Chapter 4 - Tale 4: The Virals Are Coming
Submitted November 18, 2005 Updated November 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | Post season 4 fic! Gonna be short and have a sequel! Explains my rendition on how the hunt went! |
Chapter 4 - Tale 4: The Virals Are Coming
Chapter 4 - Tale 4: The Virals Are Coming
The Virals Are ComingTale #4 The Virals Are Coming
AN: Sorry it's been well way over a year since I last updated but I honestly can't quite remember why I stopped. I either lost interest or got side-tracked. Anyway, I'm back and planning to finish off this story. I'm still unsure how things will proceed since I only have the ending planned out but I'm sure I'll think of something real soon. And I know back in February I said that I would have this chap done in March but it took me a bit longer to get started on it. Back in mid January, I seriously thought about this fic and decide the next week to start on it once again. Little did I know that exact same week I'd fall in love with a TV show Inu Yasha. I could have watched the eps back in December but I was too lazy too and just happen to watch them that weekend and it blew my plans to work on this chap for I was reading Inu Yasha fan fics like crazy that 3rd week in January and shortly afterwards, I started my own Inu Yasha fan fic to boot. Anyway, my Inu Yasha craze finally subsided weeks ago but I was busy with other things in life. Anyway, I'm back and motivated to continue this fic. I'm sorry that this fic was way overdue but it's out now and expect the next chap to be out within a span of a month or less. And I'm not joking, I'm seriously putting my foot down and getting back to this fic but I'm also going to work on my Inu Yasha fic at the same time so don't expect the next chap up right away. Anyway, I've ranted enough now. Please read the chap and enjoy![/i] Once Dot finishes telling everyone the plan, she asks, "So does everyone understand what they're suppose to do?""Yes!" everyone says in unison."We'll make you proud Dot," Hack says."Yes! Very proud of both of us," Slash adds his input."I know you will boys," Dot tells them."Oh! We will.""Yeah! Despite out horrible past with Megabyte.""We are totally indebted to ya.""Yeah, ever since Phong rebuilt us.""Alright! Hack and Slash, I believe the both of you but this is no time to diddle dally, okay?""Oh! We are so sorry Dot.""Yeah, very sorry!""You're absolutely right.""Yeah!""Boys! Enough already! Now go do what you're suppose to do."Hack salutes, "Right away mam!"Seeing Hack salute, Slash follow suit. "Yeah! Hack and Slash ready to report to duty mam.""Just shut up and go already!"Hack and Slash nod in agreement and quickly get on their way and leave. After they have left, Dot rubs her temples. "I'm so glad they're gone now.""Yeah! Those two can be quite annoying most of the time," Mouse states."But I'm sure they mean well," AndrAIa pleads."Sometimes maybe and I sure would prefer them over Mike the TV." Everyone giggles at that statement. "Anyway, that was smart thinkin' of getting rid of those two Dot.""I only did it to get them of the way. Plus, they were also getting on my nerves and giving me a headache too.""Well way to go sugar!" Mouse gives Dot a thumbs up."Yeah! I just hope they they'll succeed.""Don't worry Dot, I'm sure they'll do their best.""I only hope you're right AndrAIa. Anyway, we should get going now. This is no time to stop and start chatting.""You're right sugar. So where to next.""This way!" Dot points. "Follow me!" Dot leads the way as Mouse and AndrAIa follow her down the corridor.
A very frightened TV in a storage room peeks behind from a crate in a corner. "Just stay calm Mikie (pronounced My-key). Everything will surely be all right. Bob and Dot will take care of things like always so everything will be alright in the end. Plus, you'll be the first to get the inside scoop. Yeah! That's what will happen. Heh! Heh! But at least remember your back up plan. If things do become worst, you must do the unthinkable, no matter how hard it might be, and turn...yourself...*gulps*," he squeaks out the last word of the sentence since it was hard for Mike to say. The shock of just saying that makes him backspace further into the corner. "Geesh! It even frightens me to say it let alone think it." Then he builds enough courage and strength to peek around the crate again. Suddenly, a burst of light appears out of nowhere, which shortly afterwards turns into a portal. It scares him nearly half to deletion and causes him to duck behind the crate for protection against whatever is coming to after him or so he thinks. Suddenly he hears a voice that doesn't sound like the enemy at all and even sounds familiar. He peeks above the crate again but only somewhat so he can still remain hidden and undetected in case it is the enemy. Upon seeing who it is, Mike smiles. "RAY!!!"
