Chapter 8 - War and Love
Submitted October 5, 2007 Updated July 17, 2008 Status Incomplete | One story that I love to tell is how any Angel can be helped by us normal people
Anime/Manga » - Original art » Anime Fantasy » Angels |
Chapter 8 - War and Love
Chapter 8 - War and Love
~The fight lasted for Days.
Chivo and Kino weren't even tiered. but as they proceeded Chivo got exhausted and Kino felt a little faint himself.
Suzerain and the other angels had to go back to the sky village to make sure everything was okay. And thank goodness it was. Suzerain was now in his office in the Sky village castle, looking out the window. Him and others around him watched the as Kino an Chivo fought but the only thing anyone saw of those two was the big aura or light around them. "~Please be okay Kino. ~" Suzerain thought to himself.
~Lisa's village.
"Kino." Lisa said simply watching outside in her yard and was scared that Kino wouldn't get out okay. She heard about the Demon transformation.
~Kino and Chivo continued to fight.
Kino couldn't help it he summoned all of his energy and his sword lit up then Chivo did the same. But as soon as their swords collide there was a big explosion and everyone who had been watching gasped. And then Chivo and Kino both got blasted away from each other.
~Kino was knocked out just like Chivo. But at the same time the Universe Guardian came up to Kino. Then picked him up and brought him to the Sky village. But when all of the Angels saw her they all bowed. Suzerain ran out of his office. And went outside then saw the Guardian and bowed as well. "Suzerain. Come Kino needs your help and care. He'll need some rest and make sure he doesn't fight for a month." She said to Suzerain and hand Kino to him. Then as Suzerain took Kino in his arms the Ark Angel disappeared. "Suzerain looked at Kino, who had a new look to him, like he had transformed. But a few seconds later Kino's cloths and sword had transformed into his normal clothes and that’s when Suzerain saw for the first time the mark on Kino's neck. And it was glowing but then stopped. "~He made it into full Angel Transformation Guardian. ~" Suzerain said to himself. But then he hugged Kino and Kino woke up from the warmth of suzerains hug. "Sir?" Kino said faintly. Suzerain stopped and looked at Kino. Surprised that he was up at all." Kino. I'm so glad your okay. Lets make sure you get some rest." Suzerain said bringing Kino into the Castle.
~Outer space. ~
Chivo was floating there. He hadn't moved until and black light went up to him and scanned him. "He's okay sir. Should I bring him back now?" The voice came from the black light. "Yes bring him back. He needs to get rest for the next battle." The voice said as the light went around Chivo and then they both disappeared.
~Down on Earth~
Kino was asleep in the Sky village Castle. And Suzerain was waiting for him to wake up. Him like the other angels were anxious to see if Chivo would be okay. Kino was just too tiered to get up. He stayed asleep. And then out of nowhere there was an explosion. Suzerain went over to the window and saw that the village on earth was being attacked. Suzerain ordered the High rank angels to go see what was wrong. So they went to see what was going on, and to help if necessary. Kino had been woken up by the explosion and was shot up alert. He then realized where he was. He got up from the bed he was sleeping in and went over to the window. He saw that the village was under attack. He left the room he was staying in after he put his shoes on and got his sword then he snuck out by a window that was opened and he carefully flew to the ground. He made his wings vanish so it’d be easier for him to walk and fight if needed. He started out as a walk then the screams in the village got louder and everything got worse by the second. Kino got to a run and had his hand on his sword ready to pull it out when necessary. Kino slid behind a tree and had his back to it. “~ Okay lets see…~” Kino thought then he heard a scream from the direction of Lisa’s house he took off running in that direction and got there. When he did he found out it wasn’t the Demon’s fault this time. It was just normal human invaders. “HEY!” Kino said pulling out his sword. “Leave her alone!” Kino said in an angered tone. One of the invader soldiers laughed and pulled out his sword as well. “Don’t worry I got him. He’ll be easy just like the other pathetic people on this town.” The invader solider said to his comrade. His comrade laughed and held Lisa down and watched thinking it’d be an easy battle. But he was about to find out he was wrong. Kino held his sword ready the solider did the same and then the solider started to fight after a respectful bow to his opponent. They began the fight. Kino had no trouble beating the solider so far. But he was being careful not to hurt himself worse. The solider was getting worn out and was panting. Lisa watched in the background tears going down her cheeks from being hurt from the soldiers. Kino got hit to the ground and the solider laughed. “Heh. Some hero you turned out to be. You’re pathetic and you’re just as weak as the rest of the people in the town.” The villain said tauntingly.
