by that kind of aim!

Daggerboy:Hehehe!*Steals Trent's money*

Dangerboy4 on June 24, 2005, 7:37:07 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness wolf:Ha! John is a fool to think light attacks could harm me!*Swallows Diamond*

Tybalt:MY SUGAR!!!*Shocks Noname with 9000000 volts*

Dangerboy4 on June 24, 2005, 7:35:21 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness wolf:*Darkness is talking* Ha! Little does John know is that I am immune to light attacks so HA!*Swallows Diamond*

Tybalt:MY SUGAR!!!*Shocks Noname with 180000 volts*

MariaTheFox on June 24, 2005, 7:34:29 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDarkness Wolf:You may talk big but can you back it up?*smirk*If you dont want to die let the fox DIE!
Darkness wolf:Stut up fox!*knocks Diamond out cold*
Crystala:*snaps out of it*(What am I doing?Im her friend!I got to help her!...But Im not a fighter...What to do...)I cant do anything without getting hurt...

MariaTheFox on June 24, 2005, 7:15:33 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:THATS IT!*throws Noname*
Diamond:DONT TOUCH ME!*takes out crosh*STAY AWAY!*turns goddes form*Sweet^^
Darkness Wolf:THAT WONT STOP US!*hits Diamond*

Siberthelioness on June 24, 2005, 5:01:41 AM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessNoname:SUGER *Eats suger*WEEEEEEE*Runs into a wall*Shoot them in the back Alex

Me:Got it *Grabs Lightness arrow and aim at Darkness Wolf*Die

Noname:*Start sucking on Marie's head*CHICKEN

Dangerboy4 on June 24, 2005, 3:02:44 AM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Darkness:Sure! when we will fuse together then the secret light will pay!*Turns into god form then fuses with Dark wolf*

Dangerboy:Oh god this is going to be tough!*Hops inside his Defence tower*

Tybalt:Weeeee!*THrow more lighning everywhere*

Siberthelioness on June 23, 2005, 6:38:34 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessDeath:Charlee *Walks over to Charlee*Hey I right here don't worry

Noname:Matt say a bad word oohhh

Me:Who cares you do it all the time

Noname:I forgot :P

Amy_Rose on June 23, 2005, 6:24:08 PM

Amy_Rose on (Chapter: 2)
Amy_RoseCharlee&Gingersnap:Hi guys!
Everyone: -.-
Charlee:why are they glaring at us?
Gingersnap:who knows...
*Goes to hide in a corner*

MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 5:54:13 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxDark wolf:Darkness!Let us be partners & destroy the light!*points at Diamond*
Diamond:(Oh shoot!THEY KNOW!)
Dark wolf:Let fuse & then no one shall even dare to kill us!*laughs evil*

Dangerboy4 on June 23, 2005, 5:48:28 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:Well Dark wolfs back so FEEL THE FURY!!!*Blows Darkwolf up with a radioactive Inu Yasha doll*

Tybalt:Weeee!*Eats 80 bags of sugar*Now I am really hyper!*Starts shooting lightning bolts everywhere* Sugar also generates my lightning bolts*Continues shooting lighning everywhere*

Darkness:I shall aid Dark Wolf! *Starts helping Dark Wolf*

MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 5:22:21 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
Crystla:I tryed to be nice!NOW YOU SHALL PAY!DARK WOLF!COME!
Dark wolf:Yes...Darling...& stupid brother?
Crystala:kill Diamond!
Shadow D:& Matt & Tracy!...WHO JUST GOT A FANGIRL!
Darksheki:I WONT LET YOU HURT TRACY!*blocks Tracy from geting killed*
Diamond:It comes down to this...Im going to die with out a putatice...
Crystala:One quston Dark wolf...Why did you call me,"Darling"?
Dark wolf:Im your Dad...& I shall kill any one that trys to hurt my dauter!
Diamond:*just standing there of past memorys*John...I remember the day...we went on a date...if it wasent for Maria...I would have never been happier...*a tear rolls down her cheack*Just kill me already...Or Ill become another Amy Rose...& then no one will like me...
Dark wolf:*takes out a tex saba*I stole it from Inuyasha...Now you will go to hell!*laughs evil*

Siberthelioness on June 23, 2005, 4:41:41 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessNoname:CHOCALATE PIE I WANT SOME



MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 4:29:38 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxCrystala:I know!^^*says an odd spell*Look John^^The metel is gone & your not bleeding!^^
Diamond:Look John I made you a pie!^^
Maria:I fill sad for John...He has a lot fan girls^^;
Shadow D:Speaking of Fan girls...I DONT HAVE ONE!*crys*No one loves me!
Cloud:It takes time^^
Rainbow:What time?WHAT THE frack DO YOU MEAN BY TIME!?
Diamond:*stabes Crystala**laughs evily*NOW JOHN IS MINE!ALL MINE!*laughs*

Siberthelioness on June 23, 2005, 4:21:03 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessMe:OMG!!!!!!!! look away Alexandria gone nude

Death:*Covers eyes*COVER YOUR EYES



MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 4:04:53 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxCrystala & Diamond:JOHN ARE YOU OK?!
Maria:TRENT!^^*hugs Trent*I missed you...&...stuff...JOHN YOU IDIOT!NEXT TIME CHECK YOUR ENGINE!*starts fixing his plane*DONE!^^
Maria:What?...I made some things in my school time^^*gets mail*OMG!I WON THE LOTERY!FOR FIXING THE...Ice cream muchine?!Who knew that fixing the preaidents stupid muchines...
Tails:(Maybe I can get that money by...)OMG!MARIA KILLED MY PARENTS!
no one listing
Darksheki:So Tracy^^Are you singel?^^I am^^
Crystala:*got knock out by Diamond*

Impreza001 on June 23, 2005, 4:04:18 PM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 2)
Impreza001*Devil Trent flies to John's plane*

Devil Trent: Oooh. That's gonna leave a mark.

