Chapter 3 - Tale 3: The Hunter
Submitted November 18, 2005 Updated November 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | Post season 4 fic! Gonna be short and have a sequel! Explains my rendition on how the hunt went! |
Chapter 3 - Tale 3: The Hunter
Chapter 3 - Tale 3: The Hunter
The HunterTale #3 The Hunter
AN: Okay! Another chapter up! Didn't think it would be so fast but I felt motivated. Plus it makes up for the previous chapter of taking so long to come out. I now also noticed that I made a huge mistake in the previous chapter when I had those infected binomes bring Frisket out of the read-only room while that's where Enzo and his father previously attempted to escape to before. I'm sorry that I didn't notice it before until recently watching a ReBoot music video seeing the event happen in it. Don't worry however! I'm not going to change the chapter around now since I don't feel like it either. I've figured out a solution and I believe it will definitely make the fic much more interesting and suspenseful. Things will definitely take on an unexpected twist. So read on to see what happens. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the fic.
"Whose there?" Dot ask tentatively.
"DOT!!!" AndrAIa yelled as she ran passed Mouse to confirm her suspicion.
"AndrAIa! Mouse! Boy, am I glad that it's just you two. I thought I might have been someone who's more unfriendly."
"Dot, I'm so glad to see you too." AndrAIa runs up to Dot and embraces her.
"I'm glad to see ya too sugar." Mouse walks up to Dot and hugs her as well.
"Boy! Aren't we glad to see you too. Right Slash?"
"Yes, Hack. Very glad!"
"Well I'm glad to see you too boys. Well, since we're now all together, what now?"
"Mouse, after all what we discussed, you have to ask that. You just have to wait for Dot to tell us her plan. You don't need to ask that you know."
"Sorry for statin' the obvious but I'm serious. We need a plan."
"And I'm sure Dot has one like she always does. Right Dot?"
"Yes, now would you two stop bickering so I can tell you."
"Sorry Dot!" Mouse and AndrAIa said in unison.
"Geesh! They're worse than us right now Hack."
"Yeah! I can hardly believe it."
"Boys!" Hack & Slash turn their attention towards Dot.
"Yes, Dot?"
"First off Hack, I'm glad to see that you're finally calling me Dot and not any other name like sir or mam."
"Dot! Me too! See! See!"
"Yes, I see Slash. Good! Second of all now, can you both be quiet too not so I can tell all of you the plan." Both bots shut up and nod their heads in agreement. "But I'm gonna have to change the plan now since you two are here." She points to AndrAIa and Mouse. "Is there anything important that I should know first?"
"As a matter of fact sugar, there is. We were not far behind you since me and AndrAIa left through the same exit in the war room as you did. Then I tried inputting some codes to open up the supply room but they wouldn't work since that no good rotten virus already either changed the codes or overridden the system on us so any codes we try don't work. Since there was nothing else we could do, we then decided to go look for you and the others."
"Yeah! And that's when me and Mouse took a wrong turn and bump into a group of virals."
"Those damn no good rotten virals."
"Yeah! Anyway, we were outnumbered and they were too strong for us so we had to retreat and then we finally bump into you and that's the end of the story."
Dot folds her arms. "Seems like you two had quite and interesting time?"
"You could say that again sugar."
"Anyway, what's your plan now Dot?"
"Now I'm gonna whisper this in case anyone is listening in on the conversation so everyone better listen up." And so Dot changes the plan a bit to include Mouse and AndrAIa and tells them, including Hack & Slash, her plan.
Bob and Matrix are running down a corridor but are forced to come to a halt as their way is blocked off by a wall. "Bob, what's going on? This shouldn't be here."
"I know Matrix.. This must be Megabyte's doing so we can't find the others, to slow us down, and to also trap us."
"Arg! I hate that virus. I should have deleted him when I had the chance."
"Matrix, you can't go blaming yourself. I for one am glad that you didn't deleted him."
"Why? So you could reprogram him?"
"No! Cuz you didn't give in to your anger and become like him. I'm proud of you cuz of that Enzo."
"Thanx Bob! So do you think that there is anyway through this wall?"
"There's a control panel here on the side. Lemme try inputting some codes."
Bob tries inputting some access codes but nothing works. "Damn!"
"Anything wrong Bob?"
"Nothing's working. I don't understand it at all." Bob hits the panel in frustration. "Work you damn thing."
Matrix chuckles. "Wow! It's rare to see you angry."
