Chapter 2 - Tale 2: The Hunt Continues
Submitted November 18, 2005 Updated November 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | Post season 4 fic! Gonna be short and have a sequel! Explains my rendition on how the hunt went! |
Chapter 2 - Tale 2: The Hunt Continues
Chapter 2 - Tale 2: The Hunt Continues
The Hunt ContinuesTale #2: The Hunt Continues
AN: Finally! I have my first next chapter up. Took me a bit longer than I planned to but luckily that lately I was compelled to write so the wait could have been longer. Yet, my SM story that I started last year hasn't had an update since August. I just haven't been inspired lately. I'll get to it eventually though. Anyway, there's not much to this chapter except with AndrAIa, Mouse, Megabyte, and Enzo. It's just sorta more stalling the inevitable but that's the way it came out. I even had to switch things around so the story could make more sense with the plot and characters. So I hope everyone will enjoy this and I'll try to make the next chapter more suspenseful if I'm capable of such a thing. LOL Trust me! I'm not a very good writer but I try anyway. The one thing I suck at the most in writing fics is trying to install jokes. I suck at that majorly so if anyone would ever like to help me make a scene funnier, please be my guest and do so. You'll be credited a lot by me. But the hardest thing I find about this chapter was trying to find a title. I'm just glad that I finally came up with one even though it's lame. It's too original and not creative enough. Sorry but I couldn't come up with anything better. Got any ideas for a better title? Lemme know and you'll be credited in the next chapter. Anyway, which out much further ado, on with the fic.
Mouse and AndrAIa turned around to look at each other then Mouse said, "What in the motherboard is he talkin' about?""I could ask you the same thing," AndrAIa answered."Humph! What is that no good virus up to now? Huntin' us down like a pack of lower-level nulls? Well he's not going toget away with this, not if I hunt him down first." Mouse draws out her katana.AndrAIa grabs Mouse and pulls her back. "Mouse! Hold on! We need to calm down and think of a plan first. We just can'tgo barging around everywhere like Matrix does all the time. We've got to be cautious. Come up with a plan like Dot alwaysdoes.""You're right sugar. I'm sorry." Mouse puts her katana away. "So, what's the plan?""I don't know yet.""Yeah! That's Dot's department, ya know. Not ours!""Hey! I'm good at coming up with plans. I'm a game sprite. Or have you forgotten? The type I am, which is AI, isprogrammed to come up with strategies to outsmart the user. Now is that now proof or what?""Alright then! What's taking you so long to come up with one then?""It not always that easy, ok? Let's first start off with what we know?""Okay!""Well, Megabyte has taken over the Principal Office, he's going to hunt each of us down, and none of the access codes youtried punching into the keypad before would work, which means he's already infiltrated the system and screwed it up. Also,we're all scattered throughout the Principal Office, which makes us much more obvious targets.""Oh sure! That's makes me feel so much better.""I'm only stating the truth Mouse.""Yeah! Well anyway, it's not looking good for us, now is it sugar?""No, it isn't. I think we should head down the hall and look for Dot, Bob, & Matrix then we should be able to come up withsomething. That's the best I can come up with for now.""It's a good enough plan for now. If we do find Dot, she'll surely come up with something good. So let's go! What are wewaitin' for?""Wait Mouse! We should be careful and be on the look out for virals. They could be anywhere.""Right sugar! I'll cover your ASCII should we encounter any.""Thanx Mouse! Anyway, I think we should go this way cuz we went through the same exit as Dot so she couldn't havegotten far, especially with Hack and Slash around."Mouse giggles. "I'll agree with you there, sugar."(An: Then Mouse makes a smart aleck remark concerning the 2 bots. Come up with your own! I'm too stupid to create one myself, okay?)"Anyway, lets go now!" Mouse nods her head in agreement then both of them rush down the corridor in search for theothers.