"That's my name mate so don't wear it out. By the way, who's there if I may ask?"
Mike comes out from his hiding place and introduces himself. "It's mmmeeeee, MIKE THE TV, Mainframe's most beloved television set."
Rays nodes his head in acknowledgement. 'Now I remember him. Mouse warned me about him too so I better be careful.' He starts scratching his head trying to remember something. 'But what am I suppose to do in a situation when he talks too much. Ah! That's it! Just yell at him to shut up. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Mouse wherever you are darling.' "So how are you doing Mike?"
Mikes walks up to him and says, "Me? Oh, I'm fine. We're presently having a virus problem at the moment but things couldn't be any dandier." Mike plasters a fake smile on his face.
"I see. Well actually I was originally going to come to visit my lovely lady Mouse but a short while ago Mouse contacted me and told me of the virus problem I then I came here to help in case things got out of hand. I have a feeling that they have, haven't they?"
"Actually...uhhhh...yes, they have."
"Thought so! So I brought in the cavalry." He points to numerous binomes behind him who all are the crew members from the Saucy Mare.
"Aye matey! We are here to help the nice lass Dot Matrix out," Captain Capacitor says.
"Oh! Praise the user, we are saved!!!" Mikes grovels at Ray's feet.
"Uh...yeah! Anyway, we should get going and get outta here."
Suddenly Mike goes ducking for cover behind a crate. " c...can't go out the...there. It's too DANGEROUS!!!"
"Uh...of course mate. What else would you expect? Listen! Why don't you stay here where it's safe and let us take care of that nasty virus, okay?"
Mike squeaks, "Okay! But watch out for any nasty virals that may be on the loose as well."
Ray points and winks at Mike. "Gotcha mate! Thanx for the warning!" Ray turns towards the crew. "Lets go!" The crew nod in agreement and let Ray lead the way. Ray tentatively opens the door and peeks outside into the corridor cautiously. Seeing no present danger, he ushers the binomes to step out of the room quietly, which they do. Ray is he last to leave the room and Mike is left all alone now.
He huddles in the corner and shivers with fear, not liking the fact that he's now all alone with no one to protect him. "I can't believe that they all just left me alone like that. There's no one around to protect me. How could they leave me alone like this. I don't like being left alone, especially in a dark empty room. Maybe if I had joined them, I would have been safer and with some company at least." Mike suddenly leaps from behind the crate and stands upon it stating a great idea of his, "That's it! Maybe if I leave now, I could possibly catch up with Ray and the others. Well, there's no time to lose. Come on Mike, gather up your strength and enter the bloody battlefield like a true hero. Ah! Who am I foolin'? I'm no hero. I'm nothing but a coward in the end. Anyway, no time to waste, if by chance there is anyway I can help them, it won't be done while I'm hiding in here. I must go and join the group and if a battle does break out, I can always run and hide like the yellow belly coward that I am." He goes and opens the door and peeks into the corridor. "Umm...guys, are you still there by any chance?" He stealthily tip toes into the corridor and hears a group of people walking. "Ah! That must be them!" He turns to the left and goes to join them. As he reaches the end of the corridor, the marching gets louder. Once Mike turns the corridor, the color drains from his face as an army of virals approach him.
Suddenly one of them points towards him and yells, "THERE!!! OVER THERE!!! CATCH HIM!!!" And they start to advance quickly upon Mike.
