Chapter 1 - Christmas Present
Submitted December 6, 2005 Updated December 6, 2005 Status Complete | It's Christmas Eve and it's time to be happy and merry. But Quatre finds it hard when the one person he wants isn't there on this special day.
Anime/Manga » Gundam series » Gundam Wing |
Chapter 1 - Christmas Present
Chapter 1 - Christmas Present
Pairing: 1+4, hint of 2+3
Author: NekoHellAngel
Warnings: Sap, Boy and Boy love ^^ (like always)
Disclaimer: Heero, Quatre and GW over all doesn’t belong to me. I wish it did, cause then I would of made sure that Dorothy would had done something with her eyebrows.
Christmas Present
It was Christmas Eve and Quatre sighed happily as he looked outside his window, smiling as he watched people put up their Christmas lights and walk home with presents piling up in their arms. Christmas time was such a wonderful time; everyone was so happy and cheerful. Even everyone in the house he and the rest of the ex-pilots lived in. Quatre laughed as he heard Wufei curse loudly at Duo, the braided man having annoyed him. The blonde turned his head and looked at the scene.
Trowa was busy decorating the rather large tree, finding it much easier then the other pilots since he was tall. He looked down at Wufei and Duo and smiled while placing a ball here and there. His beloved Duo was teasing the hell out of Wufei. Wufei was at that moment wrapping up a present for Sally, it being an engagement ring. The Chinese ex-pilot had thought that Christmas time was the best time to ask her to marry him. Duo was teasing him, saying he didn’t think Wufei could be that cute! Duo just kept poking the Chinese man as he wrapped up the small velvet box.
“Wufei is a romantic! I never would of guessed!” laughed Duo.
“Shut up! Damn it! If I knew you’d act like this I never would of told you!” yelled Wufei, very glad that Sally wasn’t in the house since she would of heard everything by now.
Quatre couldn’t help but giggle. Yep, everything was cheery in the house. Just then Catherine walked into the room after making sure that everything was ready in the kitchen for tomorrow. She walked over to the men and clapped at seeing the Christmas tree. It looked very beautiful, with so many colours and glitter all over it. Balls, ornaments, lights, everything was on it! Well, everything but the star. Quatre’s smile faded as he saw the bare top of the tree. Heero had agreed to get the star, but no one had heard from him in weeks. He’d just vanished, not even bothering to call anyone. They had been a little worried, but Duo had convinced everyone that he’d be here. But, Quatre wasn’t so sure…
“Quatre, stop looking so down,” Catherine’s voice stopped Quatre’s line of thought.
The blonde blinked his ocean greeny blue eyes. The others had seen the sad look on his face and now they all looked worried and upset themselves. Not everyone knew why, but Trowa knew why Quatre was so down. The taller man had managed to get Quatre to admit his feelings for the Japanese man a while ago. All Trowa really had to do was ask Quatre to be truthful to him, and the blonde was unable to hold it in any longer. Trowa sighed and went back to decorating the tree, knowing that truthfully the only way to cheer Quatre up was to get Heero to appear out of thin air. But what was the chance of that?
Quatre suddenly put a smile back on this face, realising that his sadness was ruining the mood. Everyone wasn’t sure if he had truly cheered up, but relaxed as Quatre spoke to them and apologised.
“Sorry! Sorry! I was just thinking really hard for a moment there,” he told them.
Everyone went back to what they were doing, the good and cheery mood back in the room. Catherine joined Trowa in decorating the tree, yet watched Quatre in the corner of her eye. She knew something was up, but didn’t know what. She wasn’t as close to Quatre as she was Trowa, but the two were still friendly and treated each other well, just like the other pilots. She turned her head when she saw that Quatre was heading out the room, towards the stairs. Trowa was silent as he looked in the direction his sister was looking and the tall man wasn’t surprised to see the blonde sneaking up stairs to his room.
“He’s upset,” said Trowa simply to his sister.
Catherine looked up at Trowa and tilted her head, confused. What could he be upset about? All his friends were here, the tree was beautiful, the food was all ready for tomorrow, and they were all happy and healthy. What more could the blonde want? She actually asked Trowa this, wanting her questions answered. Trowa concentrated on the tree as he told Catherine, watching the glittering balls spine as he placed another in a bare looking space on the tree.
“His Christmas wish hasn’t come true. For Heero to be here,” he finally told her.