"You'll never get away with this Megabreathe!" Enzo wholly stated."Yes, yes! Whatever you say boy!" Megabyte replied sarcastically. "You know, I'm growing very tired of your continuousrude comments boy.""Well, I'm not going to stop. I'm going to continue and you can't stop me," Enzo countered.Megabyte snaps, "Listen to me boy! You will shut up if I tell you to do so or else.""Or else what?"Megabyte walks over to Enzo and stands eye level to him. Megabyte looks him sternly in the face then signals for one ofthe infected binomes to bring something over to him. "Otherwise, I'll have that mutt of yours deleted right now." Twoinfected binomes brought out an unconscious Frisket out from the read-only room."FRISKET!!!""Heh! Heh! Heh!" Megabyte immensely enjoyed this brand of torture resulting the grin on his face to grow much larger."So if you don't want any harm to befall your precious mutt then I suggest you what I say."Enzo is on the brink of tears. "Frisket is not a mutt.""Silence boy! I've grown quite tired of your gibberish. Oh! And by the way! Tears suit you so well. I do so enjoy watchingyou cry in anguish. It gives me some sort of sick twisted pleasure. Heh! Heh! Heh!" While Megabyte chuckles to himself,Enzo takes the opportunity of this distraction. He tries squirming out of the bot's grasp but shortly after gives up since itwas a futile attempt because the hold was too strong to get free from. Then his eyes start to glisten as tears roll down hisface making Megabyte chuckle even more. "Oh! Do cheer up boy! On the bright side, at least all of your family and friendsare still processing. At least for now anyway. Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! I do so love playing the part of the villain. It's sorefreshing and is something I enjoy so much. And at the same time, I shall seek my revenge and emerge triumphant overthis inferno hunt. I shall be declared the winner. Heh! Heh! Heh! And there's nothing that anyone can do about it."Megabyte then laughs evilly while Enzo sobs and whimpers."Nothing but big talk virus. Lets see some action! I dare ya!"Megabyte looks over at Enzo warningly. "You want to see some action boy. Trust me, you'll see it soon enough. Now Ithink it's high time to see if we can find the others. You!" Points over to an unexpecting binome who jumps a bit in fear. "Who? Me?""Yes, you! Who else? Anyway, see if you can track down the guardian or any of his friends." The infected binome salutesand nods his head and complies getting straight to work. After a short while, the binome reports in. "We've had an surpriseencounter with some unidentified Mainframers.""How many?""Unknown sir! But they got away.""Never mind that! It just makes things much more interesting for me. And so the hunt continues. Heh! Heh! Heh!"
Mouse and AndrAIa are frantically running through corridor after corridor continuously searching for the others."ANDRAIA STOP!!!" Suddenly they both stop."What's up Mouse?""I think we've...huff...outrun those...puff...basic virals.""Yeah! Maybe you're right. But mainly I think it's because you want to rest for a bit." AndrAIa giggles."Not funny! *Pants* Alright! Ya got me!""Alright Mouse! We'll rest for a bit and then we've got to keep moving. Those virals may still be on your ASCIIs." Mousenods in agreement while continuing to catch her breath so AndrAIa puts her hand on Mouse's shoulder to offer her support."You okay? You look way more tired then I am.""I'll be fine sugar. See! I'm better already. Honest! I'm all rest up and ready to go.""Okay! Good! I'm glad...""What's up sugar?""Shh! I think I heard something. Listen!" AndrAIa ordered.They stood in complete silence for a while until Mouse spoke up. :AndrAIa, I don't hear anything.""Shh! Listen more carefully," AndrAIa insists.Mouse listens more keenly. "Ah! Now I hear somethin' sugar.""Yeah! It's down this way." AndrAIa leads the way. "And lets approach with caution too.""I agree with you there, sugar. And it sounds a lot like shouting to me," Mouse whispered."Me too! I just hope that it's not more virals," AndrAIa whispered back."Yeah! I've had just about enough of those damn basic virals. I'm gonna kicks there ASCIIs the next time we run intothem.""Don't fret over it Mouse. There was nothing we could do before. They were too strong and had us outnumbered 10 to 1.""Still AndrAIa, we shouldn't have run like yellow-coloured nulls.""Mouse...I know how upset you are about it right now but we had no choice but to retreat. You saw how we couldn't fightthem off before. We need to find the others first before we launch out an offensive attack.""Oh! All right sugar! I'll be good until we find the others."AndrAIa turns around and pats Mouse on the head. "Good little Mousie! Good girl for doing what you're told."Mouse swipes AndrAIa's arm away and says, "AndrAIa, don't talk so loud or else they'll hear us and this is no time to beplaying games. This is serious.""Geesh! Lighten up Mouse. I was only joking. I'm sorry but I couldn't resist."Mouse walks around AndrAIa. "That's exactly the type of behavior that's goin' to get us deleted.""Okay! I'm sorry Mouse.""Fine! I forgive you. Lets just get on our way now, okay? AndrAIa nods and Mouse leads the way. As they approach closer,the voices they hear grow louder but are still indistinguishable. As they round the corner, AndrAIa says, "Doesn't that sounda lot like somebody we know?""Yeah sugar! But who?""DOT!!!"
