Chapter 1 - beginning and ending XD
Submitted February 25, 2006 Updated February 25, 2006 Status Incomplete | Mime starts talking and all of HTF is turned upside down, or is it? (warning, amount of random may be hazardous to your health)
Cartoons » Happy Tree Friends |
Chapter 1 - beginning and ending XD
Chapter 1 - beginning and ending XD
Cuddles jumped up excitedly
"It's tuesday!!!"
He ran into the bathroom and sang to his electric toothbrush collection, Giggles staggered into the doorway.
"It's tuesday!!!"
Flaky squeaked under his covers, shivering uncontrollably he peeked out. Something was eating Cuddles! Then, it was coming for him! He flipped out of bed and scuttled over to the window. Lifting the blind he could make out the shape of Cuddles' house in the darkness. There was a light on in the bedroom. Cuddles runs out of the bathroom sreaming followed by a very angry Giggles who preceeds to pick up said cuddly bunny and throw him on his bed. Smiling evilly she pulls out a roll of duct tape.
"What... Is she doing?!" Flaky's eyes grew wide.
"But Giggles! It's tuesday!"
Foaming at the mouth Giggles flicked off the light and resided to her own room. Cuddles squeaked.
"Oh phew! For a second I thought..." Flaky fell comfortably back into his own bed...
The clock chimed six, Cami rolled over in protest. "Mmmmm...." Her telephone rang, she sprang out of bed and grabbed the phone.
"It's tuesday!"
She slammed the phone down and returned to her bed. She had just about gotten to sleep when...
She stomped over to the phone, picked it up and slammed it down again... it rang again... wash rinse and repeat... again the ringing, she did it again, once more, she ripped the phone out of the wall and threw it across the room.
Brushing her hands together happily she layed down in triumph and pulled the covers up. Her cell phone rang.
She fell out of the bed in a tangle of blankets while her phone continuously belted out Saria's song. Finally able to wrench herself out of the sheets she grabbed the cell from her sideboard and pressed "send".
"Oh, hello..." Her voice grew soft, "How are you?"
"Fine, fine," he seemed tense, "uh, there's gonna, I mean, yea, a picnic at Nutty's today, you wanna go?"
Cami looked at the clock, it was now 8:15, "Uh, yes, why I'd love to..." she yawned.
"O-ok, I'll come and get you around 11:30 then?"
"Sure thing, see ya!"
She heard him hand up then replaced the phone on her sideboard. She wearily looked into her bedroom mirror and saw a completely exhausted Cami staring back.
"Uh... It's going to be a long day..."
Mime sat powdering his face in front of his giant fully-lit mirror.
(I look great!)
He was interupted by the telephone ringing, he fell off of his puffy pink stool in surprise.
He hopped up and grabbed the phone.
"Hello?" It was Petunia.
"Helllllooooo!!!??? Oh, ha, I forgot, y’all don't talk... So henyways, if y’all wanna come to Nutty's picnic, it starts at 11:30, ‘kay? Bye now."
(Bye) He hung up the phone and sighed...
(No one understands me...)
Nutty was shoving handfuls of malted milk balls into his mouth,
"Nutty!!! Come help me get ready for the picnic!!!" His mom.
"Mph-KAY!" He shoved the large jar under his bed and bolted down the stairs, he never saw the skateboard...
"Mom, what time is i- AHHHH!!!" He put his foot on it and started rolling down the stairs three at a time, he mom was walking by with pizza boxes. She dropped one,
"Oh, clumsy me." Bending down to pick it up Nutty soared over her head and out the open front door, Flaky and Sniffles were just arriving....
Nutty flew right into Sniffles, making him soar into the punch bowl.
"AHHH!" Sniffles flailed around. "I'm drowning!!!!!"
Nutty, who had been flung well over the punch bowl was now seated on top of Cami.
"Wha.... Meh?"
"NUTTY YOU FREAK I'M GONNA WRING YOUR NECK!!!" Flippy roared angrily at the dazed squirrel, Cami was trying to talk but she was laying face down in the dirt.
Candie stood nearby squealing.
"Oh, Nutty! You look so cute when you're dizzy!"
Makoto was writing everything down with interest.
"Mwahahaha, so much good material!"