Catherine blinked in surprise, and Wufei and Duo’s head turned to look up at Trowa. The two ex-pilots that were wrapping up presents had over heard the taller man, and were just as surprised as Catherine. Trowa looked down at the two on the ground and signed when realising that they had heard. He decided there was no point in keeping it a secret now, and so told them all that Quatre loved Heero, very much. Duo played with his braid and looked up in thought.
“Wow! I thought he had something for Heero, but I just kept it to myself,” he admitted, and grinned a little to himself.
“So that’s why he’s upset? It’s not the end of the world if one person isn’t here,” said Catherine, forgetting that the people most important to her were all ready here.
Wufei shook his head and folded his arms over his chest. He looked up at the woman and told her that it wasn’t that easy to just lighten up.
“If I’m not mistaken, Christmas is a time where the ones you love the most come together. We are lucky, since our most loved ones will be here on Christmas Day. I have Sally, Duo has Trowa, same as you… and Trowa has you and Duo!” said Wufei and rolled his eyes as Duo crawled over to Trowa and hugged his leg like a child.
“But… Quatre is missing his love,” Wufei finished off, unfolding his arms and going back to wrapping up presents.
After hearing that, Catherine realised just how right the Chinese man was. No wonder Quatre was down. Seeing all of them with their most loved ones must of made him feel so lonely. True Wufei wasn’t with his loved one right now, but at least he knew that Sally was definitely going to be here later one. Catherine sighed and just hoped that Heero would show up now. Yet, when Heero vanished, he vanished, and normally he didn’t come back for months at a time. However it was Christmas; and it was the perfect time for miracles to happen.
Quatre was sitting on his bed, sitting in the dark and staring out of his window. He sniffled a little, hugging a cuddly toy that he had gotten for his birthday. It was of a camel, with brown fake fur on the top of its hump. Heero had surprisingly given him the camel, and it had been a big shock to everyone when seeing Quatre unwrap it. No one had thought of Heero to be the type of guy to give someone a cuddly toy, mainly give a GUY a cuddly toy. But in his defence he had said that it just seemed to fit the person he was getting it for. Ever since the blonde had got it, he had never once slept without it.
“Quatre?” Duo’s voice called out softly as he opened the door, letting the hallway light in.
Quatre blinked and quickly wiped his eyes, making sure no tears could be seen. He turned and looked towards his bedroom door and was taken aback to see everyone crowding around his door. Once everyone piled into the blonde’s room Trowa pushed the switch up on the wall and made the lights come on. Quatre blinked a couple of times, his eyes hurting with the sudden light. With the light on everyone could easily see that the blonde had been crying. Catherine sniffled a little herself, not liking anyone to be so hurt on such a special night.
“Quatre man… we’re sorry that Heero isn’t here,” said Duo, leaning over Quatre’s bed.
The blonde blinked in surprise and confusion. He quickly looked over to Trowa, asking a silent question. The tall man only nodded, knowing that Quatre was asking if he had told them all. When seeing him nod, Quatre’s body relaxed slightly and he allowed his face to look sad again. No point in lying to them now, might as well let it out. Before he knew what he was doing, Quatre sat on his bed and began sobbing, hugging his toy tighter. Everyone didn’t really know what to do, other then comfort the blonde. Duo and Trowa were the first to sit down on his bed and wrap their arms around Quatre, while Catherine and Wufei soon followed suit.
Even though Heero wasn’t there, feeling everyone comfort him made him feel so much better. Knowing that they were all here for him made him realise that even if his Christmas wish didn’t come true, he always had his close friends. After a few more minutes of crying, he suddenly began laughing. Everyone thought for a moment that he had snapped and gone mad, but Quatre quickly explained why he was laughing.
“I’ve got such good friends!” he said happily, but some tears still falling down his face.
They all released the blonde and just looked at him, smiles know on their faces and replacing their worried looks. Quatre smiled more and wiped the rest of his tears away, thanking everyone. They all told him that they’d do anything for him, and each gave him a tight hug before leaving the room. Trowa was the last to leave, and before leaving he stopped and looked over to the blonde.
“You know… there’s still time for a Christmas miracle. Just keep wishing Quatre,” he told the blonde then left the room, closing the door behind him.
Quatre stared at the door that everyone had gone out of, a smile still on his face. He was still upset that Heero hadn’t come yet, and upset by the fact that the chances of him coming at all were slim. But still, he was happy with what he had. He had so many friends here already, all caring and looking out for him.
