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Chapter 10 - A Promise To Be Kept

Lilo And Stitch/Courage The Cowardly Dog

Its the oddest crossover ever when Stitch meets Courage as they battle Gantu for expriment 600. Part one of the Courage crossover Lilo and Stitch trilogy.

Chapter 10 - A Promise To Be Kept

Chapter 10 - A Promise To Be Kept
Chapter 10

A Promise To Be Kept

“I can’t believe you guys are just going to leave Slash out there!” Lilo yelled as the group of humans, aliens, and experiments made a fast walk back to the farm.

“Little girl must not shout!” Jumba said trying to calm the little girl. “You know Pleakly will be all over us if you are not back to the farm soon!”

“And when did we start worrying about what Pleakly will do to us!” Lilo cried out in frustration.

“Well lets just say when he got Nani’s attitude.” Jumba replied. “It is wrath even Jumba fears.”

“Who cares about Pleakly’s wimpy wrath! How am I suppose to keep my promise to Stitch this way!” Lilo continued to fume.

“Eh, promise to 626?” Jumba said halting to a stop. Stitch who was ignoring Lilo’s little episode like everyone else stopped as well. Courage also slowed to a stop too once he noticed the three of them had stopped walking.

Jumba waved his hand at him in a very odd motion at Courage once he noticed the dog had stopped as well. Courage quickly realized that it meant to keep going because if he stayed put the other experiments would stop as well. He quickly turned around and raced back up to the experiments.

Once Courage and the experiments were far enough away Jumba decided it was ok to ask Lilo what she had meant. “Lilo what promise did you make to 626?” He asked

Lilo looked over at Stitch with a sad look and said very softy “Stitch, do you remember the promise?”

“Ih, Stitch always remembers the promise Lilo made.” He said.

“I must really be doing a bad job of keeping it don’t I...” She mumbled.

“Lilo naga doing bad job, Lilo doing very good job of keeping it!” Stitch said trying to reassure her.

“Jumba is being lost here, what promise did you two make?” Jumba asked budding in.

Lilo sighed gently and spoke up “You know how we never chased after Gantu when he caught Fibber or Amnesio or HunkaHunka or like when we gave them up like Nosy and Tank. Well Stitch was very sad about losing so many cousins, especially Angel...So I made a promise to him. I promised that we’d never give up an experiment to Gantu without a fight ever again, even if it meant chasing Gantu right back to his ship and into the teleporter and we’d also never just give away any experiment ever again no matter how hard it is to find there one true place.”

“And Lilo been doing good job since.” Stitch said. “Mega and cousins aren’t going to let big dummy have his way ever again! Not with Slash either!”

“But we just let Slash...” Lilo began.

“No worry’s little girl! Tomorrow we have Finder find him again before Gantu does!” Jumba assured her. “Let’s go have supper now and worry about thing later!”

“Well...ok...but I won’t like it...” Lilo began to walk again very slowly until Stitch lifted her up onto his back and with the speed of a super genetic experimentation began to race across the outskirts of Nowhere back to the farm, Lilo laughing all the way.

“Ah sometimes I can not believe I made 626 to destroy.” Jumba chuckled.

By the time Lilo and Stitch got back to the farm everyone was already eating much to there dislike.

“You couldn’t wait for us?” Lilo asked.

“I’m sorry Lilo but they wouldn’t wait.” Muriel said pointing to Eustace and the experiment. She and Courage were the only ones waiting for them.

“Dig in!” Stitch yelled diving onto the table to join the near out of control experiments...and Eustace.

“So where is...Uh Jumbo was it?” Muriel asked.

“It’s Jumba and he should be here soon.” Lilo replied.

It was then when Pleakly came through the kitchen door and into the dinning room with more food to put on the table. “So I’m going to guess you guys caught the experiment?” Pleakly asked.

“No not yet.” Lilo said once more.

“But where’s Jumba then? I thought he was outside dealing with that little monster.” Pleakly said.

“No he isn’t...we kinda left him in the dust back there...” Lilo said chuckling softly.

It was also then when the other dinning room door slammed open. “The evil genus has entered the building! Awww 626 why did you eat all the mash potatoes! It’s the only thing Pleakly can cook without burning!” Jumba said bursting into the room.

“Hey I do not burn everything!” Pleakly yelled.

“Oh don’t worry I added vinegar to everything!” Muriel said.

“Yea, you’d be surprised what you can do with a little vinegar!” Pleakly added.

Jumba gave a soft disgusted and mumbled. “Eww, I think I’ll be skipping supper.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t think there will be any left in a few seconds.” Courage mumbled back as Yaarp leapt off the table and slurped up his dog food.

After the quick dinner the experiments quickly deserted the room and headed off to join Eustace in an after dinner nap. Only Pleakly, Lilo and Courage remained to help Muriel clean up.

Courage and Pleakly stayed in the dinning room to clean up the mess while Lilo and Muriel went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. All was quite in both the house and the kitchen until Muriel finally spoke up to Lilo.

“Lilo?” She asked.


“Why can’t I understand what Courage says?”

“I’ve been wondering about that too.” Lilo said softly. “Maybe I can understand him because I’m always around aliens that speak in a different language or maybe you just got to listen harder, the next time he speaks to you listen as hard as you can. When Stitch speaks in that language of his, if I listen hard enough I can understand what he’s saying no matter much I don’t understand the language. It’s like a bond I’ve got with him and my ohana maybe It’s the same with you and Courage as well. Believe it or not Courage is speaking English but he slurs it really badly.”

“Well I...I guess I will start listing to him harder like you you Lilo...I was worried that I may never understand Courage the way I want to...He’s like the son I never had...Well like the son I lost...” Muriel said softly.

“Well I’m glad I helped you. We’re all one big ohana deep down.”

“Yes one big family...”

Once the dishes were done Muriel went to join the others in the living room. Lilo stayed behind to help Courage and Pleakly finish the dinning room.

Courage couldn’t help but sigh softly once the dinning room was finished, he had never seen so many crumbs before. He watched Pleakly and Lilo pass him as they headed into the living room. Much to his surprises Lilo dropped a crumpled up paper to the ground just as she walked through the door. Courage slowly picked it up and unrolled it. In sloppy handwriting it read.

Courage, meet me in the attic at midnight.


End Chapter


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