"Hey Guys!" An unfamiliar voice. They all turned from what they were doing in surprise.
"You look surprised, is it something I said?"
Everyone shows off their talent in falling back anime style.
"Omg...." Flippy's eyes were ginormous.
"HIT THE DECK!" Cami had somehow managed to get out from under Nutty (sounds wrong) but she had thrown herself back down after hearing the confused screams of her friends. Flippy picked her back up.
Mime looked at them all strangely,
"Ack! Mimey! You talk!" Candie and Cami jumped on him.
"O_O eep!"
"Whoa, guys, that's so weird it's like..." Flippy trailed off...
"Like everything's been thrown out of whack dear chap." Nutty stood regally in the group, polishing a little eye glass for his crazy eye.
Flippy stared at Nutty, "Suddenly I don't have the urge to kill you," he tilted his head to one side as Cami came up to him and stood there,
"Really? I feel like tearing someone to shreds!!!!" Her eyes got all red but she left the knife in her pocket alone.
Sniffles looked around in a confused manner, "Duh? Where the hell are my mashed potatoes?"
Flaky patted his smooth, dandruff free quills and looked fearlessly on, Pop was taking good care of Cub, and Cub wasn't putting sharp objects into his mouth, Disco Bear wasn't hitting on the girls, and Giggles looked very serious.
Crap, thought Mime, what have I done?
The rest of the day was odd, Cuddles and Giggles sat very seriously under a tree having a discussion, Cami snarled at anyone who got near her besides Flippy who was glomping her nonstop, Candie was sitting quietly on a blanket with Nutty who was hiding none his feelings for her whilst talking in a very educated sort of way. Disco Bear was watching Sniffles eat spoons and Flaky was walking on top of Nutty's roof. Needless to say, everything was very, horribly wrong.
“Ack! Flaky! Get down from there! I don’t want you getting hurt!” Star said, looking up at Flaky with a shocked look.
“Don’t worry about it, Star! I’ve got it under control!” Flaky said with not a hint of fear in his voice.
“I’m not so sure about that!” Star said nervously, swiping Flaky’s former catchphrase.
“You really have to stop being afraid of everything!” Flaky said to Star, swiping her former catchphrase.
Sniffles grabbed another spoon from the pile next to him. Quickly he grabbed a jar of hot sauce and dipped the spoon in. He shoved the spoon into his mouth and purred, fully enjoying himself. Disco Bear raised an eyebrow in a questioning way.
Mime sat off to the side, feeling down. Jeez, I had to do that… he thought. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud, young-sounding voice.
Mime turned around to find a very wide-eyed ten-year-old raccoon that was looking around frantically.
“Why is everything all…wrong?” he asked no one in particular. “I thought Shifty was acting funny! Is this all a big joke?”
“Lifty? You okay?” Mime asked.
“ACK! Mime! You talked! Oh no!” Lifty started flailing his arms.
“‘Oh no?’” Mime echoed.
“You threw the whole HTF universe off-balance!” Lifty said, flailing his arms harder.
“How come you didn’t change, then?” Mime asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The forces of the universe don’t like to mess with sickeningly adorable ten year old kleptomaniac raccoons that can kick their butts,” Lifty said, crossing his arms.
Mime’s eyes widened. “You are a strange, strange kid,” he said.
“You’ve got a bad attitude,” Lifty said, rolling his eyes. Lifty looked towards Nutty, who was still talking to Candie and sounding very intelligent.
“The universe is REALLY out of whack!” Lifty grabbed Mime by the shoulders and shook him hard. “You…made…Nutty…smart!” Lifty finally let go of Mime, and he (Mime) fell back dizzily.
“You told me Shifty was acting weird…what happened to him?” Mime asked, after he recovered from being shaken.
“He’s basically…me…” Lifty said, motioning over his shoulder to his brother, who was telling people that it wasn’t in the hosepipe. “You have got to quit talking!”
Mime shook his head. “I like talking! People can understand me now!” he said angrily.
Lifty scowled. “Suit yourself! You’ll see how you like everything all weird!” he said, aggravated beyond belief. He turned around and approached his brother, and they talked for a few moments, then started thumbwrestling finger puppets.
