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Chapter 4 - The Lovers Quarrel

When fate brings people together for unknown reasons

Chapter 4 - The Lovers Quarrel

Chapter 4 - The Lovers Quarrel
An were back folks it seems things have gone hectic in the last chappie with Zetsu ready to kill and now things are going to hell in this chappie and the interviews will be getting some guests to come say a few words anyways Onwards with the story~~ Moon Atoka


Katsumi and Tenki were sitting in the clearing watching the cherry blossoms fall to the ground, the scene so romantic Tenki scooted closer to Katsumi and he wrapped his arms around her waist shyly while blushing a soft shade of red. I cant believe this she loves me, I... we kissed she has gotten so much lovelier since the last time I saw her Tenki thought unaware of his brother coming also unaware of Katsumi leaning against him and resting her head on his shoulder. Tenki I love you so much& youre everything to me and Ill always be by your side and protect you she thought to herself and she didnt sense the presence of Zetsu coming closer either. Thisll be easy they dont even notice Im here yet Zetsu thought as he crept up on them and accidentally stepped on a twig

Katsumis black dog-ears twitched and swiveled around to the source of the sound Somethings out there she thought as she felt the wind blow cold wind and the clouds grow darker covering the moon.  Tenki somethings coming and I think we should leave right now, she said while getting up and pulling Tenki out of his thoughts. Are you sure you sense something Katsumi? Tenki asked getting into a battle stance sniff sniff she sniffed the air trying to figure out who it was but before she could say anything she was pushed to the ground by an invisible force What the hell is this? she asked Tenki while trying to get up. Its Zetsus Zero Gravity attack Tenki said pulling out his Yin sword ready to fight Why is he attacking us? she asked getting out her Lunar sword ready to fight. Zetsu stepped out of the shadows smirking with his sword ready to attack them Ah so I found the traitor and his little dog& now how should I kill them one at a time or at the same time&. slow and painful or fast and painless? Zetsu said amused at there shocked expressions Zetsu what are you doing? Tenki asked confused to see his older brother damn Kane got to him now she thought as she got in front of Tenki. Tenki he isnt your brother anymore Kane got to him and now hes gone weve got to kill Zetsu she said to him Katsumi hes my brother I cant kill him there must be another way to save him Tenki said hoping there was another way Tenki Im sorry but there isnt once Kane Gets someone you cant save them&. I know this must be hard but Zetsu choose this path and he must now face the consequences she said to him calmly.

Kane appeared up from the ground How smart and right you are my dear Kane said and then said, he chooses to come of his own free will he& he came out of jealousy and hate he had feelings for you Katsumi and you in turn chose his younger brother and now he feels heart broken and betrayed. Kane said in a matter of fact tone. Damn it Kane your dead now she said ready to take him down Tenki you take down your brother&Kane is mine she said to him with acid in her voice and a fire in her golden yellow eyes, Tenki looked at her and nodded standing with his back to Katsumis back. Katsumi was facing Kane who was in front of her and Tenki was taking on Zetsu who was in front of him both Tenki and Katsumi had their backs pressed together ready to fight. THE TIME IS NOW thought both Katsumi and Tenki NOW THERE DEATH IS HERE thought both Kane and Zetsu. Katsumi charged forward towards Kane sword in hand ready to take him head on NOW YOU WILL DIE she screamed Lunar Slash she said as she spun the blade around stopping it on the fourth turn and a black orb of demonic power comes out of it and covers the enemy thus blowing it up, only when the smoke cleared Kane was standing there smirking as if a gentle wind just blew his hair looks like your power is weak Kane said as he rushed forward holding out his hand and a strong force pushes Katsumi off her feet and right into a tree.