Bob chuckles too. "Yeah! Well, only when something or someone really pissed me off."
"Ooo! I'm so scared. I better be careful or else you might delete me."
"Oh yeah right! As if I'm capable of such a thing." They both chuckle in unison. "Anyway, I give up. Megabyte must have infiltrated the system, otherwise overriding it and changing the codes on us so nothing works."
"So what now?"
"I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to find another way around."
"I have a better idea."
Bob smirks. "Like what?"
"Gun! Command line! Energy Blaster!" Matrix busts a hole right through the door using Gun.
"Matrix, are you crazy? Now Megabyte will surely know where we are since you just set off all the alarms."
"I don't hear any."
"That's because they're silent."
"Still!" Matrix shrugs. "Why didn't you stop me?"
Bob laughs. "Like you said before, I didn't feel like it. Anyway, I was just joking before. This is perfect."
"What is?"
"Now we can draw all the attention on ourselves while the others will have a chance to escape or carry out a plan of some sort."
"How can you be certain of either?"
"Just a feeling! Anyway, before we go, there's something I wanna go first."
"Glitch! Scramble Mode! There! At least now it will take a while for them to identify us but it won't last for long and it won't stop them from tracking us either I'm afraid."
"Good job anyway Bob!"
"Yeah! Thanx! But only if we had some hidden file commands. Actually, we can pick some up in the supply room. Anyway, we won't have much time till the virals are on our ASCIIs so lets go." Matrix nods and follows Bob through the hole in the wall as they continue their approach towards the war room and to whatever lies ahead unbeknownst to them.
Back in the war-room, a viral sergeant reports in to Megabyte. "Our numbers are still too few but they have all infiltrated the Principal Office sir."
"Good sergeant!"
The sergeant smiles and salutes then says, "Yes sir!"
"Sir! We just had an alarm go off. There's a security breach in section 12," an infected binome just reported to Megabyte.
"Who and how many?"
"Still unknown sir. The sensors are having difficulty reading them."
"Unknown sir! They must have scrambled the readings or something."
"*Sighs* Figures!"
"But I'm still on it sir."
"Well then good work Specky!"
Specky smiles. "Why thank you sir!"
"Your welcome!"
"S...sir! y...our..."
Megabyte turns his attention over to the sergeant whose now trying to get his attention but he starts to look very angry and the sergeant cowers in fear. He seems to get more agitated with this display of incompetence. "Sergeant, it's best to remember for future reference not to interrupt me while I'm speaking to someone else. Hold your tongue until otherwise noticed."
"And speak up sergeant and stop gibbering. I give you permission to speak now, okay?"
"Y..yes sir! your per..m..ission, I'd like to send a troop there to intercept the perpetrators."
Megabyte suddenly appears content. "Oh! Why didn't you say that in the first place? Of course you can. What else would you do?"
"Yes sir!" the sergeant squeaked.
"You are now dismissed sergeant. Please get out of my face now before I have you permanently deleted. Go and join in on the assault."
"Yes sir!" The sergeant then leaves.
In the other end of the room, Enzo is have a heart to heart talk with his father. "Man! This sucks."
"I know son. I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you but I have no control over it."
"Hey! Don't fret over it dad. I forgive you. It's not your fault that Megabyte infected the bot suit. At least he technically didn't infect you."
"Yeah! Thank the user for that."
"So, have any idea when this will all be over dad?"
"Sorry! I have no idea son. Wish I did though."
"Ah! That's okay dad. It wouldn't have made me feel better anyway. Besides, I'm sure my sis and Bob, along with the others, are up to something that will save the day."
"I hope you're right son."
"Hey! Now that I started thinking about it. How come when we retreated to the war room, we didn't see Frisket in there?"
"I don't know son. That is weird."
"I can easily explain it to you both," Megabyte interrupted.
"Whaddya want Megabreathe?"
"Heh! Heh! Heh! Always amusing, aren't you boy?" Enzo just glared at Megabyte. "Anyway, the reason why you didn't see Frisket in there was because I was disguised as him at the time and I couldn't have anybody seeing him. So while I was disguised as Bob, I helped myself to a few hidden file commands in the supply room as well as other things too. It was so easy since no one would question the original Bob so I helped myself to quite a few things actually just in case something liked this happened. So then I kidnapped Frisket while all of you were securing the decoy, used the hidden file command on him then hid him in the read-only room and then disguised myself as him."
"You creep!"