Mime looked around. Cami’s eyes seemed to have flames burning inside of them, Flippy was still glomping her, Star was still watching Flaky nervously, and Flaky was still balancing on Nutty’s roof.
Mime sighed as he looked around at everyone. His eyes widened when he noticed that Handy somehow got arms, and that Petunia had her air freshener off.
I did wreck the world…but people can understand me…that’s better…
…right? Mime thought.
Mime started to get what Lifty was telling him about when things began to go haywire. Shifty, being extremely annoying, had finally riled Cami up to the point where she was chasing him with a knife, screaming threats and growly savagely. Lifty sat alone with his back turned on everyone, angry at what Mime had done.
I don't get it, do I have to give up my happiness for everyone else to be happy?
Flaky jumped off the roof, landing flawlessly next to Star who gave a small jump of surprise. Makoto slunk by uncertainly, his blue notebook nowhere to be seen, and bumped into Sniffles who had been trying to eat multiple spoons at once, surprising him. The anteater gave a small squeal of surprise and gagged as one of the spoons lodged itself in his throat. His eyes bulged and he fell over backwards clawing at his throat. Disco Bear screamed (yes, screamed) and began running around in circles. Shifty was still running away from Cami, he jumped right over Sniffles and continued sprinting, but in her rage Cami didn't see him. She fell on top of our favorite nerd, causing him to spit out the spoon which flew skywards, Nutty walked by and it smacked him on the head.
"Hey old chap! Watch where you put your spoons wot!"
"It wasn't m-m-my fault! It was the flying toastiiiiere!!!"
"must, eat, spoon"
Disco Bear, who had forgotten to breathe, now fell to the ground blue-faced. Cami laughed evilly and started once again to advance on Shifty. Flippy was attached to her leg and was being dragged along the ground but didn't seem to notice all of the extremely sharp rocks he was being torn over. Lumpy appeared out of nowhere, flapping his moosey wings with Splendid running on the ground beneath him yelling "Come back you!"
Lifty stole up beside Mime once again.
"Told ya so"
"...." He got up, walking meaningfully out of Nutty's yard he disappeared into the trees, leaving Lifty standing alone.
The picnic didn't exactly end, but everyone was leaving just the same. Cami had chased Shifty to who know's where, with Flippy still on her leg, Handy had triumphantly carried Petunia off into the sunset, something he could only dream about doing before, Sniffles had followed his nose to a new spoon source, even Nutty was gone, having invited Candie to go on an extravagant date with him. The only ones remaining were Flaky and Star, who were talking softly under a tree. The remains of the picnic were scattered around the yard, something that Nutty's mom would have taken care of by now with her spotless nature.
Mime was sprawled on the shore of a lake gazing into the water. His face-makeup had melted off from tears, which still fell in a steady stream down his face and rippled the water. When the surface stilled he saw his reflection, and saw his own feelings.... without voicing them. Maybe Lifty was right.... Maybe I should just stop, let everyone get back on with theirs lives, let everyone be happy, everyone but me. He thought of Handy, if he stopped talking, would he steal his newfound happiness away from him? Maybe he should have never started... He was angry at himself, his vision became blurry with more tears, he closed he eyes and set his head on the soft ground of the shore. He heard footsteps behind him.
"Are you okay?"
Mime sat up, then looked behind him and saw Crunchy. On her face wasn’t her usual evil look, but she actually looked concerned for once.
“Well, to tell you the truth…no…” Mime sighed.
Crunchy seemed confused at the fact that Mime talked, but she didn’t make a big deal out of it. “What’s the matter? Did something happen?” she asked.
“Well, I felt bad that people couldn’t understand me, so I started talking…and then everyone started acting like the complete opposite of themselves. But for some reason, Lifty didn’t change, and he’s really angry at me for upsetting the balance or something…” Mime sighed again. “But I don’t know whether to stop or not, because I like talking, and some of the others seem to really like the way they changed, like Handy…he somehow got arms, and now he can hold Petunia and stuff…but some of the others don’t really like their status, and Lifty’s confused beyond belief…”
Crunchy was silent for a moment, and then she leaned over and gave Mime a gentle kiss on the cheek.
On the cheek.
A kiss.
A gentle one.
