Chapter 2 - Jewled peacock
Submitted November 8, 2005 Updated October 20, 2007 Status Incomplete | Ok this is a story about none other then PENGY! yes i know but dont kill me before you read the story i know it may sound stupid but please read...its actualy really good. It gets better as it goes on this is mainly Puffins entro. |
Chapter 2 - Jewled peacock
Chapter 2 - Jewled peacock
Well folks i know you and I alike expected this story to like complety DIE after chapter 1 was just turned out sooooooo good that i just HAD to continue! Why anyone would be obsesed with Oswald Cobblepot is beyond me but for some reason...I am and by the way if you didnt notice before i sorta borrowed that whole "im bleeding" joke and the "im dependable as the dodo" line from the Batman vs Dracula movie so uhh...yeah. Before you ask no im not going to give any spoilers to my my own story what do you think I am crazy? All im saying is the fact they both have the flipper-ish hands becomes sorta semi-inportant latter on in a bit of a side story.
It was 11 pm January 10th in Gotham City, and there seemed to be only one person in the street. Penguin stood in the shadows of a dark ally across the street from Gotham Museum. He appeared to be waiting for something...or in this case rather someone.
A sudden gust of cold air made the gash on the side of his face erupt with a sudden sharp pain. Not thinking he quickly slapped a hand over it which only made it hurt even more. He screamed loudly not even taking to thought that while he indeed was, he may have not been the only person out on the street. "That girl better show up soon" he said to no one in a warning tone.
Thats when a shadow appeared behind him, though he seemed completly oblivious to another presence. Even if he would of turned arround all that would of been seen were two big red eyes. The shadowy figure came closer and closer but not as if it was walking more like it was gliding, a smooth silent motion. The two red eyes were looming right over him yet he still didnt take notice to the other.
"Hello Pengsy" said a low deep voice as the eyes came level with Oswald's face.
He screamed in horror spinning arround wheeling his blade ended umbrella at who ever it was.
The pesron jumped away narrowly missing the sword-brella. "Now Pengsy is that any way to great an old friend?" asked a voice that sounded happy and angry at the same time. The person finaly came into veiw. It was Joker.
"You screw-loose what are you trying to do give me a heart attack!?" he squacked at Joker.
Suddenly he relized there was another standing behind Joker. The person did a cartwheel to the side and responded in a chipper voice "Yas got to have a heart befor you can have an attack!" it was Harely.
Thats when Penguin relized something. He relized his treasure may be in danger if they stole it before he could.
"What are you two doing here anyway!?" he asked in a tone that if he were talking to ANYONE else but The Crown Prince of Crime and his girlfriend it would of clearly stated that they were not welcome here. To them though it was like an invite.
"There here to steal the Jewl Peacock. What else?" replyed a third voice. Vines began to come out of nowhere. He didnt even bother to wait to see who was comming. He knew who it was. It was Poision Ivy.
He squaked and ran towards the museum. If he waited any longer for Puffin some one would have already stolen it by the time they got there. He looked down the street and coudlent belive he was seeing correcty.
Puffin was running up the street but she was fighting with Harvy Two-Face, The Riddler, and Mr.Freeze. The only thing was it wasnt just her fighting the three, all four of them were fighting each other.
Two-Face shot at Puffin, She dodged and used her cane to send a flame thrower at Mr.Freeze. He tryed to freeze The Riddler in his tracks. Riddler who seemed to be the most pathic of them all was mearly using his staff to wack Two-Face over the head with.
Penguin removed his monacle and wiped it off to be sure his eye sight was in check. was.
"What the heck is going on here" he asked quietly to his self when he heard a clatter behind him. He spun arround so quickly that he nearly toppled over.
The sound was Catwoman picking the lock of the door. She had just got it open when Penguin jump kicked her sending her flying to the ground but she was up in less then seconds. While they were busy having a cat fight (wow thats the lamest pun ive ever made) Joker and Harley were busy trying to fight off Ivy, While Freeze, Two-Face, Riddler, and Puffin were having their brawl.
Somewhere along the lines all the mini battles melded togher into one flat out villians war. Eventualy as the night drug on other villans such as Scarecrow, Scarface, Clayface, The Killer Croc, and Solomon Grundy joined into the fray as well.
Well as you could imagine the comotion had attracted the fuzz. Everyone declared a temporary truce and ran into the museum and locked the door hoping none of them were seen.