"That's a new one boy. Never heard you call me that before. Anyway, I'll honestly tell you that this is not the way I had things planned. Oh no! I had much bigger plans."
"What? With my sister? Why? When you had a number of opportunities to go to the super computer? Hasn't that always been your goal? Your dream? Why change now? Why can't you just leave all of us alone?" Enzo then breaks down into tears.
"Megabyte! Please! Just leave my boy alone!"
"Ah! Nibbles! My once amusing pet. I guess I should call you Wellman now. I always knew however who you truly were."
"What? You did? Why didn't you ever tell us then?" Enzo asked.
"Why you ask? I'll tell you why. It would have been no fun to tell any of you. Too bad you know now. The fun of keeping it a secret is now gone. But also, I had such fun toying with your father in his null like state. Amazing how my creator and father would come to depend so much on it's creation. Heh! Heh! I guess that makes us brothers so to speak."
"Never virus!"
"Perhaps not by code! Anyhow, I definitely don't want to be brothers with you or your other half either. Eh! What a horrible thought."
"I couldn't agree with you more Megabreathe."
"Whatever! It would also mean that I wouldn't have been able to marry your sister either. I have big plans for your sister. To answer another one of your questions. The reason why I didn't go to the super computer right away was because I had some revenge to reek first. I was planning to go later and I still am but I wasn't prepared then. I had to rebuild my forces first. And I had such fun toying with everybody's feelings and emotions. Turning most of you against the real Bob, him laying in the super computer dying while I was to marry your sister and your daughter Wellman. I'll admit that I've grown quite fond of her. She's quite an equal rival to me. I can now see what Bob likes in her."
"Leave my daughter alone. You have a sick and twisted mind Megabyte."
"Yeah! Leave my sister alone you pervert."
Megabyte chuckles. "Trust me! I don't intend to." Enzo and Wellman don't say anything but glare at Megabyte. "Anyway, I can only imagine what the honeymoon would have had in store for us."
"Stop it!" Enzo pleaded.
"Oh! And think had Bob come too late and found out the truth. That would have been priceless. And I was planning to expose myself to all of you. After the honeymoon though. Or think had when you all would have known the truth and Bob did die. I would have loved to see the guilt all of you would have felt from either predicament. But no! Stupid Glitch had to ruin everything. I thought at first it was just making my plan look better but it's something I certainly didn't intend on happening."
"Thank the user for Glitch then," Enzo stated.
"Yes! Whatever! Things are the way they are now so I just have to alter my plans around. It doesn't really matter to me now actually. The sergeant and his troops should nearly be at their destination now. However, their little distraction won't fool me. I'll hunt the others down while they pull off this little diversion."
"What are you up to?" Enzo asked.
"Ahem!" And viral walks over to Megabyte and hands him some sort of file command. "This is a hidden file command. I'm going to use it and hunt down the others while whoever attempted the diversion. It doesn't fool me. It just made things more worse." Megabyte activates the hidden file command and is suddenly turned invisible.
"You won't get away with this Megabreathe."
"Yes, yes! You've already said that before which I'm so tired of seeing. We'll see in the end who is right boy?" Megabyte leaves the war room down the corridor starting his elusive hunt of revenge among the very sprites who banished him into the web leaving behind Enzo and Wellman to worry about the others safety.
AN: Wow! I seriously think that this is the best chapter I've come out with so far for this fic. I'm surprised it was quick too but I didn't force it at least. I hate when I do that. Anyway, what happened was that I spent the late Saturday afternoon and evening working on it and let it flow naturally from my soul. I feel good about it too now. Anyway, to a point that I want to emphasize now is the fact that Megabyte already knew that his pet Nibbles was the father of Dot, Enzo, & Matrix. Remember the fact that Hexadecimal pointed out in season 4. It's like she already knew too. But my the main proof is at the end of episode "Nullzilla" where Megabyte calls Nibbles Father" Watch the episode or read a transcript on it to see what I mean. That's what gave me the motivation to implement the idea. Also, I think I covered very well for the huge mistake that I made. Plus, I explained what I think happened to Frisket too. I now like the idea of Megabyte now having hidden command files. It makes the fic much more interesting. And maybe some action will finally begin. Well, everyone will just have to wait to find out. I honestly hope to wrap up this fic very soon by a total of 10 chapters. Lastly, for Ray Tracer fans. Trust me, I couldn't forget him. Even though he was featured so little in the fourth season, I feel as if he is an very active character of ReBoot. Look for him to make an appearance in the next chapter along with a few other unexpected guests. I am hoping that it will make the fic more interesting. Now sick back and wait for the next tale. I've already started working on it so it should be out soon.
