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Chapter 2 - At Shool

A look at how Seto and Mokuba care for eachother.

Chapter 2 - At Shool

Chapter 2 - At Shool
(At School)

“Whoaw! More people dressed up this year more then the other years.” Joey said astonished.
“ Hey guys.” Tea said walking up.
“ Wazup Tea, are you a ballerina?” said Yugi.
“ Why yes. Yes I am” said Tea and did a ballerina pose.
While Yugi, Joey, and Tea stranded there Bakura came walking up, “ Hey guys, what’s

happening?” said Bakura.
Joey brakes out laughing, “ HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Are you dressed up as that string cheese guy on the string cheese packages!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!” Joey said almost having a seizure from laughing so hard.
“ Maybe I am and Maybe I’m not. What are you supposed to be funny? HAHAHAH!” said Bakura.
The bell rings suddenly interrupting there conversation. They all started walking up the steps that led into Domino High, and headed for there lockers and got their books and headed for there first period class.
“ I wonder if Kaiba’s coming today?” said Yugi slipping into his desk.
“ I dought that Yug, he’ll never come to school on Halloween-” Joey got cut off when the door slammed opened.
There standing in the door way was Seto dressed up as a dog wearing dog paw boodies, dog paw mittens, a collar, doggy ears, doggy tail, and freckles painted on his face. Everybody in the class started chocking back there laughs . (Well I think he’ll probably look adorably ;-p) Well he turned completely red and marched toward his desk right next to the window behind Joey.
“ Well, who’s the dog now? HaHa” Joey said sarcastically, and then covered his mouth trying hold back a laugh.
“ I might look like a dog on the outside, but at least I’m not no monkey on the inside Joey.” Said Seto trying to keep his cool in the situation.
“ Hey! Are you trying to pick a fight?!” Joey said standing up furious at Seto’s comment.
“ Hard telling isn’t it?” Seto said sitting there not amused, with his arms folded.
“ Alright come on tuff guy! Put up your dooks!” Joey said putting his fists up in a boxing pose.
Duke replied, “ Did someone say my name?”
Seto stood up, and Joey threw a punch, Seto easily dodged the punch, Joey threw a couple more punches, “ Hey come on stop moving around!” said Joey getting pist from not able to hit Seto. Joey threw one more punch and as usual Seto dogded it and grabbed Joey by the back of his collar. The blonde got ballistic and started trying to get away, “ Hey come on Kaiba I can take you, face me like a man you woose !” Joey said.
Seto finally let go of Joey. Joey was filled with anger and threw one last blow at Seto that hit him right on the cheek bone. Just as Joey hit Seto the teacher walked into the class room and saw the whole thing. Seto took a step back, and put his hand to his face. This is when the teacher came in, “ Joey Wheeler how dare you start a fight in my class room?!” asked the teacher.
“ But-But- Miss Fox I didn’t do anything.” Joey replied trying to not get in trouble.
“ There are no buts Joey I think you both need a talk with Mr. Gomez!” said Miss Fox and pointed towards the door.
Seto grabbed his stuff and headed towards the door, and Joey followed. As everybody watched curiously as the two teens walked out of the class Seto thought to himself, ‘ Of all the lame people in the world why did it have to be Joey?’
When the two kids got to the principle’s office they sat down murmuring comments about each other. As soon as they were able to get comfortable Merick came walking through the door dragging his feet and sobbing.
“ Hey what ya do this time Merick?” asked Joey.
“Oh my yami got into a fight with the soda machine it ate his, or is it mostly our money.” Merick replied sitting himself down, “Of all the yamis in the world why was I stuck with this one?”
While the three teens sat there sobbing about the things they did and didn’t do Mr. Gomez came barging out of his office and told Joey and Seto to get there butt’s in his office now.
“ Well you two got into a fist fight in Miss Fox’s class huh?” Mr. Gomez replied looking at the paper with the complaint on it.
“ Well Mr. Gomez, it’s not actually ‘we’ into the fist fight, it’s more like Joey.” Seto replied not wanting to get all the credit that Joey did.
Mr. Gomez took one more look at the paper, “ Ahhh, yes, it does say Joey punched you in the face, and I can see the bruse on your cheek.” said Mr. Gomez, “ Joey tell me that you did this, and then tell Seto your sorry.”
“ Yesss, Mr. Gomez I did, and I’m sorry Kaiba.” Joey said and looked down at his hands.
“ Good. Now you both can go back to class.” Said Mr. Gomez and gave them a pass.
They both took a note and walked back to class, they both gave each other a death glance at each other, and walked into there second period class. As soon as they stepped into the classroom it was like stepping into a mad house luckily it was just Mr. Trego’s class and it’s always like that. Everybody stopped and looked at the blonde and brunette, and then went back to their business.
“ Hi Joey! What happened?” said Yugi glad that his friend didn’t get suspended.
“ Well Mr. Gomez was to stupid to suspend me, yeah.” Joey said triumphantly, “The plan would of worked if it was Ms. Deal, or somebody else.”
“What plan?” asked Yugi.
“ The plan that I would go home from school, for maybe two weeks.” Joey said.
As soon as Joey said that Ms. Deal came walking into the room, and all the kids sat down, and shutedup.
“There is going to be a Halloween dance tonight, and your all invited if you didn’t get suspended or got more then five detentions, the only kid that is allowed to go who has been suspended and had detentions, is Merick Ishtar.” said Ms Deal.
One boy raises his hand in the class, “Why?” he said.
“Well because Merick is from a third world country and he doesn’t know our customs yet.” said Ms. Deal, and walked out of the class.
“ Well I’m going.” said Joey.
“Me two.” said Yugi.
“ Me thrird.” said Tea.
“ Me fourth.” said Bakura.
“Me fifth.” said Duke.
“ Me sixth.” said Merick.
“ How’d you get back from the office so fast?” said everyone.
“……….” said Merick.
“ Me eighth.” said Tristan.
“ You skipped a number.” said Seto.
“ rrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!” said the bell.


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