"Yikes! I gotta get outta here." He runs back down the corridor but stops for he must now make a decision on which way to go. He looks both ways and sees an item lying on the floor a ways up the corridor on his left. He assumes that one of the crew must have dropped it so he chooses to go left but the virals are quickly gaining up on him and suddenly they start shooting him with their weapons. Luckily he avoids them and picks up the mysterious item along the way. It indeed was the right choice for Mike quickly falls upon Ray and the crew. They all turn around to see what the commotion is about and see Mike running towards them.
Ray asks to no one in particular, "I thought that little bugger was going to stay where he was and not join us? Since when did he change his mind?"
Captain Capacitor decides to answer him, "I don't think he had a choice in the matter lad. See who's behind him?"
"Uh...yeah but who are they? I don't recognize them."
"Those are virals and I guess that he was found out and came looking for us for help."
"The bloke, he lead them straight to us. I thought we were going to try and avoid virals at all costs."
"Well too late now lad. We best make a stand and fight?"
"I agree with ya on that one mate."
Mr. Christopher quickly does some calculations on his data computer and tries to get the Captain's attention. "Um sir!"
"Yes, Mr. Christopher!"
"With these calculations, I don't think we stand much of a chance sir. I mean, they all have weapons that are far more advance than ours. Our weapons are more primitive compared to theirs. However, in numbers wise, we are equally matched.
"Aye! You don't give up no matter what. It's up to us to help Dot and thee others." Then he turns towards his crew. "Ready lads! Get ready for battle!" Everyone readies themselves for a fight with the upcoming virals and prepares themselves for battle. They all take out their weapons to prepare for an offensive attack.
"Alright sir! I'm with you all the way."
"Aye! That's the spirit Mr. Christopher and Princess Bula."
"Yes Captain!"
"You know what to do?"
"Aye Captain!"
"Good! Now prepare to fight for here comes those damn blasted virals. CHARGE MATEYS!!!" He signals for everyone to charge and start attacking. The crew run up the corridor to meet the oncoming virals while Mike desperately wishes that he was out of the way. As the runs away from the virals with his arms flailing aimlessly in the air, he thinks to himself, 'I never planned for this to happen. Help me! Please help me! Anyone help me! Please! This wasn't suppose to happen. I was suppose to find Ray and the others, not find virals instead.' "HHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!"
AN: Sorry it's been well way over a year since I last updated but I honestly can't quite remember why I stopped. I either lost interest or got side-tracked. Anyway, I'm back and planning to finish off this story. I'm still unsure how things will proceed since I only have the ending planned out but I'm sure I'll think of something real soon. And I know back in February I said that I would have this chap done in March but it took me a bit longer to get started on it. Back in mid January, I seriously thought about this fic and decide the next week to start on it once again. Little did I know that exact same week I'd fall in love with a TV show Inu Yasha. I could have watched the eps back in December but I was too lazy too and just happen to watch them that weekend and it blew my plans to work on this chap for I was reading Inu Yasha fan fics like crazy that 3rd week in January and shortly afterwards, I started my own Inu Yasha fan fic to boot. Anyway, my Inu Yasha craze finally subsided weeks ago but I was busy with other things in life. Anyway, I'm back and motivated to continue this fic. I'm sorry that this fic was way overdue but it's out now and expect the next chap to be out within a span of a month or less. And I'm not joking, I'm seriously putting my foot down and getting back to this fic but I'm also going to work on my Inu Yasha fic at the same time so don't expect the next chap up right away. Anyway, I've ranted enough now. Please read the chap and enjoy![/i] Once Dot finishes telling everyone the plan, she asks, "So does everyone understand what they're suppose to do?""Yes!" everyone says in unison."We'll make you proud Dot," Hack says."Yes! Very proud of both of us," Slash adds his input."I know you will boys," Dot tells them."Oh! We will.""Yeah! Despite out horrible past with Megabyte.""We are totally indebted to ya.""Yeah, ever since Phong rebuilt us.""Alright! Hack and Slash, I believe the both of you but this is no time to diddle dally, okay?""Oh! We are so sorry Dot.""Yeah, very sorry!""You're absolutely right.""Yeah!""Boys! Enough already! Now go do what you're suppose to do."Hack salutes, "Right away mam!"Seeing Hack salute, Slash follow suit. "Yeah! Hack and Slash ready to report to duty mam.""Just shut up and go already!"Hack and Slash nod in agreement and quickly get on their way and leave. After they have left, Dot rubs her temples. "I'm so glad they're gone now.""Yeah! Those two can be quite annoying most of the time," Mouse states."But I'm sure they mean well," AndrAIa pleads."Sometimes maybe and I sure would prefer them over Mike the TV." Everyone giggles at that statement. "Anyway, that was smart thinkin' of getting rid of those two Dot.""I only did it to get them of the way. Plus, they were also getting on my nerves and giving me a headache too.""Well way to go sugar!" Mouse gives Dot a thumbs up."Yeah! I just hope they they'll succeed.""Don't worry Dot, I'm sure they'll do their best.""I only hope you're right AndrAIa. Anyway, we should get going now. This is no time to stop and start chatting.""You're right sugar. So where to next.""This way!" Dot points. "Follow me!" Dot leads the way as Mouse and AndrAIa follow her down the corridor.
