Chapter 1 - The universe Elite...
Submitted July 25, 2006 Updated February 11, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is what Sonic and the others do when they are not saving the world... ^_^
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 1 - The universe Elite...
Chapter 1 - The universe Elite...
The universe Elite…
Mysterious voice thingy:
Over a thousand years ago… Seven mystical stones were scattered throughout the universe… When there combined they will give the one who combined the stones the eternal power… I have them all in my possession but one… It has been prophesied that the seventh stone will be on earth, guarded by a powerful earth guardian… That’s why I summoned you, my most skilled warrior… Recover the seventh stone… Kill the Earth Guardian…
???: Yes my master…
*dramatic reverb…* O_o
At night… Shadow had a dream…
Shadow: Maria! I’ve found you!
Maria: Who are you…?
Shadow: Its me! Shadow!
Maria: Oh… What’s up?
Shadow: Nothing much…
*long silence*
Maria: Did you know you are a good guy?
Shadow: No…
Maria: Oh… Well… You are one…
Shadow: Why…?
Maria: I don’t know…
Shadow: Oh…
*long silence*
Shadow: Really?
Maria: Yes… You are a good guy…
*long silence*
Shadow: Don’t bullshoot me…
Maria: DAMNIT!!! YOU’RE A frackIN GOOD GUY, YOU @$$!!!!
Shadow: Oh…
*long silence*
Shadow: Well, I’ve got to go; my dream is almost ended…
Maria: Ok…
Shadow: Cya later, and tell Gerald that I said hi!
Maria: He’s dead dumb @$$…
Shadow: Well, so are you! O_o
Maria: ……………………………Good point…
Shadow: I love you Maria! ^_^
Maria: Yeah yeah whatever…
All: O_o
Shadow: O_o
Shadow sees that everyone is gathered around his bed…
Shadow: What the hell are you guys doing here?! O_o
Rouge: Who were you talking to…?
Shadow: Maria! Come on! You’ve must have seen her! She was standing next to me!
All: Eeh………………………………………no………………………………………………
Shadow: Oh… Let’s get some breakfast… *gets out of bed*
All: O_o
Shadow: We all are naked except the girl’s you stupid dick!!
Knuckles: Well at least I have one!
Rouge: So then were is your willy? O_o
Knuckles: Eehm… he’s hided… somewhere… because… because… he’s as big as the Mount Everest… *shifty eye’s* I HATE YOU GUYS!!!!! *runs away crying*
All: O_o
After breakfast… Shadow and Blain are taking a walk…
Shadow: O_o *kicks Knuckles*
After a while…
Shadow: O_o *beats Sonic to a pulp*
After a while…
Tails: Hey Shadow! Wanna have a 50 foot mechanical celebrity?!
Shadow: O_o *kicks Tails*
Blain: Whoa dad! You sure are tough!
Shadow: Yeah! ^_^
Blain: So what would you do if an evil space warlord conqueror guy suddenly comes down to earth and he could do Kung Fu and shoot lasers out of his butt and stuff?
Shadow: Eeh… I would kick his @$$ and send him back where he came from! ^_^
Blain: Oh… Good, because here he comes! O_o
Then suddenly a pod smashes down to earth… and the pod is opening…
???: My name is Vegeta… Im a Saiyan Warrior from the planet Vegeta… Im the most dangerous assassin in the Universe Elite…
Shadow: So…?
Shadow: Oh ok, it’s over there! *points at Master Emerald*
Vegeta: Who is the one that is called Blain…?
Blain: That red thing over there!
Vegeta: Very well… *runs to Knuckles and starts kicking Knuckles @$$*
Shadow: O_o *whistles and walks away…*
A few hours later, when Vegeta took the Master Emerald and kicked the shoot outta Knuckles…
Shadow: That’s nice… Aah well…
Then some sounds are being heard…
Shadow: Whats that…?
Rouge: Some sounds…
Shadow: T_T
Sonic: Blain! What are you doing!?
Blain: I’m developing new food based explosives!
Shadow: Huh…?
Blain: Well yeah, I’m mixing lemons with grenades… I call them LemonNADES! *lmfao*
All: T_T
Blain: You know what’s really cool?
All: What…? T_T
Blain: The Turducken!
Shadow: What the hell? Turducken…?
Blain: Yeah… Its turkey stuffed with duck and chicken…
Sonic: Oh ok…
Blain: Wanna know what sound it makes when it explodes…?
All: No… T_T
Blain: It goes KERfrackING!!!!
All: O_o
Sonic: That’s nice… Hey! Anyone up for a game of Truth or Dare?!
All: YEAH!!!
Blain: Ok, I’ll start! Sonic!
Sonic: Dare! ^_^
Blain: I dare you to eat a LemonNADE! ^_^
Sonic: O_o
Blain: Come on! I need to test it! ^_^
Shadow: What…? Your chickenshoot… ?
Sonic: Gulp… *licks LemonNADE*
All: T_T
Sonic: Uhoh… *KABLOOWEY!!!!!!!*
Rouge: My turn! Knuckles!!
Knuckles: Dare!!
