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Chapter 2 - Arrangements and Fights

When fate brings people together for unknown reasons

Chapter 2 - Arrangements and Fights

Chapter 2 - Arrangements and Fights
Ok here we have the next chappie and I hope you have been reviewing for those hungry children anyways as we can see things have been well no clue how long til I finish this story but hey great things take time, anyways Onwards with the story~~~~ Moon Atoka


Katsumi was so happy to have found a home that she didnt notice that two eyes were watching her hmm so the girl is still alive, be happy for now Katsumi for soon you shall be used for greater purposes and as soon as the man said those words he disappeared just as quickly as he was there. Im going to go take a walk for an hour or two she said as she walked out the door. When she walked out the door she was greeted by the bright sunlight and the warm day Its so nice out I cant believe I found a home but with two boys who I hardly know she said as she sat down on a rock near a lake.

As Katsumi was sitting on the rock looking at the lake she felt like someone was watching her and she was right someone was watching her, but when she turned around the person watching her was gone and she didnt fell his presence nor could she smell him. Weird I could have sworn someone was there watching me&. maybe I was wrong she thought and she slipped her feet into the water and relaxing. Katsumi placed her hand over the water and concentrated on it whispering Water Rose she said as some of the water lifted out of the lake taking shape as a rose. Perfect I cant forget to practice anytime I get she said as she let the rose turn back into water watching as it fell back into the lake.

Back at the house Tenki and Zetsu were in there rooms grabbing their swords. Lets see where is my sword? Tenki asked himself as he opened a closet and looked in other places until he found a long cloth covering his sword. Here it is Tenki said removing the cloth from a long white sword and smiled as he felt the pure power flowing from him to the blade and back again. Well Im glad I found it for some strange reason I feel I might need it, well looks like you get to see battle again Yin Sword Tenki said smiling. Hmm I know its here under my bed I think Zetsu said as he looked under his bed Ah here it is. Now I feel it is time to use you once more Yang Sword Zesty said as he uncovered the long dark sword and he griped the hilt of the sword feeling the power of its impureness following through him. Tenki was putting his sword back into its sheath and tying the sheath around his waist. Zetsu was doing the same thing and both brothers smiled when they saw each other seeing that they both had their swords.

The man was standing on top of a branch watching Katsumi practice Hmm its been far too long it seems she has fully harnessed her powers but she is still no match for me I killed her parents and now I shall kill her the man said as he climbed down the tree and stayed hidden in the shadows. Katsumi still felt she was being watched and she made her body tense trying to pinpoint the person someones there watching mw better get ready to fight she thought as she got up reaching for her sword. So Katsumi we meet again only this time you wont live, the man said as he stepped out of the shadows. Who are you and how do you know me? she asked scared for she felt she heard this voice before Oh Katsumi that hurts dont you remember me how could you forget the man said right next to her ear and he whispered Im the one who killed your parents and when he said that Katsumi felt a chill of fear run through her as she remembered the night her parents were killed. Katsumi was 6 years old running back to the hut her parents made hidden in the forest. Im almost home she said as she ran faster wanting to get out of the cold and into her parents arms again. Katsumi ran into the hut only to be greeted by the smell of blood and the smell of a wolf MOTHER FATHER she screamed as she saw her parents dead on the floor in her room, then a wolf demon appeared behind her and said Your parents are dead&but dont worry your going to see them in the after life soon the man said as he held a dagger to her neck. Katsumi felt anger and sadness wash over her YOU BASTERD she screamed as a black aura surrounded her and pushed the wolf away and then Katsumi ran but not without taking her sword, a ribbon, and her mothers fan. I promise to avenge you she swore to her parents as she ran through the night. Then the man swore to kill her soon and he left but not before he burned the hut and her parents and spreading the ashes into the wind.

Katsumi blinked back tears as she realized villagers didnt kill her parents but they were killed by the wolf demon behind her. So you killed my parents&. you bastard ILL KILL YOU. She said to him Ha you think its that easy to kill me even though I killed your weak human mother and your weak dog demon of a father said the wolf demon. How dare you sat that she said as she pulled away from him and turned around with lighting speed sticking her foot in the air so she could kick him square in the face but he sensed the kick before it hit him and he ducked down low avoiding the attack You cannot hurt me so give up and let your death be quick and pain less the wolf said.