A very frightened TV in a storage room peeks behind from a crate in a corner. "Just stay calm Mikie (pronounced My-key). Everything will surely be all right. Bob and Dot will take care of things like always so everything will be alright in the end. Plus, you'll be the first to get the inside scoop. Yeah! That's what will happen. Heh! Heh! But at least remember your back up plan. If things do become worst, you must do the unthinkable, no matter how hard it might be, and turn...yourself...*gulps*," he squeaks out the last word of the sentence since it was hard for Mike to say. The shock of just saying that makes him backspace further into the corner. "Geesh! It even frightens me to say it let alone think it." Then he builds enough courage and strength to peek around the crate again. Suddenly, a burst of light appears out of nowhere, which shortly afterwards turns into a portal. It scares him nearly half to deletion and causes him to duck behind the crate for protection against whatever is coming to after him or so he thinks. Suddenly he hears a voice that doesn't sound like the enemy at all and even sounds familiar. He peeks above the crate again but only somewhat so he can still remain hidden and undetected in case it is the enemy. Upon seeing who it is, Mike smiles. "RAY!!!"
"That's my name mate so don't wear it out. By the way, who's there if I may ask?"
Mike comes out from his hiding place and introduces himself. "It's mmmeeeee, MIKE THE TV, Mainframe's most beloved television set."
Rays nodes his head in acknowledgement. 'Now I remember him. Mouse warned me about him too so I better be careful.' He starts scratching his head trying to remember something. 'But what am I suppose to do in a situation when he talks too much. Ah! That's it! Just yell at him to shut up. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Mouse wherever you are darling.' "So how are you doing Mike?"
Mikes walks up to him and says, "Me? Oh, I'm fine. We're presently having a virus problem at the moment but things couldn't be any dandier." Mike plasters a fake smile on his face.
"I see. Well actually I was originally going to come to visit my lovely lady Mouse but a short while ago Mouse contacted me and told me of the virus problem I then I came here to help in case things got out of hand. I have a feeling that they have, haven't they?"
"Actually...uhhhh...yes, they have."
"Thought so! So I brought in the cavalry." He points to numerous binomes behind him who all are the crew members from the Saucy Mare.
"Aye matey! We are here to help the nice lass Dot Matrix out," Captain Capacitor says.
"Oh! Praise the user, we are saved!!!" Mikes grovels at Ray's feet.
"Uh...yeah! Anyway, we should get going and get outta here."
Suddenly Mike goes ducking for cover behind a crate. " c...can't go out the...there. It's too DANGEROUS!!!"
"Uh...of course mate. What else would you expect? Listen! Why don't you stay here where it's safe and let us take care of that nasty virus, okay?"
Mike squeaks, "Okay! But watch out for any nasty virals that may be on the loose as well."