“KINO!!!” Lisa said in a worried tone.
“SHUT UP!!!!” The person holding her said as he covered her mouth. Kino had a devious smile and then swung his legs around so that her tripped the soldier that was near him and made him fall over onto his back. “AHHH!!!!” The solider cried as Kino hit him with his sword cutting the soldier’s arm. “Now If I were you I’d leave her alone and leave this town. And NEVER and I mean NEVER return here again.” Kino said holding his sword up to the soldier threateningly. The other soldier who was holding Lisa down let her go and ran for it when Kino jerked his sword in his direction. The other soldier left as well running. Kino went over to Lisa and put his sword away. Then he knelt by Lisa and carefully helped her up. “Kino. You’re okay. I thought you were suppose to be…” Lisa started to say, when Kino picked her up. “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m taking care of you before I answer you.” Kino said smiling at her. Lisa blushed. “Uh… I’m fine though. I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore then you already have.” She said looking at Kino with a worried face expression. “I’ll be fine. And you’re important right now.” He said bring her inside.
Inside of Lisa’s house Kino had carefully bandaged up Lisa and told her to get rest. Then he checked the perimeter of the house to make sure that there weren’t any more invaders or any other people around. Then he went back inside and went to Lisa’s room to see how she was doing. (Well I suppose you think that’s the end huh? Well you’d be wrong. That’s just the beginning of the story. I want you to know that things got more difficult as life went on or would.)
~ Difficultly loved~
The next morning I go up to see that the sky was cloudy. “~ Aw man. Suzerain is mad. ~” Kino thought to himself as he stood up and went to check on Lisa. She had already gotten up and made her bed. She was in her kitchen cooking.
“Oh good morning Kino. Did you sleep well?” She asked making breakfast. “Yeah… I did… why are you up? You’re supposed to be in bed.” Kino said leaning on the wall on his back against it. “Well I decided not to listen to you.” Lisa said winking at him and laughed and put two plates of food on the table. Now stop worrying about me and come eat.” She said sitting down and her head resting on her wrists and her elbows on the table. Kino sat down not liking she hadn’t listened to him but then smiled and laughed a little to himself. “~Just like me… stubborn. ~” He thought as he took a bit of his toast. Kino and Lisa just ate their breakfast in silence the rest of the time. Then when they got done Lisa took their plates and went to go wash them. Kino took the dishes from her and started to wash them for her. Lisa was confused. “Um… Kino it’s alright I can wash them.” She told him trying to take the washing rag from him. “No. I’ve got it. You need to go sit down so you can get better.” He told her smiling and continued to wash them. “Well…if you insist. But I’m not going to sit. If I do anything I’m going to go sweep the floor.” Lisa said grabbing the broom from the closet and started to sweep. Kino dried his hands and went over to Lisa, taking the broom from her and started to sweep for her. “Kino. Come on let me do that.” She said trying to take it from him. Kino laughed and didn’t let her have it. “Fine I’ll just go do something else.” Lisa said in a calm tone leaving the room. Kino grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back. “No I’ll do it for you. I want you to rest.” Kino said pulling Lisa closer to him. “Kino… it’s fine I can do it.” She said blushing. “No I want you to rest… please?” Kino asked Lisa looking at her with a calm soft look on his face. Lisa’s face turned completely red. “Eh… o-okay.” She said as Kino pulled a chair up for her to sit in. She sat down and Kino finished the dishes then he started on sweeping the floor.
