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Chapter 3 - The Party

A fic that I wrote for a holiday fan fic contest that AvA was hosting on Mayhem's Boards.

Chapter 3 - The Party

Chapter 3 - The Party
Chapter #3: The Party
Three seconds after, Phong was hosting the Christmas party at the Principal Office. Many binomes from around Mainframe were there, even Mouse and Ray."Merry Christmas sugar!" Mouse says as she hands Ray a small box."Why thank you love! I got one for you too. Here you go!" Ray hands Mouse her present.Mouse opens her gift from Ray and gasps. She is on the verge of tears. "Why Ray, honey, this is so beautiful!" Ray got Mouse a dagger."I'm glad you like it. I know that you already have plenty of katanas and daggers but you can never have too many. Besides, I had it specially engraved with your name on it, love. Just flip it over and you'll see it."Mouse did just that and thought it was so thoughtful of him. She kisses him deeply, which many binomes around the room could swear they've been at it for milliseconds. When Mouse finally released Ray's lips, they were both totally breathless."Wow love! Your kisses never cease to amaze me."Mouse blushes. "Why thank you sugar! This is one of the best presents I have ever received. Thank you! Now go ahead and open yours!" Ray did just that.He was surprised at what he got too. "This is great, love. I always wanted one of these. How'd you know?"Mouse raises an eyebrow and grins. "I thought you would like it." Mouse got Ray collectible data java cards."Do you know how hard it is to get these? How did you know that these were my favorites anyway?""Oh, you know! You mentioned it once by mistake. Thought you wouldn't remember though. Anyway, you're right. It is hard to get'em but I worked my butt off to get'em for the one I love."Now it was Ray's turn to blush. "Why thanks, love. I really like'em but there's something else I like even more." Ray grins mischievously."Why sugar, what are you implying?" Mouse eyes Ray suspiciously."Why don't we go get some punch first and I'll show you what I mean later?" Hand in hand, they went off to get some punch and who knows what else happens after that. That's left up to the imagination. LOLIn another part of Mainframe, Bob was at Dot's Diner. "Hurry up Bob! We don't want to be late.""I'm coming Dot. Just give me a milli to close down this tear?""Okay!""Madame, isn't there anything else you need me to do?""No! Just clean up the place. That's about it. Thanks Cecil!""Your welcome Madame!"Suddenly Bob comes out. "All done!" Bob hooks his arm with Dot. "Shall we go milady?""Yes! Lets!""Good! Get out of here guardian. I have to clean up ze place. Have fun Madame!""I will Cecil. Thanks!""You know Cecil, if Frisket is being nice to me for once, you could do the same for once too.""Not on your processor, Monsieur! Good day! Now off with you! I have a lot of work to do." Cecil shoos them away and then goes about his business.After they exit the diner, Bob focuses his gaze onto Dot and takes the time to admire her. She catches Bob in the act of looking at her and returns his gazes with one of her one filled with intense emotions in her eyes. Bob smiles sweetly and says, "You know Dot, you look really beautiful tonight wearing that black dress and necklace together.""Why thank you Bob and you don't look half bad yourself! Oh! And before I forget, I better give you this. Here is your present!" Dot gives Bob his present.Bob takes it and opens it. "Thanks Dot! I really like it. It'll come in really handy for my hair.""Well, it's something new for you to try." When Bob wasn't looking, Dot smiles in amusement and suppresses a giggle because she got him hair gel. Then Bob and Dot walk out of the diner, get into Bob's car and go off to the party together.Once they arrive, they see Matrix leading AndrAIa off somewhere. "Sparky, where are you taking me?""I have a present for you AndrAIa. It's outside so you have to follow me.""What would my present be outside for in the first place? My present for you wasn't like that at all.""I know but your present is really big and wouldn't look nice inside a party.""Ah! I see!"AndrAIa got Matrix a new set of bullets for his gun. Instead of deleting a sprite, binome, or virus, it simply would catch them in a net using lasers. Matrix was reluctant to use them at first but, after a little convincing by AndrAIa's part, he finally accepted the idea to use them just for her. She kissed him on his cheek for his compliance.Now she was wondering were he was taking her. She finally found out when she saw a bow on a handle bar. "Why it's beautiful Sparky! Thank you so much!""I'd new you'd like it." She kisses him hard but quick and runs over to her gift. She gets on the seat to test it out and right away she loves it. "Well, I know how much you love bikes and you don't have your own yet so I saved up a little and bought one for ya.""I love it Sparky. Thank you so much! Hey lover, why don't you hop on with me and we'll go for a little test drive?" She looks at him mischievously.He grins, relishing the idea, but responds, "Maybe afterwards AndrIAa? Trust me, as much as I like the idea and I really do like the idea, the party has just started and we haven't seen everyone yet. I'd at least like to see everyone first before leaving. Afterwards, we can take as long as we want with that test drive, okay?"She sighs dejectedly. "Okay, we'll head back to the party first then we go on that test drive together."He smiles fondly then she gets off the bike and together they go back to the party in search of the others. First they find little Enzo, who shows them what Bob gave him.Afterwards, everyone meets up at the Christmas tree, with many gifts laid under it and everyone starts exchanging gifts with each other. Phone got a new mug with his name on it, which he enjoyed immensely. Mike the TV got a new remote, which sent him off running screaming scared like a baby. Hack and Slash were happy to receive matching Santa hats, which were from everyone who all pitched in some credit to get the hats for them. Matrix commented on what an amazing job Bob did to get Frisket to be nice to him for once then had a good laugh about it at Bob's expense. After a while of exchanging gifts, Bob tells everyone, "You know, I just remembered something. Even though some of us got gifts early, I think we were all suppose to wait till morning to open them up. Now why did I just remember that?"They all say in unison, "Now you tell us!"Bob shrugs. "Oh well! Let's do it next hour, okay?"Everyone just shakes their head exasperatedly.Later on, Bob decides to take everyone outside for a big surprise. "I have one more present for everybody." Suddenly it starts to snow and everyone gasps.Dot asks Bob, "Bob, how is this possible? Is this snow?""Yes it is Dot! There are some systems where it snows quite frequently. Well, another thing that you didn't know is that there are also programs that can create snow. I had Phong install it yesterday and timed it to snow tonight."Dot looks over to Phong. "You knew?"Phong just shrugs and says, "Yes my child but Bob would not allow to tell anyone otherwise it would have ruined the surprise."Dot looks over to Bob. "And you didn't tell me?"Bob shrugs as well and says, "I knew the truth all along but I couldn't ruin this surprise for you and everyone. I just hope that you like it.""I love it! Well, either way, this is a great gift for everyone Bob. Thanks!""No prob Dot! And some time by tomorrow, the program show deactivate the snow and it'll just disappear. But we have the program so we can recreate it anytime we like but not too much cuz snow can be quite a nuisance to traffic and such." Dot nods her head in agreement.Suddenly Enzo is seen running through the snow yelling at the top of his lungs. "WHOHOO! SNOW! I finally get to see this stuff for real. Thanks Bob! This is the best present anyone could have asked for.""Your welcome Enzo! Now why don't we all gather around and sing some carols everyone?" With that said, everyone does just that and start to sing carols. Mike the TV reports, "We shall leave you with seeing that Mainframe is a beautiful sight tonight and remember that next hour, I'm hosting the celebration. Fantastic, isn't it?" Suddenly, Bob stops singing to take out the new remote that Mike got for Christmas and uses it to shut Mike off so they don't have to listen to his annoying ranting anymore then Bob joins back in with the caroling.
~ The End! ~


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