“It’s your decision, Mime. You can decide to keep talking and leave everything like this, or you can stop and make everyone act like they’re supposed to,” Crunchy said.
Crunchy must have changed too…now she’s all kind and quiet… Mime thought. “I’ll try and decide what to do…” Mime said quietly.
Crunchy smiled and kissed him again, on the lips this time. Mime’s eyes widened and he raised his hand to his face, as if his lips belonged to someone else.
“I know you can make the right decision, Mime,” Crunchy said, smiling.
Mime was quiet for a moment, and then he nodded.
Lifty sighed heavily, he had been trying to find Mime to no avial. Usually one to know everything he was stumped, crashing through underbrush for a good two hours, it was getting dark, and he didn't even know where he was anymore.
"Miiiiiime!" He called out in the voice of a child who has lost their mother. "Where are you?!"
Finally from fatigue and hopelessness, he sat down in the middle of a clearing, looking to the large shining moon overhead, bathing him in it's light. He slowly started drifting, started seeing things, the warm glow seemed to swirl in the sky, form something, but he couldn't quite make it out. He fell back exhausted into the soft grass and let the quiet forest overtake him...
Mime's decision was even harder now, he had Crunchy. The Cannibalistic bunny was now so sweet and kind, and she seemed to understand him. He never felt that wasy before, he loved the feeling, so much, he couldn't explain it. After spending time at the lake they had walked quietly through the forest, he told her everything, all of the things he'd wanted to say before, and she listened, nodding periodically, giggling, talking in her soft song-like voice. He felt wonderful, but the problem in the back of his mind grew ever worse, Lifty's words rang in his head, in fact the very picture of the raccoon was printed in his mind, trying to steal over all else.
"....And then I-"
"Ugh," he fell to his knees, unable to take it anymore, it loomed over him like a curse. He looked up at Crunchy,
"There's something I need to tell you."
Cami seemed to have finally quieted down, she was now sitting down with Flippy next to her, she was finally starting to think clearly,
"Huh, so what do you wanna do?"
"It's tuesday!!!"
He ran into the bathroom and sang to his electric toothbrush collection, Giggles staggered into the doorway.
"It's tuesday!!!"
Flaky squeaked under his covers, shivering uncontrollably he peeked out. Something was eating Cuddles! Then, it was coming for him! He flipped out of bed and scuttled over to the window. Lifting the blind he could make out the shape of Cuddles' house in the darkness. There was a light on in the bedroom. Cuddles runs out of the bathroom sreaming followed by a very angry Giggles who preceeds to pick up said cuddly bunny and throw him on his bed. Smiling evilly she pulls out a roll of duct tape.
"What... Is she doing?!" Flaky's eyes grew wide.
"But Giggles! It's tuesday!"
Foaming at the mouth Giggles flicked off the light and resided to her own room. Cuddles squeaked.
"Oh phew! For a second I thought..." Flaky fell comfortably back into his own bed...
The clock chimed six, Cami rolled over in protest. "Mmmmm...." Her telephone rang, she sprang out of bed and grabbed the phone.
"It's tuesday!"
She slammed the phone down and returned to her bed. She had just about gotten to sleep when...
She stomped over to the phone, picked it up and slammed it down again... it rang again... wash rinse and repeat... again the ringing, she did it again, once more, she ripped the phone out of the wall and threw it across the room.
Brushing her hands together happily she layed down in triumph and pulled the covers up. Her cell phone rang.
She fell out of the bed in a tangle of blankets while her phone continuously belted out Saria's song. Finally able to wrench herself out of the sheets she grabbed the cell from her sideboard and pressed "send".
"Oh, hello..." Her voice grew soft, "How are you?"
"Fine, fine," he seemed tense, "uh, there's gonna, I mean, yea, a picnic at Nutty's today, you wanna go?"
Cami looked at the clock, it was now 8:15, "Uh, yes, why I'd love to..." she yawned.
"O-ok, I'll come and get you around 11:30 then?"
"Sure thing, see ya!"
She heard him hand up then replaced the phone on her sideboard. She wearily looked into her bedroom mirror and saw a completely exhausted Cami staring back.
"Uh... It's going to be a long day..."
Mime sat powdering his face in front of his giant fully-lit mirror.