AN: Finally! I have my first next chapter up. Took me a bit longer than I planned to but luckily that lately I was compelled to write so the wait could have been longer. Yet, my SM story that I started last year hasn't had an update since August. I just haven't been inspired lately. I'll get to it eventually though. Anyway, there's not much to this chapter except with AndrAIa, Mouse, Megabyte, and Enzo. It's just sorta more stalling the inevitable but that's the way it came out. I even had to switch things around so the story could make more sense with the plot and characters. So I hope everyone will enjoy this and I'll try to make the next chapter more suspenseful if I'm capable of such a thing. LOL Trust me! I'm not a very good writer but I try anyway. The one thing I suck at the most in writing fics is trying to install jokes. I suck at that majorly so if anyone would ever like to help me make a scene funnier, please be my guest and do so. You'll be credited a lot by me. But the hardest thing I find about this chapter was trying to find a title. I'm just glad that I finally came up with one even though it's lame. It's too original and not creative enough. Sorry but I couldn't come up with anything better. Got any ideas for a better title? Lemme know and you'll be credited in the next chapter. Anyway, which out much further ado, on with the fic.
Mouse and AndrAIa turned around to look at each other then Mouse said, "What in the motherboard is he talkin' about?""I could ask you the same thing," AndrAIa answered."Humph! What is that no good virus up to now? Huntin' us down like a pack of lower-level nulls? Well he's not going toget away with this, not if I hunt him down first." Mouse draws out her katana.AndrAIa grabs Mouse and pulls her back. "Mouse! Hold on! We need to calm down and think of a plan first. We just can'tgo barging around everywhere like Matrix does all the time. We've got to be cautious. Come up with a plan like Dot alwaysdoes.""You're right sugar. I'm sorry." Mouse puts her katana away. "So, what's the plan?""I don't know yet.""Yeah! That's Dot's department, ya know. Not ours!""Hey! I'm good at coming up with plans. I'm a game sprite. Or have you forgotten? The type I am, which is AI, isprogrammed to come up with strategies to outsmart the user. Now is that now proof or what?""Alright then! What's taking you so long to come up with one then?""It not always that easy, ok? Let's first start off with what we know?""Okay!""Well, Megabyte has taken over the Principal Office, he's going to hunt each of us down, and none of the access codes youtried punching into the keypad before would work, which means he's already infiltrated the system and screwed it up. Also,we're all scattered throughout the Principal Office, which makes us much more obvious targets.""Oh sure! That's makes me feel so much better.""I'm only stating the truth Mouse.""Yeah! Well anyway, it's not looking good for us, now is it sugar?""No, it isn't. I think we should head down the hall and look for Dot, Bob, & Matrix then we should be able to come up withsomething. That's the best I can come up with for now.""It's a good enough plan for now. If we do find Dot, she'll surely come up with something good. So let's go! What are wewaitin' for?""Wait Mouse! We should be careful and be on the look out for virals. They could be anywhere.""Right sugar! I'll cover your ASCII should we encounter any.""Thanx Mouse! Anyway, I think we should go this way cuz we went through the same exit as Dot so she couldn't havegotten far, especially with Hack and Slash around."Mouse giggles. "I'll agree with you there, sugar."(An: Then Mouse makes a smart aleck remark concerning the 2 bots. Come up with your own! I'm too stupid to create one myself, okay?)"Anyway, lets go now!" Mouse nods her head in agreement then both of them rush down the corridor in search for theothers.
