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Chapter 3 - A Good 600 And Jealousy

Lilo And Stitch/Courage The Cowardly Dog

Its the oddest crossover ever when Stitch meets Courage as they battle Gantu for expriment 600. Part one of the Courage crossover Lilo and Stitch trilogy.

Chapter 3 - A Good 600 And Jealousy

Chapter 3 - A Good 600 And Jealousy
Chapter 3

A Good 600 And Jealousy

600 couldn’t understand why he felt bad about making Muriel angry, Maybe it was because she took him in, Maybe it was because she didn’t treat him the same way Jumba had, Maybe it was because she loved him and gave him food no matter how ugly or dangerous he looked. Either way he was now feeling very bad about using his destructive ability on Muriel.

Muriel slowly got up from the broken chair. She pointed angrily at the door.

“Out now.” She said sternly. “Once you learn some manners maybe you will be permitted back into this household one day.”

600's ears drooped to the floor. “Soka.” He mumbled but of course Muriel didn’t understand what that meant.

“Get out of this house now!” She finally yelled. 600 slowly made his way to the back door, Courage was just waking up as he saw 600 make his way through the door. Courage smiled knowing that Muriel wouldn’t let 600 back in again.

Both Courage and Muriel went back into the living room to tired to clean up the kitchen. Muriel once again began watching the crazy man with bananas in his ears dance around the screen.

Eustace had also come back in the house but he was still pouting over the loss of his truck.

Courage slowly began to drift asleep but the thought of 600 sitting outside the door waiting to be let in again still made him uneasy. Thankfully sleep still came to him and soon he was in a world of happiness and no 600's.

A few hours later...

Courage felt as though someone was breathing on him...He was slowly being lulled out of his sleep thanks to the breathing.

“What the...” He thought to himself as he opened his eyes. To his surprise and horror he met up with the two black eyes of 600. He shot back as far as he could into Muriel’s chair as he screamed, horrified of 600. He just then noticed that Muriel wasn’t in her chair.

He gained all his courage and yelled “W...w...what have you done with Muriel?”

He growled angrily at 600 who had just been so close to Courage’s face that it was odd that Courage hadn’t woken up sooner. 600 just gazed at him as if he didn’t understand what he meant.

“He must have got Muriel!” Courage thought as panic washed over him. “Naga done anything to Muril.” 600 said blinking a few times as though he didn’t have a clue that Courage was accusing him of attacking Muriel.

Courage was now panicking even more over the fact 600 could talk. “Courage?” Came Muriel’s voice from the kitchen. It took him a few seconds to notice that Muriel was safe in the kitchen.

He soon sighed with relief knowing that 600 hadn’t done anything bad to Muriel.

Courage ran into the kitchen to find Muriel, to his surprise she was cooking dinner. “Huh?” He wonder as he looked around the kitchen. It looked good as new, very few things seemed out of place.

Courage looked over to the door as 600 entered on all fours. “600 was such a dear to fix up the kitchen for me, I guess he has learned his lesson.” Muriel said as she cracked open an egg that spilt into a bowl.

600 had done an ok job. The fridge had been duck taped back together, the table had been tied together again with rope, all the dog food that had been on the wall was cleaned off and the chairs had been fix with nails hammered into them. The only thing that was out of place was the pan in the shape of 600 head.

Courage couldn’t help but be surprised and jealous at how nice the kitchen looked again.

Eustace was already sitting at the table as Courage and 600 sat down for dinner too. He had his newspaper open as always and was mumbling. “What are these stupid dogs doing at the table.” Like always he got up off the chair, walked over to Courage, grabbed him by the ears, dropped him to the ground and then dropped his dog bowl next to him.

He would then sit back down at his side of the table and act as though he hadn’t done anything wrong but this time he lowered his newspaper and look at 600.

600 gave Eustace an evil grin as he flexed his claws outward to show that he wasn’t going anywhere. Eustace apparently got the message

He slowly backed away and sat down again. He flung the newspaper up to his face and could just be heard saying “Darn freak dog...” Courage couldn’t help but chuckle at Eustace’s fear of 600.

Dinner had been great mostly because Muriel was back in a good mood again and that Eustace was to terrified to make fun of him or 600.

Courage helped Muriel with the dishes, 600 was going to help too but the minute 600 saw that it involved sticking his metal hands into water he turned it away knowing that he could easily rust them.