AN: Okay! Another chapter up! Didn't think it would be so fast but I felt motivated. Plus it makes up for the previous chapter of taking so long to come out. I now also noticed that I made a huge mistake in the previous chapter when I had those infected binomes bring Frisket out of the read-only room while that's where Enzo and his father previously attempted to escape to before. I'm sorry that I didn't notice it before until recently watching a ReBoot music video seeing the event happen in it. Don't worry however! I'm not going to change the chapter around now since I don't feel like it either. I've figured out a solution and I believe it will definitely make the fic much more interesting and suspenseful. Things will definitely take on an unexpected twist. So read on to see what happens. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the fic.
"Whose there?" Dot ask tentatively.
"DOT!!!" AndrAIa yelled as she ran passed Mouse to confirm her suspicion.
"AndrAIa! Mouse! Boy, am I glad that it's just you two. I thought I might have been someone who's more unfriendly."
"Dot, I'm so glad to see you too." AndrAIa runs up to Dot and embraces her.
"I'm glad to see ya too sugar." Mouse walks up to Dot and hugs her as well.
"Boy! Aren't we glad to see you too. Right Slash?"
"Yes, Hack. Very glad!"
"Well I'm glad to see you too boys. Well, since we're now all together, what now?"
"Mouse, after all what we discussed, you have to ask that. You just have to wait for Dot to tell us her plan. You don't need to ask that you know."
"Sorry for statin' the obvious but I'm serious. We need a plan."
"And I'm sure Dot has one like she always does. Right Dot?"
"Yes, now would you two stop bickering so I can tell you."
"Sorry Dot!" Mouse and AndrAIa said in unison.
"Geesh! They're worse than us right now Hack."
"Yeah! I can hardly believe it."
"Boys!" Hack & Slash turn their attention towards Dot.
"Yes, Dot?"
"First off Hack, I'm glad to see that you're finally calling me Dot and not any other name like sir or mam."
"Dot! Me too! See! See!"
"Yes, I see Slash. Good! Second of all now, can you both be quiet too not so I can tell all of you the plan." Both bots shut up and nod their heads in agreement. "But I'm gonna have to change the plan now since you two are here." She points to AndrAIa and Mouse. "Is there anything important that I should know first?"
"As a matter of fact sugar, there is. We were not far behind you since me and AndrAIa left through the same exit in the war room as you did. Then I tried inputting some codes to open up the supply room but they wouldn't work since that no good rotten virus already either changed the codes or overridden the system on us so any codes we try don't work. Since there was nothing else we could do, we then decided to go look for you and the others."
"Yeah! And that's when me and Mouse took a wrong turn and bump into a group of virals."
"Those damn no good rotten virals."
"Yeah! Anyway, we were outnumbered and they were too strong for us so we had to retreat and then we finally bump into you and that's the end of the story."
Dot folds her arms. "Seems like you two had quite and interesting time?"
"You could say that again sugar."
"Anyway, what's your plan now Dot?"
"Now I'm gonna whisper this in case anyone is listening in on the conversation so everyone better listen up." And so Dot changes the plan a bit to include Mouse and AndrAIa and tells them, including Hack & Slash, her plan.
Bob and Matrix are running down a corridor but are forced to come to a halt as their way is blocked off by a wall. "Bob, what's going on? This shouldn't be here."
"I know Matrix.. This must be Megabyte's doing so we can't find the others, to slow us down, and to also trap us."
"Arg! I hate that virus. I should have deleted him when I had the chance."
"Matrix, you can't go blaming yourself. I for one am glad that you didn't deleted him."
"Why? So you could reprogram him?"
"No! Cuz you didn't give in to your anger and become like him. I'm proud of you cuz of that Enzo."
"Thanx Bob! So do you think that there is anyway through this wall?"
"There's a control panel here on the side. Lemme try inputting some codes."
Bob tries inputting some access codes but nothing works. "Damn!"
"Anything wrong Bob?"
"Nothing's working. I don't understand it at all." Bob hits the panel in frustration. "Work you damn thing."
Matrix chuckles. "Wow! It's rare to see you angry."
Bob chuckles too. "Yeah! Well, only when something or someone really pissed me off."
"Ooo! I'm so scared. I better be careful or else you might delete me."