"You'll never get away with this Megabreathe!" Enzo wholly stated."Yes, yes! Whatever you say boy!" Megabyte replied sarcastically. "You know, I'm growing very tired of your continuousrude comments boy.""Well, I'm not going to stop. I'm going to continue and you can't stop me," Enzo countered.Megabyte snaps, "Listen to me boy! You will shut up if I tell you to do so or else.""Or else what?"Megabyte walks over to Enzo and stands eye level to him. Megabyte looks him sternly in the face then signals for one ofthe infected binomes to bring something over to him. "Otherwise, I'll have that mutt of yours deleted right now." Twoinfected binomes brought out an unconscious Frisket out from the read-only room."FRISKET!!!""Heh! Heh! Heh!" Megabyte immensely enjoyed this brand of torture resulting the grin on his face to grow much larger."So if you don't want any harm to befall your precious mutt then I suggest you what I say."Enzo is on the brink of tears. "Frisket is not a mutt.""Silence boy! I've grown quite tired of your gibberish. Oh! And by the way! Tears suit you so well. I do so enjoy watchingyou cry in anguish. It gives me some sort of sick twisted pleasure. Heh! Heh! Heh!" While Megabyte chuckles to himself,Enzo takes the opportunity of this distraction. He tries squirming out of the bot's grasp but shortly after gives up since itwas a futile attempt because the hold was too strong to get free from. Then his eyes start to glisten as tears roll down hisface making Megabyte chuckle even more. "Oh! Do cheer up boy! On the bright side, at least all of your family and friendsare still processing. At least for now anyway. Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! I do so love playing the part of the villain. It's sorefreshing and is something I enjoy so much. And at the same time, I shall seek my revenge and emerge triumphant overthis inferno hunt. I shall be declared the winner. Heh! Heh! Heh! And there's nothing that anyone can do about it."Megabyte then laughs evilly while Enzo sobs and whimpers."Nothing but big talk virus. Lets see some action! I dare ya!"Megabyte looks over at Enzo warningly. "You want to see some action boy. Trust me, you'll see it soon enough. Now Ithink it's high time to see if we can find the others. You!" Points over to an unexpecting binome who jumps a bit in fear. "Who? Me?""Yes, you! Who else? Anyway, see if you can track down the guardian or any of his friends." The infected binome salutesand nods his head and complies getting straight to work. After a short while, the binome reports in. "We've had an surpriseencounter with some unidentified Mainframers.""How many?""Unknown sir! But they got away.""Never mind that! It just makes things much more interesting for me. And so the hunt continues. Heh! Heh! Heh!"
Mouse and AndrAIa are frantically running through corridor after corridor continuously searching for the others."ANDRAIA STOP!!!" Suddenly they both stop."What's up Mouse?""I think we've...huff...outrun those...puff...basic virals.""Yeah! Maybe you're right. But mainly I think it's because you want to rest for a bit." AndrAIa giggles."Not funny! *Pants* Alright! Ya got me!""Alright Mouse! We'll rest for a bit and then we've got to keep moving. Those virals may still be on your ASCIIs." Mousenods in agreement while continuing to catch her breath so AndrAIa puts her hand on Mouse's shoulder to offer her support."You okay? You look way more tired then I am.""I'll be fine sugar. See! I'm better already. Honest! I'm all rest up and ready to go.""Okay! Good! I'm glad...""What's up sugar?""Shh! I think I heard something. Listen!" AndrAIa ordered.They stood in complete silence for a while until Mouse spoke up. :AndrAIa, I don't hear anything.""Shh! Listen more carefully," AndrAIa insists.Mouse listens more keenly. "Ah! Now I hear somethin' sugar.""Yeah! It's down this way." AndrAIa leads the way. "And lets approach with caution too.""I agree with you there, sugar. And it sounds a lot like shouting to me," Mouse whispered."Me too! I just hope that it's not more virals," AndrAIa whispered back."Yeah! I've had just about enough of those damn basic virals. I'm gonna kicks there ASCIIs the next time we run intothem.""Don't fret over it Mouse. There was nothing we could do before. They were too strong and had us outnumbered 10 to 1.""Still AndrAIa, we shouldn't have run like yellow-coloured nulls.""Mouse...I know how upset you are about it right now but we had no choice but to retreat. You saw how we couldn't fightthem off before. We need to find the others first before we launch out an offensive attack.""Oh! All right sugar! I'll be good until we find the others."AndrAIa turns around and pats Mouse on the head. "Good little Mousie! Good girl for doing what you're told."Mouse swipes AndrAIa's arm away and says, "AndrAIa, don't talk so loud or else they'll hear us and this is no time to beplaying games. This is serious.""Geesh! Lighten up Mouse. I was only joking. I'm sorry but I couldn't resist."Mouse walks around AndrAIa. "That's exactly the type of behavior that's goin' to get us deleted.""Okay! I'm sorry Mouse.""Fine! I forgive you. Lets just get on our way now, okay? AndrAIa nods and Mouse leads the way. As they approach closer,the voices they hear grow louder but are still indistinguishable. As they round the corner, AndrAIa says, "Doesn't that sounda lot like somebody we know?""Yeah sugar! But who?""DOT!!!"
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Nightbird on December 26, 2005, 1:49:35 AM
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