About an hour later there was a knock on the door. Lisa got up and answered it. “Oh. Good after noon Kero. What are you…” She started to say to Kero when he answered before she could finish asking. “I’m here to see Kino… is he here? Everyone at the Sky village is worried about him.” Kero said in a worried tone. “Of course he’s here… he didn’t get permission to come here. He didn’t even leave a note?” Lisa asked letting Kero in. “No.” Kero answered. Kino got done sweeping and went over to Kero. “Hey bud. What’s up?” Kino asked in a calm kind voice. “KINO!!!” Kero said hugging him. “You are worrying everyone at the sky Village. We couldn’t find you anywhere so we thought that…” Kero didn’t finish his sentence. “Well you guys should have known I’d be here.” Kino said smiling at his shaken friend, who was still hugging him. “He’s the youngest of the group.” Kino whispered to Lisa who was watching. “And he’s a little emotional at times.” Kino finished saying still in a whispering tone. Lisa nodded in understanding. Kero looked at Kino. “Why didn’t you tell us where you were off to?” Kero asked. “Well I was in a hurry and… I… I just knew you guys wouldn’t have aloud me to go and help with the invaders here on earth at Lisa’s village. So I … just sort of… came without telling anyone. I knew you guys would try and stop me. Anyway, why is everyone so worried about me? I’m not like a prince or anything. Plus I can take care of myself. And I felt better.” Kino said smiling at Kero. “Well Suzerain wanted to make sure you were fine before you tried to get on your feet again. And when he saw you were gone he got worried. He didn’t know you felt better. The least you could have done was left a note.” Kero said in an upset tone and a few tears going down his face. Chill out little guy. I’m okay aren’t I? Now go back and tell everyone that I’m fine and where I am if they ask for that.” Kino said fuzzing Kero’s hair. Kero laughed a bit and smiled then he nodded and left. Kino and Lisa watched as Kero left and when he was out of site Kino looked at Lisa. “Cute kid isn’t he?” He asked Lisa going over to the sink to empty the dishes he did for Lisa. Lisa smiled and nodded. “Yes he is… Kino now what are you guys going to do... I mean now that the Demons are defeated?” Lisa asked Kino as she watched him put the dishes away. Kino stopped and sighed. “No. Your wrong the Demons aren’t defeated. There is still so much that you don’t know about the War between us Angels and Demons.” Kino said putting the dish away and finished putting the rest of them away. Lisa looked surprised. “What are you saying?” She asked walking over to him. “What I’m saying is. The War has only begun.” He said, his face down cast. Lisa put her hand on his shoulder. “Kino, I’m sure the war will be over before you know it. Anyway you guys have won almost all the battles. So you’re a shoe in for winning.” She said smiling. “Well that’s one way to look at it. But… no one said we’ve won all the battles. Demons have won just as many as we have. We need more help something to get us to win…. The only reason earth has gotten involved is because of the Energy Crystal it has hidden here.” He said jerking away from Lisa. She remained quiet. Kino left her house to think things over.
“~So what are we going to do if the demons get their hands on the Energy Crystal? ~” Kino thought to himself as he sat on the top of the highest branch in a tree in the forest over looking the village and the rest of the forest and life around it. Kino was so deep into thought that he didn’t even notice it was raining out. He just stayed quiet and kept thinking.
“KINO!!!!” Lisa called out to try and find him. “Oh man… where’d he go?” She asked herself looking around the forest and had her umbrella with her. “KINO!!!! Come on you have to come inside.” She said trying to find him. “~Where did that boy run off to… huh? ~ Kino?” Lisa said looking up the tree that she was about to pass bye. She saw his wings from the ground through the branches of the tree. ”KINO!” She said happily. Kino snapped out of his trance and looked down. Lisa waved at him happy to see she found him. Kino came down from the top of the tree and went by her. “What are you doing out here in the rain?” He asked. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.” She said holding the umbrella over both of them. “I just needed time to think that’s all.” He responded looking at the sky. “Anyway the rain doesn’t bother me.” He said looking back at Lisa. “Well I don’t like the fact your out here so lets just get back to my place.” She said pulling his arm to get him to follow her. He followed her to her house and then they went inside. Lisa got a towel and an extra pare of clothes out for him. Since she was the village nurse she had pretty much everything needed fro emergence such as this. Not to mention her brother came to visit sometimes. He was older now so the clothes would fit Kino. “Okay here you go. Now go and change please. When your done give me your clothes so I can hang them in the Rest room to dry.” Lisa said pushing Kino into his room that he’s been staying in and shut the door right behind him.