A beeping noise started coming from his wrist and Quatre swiftly looked down at his watch. It was 10:54pm. Everyone would be going to bed round about now. Quatre decided to do the same since there was no point in staying up any longer. He pulled his sweater and shirt off in one go, and then removed his pants. Once undressed, he pulled on his yellow PJs. His PJs had the number four on the front and the face of his Gundam on it. The ex-pilots had them made as a joke, but most of them did actually sleep in them. He and Duo did all the time, mainly in the winter since they were rather warm. Wufei did every now and then, since Sally thought they were cute and loved to see him wear them. Quatre was sure he had even seen Trowa and Heero wear them a couple of times. Again, his thoughts returned to Heero… and sadness over whelmed him.
“I don’t think any Christmas miracles will happen now… it’s too late,” he whimpered to himself.
Having said that, the blonde went and turned his light off, then climbed into his big warm bed. Well, it should be warm, but it felt quite cold to the pale blonde. He sighed sadly to himself and hugged his cuddly toy tightly, closing his eyes. As he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep, one last tear fell down his check.
Quatre was startled awake by a rather loud thud downstairs. He looked around swiftly and wondered what had caused the noise. He heard more, quieter noises coming from downstairs again. What the hell was going on? He looked at his watch. It was 11:55pm. He had only gotten about an hours sleep. He growled to himself. If it was any of the guys trying to get a midnight snack or something, he was going to kick their @$$! Not wanting to go back to sleep without finding out what all the noise was, he crept out of his bed and sneaked down the stairs. He felt rather foolish and childish; he felt like a child trying to sneak a peek at Santa. When he neared the living room, the only light in the room was the lights from the tree, giving the room a lovely colourful glow. Even with little light in the room, he could see that the living room window had been forced open, and some snow had fallen into the room and onto the floor. Someone had snuck in?! Quatre looked over at the tree and saw a figure reaching up. Someone was here?! The blonde quickly turned the light on, ready to fight the stranger or thief out of his house, but as the light went on and the figure was revealed, Quatre froze.
The figure was standing on his tiptoes; even with his boots on he was still only just about able to reach the top of the tree. In his gloved hand was a bright gold ornament star, made for being put on top of a tree. His big winter coat was covered with snow, and his jeans looked damp since the snow had melted on them. His messy brown, slightly spiky hair was also covered in snow, the snow melting and making his hair slightly damp. His icy blue eyes were staring straight into Quatre, looking a little stunned that someone had caught him. The person who had been caught red handed sneaking into Quatre’s house, was none other then Heero Yuy!
Quatre was in total shock and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Heero was here? Heero was here and in front of the tree? He thought that Heero wasn’t coming! Heero relaxed his body and stood on his feet normally after he placed the star on the top of the tree. He looked up at the star for a moment then turned to Quatre. He looked uneasy and unsure of what to say or do. So he shrugged and then reached his arms out to Quatre, a small smile on his face.
“Merry Christmas,” he said.
No sooner had he said that, Quatre had run into his arms. For a brief moment, the blonde realised that Heero had welcomed him into a hug, and he wondered why. But, his happiness drove all logical thoughts out and all he focused on was the fact that Heero was here and hugging him. The Japanese man pulled his gloves off with his teeth and ran his fingers through Quatre’s hair. The coldness of Heero’s fingers sent shivers down the blonde’s spine. The gloves had done nothing to keep his hands warm. Some logic came back to Quatre and the blonde was shocked that Heero was actually being gentle and close with him, running his fingers through his hair. This… wasn’t what you did with friends was it? Did Heero… see more in him then just friends?
Quatre pulled away from the embrace slightly and looked deep into Heero’s icy blue eyes. Ever since he had met Heero, Quatre wondered how odd it was for a Japanese man to have blue eyes like Heero’s, however it made Heero all the more handsome. Heero’s smile only widen, and his cold fingers cupped Quatre’s face.
“Can I have my Christmas present now?” he asked.
Quatre blinked and looked down at his watch. It was 12:03am. It was Christmas Day! He looked up at Heero and smiled widely, kneeling down by the tree and picking up one of many presents that were under it. The present he picked up was wrapped in bright red shiny paper, with gold ribbon all around it. He handed it over to Heero, who only looked at it then placed it down on the ground again. Quatre was confused. Didn’t he like it? Heero explained what he was doing, and surprised Quatre with what he said.
“I mean, my other Christmas present… you,” Heero’s cheeks turned pink even though the Japanese man was trying to stay strong and confident.