"Oh yeah right! As if I'm capable of such a thing." They both chuckle in unison. "Anyway, I give up. Megabyte must have infiltrated the system, otherwise overriding it and changing the codes on us so nothing works."
"So what now?"
"I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to find another way around."
"I have a better idea."
Bob smirks. "Like what?"
"Gun! Command line! Energy Blaster!" Matrix busts a hole right through the door using Gun.
"Matrix, are you crazy? Now Megabyte will surely know where we are since you just set off all the alarms."
"I don't hear any."
"That's because they're silent."
"Still!" Matrix shrugs. "Why didn't you stop me?"
Bob laughs. "Like you said before, I didn't feel like it. Anyway, I was just joking before. This is perfect."
"What is?"
"Now we can draw all the attention on ourselves while the others will have a chance to escape or carry out a plan of some sort."
"How can you be certain of either?"
"Just a feeling! Anyway, before we go, there's something I wanna go first."
"Glitch! Scramble Mode! There! At least now it will take a while for them to identify us but it won't last for long and it won't stop them from tracking us either I'm afraid."
"Good job anyway Bob!"
"Yeah! Thanx! But only if we had some hidden file commands. Actually, we can pick some up in the supply room. Anyway, we won't have much time till the virals are on our ASCIIs so lets go." Matrix nods and follows Bob through the hole in the wall as they continue their approach towards the war room and to whatever lies ahead unbeknownst to them.
Back in the war-room, a viral sergeant reports in to Megabyte. "Our numbers are still too few but they have all infiltrated the Principal Office sir."
"Good sergeant!"
The sergeant smiles and salutes then says, "Yes sir!"
"Sir! We just had an alarm go off. There's a security breach in section 12," an infected binome just reported to Megabyte.
"Who and how many?"
"Still unknown sir. The sensors are having difficulty reading them."
"Unknown sir! They must have scrambled the readings or something."
"*Sighs* Figures!"
"But I'm still on it sir."
"Well then good work Specky!"
Specky smiles. "Why thank you sir!"
"Your welcome!"
"S...sir! y...our..."
Megabyte turns his attention over to the sergeant whose now trying to get his attention but he starts to look very angry and the sergeant cowers in fear. He seems to get more agitated with this display of incompetence. "Sergeant, it's best to remember for future reference not to interrupt me while I'm speaking to someone else. Hold your tongue until otherwise noticed."
"And speak up sergeant and stop gibbering. I give you permission to speak now, okay?"
"Y..yes sir! your per..m..ission, I'd like to send a troop there to intercept the perpetrators."
Megabyte suddenly appears content. "Oh! Why didn't you say that in the first place? Of course you can. What else would you do?"
"Yes sir!" the sergeant squeaked.
"You are now dismissed sergeant. Please get out of my face now before I have you permanently deleted. Go and join in on the assault."
"Yes sir!" The sergeant then leaves.
In the other end of the room, Enzo is have a heart to heart talk with his father. "Man! This sucks."
"I know son. I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you but I have no control over it."
"Hey! Don't fret over it dad. I forgive you. It's not your fault that Megabyte infected the bot suit. At least he technically didn't infect you."
"Yeah! Thank the user for that."
"So, have any idea when this will all be over dad?"
"Sorry! I have no idea son. Wish I did though."
"Ah! That's okay dad. It wouldn't have made me feel better anyway. Besides, I'm sure my sis and Bob, along with the others, are up to something that will save the day."
"I hope you're right son."
"Hey! Now that I started thinking about it. How come when we retreated to the war room, we didn't see Frisket in there?"
"I don't know son. That is weird."
"I can easily explain it to you both," Megabyte interrupted.
"Whaddya want Megabreathe?"
"Heh! Heh! Heh! Always amusing, aren't you boy?" Enzo just glared at Megabyte. "Anyway, the reason why you didn't see Frisket in there was because I was disguised as him at the time and I couldn't have anybody seeing him. So while I was disguised as Bob, I helped myself to a few hidden file commands in the supply room as well as other things too. It was so easy since no one would question the original Bob so I helped myself to quite a few things actually just in case something liked this happened. So then I kidnapped Frisket while all of you were securing the decoy, used the hidden file command on him then hid him in the read-only room and then disguised myself as him."
"You creep!"
"That's a new one boy. Never heard you call me that before. Anyway, I'll honestly tell you that this is not the way I had things planned. Oh no! I had much bigger plans."
"What? With my sister? Why? When you had a number of opportunities to go to the super computer? Hasn't that always been your goal? Your dream? Why change now? Why can't you just leave all of us alone?" Enzo then breaks down into tears.