Tenki heard Katsumi yell and he grabbed his sword and ran out the hut. Damn it where the hell is she Tenki thought as he kept running sniffing the air for the scent of dog blood then Tenki smiled as he caught the scent of her and he started running even faster Hold on Katsumi Im coming Tenki thought as he made it to the clearing. Tell me whats your name? She asked, as she was getting ready for another attack. My name is Kane you might as well know since Im going to kill you anyways. Kane said smirking. Tenki attempted a kick at Kanes head but he missed and ended up standing next to Katsumi Katsumi are you ok? Tenki asked looking at her with concern. Dont worry Im fine Tenki she said. It seems we have another fighter but I can not kill you now my dear but soon&remember your death is in my hands. Kane said as he disappeared into the ground. Who was that? Tenki asked looking at Katsumi Hes the demon responsible for killing my parents she answered looking down making her eyes hidden under her sliver bangs.

Katsumi was getting her cape with the hood on, Are you sure you want to leave Katsumi? Tenki asked looking sad to see her go. Yes, I dont want you or Zetsu getting mixed up in my life&but I do promise to return she said looking at him with tears in her eyes. And youre sure you dont want us to come with you? Zetsu asked her, Yes Im sure, she answered wiping the tears from her eyes and putting her hood on. Just be careful Katsumi, ok, Tenki said to her while she walked out the door. Arent I always careful? she asked him sarcastically then Tenki took her arm and pulled her close to him hugging her tightly Just come back safely. she said to her. Dont worry Ill come back soon she said as she hugged him back put then pulled away and smiled. Cya Tenki, bye Zetsu. She said as she waved to them running into the forest disappearing into the leaves.

And that was the last time they saw her.


Interview #2: Hanuyasha

The set was destroyed and some lights were broken and two half demons were still fighting now using swords

Me: dog hes mine

Katsumi: no hes mine

Hanuyasha: sighed Katsumi Im sorry but my heart belongs to Moon I love her and only her got up and hugged moon from behind

Me: ha doges now take ur evil @$$ away Ive got some interviews to do

Katsumi: dont worry Ive still got Tenki anyways but I will have revenge on u Hanuyasha and Ur lil Moon too walked off the destroyed stage

Me; slapped Hanuyasha on the face and how dare you& you two timin bastard glared at him STAY, STAY, STAY, STAY

Hanuyasha: inside a large crater shape of himself ooowwww that hurt

Me: good now grinned and snapped my fingers and a new set appeared onwards with the show sat down in a chair

Hanuyasha: sat in the chair next to me

Me: ok Hanuyasha-kun heres the first one who do you love most?

Hanuyasha: hmm my mother then after her Id have to say you of course I mean you are my mate

Me: smiled ok then thats all I needed any other questions

Some stripper stood up and waved her hand

Me: umm you back their yes

Stripper: hey hot stuff wanna come to my place for some fun

Hanuyasha: hell no

Me: dog u betta step it down befo I kick yo hussy @$$ back to dat corner with yo pimp

Stripper: dog my pimp look better than yo man over there

Me; shut the hell up slut dont make me take my @$$ down there and kick yo @$$

Stripper: come on down and do it then cause I say you just a dog @$$ hoe looking for trouble

Me: oh hell no, hell to the no she didnt

Hanuyasha: yea I think she did mind if I help

Me: hell yea 

Stripper: ran off with Hanuyasha and Me chasing her

Camera guy: sighed, ok again please review and save the hungry children if you want to help save the children then call 1-800-iwanttoreviewandsavethehungrarychildrenoftheworld thats 1-800- iwanttoreviewandsavethehungrarychildrenoftheworld

Final thoughts and preview:

Ok wat the hell is up with these people pickin fights anyways next chappie is about Katsumi returning after five years, and please review and save the children or I will send Hanuyasha to kill you

Permanent Arrangements

And Fights


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