Quatre blinked, wondering if he had heard right. Had Heero just asked for him? As a present? This was just like his dreams! Where Heero would ask for a Christmas kiss and then later that morning when everyone was around, Heero would ask him to marry him or something! No, Quatre still had to be asleep or something! But, as Heero gently cupped Quatre’s face with one hand and pulled his face closer to his, Quatre’s thoughts of this being a dream were thrown out the window.
Quatre’s warm lips pressed gently against Heero’s cold and dry lips, them being so because he had been in the cold outside. Quatre didn’t mind though, and pressed his lips a little firmer against Heero’s as he closed his eyes and relaxed against him. The Japanese man wrapped his arms around the blonde’s waist and pulled him closer, hoping that Quatre’s PJs stopped the coldness of his own clothes coming through. As Heero pulled him closer, Quatre followed suit and wrapped his arms around the Japanese man’s neck. As they shared their first kiss together, tears of joy fell and ran down his cheeks. This was actually happening; Heero was actually here and was kissing him! It seemed too good to be true, and not only that, but this was all happen at Christmas! It was so… so… romantic!
They finally broke their kiss, Quatre’s cheeks bright red and his eyes filed with tears. Heero stared long and hard into his ocean greeny blue eyes and brought his hand up. Even though Heero’s hands were still horribly cold, Quatre didn’t back away and allowed Heero to touch his blushing cheeks. The Japanese man stroked his thumb against the corners of Quatre’s eyes, wiping his tears away.
“Merry Christmas Quatre… I… I love you,” he whispered to he blonde.
Quatre sniffled and his smile couldn’t get any wider. He laughed a little to himself also, so happy that he was unable to contain himself. He swiftly wrapped his arms around Heero’s neck and held him tightly. He never wanted to let the Japanese man go! Not now, not now that he had said that he loved him! Quatre gently kissed Heero’s cheek and whispered back what he had wanted to say to Heero ever since he could remember.
“I love you too… You’re the best Christmas present ever, Heero Yuy,”
The End
Hell: There you go! My Christmas fic for you all to read!! Yes, it was another Quatre and Heero one, but I can’t help it! I love this pairing! Anyway, did you like it? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Did you wonder “Why the hell is she bothering?! This sucks!” Haha! Well, hope you did like it! Till next time, See ya!
Author: NekoHellAngel
Warnings: Sap, Boy and Boy love ^^ (like always)
Disclaimer: Heero, Quatre and GW over all doesn’t belong to me. I wish it did, cause then I would of made sure that Dorothy would had done something with her eyebrows.
Christmas Present
It was Christmas Eve and Quatre sighed happily as he looked outside his window, smiling as he watched people put up their Christmas lights and walk home with presents piling up in their arms. Christmas time was such a wonderful time; everyone was so happy and cheerful. Even everyone in the house he and the rest of the ex-pilots lived in. Quatre laughed as he heard Wufei curse loudly at Duo, the braided man having annoyed him. The blonde turned his head and looked at the scene.
Trowa was busy decorating the rather large tree, finding it much easier then the other pilots since he was tall. He looked down at Wufei and Duo and smiled while placing a ball here and there. His beloved Duo was teasing the hell out of Wufei. Wufei was at that moment wrapping up a present for Sally, it being an engagement ring. The Chinese ex-pilot had thought that Christmas time was the best time to ask her to marry him. Duo was teasing him, saying he didn’t think Wufei could be that cute! Duo just kept poking the Chinese man as he wrapped up the small velvet box.
“Wufei is a romantic! I never would of guessed!” laughed Duo.
“Shut up! Damn it! If I knew you’d act like this I never would of told you!” yelled Wufei, very glad that Sally wasn’t in the house since she would of heard everything by now.
Quatre couldn’t help but giggle. Yep, everything was cheery in the house. Just then Catherine walked into the room after making sure that everything was ready in the kitchen for tomorrow. She walked over to the men and clapped at seeing the Christmas tree. It looked very beautiful, with so many colours and glitter all over it. Balls, ornaments, lights, everything was on it! Well, everything but the star. Quatre’s smile faded as he saw the bare top of the tree. Heero had agreed to get the star, but no one had heard from him in weeks. He’d just vanished, not even bothering to call anyone. They had been a little worried, but Duo had convinced everyone that he’d be here. But, Quatre wasn’t so sure…
“Quatre, stop looking so down,” Catherine’s voice stopped Quatre’s line of thought.