About 15 minutes later Kino came out with his wet clothes and was wearing the pare of clothes she gave him to wear. Lisa took his clothes and hung them in the rest room. After that she handed him a cup of hot chocolate and then she sat on her couch. Kino just stayed standing.
Chivo and Kino weren't even tiered. but as they proceeded Chivo got exhausted and Kino felt a little faint himself.
Suzerain and the other angels had to go back to the sky village to make sure everything was okay. And thank goodness it was. Suzerain was now in his office in the Sky village castle, looking out the window. Him and others around him watched the as Kino an Chivo fought but the only thing anyone saw of those two was the big aura or light around them. "~Please be okay Kino. ~" Suzerain thought to himself.
~Lisa's village.
"Kino." Lisa said simply watching outside in her yard and was scared that Kino wouldn't get out okay. She heard about the Demon transformation.
~Kino and Chivo continued to fight.
Kino couldn't help it he summoned all of his energy and his sword lit up then Chivo did the same. But as soon as their swords collide there was a big explosion and everyone who had been watching gasped. And then Chivo and Kino both got blasted away from each other.
~Kino was knocked out just like Chivo. But at the same time the Universe Guardian came up to Kino. Then picked him up and brought him to the Sky village. But when all of the Angels saw her they all bowed. Suzerain ran out of his office. And went outside then saw the Guardian and bowed as well. "Suzerain. Come Kino needs your help and care. He'll need some rest and make sure he doesn't fight for a month." She said to Suzerain and hand Kino to him. Then as Suzerain took Kino in his arms the Ark Angel disappeared. "Suzerain looked at Kino, who had a new look to him, like he had transformed. But a few seconds later Kino's cloths and sword had transformed into his normal clothes and that’s when Suzerain saw for the first time the mark on Kino's neck. And it was glowing but then stopped. "~He made it into full Angel Transformation Guardian. ~" Suzerain said to himself. But then he hugged Kino and Kino woke up from the warmth of suzerains hug. "Sir?" Kino said faintly. Suzerain stopped and looked at Kino. Surprised that he was up at all." Kino. I'm so glad your okay. Lets make sure you get some rest." Suzerain said bringing Kino into the Castle.
~Outer space. ~
Chivo was floating there. He hadn't moved until and black light went up to him and scanned him. "He's okay sir. Should I bring him back now?" The voice came from the black light. "Yes bring him back. He needs to get rest for the next battle." The voice said as the light went around Chivo and then they both disappeared.
~Down on Earth~
Kino was asleep in the Sky village Castle. And Suzerain was waiting for him to wake up. Him like the other angels were anxious to see if Chivo would be okay. Kino was just too tiered to get up. He stayed asleep. And then out of nowhere there was an explosion. Suzerain went over to the window and saw that the village on earth was being attacked. Suzerain ordered the High rank angels to go see what was wrong. So they went to see what was going on, and to help if necessary. Kino had been woken up by the explosion and was shot up alert. He then realized where he was. He got up from the bed he was sleeping in and went over to the window. He saw that the village was under attack. He left the room he was staying in after he put his shoes on and got his sword then he snuck out by a window that was opened and he carefully flew to the ground. He made his wings vanish so it’d be easier for him to walk and fight if needed. He started out as a walk then the screams in the village got louder and everything got worse by the second. Kino got to a run and had his hand on his sword ready to pull it out when necessary. Kino slid behind a tree and had his back to it. “~ Okay lets see…~” Kino thought then he heard a scream from the direction of Lisa’s house he took off running in that direction and got there. When he did he found out it wasn’t the Demon’s fault this time. It was just normal human invaders. “HEY!” Kino said pulling out his sword. “Leave her alone!” Kino said in an angered tone. One of the invader soldiers laughed and pulled out his sword as well. “Don’t worry I got him. He’ll be easy just like the other pathetic people on this town.” The invader solider said to his comrade. His comrade laughed and held Lisa down and watched thinking it’d be an easy battle. But he was about to find out he was wrong. Kino held his sword ready the solider did the same and then the solider started to fight after a respectful bow to his opponent. They began the fight. Kino had no trouble beating the solider so far. But he was being careful not to hurt himself worse. The solider was getting worn out and was panting. Lisa watched in the background tears going down her cheeks from being hurt from the soldiers. Kino got hit to the ground and the solider laughed. “Heh. Some hero you turned out to be. You’re pathetic and you’re just as weak as the rest of the people in the town.” The villain said tauntingly.