Ray points and winks at Mike. "Gotcha mate! Thanx for the warning!" Ray turns towards the crew. "Lets go!" The crew nod in agreement and let Ray lead the way. Ray tentatively opens the door and peeks outside into the corridor cautiously. Seeing no present danger, he ushers the binomes to step out of the room quietly, which they do. Ray is he last to leave the room and Mike is left all alone now.
He huddles in the corner and shivers with fear, not liking the fact that he's now all alone with no one to protect him. "I can't believe that they all just left me alone like that. There's no one around to protect me. How could they leave me alone like this. I don't like being left alone, especially in a dark empty room. Maybe if I had joined them, I would have been safer and with some company at least." Mike suddenly leaps from behind the crate and stands upon it stating a great idea of his, "That's it! Maybe if I leave now, I could possibly catch up with Ray and the others. Well, there's no time to lose. Come on Mike, gather up your strength and enter the bloody battlefield like a true hero. Ah! Who am I foolin'? I'm no hero. I'm nothing but a coward in the end. Anyway, no time to waste, if by chance there is anyway I can help them, it won't be done while I'm hiding in here. I must go and join the group and if a battle does break out, I can always run and hide like the yellow belly coward that I am." He goes and opens the door and peeks into the corridor. "Umm...guys, are you still there by any chance?" He stealthily tip toes into the corridor and hears a group of people walking. "Ah! That must be them!" He turns to the left and goes to join them. As he reaches the end of the corridor, the marching gets louder. Once Mike turns the corridor, the color drains from his face as an army of virals approach him.
Suddenly one of them points towards him and yells, "THERE!!! OVER THERE!!! CATCH HIM!!!" And they start to advance quickly upon Mike.
"Yikes! I gotta get outta here." He runs back down the corridor but stops for he must now make a decision on which way to go. He looks both ways and sees an item lying on the floor a ways up the corridor on his left. He assumes that one of the crew must have dropped it so he chooses to go left but the virals are quickly gaining up on him and suddenly they start shooting him with their weapons. Luckily he avoids them and picks up the mysterious item along the way. It indeed was the right choice for Mike quickly falls upon Ray and the crew. They all turn around to see what the commotion is about and see Mike running towards them.
Ray asks to no one in particular, "I thought that little bugger was going to stay where he was and not join us? Since when did he change his mind?"
Captain Capacitor decides to answer him, "I don't think he had a choice in the matter lad. See who's behind him?"
"Uh...yeah but who are they? I don't recognize them."
"Those are virals and I guess that he was found out and came looking for us for help."
"The bloke, he lead them straight to us. I thought we were going to try and avoid virals at all costs."
"Well too late now lad. We best make a stand and fight?"
"I agree with ya on that one mate."
Mr. Christopher quickly does some calculations on his data computer and tries to get the Captain's attention. "Um sir!"
"Yes, Mr. Christopher!"
"With these calculations, I don't think we stand much of a chance sir. I mean, they all have weapons that are far more advance than ours. Our weapons are more primitive compared to theirs. However, in numbers wise, we are equally matched.
"Aye! You don't give up no matter what. It's up to us to help Dot and thee others." Then he turns towards his crew. "Ready lads! Get ready for battle!" Everyone readies themselves for a fight with the upcoming virals and prepares themselves for battle. They all take out their weapons to prepare for an offensive attack.
"Alright sir! I'm with you all the way."
"Aye! That's the spirit Mr. Christopher and Princess Bula."
"Yes Captain!"
"You know what to do?"
"Aye Captain!"
"Good! Now prepare to fight for here comes those damn blasted virals. CHARGE MATEYS!!!" He signals for everyone to charge and start attacking. The crew run up the corridor to meet the oncoming virals while Mike desperately wishes that he was out of the way. As the runs away from the virals with his arms flailing aimlessly in the air, he thinks to himself, 'I never planned for this to happen. Help me! Please help me! Anyone help me! Please! This wasn't suppose to happen. I was suppose to find Ray and the others, not find virals instead.' "HHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!"
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Nightbird on December 26, 2005, 2:29:25 AM
Nightbird on