(I look great!)
He was interupted by the telephone ringing, he fell off of his puffy pink stool in surprise.
He hopped up and grabbed the phone.
"Hello?" It was Petunia.
"Helllllooooo!!!??? Oh, ha, I forgot, y’all don't talk... So henyways, if y’all wanna come to Nutty's picnic, it starts at 11:30, ‘kay? Bye now."
(Bye) He hung up the phone and sighed...
(No one understands me...)
Nutty was shoving handfuls of malted milk balls into his mouth,
"Nutty!!! Come help me get ready for the picnic!!!" His mom.
"Mph-KAY!" He shoved the large jar under his bed and bolted down the stairs, he never saw the skateboard...
"Mom, what time is i- AHHHH!!!" He put his foot on it and started rolling down the stairs three at a time, he mom was walking by with pizza boxes. She dropped one,
"Oh, clumsy me." Bending down to pick it up Nutty soared over her head and out the open front door, Flaky and Sniffles were just arriving....
Nutty flew right into Sniffles, making him soar into the punch bowl.
"AHHH!" Sniffles flailed around. "I'm drowning!!!!!"
Nutty, who had been flung well over the punch bowl was now seated on top of Cami.
"Wha.... Meh?"
"NUTTY YOU FREAK I'M GONNA WRING YOUR NECK!!!" Flippy roared angrily at the dazed squirrel, Cami was trying to talk but she was laying face down in the dirt.
Candie stood nearby squealing.
"Oh, Nutty! You look so cute when you're dizzy!"
Makoto was writing everything down with interest.
"Mwahahaha, so much good material!"
"Hey Guys!" An unfamiliar voice. They all turned from what they were doing in surprise.
"You look surprised, is it something I said?"
Everyone shows off their talent in falling back anime style.
"Omg...." Flippy's eyes were ginormous.
"HIT THE DECK!" Cami had somehow managed to get out from under Nutty (sounds wrong) but she had thrown herself back down after hearing the confused screams of her friends. Flippy picked her back up.
Mime looked at them all strangely,
"Ack! Mimey! You talk!" Candie and Cami jumped on him.
"O_O eep!"
"Whoa, guys, that's so weird it's like..." Flippy trailed off...
"Like everything's been thrown out of whack dear chap." Nutty stood regally in the group, polishing a little eye glass for his crazy eye.
Flippy stared at Nutty, "Suddenly I don't have the urge to kill you," he tilted his head to one side as Cami came up to him and stood there,
"Really? I feel like tearing someone to shreds!!!!" Her eyes got all red but she left the knife in her pocket alone.
Sniffles looked around in a confused manner, "Duh? Where the hell are my mashed potatoes?"
Flaky patted his smooth, dandruff free quills and looked fearlessly on, Pop was taking good care of Cub, and Cub wasn't putting sharp objects into his mouth, Disco Bear wasn't hitting on the girls, and Giggles looked very serious.
Crap, thought Mime, what have I done?
The rest of the day was odd, Cuddles and Giggles sat very seriously under a tree having a discussion, Cami snarled at anyone who got near her besides Flippy who was glomping her nonstop, Candie was sitting quietly on a blanket with Nutty who was hiding none his feelings for her whilst talking in a very educated sort of way. Disco Bear was watching Sniffles eat spoons and Flaky was walking on top of Nutty's roof. Needless to say, everything was very, horribly wrong.
“Ack! Flaky! Get down from there! I don’t want you getting hurt!” Star said, looking up at Flaky with a shocked look.
“Don’t worry about it, Star! I’ve got it under control!” Flaky said with not a hint of fear in his voice.
“I’m not so sure about that!” Star said nervously, swiping Flaky’s former catchphrase.
“You really have to stop being afraid of everything!” Flaky said to Star, swiping her former catchphrase.
Sniffles grabbed another spoon from the pile next to him. Quickly he grabbed a jar of hot sauce and dipped the spoon in. He shoved the spoon into his mouth and purred, fully enjoying himself. Disco Bear raised an eyebrow in a questioning way.
Mime sat off to the side, feeling down. Jeez, I had to do that… he thought. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud, young-sounding voice.
Mime turned around to find a very wide-eyed ten-year-old raccoon that was looking around frantically.