“KINO!!!” Lisa said in a worried tone.
“SHUT UP!!!!” The person holding her said as he covered her mouth. Kino had a devious smile and then swung his legs around so that her tripped the soldier that was near him and made him fall over onto his back. “AHHH!!!!” The solider cried as Kino hit him with his sword cutting the soldier’s arm. “Now If I were you I’d leave her alone and leave this town. And NEVER and I mean NEVER return here again.” Kino said holding his sword up to the soldier threateningly. The other soldier who was holding Lisa down let her go and ran for it when Kino jerked his sword in his direction. The other soldier left as well running. Kino went over to Lisa and put his sword away. Then he knelt by Lisa and carefully helped her up. “Kino. You’re okay. I thought you were suppose to be…” Lisa started to say, when Kino picked her up. “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m taking care of you before I answer you.” Kino said smiling at her. Lisa blushed. “Uh… I’m fine though. I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore then you already have.” She said looking at Kino with a worried face expression. “I’ll be fine. And you’re important right now.” He said bring her inside.
Inside of Lisa’s house Kino had carefully bandaged up Lisa and told her to get rest. Then he checked the perimeter of the house to make sure that there weren’t any more invaders or any other people around. Then he went back inside and went to Lisa’s room to see how she was doing. (Well I suppose you think that’s the end huh? Well you’d be wrong. That’s just the beginning of the story. I want you to know that things got more difficult as life went on or would.)
~ Difficultly loved~
The next morning I go up to see that the sky was cloudy. “~ Aw man. Suzerain is mad. ~” Kino thought to himself as he stood up and went to check on Lisa. She had already gotten up and made her bed. She was in her kitchen cooking.
“Oh good morning Kino. Did you sleep well?” She asked making breakfast. “Yeah… I did… why are you up? You’re supposed to be in bed.” Kino said leaning on the wall on his back against it. “Well I decided not to listen to you.” Lisa said winking at him and laughed and put two plates of food on the table. Now stop worrying about me and come eat.” She said sitting down and her head resting on her wrists and her elbows on the table. Kino sat down not liking she hadn’t listened to him but then smiled and laughed a little to himself. “~Just like me… stubborn. ~” He thought as he took a bit of his toast. Kino and Lisa just ate their breakfast in silence the rest of the time. Then when they got done Lisa took their plates and went to go wash them. Kino took the dishes from her and started to wash them for her. Lisa was confused. “Um… Kino it’s alright I can wash them.” She told him trying to take the washing rag from him. “No. I’ve got it. You need to go sit down so you can get better.” He told her smiling and continued to wash them. “Well…if you insist. But I’m not going to sit. If I do anything I’m going to go sweep the floor.” Lisa said grabbing the broom from the closet and started to sweep. Kino dried his hands and went over to Lisa, taking the broom from her and started to sweep for her. “Kino. Come on let me do that.” She said trying to take it from him. Kino laughed and didn’t let her have it. “Fine I’ll just go do something else.” Lisa said in a calm tone leaving the room. Kino grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back. “No I’ll do it for you. I want you to rest.” Kino said pulling Lisa closer to him. “Kino… it’s fine I can do it.” She said blushing. “No I want you to rest… please?” Kino asked Lisa looking at her with a calm soft look on his face. Lisa’s face turned completely red. “Eh… o-okay.” She said as Kino pulled a chair up for her to sit in. She sat down and Kino finished the dishes then he started on sweeping the floor.