The sirens finaly faded away and Penguin began complaing aloud but in a loud whisper as to not set off any alarms that may go off at loud noises "Was I the ONLY person here who DIDNT know about this Jewl Peacock!?"
Everyone looked at him shocked. They couldent belive there was a single person in Gotham who hadent heared of the item and its value. Then as if they had all planed it everyone single one of them said in unison "uhh...yeah"
Penguin then relized something that made him more confused then he had ever been in his entire life "Wait, wait ,wait how did half of Arkham break out without getting caught." He assumed that they knew about the Jewl because reporters yet to have figured out the fact that talking about that kind of stuff on live telivision was a BAD thing he obviously wouldent of known because to be frank he typicaly didnt pay attention to the few things Arkham allowed them because he was to ingulfed in thinking of a way out. That still didnt anwser how so many people got by Arkham security without being caught.
"You bird-brain how do you think YOU got out so easy!? There was a mass break-out not 2 miniutes after you escaped. Not to mention I dont think Batman was prepared to take on every villian in Gotham. And on a side note Mad Hatter WAS caught." Harely cackled in a voice that clearly stated she found it dang halirious that Penguin thought that he had escaped with ease because he was talented enough to do so.
"You know i did wonder myself how he was planing to do any harm to batsy by lodging a hat over his face." Joker remarked in a mock-pondering tone.
Then as if they all had not been just trying to practially kill one another just moments ago they all dove into conversation about who escaped and how and why and what happened in the fight with Batman and the police.
Penguin was just about to start squaking at them about how completly irrelivant all this was to getting the Jewl when suddenly a hand slapped hard over his mouth. The only thing was it also slaped hard on the cut from the night befor. His eyes watered badly and he let out a muffled scream.
"shut your mouth Cobblepot nows our chance to get that bird while there all distracted." it was Puffin. She pulled him away as he whimpered in pain.
"Do you have to be so rough!?" Penguin snaped when he finaly jerked her hand away from his face.
"Well you were about to blow our cover. The thing is right over here." she said walking towards a room. It wasnt until that moment did Oswald take notice to pale Puffin looked. She looked like she hadnet been in the sun once.
"Cobblepot quit standing arround and get your butt over here" He suddenly relized he had stood glued to that one spot mouth hung open like some sort of idiot. He shook it off and started to run into the room but Puffin grabed the back of his shirt nearly choking him.
"Cobblepot what the hell do you think your doing?" she snaped at him droping him to the floor. "and you called ME a dodo?" she said annoyed.
Had he just heard right!? had she just called HIM Oswald Chesterfeild Cobblepot a moron!? Well she was spunky hed give her that much.Wait....what the hell was he doing. Well what the hell was SHE doing?
She sprayed some stuff into the room to reveal the floor was covered in a trip-wire lasser grid but then she stood there like she was expecting an apolgy.
"Well techanally YOUR the one who said you were a dodo" he grumbled crossing his arms and looking away pouting like a child.
Ignoring his comment she stood there like she was about to perform a infamous karate moved called "Crane" and had her hands folded infront of her face. "Grant me the gift of the humming-bird" she said quietly to herself.
Penguin looked at her confused "say wha-" but before he finished she took off jumping at such speed, agility, and accurcy that she was a mere blur. It was infact true she was indeed moving like a humming bird.
She suddenly stoped and it was lucky he knew why. Puffin had started to fall over backwards. If she fell she would set off an alarm. He had to act fast.
He didnt aim...he didnt have time to. He shot the handle of the umbrella at her back and prayed he didnt miss. Thank god it hit her square in the back knocking her forward letting her regain her balance.
"Tanks a million 'Guin.... i owe ya!" she said relived as she continued on to where the jewl was.
"Oh yeah tha-uh wha DONT CALL ME GUIN!" he hollard at her. There were quite a few things he let people call him and "Guin" wasnt one of them. Many of people had called him that and it was the name he hated more then anything. Of all the things she could of called him it had to be the thing he was the most touchy about of course.
She quickly removed the glass and carfuly switched the Large Jewled bird from its case with a fraud with such percission it was evident taht she had done this more then many of times before.