“Why is everything all…wrong?” he asked no one in particular. “I thought Shifty was acting funny! Is this all a big joke?”
“Lifty? You okay?” Mime asked.
“ACK! Mime! You talked! Oh no!” Lifty started flailing his arms.
“‘Oh no?’” Mime echoed.
“You threw the whole HTF universe off-balance!” Lifty said, flailing his arms harder.
“How come you didn’t change, then?” Mime asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The forces of the universe don’t like to mess with sickeningly adorable ten year old kleptomaniac raccoons that can kick their butts,” Lifty said, crossing his arms.
Mime’s eyes widened. “You are a strange, strange kid,” he said.
“You’ve got a bad attitude,” Lifty said, rolling his eyes. Lifty looked towards Nutty, who was still talking to Candie and sounding very intelligent.
“The universe is REALLY out of whack!” Lifty grabbed Mime by the shoulders and shook him hard. “You…made…Nutty…smart!” Lifty finally let go of Mime, and he (Mime) fell back dizzily.
“You told me Shifty was acting weird…what happened to him?” Mime asked, after he recovered from being shaken.
“He’s basically…me…” Lifty said, motioning over his shoulder to his brother, who was telling people that it wasn’t in the hosepipe. “You have got to quit talking!”
Mime shook his head. “I like talking! People can understand me now!” he said angrily.
Lifty scowled. “Suit yourself! You’ll see how you like everything all weird!” he said, aggravated beyond belief. He turned around and approached his brother, and they talked for a few moments, then started thumbwrestling finger puppets.
Mime looked around. Cami’s eyes seemed to have flames burning inside of them, Flippy was still glomping her, Star was still watching Flaky nervously, and Flaky was still balancing on Nutty’s roof.
Mime sighed as he looked around at everyone. His eyes widened when he noticed that Handy somehow got arms, and that Petunia had her air freshener off.
I did wreck the world…but people can understand me…that’s better…
…right? Mime thought.
Mime started to get what Lifty was telling him about when things began to go haywire. Shifty, being extremely annoying, had finally riled Cami up to the point where she was chasing him with a knife, screaming threats and growly savagely. Lifty sat alone with his back turned on everyone, angry at what Mime had done.
I don't get it, do I have to give up my happiness for everyone else to be happy?
Flaky jumped off the roof, landing flawlessly next to Star who gave a small jump of surprise. Makoto slunk by uncertainly, his blue notebook nowhere to be seen, and bumped into Sniffles who had been trying to eat multiple spoons at once, surprising him. The anteater gave a small squeal of surprise and gagged as one of the spoons lodged itself in his throat. His eyes bulged and he fell over backwards clawing at his throat. Disco Bear screamed (yes, screamed) and began running around in circles. Shifty was still running away from Cami, he jumped right over Sniffles and continued sprinting, but in her rage Cami didn't see him. She fell on top of our favorite nerd, causing him to spit out the spoon which flew skywards, Nutty walked by and it smacked him on the head.
"Hey old chap! Watch where you put your spoons wot!"
"It wasn't m-m-my fault! It was the flying toastiiiiere!!!"
"must, eat, spoon"
Disco Bear, who had forgotten to breathe, now fell to the ground blue-faced. Cami laughed evilly and started once again to advance on Shifty. Flippy was attached to her leg and was being dragged along the ground but didn't seem to notice all of the extremely sharp rocks he was being torn over. Lumpy appeared out of nowhere, flapping his moosey wings with Splendid running on the ground beneath him yelling "Come back you!"
Lifty stole up beside Mime once again.
"Told ya so"
"...." He got up, walking meaningfully out of Nutty's yard he disappeared into the trees, leaving Lifty standing alone.
The picnic didn't exactly end, but everyone was leaving just the same. Cami had chased Shifty to who know's where, with Flippy still on her leg, Handy had triumphantly carried Petunia off into the sunset, something he could only dream about doing before, Sniffles had followed his nose to a new spoon source, even Nutty was gone, having invited Candie to go on an extravagant date with him. The only ones remaining were Flaky and Star, who were talking softly under a tree. The remains of the picnic were scattered around the yard, something that Nutty's mom would have taken care of by now with her spotless nature.