Muriel was sitting down now to watch TV but when Courage had tried to sit on her lap she suddenly pushed him off.

Courage couldn’t help but gasp when he hit the ground Muriel never made him get off her lap before and to make thing even worse she had replaced him with 600.

Courage growled lightly but felt to tired to fight for his spot so instead he found a nice spot to lay down and try to forget about 600 but the jealousy that was burning inside was growing as he watched Muriel stroke 600 down the back just like the way she did it to him.

He took out his frustration by chewing on his favorite shoe but he only got angrier as Muriel began to talk about how nice and kind 600 was and even worse she seemed to have come up with a name for him.

“You know I still haven’t thought up a name for you.” Muriel said stroking 600 again.

“May as well call him freak dog.” Eustace mumbled.

Courage looked up at Muriel a little shocked that she was already going to rename 600. “Hm I think I’ll call you Slash because of those sharp claws of yours.”

Courage gasped and Slash could have cared less he seemed to be off in La, La Land thanks to Muriel’s strong stroking. Courage grumbled something under his breath as he continued to chew out his anger on his favorite shoe.

Around midnight Muriel and Eustace headed to bed, Courage found his favorite spot at the end of the bed and began to doze off just like every night.

He would just sit there and snooze as Muriel and Eustace got ready for bed but unlike every other night Courage felt someone pick him up and place him on the floor. He opened his eyes and found that Muriel had put him on the floor and was putting Slash in his place.

He gave Muriel a hurt look and even whined a little in hopes to get her attention but she still didn’t seem to notice him. He sighed and lied down but once again he was picked up this time by Eustace. Courage felt himself go flying out of the room as Eustace kicked him out. This must have been a way for Eustace to get some of his anger out because he had no reason to kick Courage out of the room yet.

He could just barley hear Eustace say “Stupid dogs.” As he shut the door to the room.

Courage made his way across the hall to the attic. He was going to have to sleep here tonight even though he hated it and he was also going to ask for some help from his computer. (A/N: You think that me being an over obsessed computer fan girl would leave him out of a Courage story!)

Courage turned his computer and began to type in. “Help, evil dog thing making Muriel forget about me.” Of course a few seconds later Courage’s computer replies as rudely as ever.

“It a way of humanoid life you idiot, one moment the human’s are in love one thing, then its on to the next big thing as the other thing is left behind to be forgotten. In any case your just simply boring in Muriel’s eyes now thanks to this evil dog. Even then I can’t believe it took her that long to notice that a pink dog that can’t go a day without screaming at least once is boring.

“What do I do about it?” Courage asked.

“Simple, just do something better then what this evil dog does or try and impress her.” Courage thought about this, he knew he could impress Muriel somehow.

He was suddenly drawn out of his thoughts when he heard something shuffle past the attic door. Courage without question went to check on Muriel. He first noticed that the door to the room was open and that the shuffling sound had coming from that room too. He peeked in on Eustace and Muriel who was fast asleep and then he saw that Slash was not in the room at all.

Panicking he began to check over all of the house even the kitchen cabinets but Slash was nowhere to be found. Frightened by the fact that Slash was up this late at night Courage sat down in Eustace’s big red chair and stared at the door making sure that Slash wouldn’t get back in the house without him knowing. He would have to stay up all night if he had to but even then he was getting drowsy. After a good ten or twenty minute he could no longer keep his eyes open and soon he was dreaming peacefully not knowing that Muriel could be in danger.

Back In Hawaii...

Aw man I hate heat waves.” Lilo whined as she and Stitch entered the airport to escape the heat. “I’m defiantly going to ask Slushy to cool thing down a bit when he’s off of work.”

“Ih.” Stitch replied faintly as he found a chair to sit in and fan out his sweaty fur. It seemed as if the airport was the only place in all of Hawaii with air condition.

“Poor Slushy.” Lilo said softly. “He must be getting bombarded with tourist right now.” Stitch could only imagine what his cousin was going through right now, constant tourist begging for slushes.

The heat wave was one of the most hottest ones yet and to make things worse no one in Hawaii seemed to have any air condition.

“I hope Slushy gets a lunch break soon I don’t think we can stand much more of this stupid heat. You know maybe we can...” Lilo was suddenly interrupted by a loud echoing alarm that forced everyone to turn there attention to the metal detectors that were stationed near the entrance to the planes.