The Jewl it's self was easily the most valuble thing he had ever sceen. The body of the peacock was solid gold with eyes of pearl. The feathers were Silver encrested with Topaz, Rubies, Emralds, Sasphires, Amber, Diamonds, and Opals. If there was anything in the world more beautiful than that he was unaware of its existance.
She was about to take off and comeo back when there was a loud screech comming from above. The both of them looked up in despration to see what it was. There hanging from the celling was the shadow of a bat. The batman? didnt look human enough to be him.
It didnt matter Puffin didnt want to stick arround to find out. She quickly hopped back across the beams with the same elagance and accuracy as before. Penguin could have easily ran. There was nothing stopping him. For some reason or another though he just felt like he had to wait. Not that he was concered for her. Far from it he was a Cobblepot and as such put himself first. The reason after he thought a moment was simply that she wa the one with the Peacock in hand and not himself.
They had reached the group of others who were still having conversation by the door when the alarm went off. The Creature was obviously not nearly as nimble as Puffin was. Everyone one looked up like a bunch of prairie dogs that had just sensed danger. Penguin nor Puffin were exactly sure who it was who screamed it but someone there had screamed "SCATTER!!!!" over the blaring alarm. It would of seemed everyone had heard because everyone took off jumping through diffrent doors and windows.
It took Oswald a moment before he relized that Puffin had grabed his wrist and was pulling him down some dark ally. She had a good grip. Oh crap there it went; his perveted mind kicked in. That seemed to always happen at the worst times.
A bullet grazed his ear. He would of screamed but puffin pulled him back against the wall and slamed a hand over his mouth again once again slaping his wound. Oh how he would of loved to of screamed but something sub-concious kupt him from doing so. Mabey it was the fact his mind was still on other matters. Or perhaps the fact that he knew they would of been caught had he done so. Then again...the fact the only thing holding him up against the wall and hidden in the shadows was her other hand arround his waist was quite distracting as well.
"wait bad thoughts oswald dont get distracted" he kupt thinking to his-self but no matter how much he tried to stop thinking weird thoughts it just seemed to make matters worse.
"Come on this way Cobblepot" she snaped at him draging him back down some way as they slipped away from the cops and back to the manor.
Yeah i know that was long and semi-pointless but it gets better i promise! uhh yeah i know im using the newest penguin but still. Its good. Read and Review yall! All flames will be used to start all campfires!
Well folks i know you and I alike expected this story to like complety DIE after chapter 1 was just turned out sooooooo good that i just HAD to continue! Why anyone would be obsesed with Oswald Cobblepot is beyond me but for some reason...I am and by the way if you didnt notice before i sorta borrowed that whole "im bleeding" joke and the "im dependable as the dodo" line from the Batman vs Dracula movie so uhh...yeah. Before you ask no im not going to give any spoilers to my my own story what do you think I am crazy? All im saying is the fact they both have the flipper-ish hands becomes sorta semi-inportant latter on in a bit of a side story.
It was 11 pm January 10th in Gotham City, and there seemed to be only one person in the street. Penguin stood in the shadows of a dark ally across the street from Gotham Museum. He appeared to be waiting for something...or in this case rather someone.
A sudden gust of cold air made the gash on the side of his face erupt with a sudden sharp pain. Not thinking he quickly slapped a hand over it which only made it hurt even more. He screamed loudly not even taking to thought that while he indeed was, he may have not been the only person out on the street. "That girl better show up soon" he said to no one in a warning tone.
Thats when a shadow appeared behind him, though he seemed completly oblivious to another presence. Even if he would of turned arround all that would of been seen were two big red eyes. The shadowy figure came closer and closer but not as if it was walking more like it was gliding, a smooth silent motion. The two red eyes were looming right over him yet he still didnt take notice to the other.
"Hello Pengsy" said a low deep voice as the eyes came level with Oswald's face.
He screamed in horror spinning arround wheeling his blade ended umbrella at who ever it was.
The pesron jumped away narrowly missing the sword-brella. "Now Pengsy is that any way to great an old friend?" asked a voice that sounded happy and angry at the same time. The person finaly came into veiw. It was Joker.
"You screw-loose what are you trying to do give me a heart attack!?" he squacked at Joker.
Suddenly he relized there was another standing behind Joker. The person did a cartwheel to the side and responded in a chipper voice "Yas got to have a heart befor you can have an attack!" it was Harely.
Thats when Penguin relized something. He relized his treasure may be in danger if they stole it before he could.