The blonde blinked his ocean greeny blue eyes. The others had seen the sad look on his face and now they all looked worried and upset themselves. Not everyone knew why, but Trowa knew why Quatre was so down. The taller man had managed to get Quatre to admit his feelings for the Japanese man a while ago. All Trowa really had to do was ask Quatre to be truthful to him, and the blonde was unable to hold it in any longer. Trowa sighed and went back to decorating the tree, knowing that truthfully the only way to cheer Quatre up was to get Heero to appear out of thin air. But what was the chance of that?
Quatre suddenly put a smile back on this face, realising that his sadness was ruining the mood. Everyone wasn’t sure if he had truly cheered up, but relaxed as Quatre spoke to them and apologised.
“Sorry! Sorry! I was just thinking really hard for a moment there,” he told them.
Everyone went back to what they were doing, the good and cheery mood back in the room. Catherine joined Trowa in decorating the tree, yet watched Quatre in the corner of her eye. She knew something was up, but didn’t know what. She wasn’t as close to Quatre as she was Trowa, but the two were still friendly and treated each other well, just like the other pilots. She turned her head when she saw that Quatre was heading out the room, towards the stairs. Trowa was silent as he looked in the direction his sister was looking and the tall man wasn’t surprised to see the blonde sneaking up stairs to his room.
“He’s upset,” said Trowa simply to his sister.
Catherine looked up at Trowa and tilted her head, confused. What could he be upset about? All his friends were here, the tree was beautiful, the food was all ready for tomorrow, and they were all happy and healthy. What more could the blonde want? She actually asked Trowa this, wanting her questions answered. Trowa concentrated on the tree as he told Catherine, watching the glittering balls spine as he placed another in a bare looking space on the tree.
“His Christmas wish hasn’t come true. For Heero to be here,” he finally told her.
Catherine blinked in surprise, and Wufei and Duo’s head turned to look up at Trowa. The two ex-pilots that were wrapping up presents had over heard the taller man, and were just as surprised as Catherine. Trowa looked down at the two on the ground and signed when realising that they had heard. He decided there was no point in keeping it a secret now, and so told them all that Quatre loved Heero, very much. Duo played with his braid and looked up in thought.
“Wow! I thought he had something for Heero, but I just kept it to myself,” he admitted, and grinned a little to himself.
“So that’s why he’s upset? It’s not the end of the world if one person isn’t here,” said Catherine, forgetting that the people most important to her were all ready here.
Wufei shook his head and folded his arms over his chest. He looked up at the woman and told her that it wasn’t that easy to just lighten up.
“If I’m not mistaken, Christmas is a time where the ones you love the most come together. We are lucky, since our most loved ones will be here on Christmas Day. I have Sally, Duo has Trowa, same as you… and Trowa has you and Duo!” said Wufei and rolled his eyes as Duo crawled over to Trowa and hugged his leg like a child.
“But… Quatre is missing his love,” Wufei finished off, unfolding his arms and going back to wrapping up presents.
After hearing that, Catherine realised just how right the Chinese man was. No wonder Quatre was down. Seeing all of them with their most loved ones must of made him feel so lonely. True Wufei wasn’t with his loved one right now, but at least he knew that Sally was definitely going to be here later one. Catherine sighed and just hoped that Heero would show up now. Yet, when Heero vanished, he vanished, and normally he didn’t come back for months at a time. However it was Christmas; and it was the perfect time for miracles to happen.
Quatre was sitting on his bed, sitting in the dark and staring out of his window. He sniffled a little, hugging a cuddly toy that he had gotten for his birthday. It was of a camel, with brown fake fur on the top of its hump. Heero had surprisingly given him the camel, and it had been a big shock to everyone when seeing Quatre unwrap it. No one had thought of Heero to be the type of guy to give someone a cuddly toy, mainly give a GUY a cuddly toy. But in his defence he had said that it just seemed to fit the person he was getting it for. Ever since the blonde had got it, he had never once slept without it.
“Quatre?” Duo’s voice called out softly as he opened the door, letting the hallway light in.
Quatre blinked and quickly wiped his eyes, making sure no tears could be seen. He turned and looked towards his bedroom door and was taken aback to see everyone crowding around his door. Once everyone piled into the blonde’s room Trowa pushed the switch up on the wall and made the lights come on. Quatre blinked a couple of times, his eyes hurting with the sudden light. With the light on everyone could easily see that the blonde had been crying. Catherine sniffled a little herself, not liking anyone to be so hurt on such a special night.