Mime was sprawled on the shore of a lake gazing into the water. His face-makeup had melted off from tears, which still fell in a steady stream down his face and rippled the water. When the surface stilled he saw his reflection, and saw his own feelings.... without voicing them. Maybe Lifty was right.... Maybe I should just stop, let everyone get back on with theirs lives, let everyone be happy, everyone but me. He thought of Handy, if he stopped talking, would he steal his newfound happiness away from him? Maybe he should have never started... He was angry at himself, his vision became blurry with more tears, he closed he eyes and set his head on the soft ground of the shore. He heard footsteps behind him.
"Are you okay?"
Mime sat up, then looked behind him and saw Crunchy. On her face wasn’t her usual evil look, but she actually looked concerned for once.
“Well, to tell you the truth…no…” Mime sighed.
Crunchy seemed confused at the fact that Mime talked, but she didn’t make a big deal out of it. “What’s the matter? Did something happen?” she asked.
“Well, I felt bad that people couldn’t understand me, so I started talking…and then everyone started acting like the complete opposite of themselves. But for some reason, Lifty didn’t change, and he’s really angry at me for upsetting the balance or something…” Mime sighed again. “But I don’t know whether to stop or not, because I like talking, and some of the others seem to really like the way they changed, like Handy…he somehow got arms, and now he can hold Petunia and stuff…but some of the others don’t really like their status, and Lifty’s confused beyond belief…”
Crunchy was silent for a moment, and then she leaned over and gave Mime a gentle kiss on the cheek.
On the cheek.
A kiss.
A gentle one.
“It’s your decision, Mime. You can decide to keep talking and leave everything like this, or you can stop and make everyone act like they’re supposed to,” Crunchy said.
Crunchy must have changed too…now she’s all kind and quiet… Mime thought. “I’ll try and decide what to do…” Mime said quietly.
Crunchy smiled and kissed him again, on the lips this time. Mime’s eyes widened and he raised his hand to his face, as if his lips belonged to someone else.
“I know you can make the right decision, Mime,” Crunchy said, smiling.
Mime was quiet for a moment, and then he nodded.
Lifty sighed heavily, he had been trying to find Mime to no avial. Usually one to know everything he was stumped, crashing through underbrush for a good two hours, it was getting dark, and he didn't even know where he was anymore.
"Miiiiiime!" He called out in the voice of a child who has lost their mother. "Where are you?!"
Finally from fatigue and hopelessness, he sat down in the middle of a clearing, looking to the large shining moon overhead, bathing him in it's light. He slowly started drifting, started seeing things, the warm glow seemed to swirl in the sky, form something, but he couldn't quite make it out. He fell back exhausted into the soft grass and let the quiet forest overtake him...
Mime's decision was even harder now, he had Crunchy. The Cannibalistic bunny was now so sweet and kind, and she seemed to understand him. He never felt that wasy before, he loved the feeling, so much, he couldn't explain it. After spending time at the lake they had walked quietly through the forest, he told her everything, all of the things he'd wanted to say before, and she listened, nodding periodically, giggling, talking in her soft song-like voice. He felt wonderful, but the problem in the back of his mind grew ever worse, Lifty's words rang in his head, in fact the very picture of the raccoon was printed in his mind, trying to steal over all else.
"....And then I-"
"Ugh," he fell to his knees, unable to take it anymore, it loomed over him like a curse. He looked up at Crunchy,
"There's something I need to tell you."
Cami seemed to have finally quieted down, she was now sitting down with Flippy next to her, she was finally starting to think clearly,
"Huh, so what do you wanna do?"
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ILurvSouthPark on March 15, 2007, 8:44:06 AM

Astri on July 29, 2006, 2:44:45 AM
Astri on

P.S. Does it end? And if so, how?
x_Tess_The_Slorg_x on March 12, 2006, 5:59:37 PM
NuttyRulez221 on March 3, 2006, 8:52:15 PM
Mariroth on March 3, 2006, 12:45:04 PM
Mariroth on
Nightychao on March 3, 2006, 12:21:47 PM
Nightychao on
NuttyRulez221 on March 3, 2006, 12:00:10 PM
Nightychao on March 3, 2006, 11:45:34 AM
Nightychao on