"What are you two doing here anyway!?" he asked in a tone that if he were talking to ANYONE else but The Crown Prince of Crime and his girlfriend it would of clearly stated that they were not welcome here. To them though it was like an invite.
"There here to steal the Jewl Peacock. What else?" replyed a third voice. Vines began to come out of nowhere. He didnt even bother to wait to see who was comming. He knew who it was. It was Poision Ivy.
He squaked and ran towards the museum. If he waited any longer for Puffin some one would have already stolen it by the time they got there. He looked down the street and coudlent belive he was seeing correcty.
Puffin was running up the street but she was fighting with Harvy Two-Face, The Riddler, and Mr.Freeze. The only thing was it wasnt just her fighting the three, all four of them were fighting each other.
Two-Face shot at Puffin, She dodged and used her cane to send a flame thrower at Mr.Freeze. He tryed to freeze The Riddler in his tracks. Riddler who seemed to be the most pathic of them all was mearly using his staff to wack Two-Face over the head with.
Penguin removed his monacle and wiped it off to be sure his eye sight was in check. was.
"What the heck is going on here" he asked quietly to his self when he heard a clatter behind him. He spun arround so quickly that he nearly toppled over.
The sound was Catwoman picking the lock of the door. She had just got it open when Penguin jump kicked her sending her flying to the ground but she was up in less then seconds. While they were busy having a cat fight (wow thats the lamest pun ive ever made) Joker and Harley were busy trying to fight off Ivy, While Freeze, Two-Face, Riddler, and Puffin were having their brawl.
Somewhere along the lines all the mini battles melded togher into one flat out villians war. Eventualy as the night drug on other villans such as Scarecrow, Scarface, Clayface, The Killer Croc, and Solomon Grundy joined into the fray as well.
Well as you could imagine the comotion had attracted the fuzz. Everyone declared a temporary truce and ran into the museum and locked the door hoping none of them were seen.
The sirens finaly faded away and Penguin began complaing aloud but in a loud whisper as to not set off any alarms that may go off at loud noises "Was I the ONLY person here who DIDNT know about this Jewl Peacock!?"
Everyone looked at him shocked. They couldent belive there was a single person in Gotham who hadent heared of the item and its value. Then as if they had all planed it everyone single one of them said in unison "uhh...yeah"
Penguin then relized something that made him more confused then he had ever been in his entire life "Wait, wait ,wait how did half of Arkham break out without getting caught." He assumed that they knew about the Jewl because reporters yet to have figured out the fact that talking about that kind of stuff on live telivision was a BAD thing he obviously wouldent of known because to be frank he typicaly didnt pay attention to the few things Arkham allowed them because he was to ingulfed in thinking of a way out. That still didnt anwser how so many people got by Arkham security without being caught.
"You bird-brain how do you think YOU got out so easy!? There was a mass break-out not 2 miniutes after you escaped. Not to mention I dont think Batman was prepared to take on every villian in Gotham. And on a side note Mad Hatter WAS caught." Harely cackled in a voice that clearly stated she found it dang halirious that Penguin thought that he had escaped with ease because he was talented enough to do so.
"You know i did wonder myself how he was planing to do any harm to batsy by lodging a hat over his face." Joker remarked in a mock-pondering tone.
Then as if they all had not been just trying to practially kill one another just moments ago they all dove into conversation about who escaped and how and why and what happened in the fight with Batman and the police.
Penguin was just about to start squaking at them about how completly irrelivant all this was to getting the Jewl when suddenly a hand slapped hard over his mouth. The only thing was it also slaped hard on the cut from the night befor. His eyes watered badly and he let out a muffled scream.
"shut your mouth Cobblepot nows our chance to get that bird while there all distracted." it was Puffin. She pulled him away as he whimpered in pain.
"Do you have to be so rough!?" Penguin snaped when he finaly jerked her hand away from his face.
"Well you were about to blow our cover. The thing is right over here." she said walking towards a room. It wasnt until that moment did Oswald take notice to pale Puffin looked. She looked like she hadnet been in the sun once.
"Cobblepot quit standing arround and get your butt over here" He suddenly relized he had stood glued to that one spot mouth hung open like some sort of idiot. He shook it off and started to run into the room but Puffin grabed the back of his shirt nearly choking him.