"Megabyte! Please! Just leave my boy alone!"
"Ah! Nibbles! My once amusing pet. I guess I should call you Wellman now. I always knew however who you truly were."
"What? You did? Why didn't you ever tell us then?" Enzo asked.
"Why you ask? I'll tell you why. It would have been no fun to tell any of you. Too bad you know now. The fun of keeping it a secret is now gone. But also, I had such fun toying with your father in his null like state. Amazing how my creator and father would come to depend so much on it's creation. Heh! Heh! I guess that makes us brothers so to speak."
"Never virus!"
"Perhaps not by code! Anyhow, I definitely don't want to be brothers with you or your other half either. Eh! What a horrible thought."
"I couldn't agree with you more Megabreathe."
"Whatever! It would also mean that I wouldn't have been able to marry your sister either. I have big plans for your sister. To answer another one of your questions. The reason why I didn't go to the super computer right away was because I had some revenge to reek first. I was planning to go later and I still am but I wasn't prepared then. I had to rebuild my forces first. And I had such fun toying with everybody's feelings and emotions. Turning most of you against the real Bob, him laying in the super computer dying while I was to marry your sister and your daughter Wellman. I'll admit that I've grown quite fond of her. She's quite an equal rival to me. I can now see what Bob likes in her."
"Leave my daughter alone. You have a sick and twisted mind Megabyte."
"Yeah! Leave my sister alone you pervert."
Megabyte chuckles. "Trust me! I don't intend to." Enzo and Wellman don't say anything but glare at Megabyte. "Anyway, I can only imagine what the honeymoon would have had in store for us."
"Stop it!" Enzo pleaded.
"Oh! And think had Bob come too late and found out the truth. That would have been priceless. And I was planning to expose myself to all of you. After the honeymoon though. Or think had when you all would have known the truth and Bob did die. I would have loved to see the guilt all of you would have felt from either predicament. But no! Stupid Glitch had to ruin everything. I thought at first it was just making my plan look better but it's something I certainly didn't intend on happening."
"Thank the user for Glitch then," Enzo stated.
"Yes! Whatever! Things are the way they are now so I just have to alter my plans around. It doesn't really matter to me now actually. The sergeant and his troops should nearly be at their destination now. However, their little distraction won't fool me. I'll hunt the others down while they pull off this little diversion."
"What are you up to?" Enzo asked.
"Ahem!" And viral walks over to Megabyte and hands him some sort of file command. "This is a hidden file command. I'm going to use it and hunt down the others while whoever attempted the diversion. It doesn't fool me. It just made things more worse." Megabyte activates the hidden file command and is suddenly turned invisible.
"You won't get away with this Megabreathe."
"Yes, yes! You've already said that before which I'm so tired of seeing. We'll see in the end who is right boy?" Megabyte leaves the war room down the corridor starting his elusive hunt of revenge among the very sprites who banished him into the web leaving behind Enzo and Wellman to worry about the others safety.
AN: Wow! I seriously think that this is the best chapter I've come out with so far for this fic. I'm surprised it was quick too but I didn't force it at least. I hate when I do that. Anyway, what happened was that I spent the late Saturday afternoon and evening working on it and let it flow naturally from my soul. I feel good about it too now. Anyway, to a point that I want to emphasize now is the fact that Megabyte already knew that his pet Nibbles was the father of Dot, Enzo, & Matrix. Remember the fact that Hexadecimal pointed out in season 4. It's like she already knew too. But my the main proof is at the end of episode "Nullzilla" where Megabyte calls Nibbles Father" Watch the episode or read a transcript on it to see what I mean. That's what gave me the motivation to implement the idea. Also, I think I covered very well for the huge mistake that I made. Plus, I explained what I think happened to Frisket too. I now like the idea of Megabyte now having hidden command files. It makes the fic much more interesting. And maybe some action will finally begin. Well, everyone will just have to wait to find out. I honestly hope to wrap up this fic very soon by a total of 10 chapters. Lastly, for Ray Tracer fans. Trust me, I couldn't forget him. Even though he was featured so little in the fourth season, I feel as if he is an very active character of ReBoot. Look for him to make an appearance in the next chapter along with a few other unexpected guests. I am hoping that it will make the fic more interesting. Now sick back and wait for the next tale. I've already started working on it so it should be out soon.
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Nightbird on December 26, 2005, 2:21:16 AM
Nightbird on