About an hour later there was a knock on the door. Lisa got up and answered it. “Oh. Good after noon Kero. What are you…” She started to say to Kero when he answered before she could finish asking. “I’m here to see Kino… is he here? Everyone at the Sky village is worried about him.” Kero said in a worried tone. “Of course he’s here… he didn’t get permission to come here. He didn’t even leave a note?” Lisa asked letting Kero in. “No.” Kero answered. Kino got done sweeping and went over to Kero. “Hey bud. What’s up?” Kino asked in a calm kind voice. “KINO!!!” Kero said hugging him. “You are worrying everyone at the sky Village. We couldn’t find you anywhere so we thought that…” Kero didn’t finish his sentence. “Well you guys should have known I’d be here.” Kino said smiling at his shaken friend, who was still hugging him. “He’s the youngest of the group.” Kino whispered to Lisa who was watching. “And he’s a little emotional at times.” Kino finished saying still in a whispering tone. Lisa nodded in understanding. Kero looked at Kino. “Why didn’t you tell us where you were off to?” Kero asked. “Well I was in a hurry and… I… I just knew you guys wouldn’t have aloud me to go and help with the invaders here on earth at Lisa’s village. So I … just sort of… came without telling anyone. I knew you guys would try and stop me. Anyway, why is everyone so worried about me? I’m not like a prince or anything. Plus I can take care of myself. And I felt better.” Kino said smiling at Kero. “Well Suzerain wanted to make sure you were fine before you tried to get on your feet again. And when he saw you were gone he got worried. He didn’t know you felt better. The least you could have done was left a note.” Kero said in an upset tone and a few tears going down his face. Chill out little guy. I’m okay aren’t I? Now go back and tell everyone that I’m fine and where I am if they ask for that.” Kino said fuzzing Kero’s hair. Kero laughed a bit and smiled then he nodded and left. Kino and Lisa watched as Kero left and when he was out of site Kino looked at Lisa. “Cute kid isn’t he?” He asked Lisa going over to the sink to empty the dishes he did for Lisa. Lisa smiled and nodded. “Yes he is… Kino now what are you guys going to do... I mean now that the Demons are defeated?” Lisa asked Kino as she watched him put the dishes away. Kino stopped and sighed. “No. Your wrong the Demons aren’t defeated. There is still so much that you don’t know about the War between us Angels and Demons.” Kino said putting the dish away and finished putting the rest of them away. Lisa looked surprised. “What are you saying?” She asked walking over to him. “What I’m saying is. The War has only begun.” He said, his face down cast. Lisa put her hand on his shoulder. “Kino, I’m sure the war will be over before you know it. Anyway you guys have won almost all the battles. So you’re a shoe in for winning.” She said smiling. “Well that’s one way to look at it. But… no one said we’ve won all the battles. Demons have won just as many as we have. We need more help something to get us to win…. The only reason earth has gotten involved is because of the Energy Crystal it has hidden here.” He said jerking away from Lisa. She remained quiet. Kino left her house to think things over.
“~So what are we going to do if the demons get their hands on the Energy Crystal? ~” Kino thought to himself as he sat on the top of the highest branch in a tree in the forest over looking the village and the rest of the forest and life around it. Kino was so deep into thought that he didn’t even notice it was raining out. He just stayed quiet and kept thinking.
“KINO!!!!” Lisa called out to try and find him. “Oh man… where’d he go?” She asked herself looking around the forest and had her umbrella with her. “KINO!!!! Come on you have to come inside.” She said trying to find him. “~Where did that boy run off to… huh? ~ Kino?” Lisa said looking up the tree that she was about to pass bye. She saw his wings from the ground through the branches of the tree. ”KINO!” She said happily. Kino snapped out of his trance and looked down. Lisa waved at him happy to see she found him. Kino came down from the top of the tree and went by her. “What are you doing out here in the rain?” He asked. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.” She said holding the umbrella over both of them. “I just needed time to think that’s all.” He responded looking at the sky. “Anyway the rain doesn’t bother me.” He said looking back at Lisa. “Well I don’t like the fact your out here so lets just get back to my place.” She said pulling his arm to get him to follow her. He followed her to her house and then they went inside. Lisa got a towel and an extra pare of clothes out for him. Since she was the village nurse she had pretty much everything needed fro emergence such as this. Not to mention her brother came to visit sometimes. He was older now so the clothes would fit Kino. “Okay here you go. Now go and change please. When your done give me your clothes so I can hang them in the Rest room to dry.” Lisa said pushing Kino into his room that he’s been staying in and shut the door right behind him.
About 15 minutes later Kino came out with his wet clothes and was wearing the pare of clothes she gave him to wear. Lisa took his clothes and hung them in the rest room. After that she handed him a cup of hot chocolate and then she sat on her couch. Kino just stayed standing.
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zerotimberwolf on July 17, 2008, 9:21:53 AM