A very large man in a Hawaiian palm tree shirt was halted by a security guard next to him was a small child also wearing a Hawaiian shirt. The kids legs were to small to put even shorts on so he was just wearing green shoe’s instead, Both the man and kid were wearing sunglasses over there eyes.

“Gantu...” Both Lilo and Stitch grumbled at the same time. They just barley heard Gantu say something about experiment 600, Kansas and Nowhere under his breath. “Oh no.” Lilo gasped under breath as well. “Stitch, he’s going to this Nowhere, Kansas place to capture an Experiment!”

“Cousin!” Stitch yelped as his ears perked up. He suddenly felt very angry at Gantu and was about to leap forward at him and 625 but Lilo stopped him. “Wait, lets tell Jumba about this first.” She said Stitch nodding in agreement.

Gantu stopped walking as an alarm sounded out through airport apparently he wasn’t supposed to take metal with him on the plane.

The security guard quickly prided open his suitcase and gasped as he saw the plasma gun and capture container. “It...It’s for my’s a toy gun...nothing more.” Gantu said hopping the man wouldn’t try and inspect it more closely.

“Sorry bro can’t take anything metal onto the plane. Your just going to have to tell his aunt of yours that your going to have to send it in the mail.” The guard said closing the suitcase back up again.

“But I...” Gantu stammered “No but’s man it’s a rule.” The guard said. “Fine, Fine.” Gantu mumbled under his breath. “But I don’t see how I’m going to catch 600 in Nowhere Kansas without a plasma gun...”

Finally after getting through the gate and nearly missing there plane Gantu and 625 finally were able to board.

Gantu found it extremely hard to sit down when he took up almost four seats. After he complain about the plane’s stupid design from galactic federation’s ship he found a nice row seats on the right side of the plane and sat down.

All that seemed to be on his mind was that he didn’t have any hope’s of catching 600 thanks to a lack of plasma guns and capture containers.

625 sat down next to Gantu in the only seat that wasn’t being taken up by Gantu’s fat butt. Gantu sighed as the plane took off knowing that he was about to face his ultimate doom

“Well look on the bright side G.” 625 said chomping on a sandwich he had packed up in his shirt pocket. “At least we still got the suitcase full of sandwich’s.”

“What good would sandwich’s do?” Gantu sighed. “Well we won’t starve to death.” 625 said taking another bite out of his sandwich.

Everyone on the plane suddenly gasped as they lifted off the ground, the side that Gantu was siting on was lurching uneasily to the side. Gantu groaned as everyone looked over to him.

No sooner then that did the captains voice ring through the intercom. “Sorry for the inconvenience but we apparently have too much weight aboard the plane as an alternative we will dump all the cargo now. Please excuse us for doing so.”

625 couldn’t believe what he was hearing “What!” He screamed. “My Sandwich’s are in the cargo! Thanks a lot fish breath!”

625 crossed his arms and mumbled “I hope the guys I hired for the ship do something really bad to it just to get revenge for destroying my poor little defenseless babies.”

Gantu sighed once again as he placed his face into his hands as a headache began to come on.

Back At Gantu’s Ship...

Fireworks could be seen shooting up over the tree tops near Gantu’s ship.

Yin and Yang where combining lava and water to make some awesome looking firework. The ship was decorated with holiday lights that were flashing in many different colors. Sample was atop the ship playing off different beats as fire and water danced across the sky.

Nosy was at the entrance of the ship with his sidekick Fibber who was holding a chipboard in his hand.

“This party’s gonna rock!” Nosy said excitedly to Kixx who was posing as the guard to make sure no unwanted experiment who weren’t on the list didn’t get in.

“Hey Spike!” Nosy yelled to experiment coming out of the forest. “Come on in! This just isn’t a party without you here.”

Spike smiled a huge grin as he ran in on all fours to the biggest party in Hawaii that no experiment was going to miss.

“This is going to be great!” Nosy yelled. “Me and Squeak (A/N: Squeak’s in the episode Spike.) Are going to sing the Mr. Lonely song later isn’t that right Squeak?”

Nosy looks over at Squeak who is sing in a high pitch voice. “Lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely I have nobody for my own.”

“That’s right keep sings there pal.” Nosy yells to the over to the hyper experiment.

A crash suddenly rings out from inside the ship as Nosy looks in to see what the problem is.

“Hey spike! Watch out where you shoot those spikes we don’t want any experiments with hangovers after the party.”

End Chapter 3


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