Impreza001 on June 23, 2005, 3:49:50 PM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 2)
Impreza001Devil Trent: What's going on here!?

*Looks around*

Devil Trent: Why are there pies everywhere?

MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 3:45:28 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxCrystala:Ill like to go^^
Maria:Thank you for not drooling John^^I already have a big mess as it is....
Diamond:*pushes Crystala out of way*IT BE A DATE!^^
Crystala:Ouchie...I got a booboo...
Shekiki:She may be 15 in unicone years(just guessing^^)& in humen years 10!YOU ACT LIKE A TEENAGER!THE WEAK KIND!
Diamond:*when John isent looking she starts kicking Crystala*DIE!DIE!
Crystala:STOP HURTING ME!*crys*

MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 3:09:31 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMe:oh yeah!^^Since its not rated you can say & do anything you want!^^
Maria:COOL!^^*run around nacked*
Me:But not that sick^^;
Maria:*puting clothes back on*awwww man...
Diamond:*steals Matts lunch box*MINE!MUHAHAHA!
Crystala:Nice to meet you John^^At less your not one of those boys that knock me over & start drooling^^;Like Shadow D did...
Shadow D:look...Im shorta sick but hey...I have a resane...Im singel...
Shekiki:Noname iset singel & he does that stuff^^;
Crystala:...What was we talken about agin?*spackely eyes*
All the boys:*drools*
Crystala:Diamond...Dont be jealoues^^;Be glad!^^& Ill try to stop being so cute^^

Siberthelioness on June 23, 2005, 2:46:37 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessNoname:*Points to Matt weridly*


Death:I hate you


Me and Death:O_o your a boy

Noname:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wait your right

Me and Death:-_-'

Siberthelioness on June 23, 2005, 2:01:59 PM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 2)
SiberthelionessMe;*Wipes pie stuff off my face*Not cool Dangerboy


Noname:PIE PUE PIE *Eats all the pie*

Dangerboy4 on June 23, 2005, 1:09:48 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 2)
Dangerboy4Dangerboy:*Pulls a weird huge looking gun out*FEAR MY PIE!!!*Starts firing pie at people*

MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 12:43:32 PM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxMaria:(Im going to kill her!)
Diamond:*snaps out of it*Who am I?I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
Crystala:OMG!DIAMOND!After all these years!I FOUND YOU!^^
Diamond:Hey John,this is Crystala^^My old room mate!^^

MariaTheFox on June 23, 2005, 11:14:22 AM

MariaTheFox on (Chapter: 2)
MariaTheFoxWHAT THE!?WHAT HAPPENED!?...Well...How about some RP till I fix it?^^

Shekiki:NO DER!GOD!
???:Hi^^Im Crystala^^
Shanna:*jealoes*(Im hotter)
Maria:(Show off)
Crystala:What did you just call me?
Diamond:Wait...I said that out loud!?...My bad^^;
Maria:Why did Shannon make a blue unicone char?
Crystala:Because Im hot^^
Me:Thats right^^
Shekiki:*jealoes*(yeah right...)
Me:Studup Shekiki...

Dangerboy4 on June 15, 2005, 12:39:36 PM

Dangerboy4 on (Chapter: 1)
Dangerboy4Can you add Dangerboy?

Impreza001 on June 11, 2005, 7:51:08 AM

Impreza001 on (Chapter: 1)
Impreza001Can Trent join too?

amyrosefreak on June 6, 2005, 3:24:28 AM

amyrosefreak on (Chapter: 1)
amyrosefreakgood story and i will join can you add amy nash rose.

Amy_Rose on June 4, 2005, 4:26:42 PM

Amy_Rose on (Chapter: 1)
Amy_RoseOH! if Death is going to be in the story then can you put Charlee in ur story! please ^.^!

Siberthelioness on June 4, 2005, 4:17:57 AM

Siberthelioness on (Chapter: 1)
SiberthelionessCan you add Death

Amy_Rose on June 3, 2005, 4:03:29 PM

Amy_Rose on (Chapter: 1)
Amy_RoseOh is Maria just a friend to Shekiki? oh wait ever!lol i still want to join tho ^.^

Amy_Rose on June 3, 2005, 3:34:55 PM

Amy_Rose on (Chapter: 1)
Amy_RoseOh oh! i wanna joing! you can pick Charlee or Gingersnap to put in ur story! hmm so let me get this straight, Diamond is Shekikis mother and her father is uhhh...some1, and maria is sum1...i'm so lost! >.