Rouge: Ok… I dare you to bum-rape Shadow!! ^_^
Shadow: O_o
Knuckles: Eehm…
Shadow: Hell no!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! O_o
Knuckles: But I have to do this…
Shadow: Dude… I swear, if you touch me, I’m kicking you back to Angel Island…
Knuckles: O_o
Sonic: Who’s next?
Knuckles: I am… Shadow!!
Shadow: What?!
Knuckles: Truth or dare?!
Shadow: Dare you asshole…
Knuckles: I dare you that you go with the rest of us to fight Vegeta and claim back the Master Emerald!!
Shadow: O_o
Everyone looks angry at Shadow…
Shadow: What?!
Blain: That was pretty clever of Knuckles…. Never though I would say that… O_o
Sonic: You said dare asshole…
Shadow: So…?
Rouge: Now we have to carry it out!!
Shadow: So, Knuckles didn’t do his dare!
Shadow: Lets go… O_o
Sonic: How do we find him…?
Rouge: Well, he’s standing over there…
Vegeta: Mwuahahahaha… You fools…
Vegeta: O_o
Shadow: Give us the emerald… asshole…
Vegeta: No… ^_^
Shadow: Ok guys… Lets show him!! ^_^
All: Yay!
Vegeta: O_o
They run to Vegeta to kick his @$$, but Vegeta is not so easy to defeat…
Vegeta: O_o *smacks Sonic*
Shadow: O_o *kicks Vegeta*
Vegeta lifts Shadow up from the ground…
Vegeta: Stop trying to hit me and hit me!!
Shadow: I’m not trying!! O_o
Vegeta: *giving a dog smack at Shadow* You dare to mock the great Vegeta?!!
Vegeta throws Shadow to the ground…
Vegeta: Hmpf… Such a pitiful fight… Very well, I just take the emerald…
Knuckles: O_o *Bashing the crap outta Vegeta*
Vegeta: No… This cant be… The earth guardian… too strong! O_o
All: Earth Guardian?!
Rouge: Knuckles is the earth guardian?! What the hell?
Knuckles: No I’m not… Blain is… *points at Blain*
Blain: Oh thanks a lot you asshole…
Vegeta: Huh… First that red thing is the guardian, and now that other blue thing…?
Sonic: No, that blue thing with the light blue quills is the real guardian! ^_^
Blain: Oh you asshole!!!
Vegeta: Oh ok, thanks!
Sonic: No problem ^_^
Vegeta runs to Blain and picks him up…
Vegeta: Shadow… If you ever want to see your son again, then meet me in the abandoned wastelands with the emerald in 1 hour!
Vegeta flies away with Blain in his grasp…
Vegeta: ONE HOUR!!!!!
Shadow: No!! Vegeta stop!!! Its me you want!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
*long silence*
Knuckles: …. Blain is the Earth Guardian….?! O_o
Shadow: OH SHUT THE frack UP!!!1 *slaps Knuckles*
One year later…
Everyone arrived at the abandoned wastelands… Vegeta has Blain still picked up…
Vegeta: You’re late…
Blain: Dad?! What the hell we’re you thinking?! Keeping me waiting with this asshole for a year!! O_o
Shadow: I forgot were it was… Sonic sended me in the wrong direction! O_o
Sonic: Told ya we should’ve go left at Las Vegas…
Vegeta: Quit the blabbering… Give me the Master Emerald…
Shadow: Give Blain first… asshole…
Knuckles: What do you want with the Master Emerald anyway…?!
Vegeta: The Master Emerald contains much power… My master seeks it to conquer the universe… And I will be glad to pit my honor against it in a battle of skill and power…
Knuckles: Well… the Master Emerald isn’t that much of a use… Only I can do it…
Shadow: Guess you took the wrong emerald… asshole… *holds his emerald up*
Vegeta: *Smirks…*
Shadow: What the hell?!! O_o
Shadows emerald is gone and Vegeta has it… O_o
Shadow: Give Blain back!!
Blain: Dad, I’m here… T_T
Shadow: Oh…
Vegeta: I’ll let you guys in on a little secret… Earth is finished one way or the other, but if you surrender now, you’ll probably live 2 hours more then previously planned…
*longs silence*
Sonic: Guys… We only have 2 hours to live! O_o
Knuckles: Hey look!! Rouge has all the emeralds!!
Shadow: Well, start bashing the crap outta Vegeta then!
Sonic: Ok!! *starts running to vegeta and tries to kick the shoot outta him… *
Vegeta smacks Sonic down…
Shadow: With the chaos emeralds asshole…
Sonic: Oh…
They both transformed into there super mode… and start kicking the shoot outta Vegeta! ^-^
Rouge: When does the cheesy anti-climax things without a plot device end…?
Knuckles: I don’t know… This isn’t the plotdevice…
Rouge: Asshole…
Knuckles: Girl…
Rouge: O_o
Vegeta: NO!! My queen… I’ve…. Failed… you… *collapsed*
All: That’s it…? O_o
Knuckles: Can I have my Emerald now…?
Vegeta: No… you… may not…
Knuckles: O_o
Blain: Haha! You got dissed! ^_^
*long silence*
Shadow: Lets go home…
All: Yay! ^_^
Knuckles: I still need to bum-rape you though…
Shadow: O_o
End! O_o
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