Tenki saw this and ran to help her but was stopped by Zetsu sorry little brother but your fight is right here Zetsu said with malice in his voice. Zetsu rushed toward Tenki he sheathed his sword and dodged his attack Yang Darkness Zetsu shouted as he spun the sword around above him and a black and evil cloud appeared heading towards Tenki ready to swallow him up in darkness. Tenki saw this and jumped out of the way avoiding the attack but Zetsu saw this and blasted a powerful force at him, which slammed into a tree Damn him Tenki said as he pulled him self up already tired  Katsumi is she ok? Tenki asked himself as he looked to where she was and saw she wasnt there KATSUMI Tenki said as he saw her thrown back again but then saw her push herself off the ground and attack Kane again.

Katsumi jumped right back up after being thrown back into a tree again Ice Crystals she said as she took her sword and slammed it into the ground and ice covered the ground and sharp crystals came up towards Kane, but instead Kane jumped up and landed on the tip of one of the crystals and used an invisible force which once again slammed her into another tree Silly girl your crystals dont hurt me& non of your attacks hurt me Kane said amused by her efforts. Katsumi stood up using her sword to support herself DAMN YOU, Inferno Phoenix she screamed as she slashed the sword upward and a giant bird made of fire appears and dived straight toward Kane ready to burn him You cant dodge this attack Kane she said with venom in her voice ready for the to end. Or so you think I cant Kane said as he let the attack hit him only to see it turn and head straight for Katsumi. NO KATSUMI! Tenki thought as he rushed forward and got in front of her taking the hit of the attack Ten-Ten-TENKI NOOOOOOO! she screamed as Tenki was pushed back into her and they both fell with Tenki lying on top of Katsumi out cold. Tenki are you ok? she asked tears filling up in her eyes TENKI SAY SOMETHING! she screamed as she sat up placing his head on her lap, Tenki opened one eye and looked at her Im ok. Tenki said to her wiping a tear from her eye. Katsumi got up and stood in front of Tenki the air around her changed from one of anger to red hot fury KANE YOUR MINE NOW she screamed as electricity built up around her Ice Serpents she screamed placing one hand on the blade and pushing forward and gigantic snakes made of ice appeared and they curled themselves around Kane Freezing him Ill be back Kane said as he disappeared into a million pieces.


Interview Special #1 and Interview #4: Kouga and Kane two wolves showdown

C.G.: still arent back so here we are back to the interviews and now we have a special treat Kouga of the wolf demon tribe and Kane of another wolf demon tribe

Kouga: came out looking pissed where the hell is my woman you promised my woman would be here

C.G.: I did no clue oh well and Kane come on out

Kane: came out and glared at Kouga stop yelling you making us wolves look bad

Kouga: shut up u fat @$$ loner wolf

Kane: Want to come say that to my face dog

Kouga: hell yea u pansy @$$ licker

Kane: bring it on

C.G.: hold on before u fight weve got sumtin to tell ya

Kouga and Kane: WHAT

C.G.: took a few steps back it seems that you two are related Kouga say hello to your father

Kane and Kouga: looked at each other WHAT THE HELL I AINT RELATED TO YOU

C.G.: yes u is now u can fight

Kane: looked at Kouga humph I guess u kinda got my looks

Kouga: I wondered why I never met my father

Kane: looked at Kouga tearfully my son...

Kouga: looked at Kane with tears father...

They hug and for some odd reason a flowery background appears behind them

Kouga: father never leave me again

Kane: of course son of course

C.G.: looks sick and turns away


Kane and Kouga walk off to do some father son bonding

C.G.: ok now then please review so u can redeem urself and save the children and save the bonus, if you want to save the bonus then call 1-900- iwanttosavethebonusandredeemmyself and if you want to save the children then call 1-800 iwanttoreviewandsavethehungrarychildrenoftheworld

Final thoughts and Preview:

Ok thats just weird anyways next interview is a family reunion Hanuyasha Sesshomaru and Inuyasha and our regular hostess will be back again as well next chappie is about the death of someone who is youll have to read to fin out so review review review and if you want to save the bonus then call 1-900- iwanttosavethebonusandredeemmyself and if you want to save the children then call 1-800 iwanttoreviewandsavethehungrarychildrenoftheworld


Lovers Quarrel


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