"Cobblepot what the hell do you think your doing?" she snaped at him droping him to the floor. "and you called ME a dodo?" she said annoyed.
Had he just heard right!? had she just called HIM Oswald Chesterfeild Cobblepot a moron!? Well she was spunky hed give her that much.Wait....what the hell was he doing. Well what the hell was SHE doing?
She sprayed some stuff into the room to reveal the floor was covered in a trip-wire lasser grid but then she stood there like she was expecting an apolgy.
"Well techanally YOUR the one who said you were a dodo" he grumbled crossing his arms and looking away pouting like a child.
Ignoring his comment she stood there like she was about to perform a infamous karate moved called "Crane" and had her hands folded infront of her face. "Grant me the gift of the humming-bird" she said quietly to herself.
Penguin looked at her confused "say wha-" but before he finished she took off jumping at such speed, agility, and accurcy that she was a mere blur. It was infact true she was indeed moving like a humming bird.
She suddenly stoped and it was lucky he knew why. Puffin had started to fall over backwards. If she fell she would set off an alarm. He had to act fast.
He didnt aim...he didnt have time to. He shot the handle of the umbrella at her back and prayed he didnt miss. Thank god it hit her square in the back knocking her forward letting her regain her balance.
"Tanks a million 'Guin.... i owe ya!" she said relived as she continued on to where the jewl was.
"Oh yeah tha-uh wha DONT CALL ME GUIN!" he hollard at her. There were quite a few things he let people call him and "Guin" wasnt one of them. Many of people had called him that and it was the name he hated more then anything. Of all the things she could of called him it had to be the thing he was the most touchy about of course.
She quickly removed the glass and carfuly switched the Large Jewled bird from its case with a fraud with such percission it was evident taht she had done this more then many of times before.
The Jewl it's self was easily the most valuble thing he had ever sceen. The body of the peacock was solid gold with eyes of pearl. The feathers were Silver encrested with Topaz, Rubies, Emralds, Sasphires, Amber, Diamonds, and Opals. If there was anything in the world more beautiful than that he was unaware of its existance.
She was about to take off and comeo back when there was a loud screech comming from above. The both of them looked up in despration to see what it was. There hanging from the celling was the shadow of a bat. The batman? didnt look human enough to be him.
It didnt matter Puffin didnt want to stick arround to find out. She quickly hopped back across the beams with the same elagance and accuracy as before. Penguin could have easily ran. There was nothing stopping him. For some reason or another though he just felt like he had to wait. Not that he was concered for her. Far from it he was a Cobblepot and as such put himself first. The reason after he thought a moment was simply that she wa the one with the Peacock in hand and not himself.
They had reached the group of others who were still having conversation by the door when the alarm went off. The Creature was obviously not nearly as nimble as Puffin was. Everyone one looked up like a bunch of prairie dogs that had just sensed danger. Penguin nor Puffin were exactly sure who it was who screamed it but someone there had screamed "SCATTER!!!!" over the blaring alarm. It would of seemed everyone had heard because everyone took off jumping through diffrent doors and windows.
It took Oswald a moment before he relized that Puffin had grabed his wrist and was pulling him down some dark ally. She had a good grip. Oh crap there it went; his perveted mind kicked in. That seemed to always happen at the worst times.
A bullet grazed his ear. He would of screamed but puffin pulled him back against the wall and slamed a hand over his mouth again once again slaping his wound. Oh how he would of loved to of screamed but something sub-concious kupt him from doing so. Mabey it was the fact his mind was still on other matters. Or perhaps the fact that he knew they would of been caught had he done so. Then again...the fact the only thing holding him up against the wall and hidden in the shadows was her other hand arround his waist was quite distracting as well.
"wait bad thoughts oswald dont get distracted" he kupt thinking to his-self but no matter how much he tried to stop thinking weird thoughts it just seemed to make matters worse.
"Come on this way Cobblepot" she snaped at him draging him back down some way as they slipped away from the cops and back to the manor.
Yeah i know that was long and semi-pointless but it gets better i promise! uhh yeah i know im using the newest penguin but still. Its good. Read and Review yall! All flames will be used to start all campfires!
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nedj77 on July 14, 2012, 5:53:59 AM
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tomfeltonfan1992 on December 23, 2005, 3:19:52 AM
Cannon on November 29, 2005, 5:29:10 AM
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