“Quatre man… we’re sorry that Heero isn’t here,” said Duo, leaning over Quatre’s bed.
The blonde blinked in surprise and confusion. He quickly looked over to Trowa, asking a silent question. The tall man only nodded, knowing that Quatre was asking if he had told them all. When seeing him nod, Quatre’s body relaxed slightly and he allowed his face to look sad again. No point in lying to them now, might as well let it out. Before he knew what he was doing, Quatre sat on his bed and began sobbing, hugging his toy tighter. Everyone didn’t really know what to do, other then comfort the blonde. Duo and Trowa were the first to sit down on his bed and wrap their arms around Quatre, while Catherine and Wufei soon followed suit.
Even though Heero wasn’t there, feeling everyone comfort him made him feel so much better. Knowing that they were all here for him made him realise that even if his Christmas wish didn’t come true, he always had his close friends. After a few more minutes of crying, he suddenly began laughing. Everyone thought for a moment that he had snapped and gone mad, but Quatre quickly explained why he was laughing.
“I’ve got such good friends!” he said happily, but some tears still falling down his face.
They all released the blonde and just looked at him, smiles know on their faces and replacing their worried looks. Quatre smiled more and wiped the rest of his tears away, thanking everyone. They all told him that they’d do anything for him, and each gave him a tight hug before leaving the room. Trowa was the last to leave, and before leaving he stopped and looked over to the blonde.
“You know… there’s still time for a Christmas miracle. Just keep wishing Quatre,” he told the blonde then left the room, closing the door behind him.
Quatre stared at the door that everyone had gone out of, a smile still on his face. He was still upset that Heero hadn’t come yet, and upset by the fact that the chances of him coming at all were slim. But still, he was happy with what he had. He had so many friends here already, all caring and looking out for him.
A beeping noise started coming from his wrist and Quatre swiftly looked down at his watch. It was 10:54pm. Everyone would be going to bed round about now. Quatre decided to do the same since there was no point in staying up any longer. He pulled his sweater and shirt off in one go, and then removed his pants. Once undressed, he pulled on his yellow PJs. His PJs had the number four on the front and the face of his Gundam on it. The ex-pilots had them made as a joke, but most of them did actually sleep in them. He and Duo did all the time, mainly in the winter since they were rather warm. Wufei did every now and then, since Sally thought they were cute and loved to see him wear them. Quatre was sure he had even seen Trowa and Heero wear them a couple of times. Again, his thoughts returned to Heero… and sadness over whelmed him.
“I don’t think any Christmas miracles will happen now… it’s too late,” he whimpered to himself.
Having said that, the blonde went and turned his light off, then climbed into his big warm bed. Well, it should be warm, but it felt quite cold to the pale blonde. He sighed sadly to himself and hugged his cuddly toy tightly, closing his eyes. As he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep, one last tear fell down his check.
Quatre was startled awake by a rather loud thud downstairs. He looked around swiftly and wondered what had caused the noise. He heard more, quieter noises coming from downstairs again. What the hell was going on? He looked at his watch. It was 11:55pm. He had only gotten about an hours sleep. He growled to himself. If it was any of the guys trying to get a midnight snack or something, he was going to kick their @$$! Not wanting to go back to sleep without finding out what all the noise was, he crept out of his bed and sneaked down the stairs. He felt rather foolish and childish; he felt like a child trying to sneak a peek at Santa. When he neared the living room, the only light in the room was the lights from the tree, giving the room a lovely colourful glow. Even with little light in the room, he could see that the living room window had been forced open, and some snow had fallen into the room and onto the floor. Someone had snuck in?! Quatre looked over at the tree and saw a figure reaching up. Someone was here?! The blonde quickly turned the light on, ready to fight the stranger or thief out of his house, but as the light went on and the figure was revealed, Quatre froze.
The figure was standing on his tiptoes; even with his boots on he was still only just about able to reach the top of the tree. In his gloved hand was a bright gold ornament star, made for being put on top of a tree. His big winter coat was covered with snow, and his jeans looked damp since the snow had melted on them. His messy brown, slightly spiky hair was also covered in snow, the snow melting and making his hair slightly damp. His icy blue eyes were staring straight into Quatre, looking a little stunned that someone had caught him. The person who had been caught red handed sneaking into Quatre’s house, was none other then Heero Yuy!
Quatre was in total shock and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Heero was here? Heero was here and in front of the tree? He thought that Heero wasn’t coming! Heero relaxed his body and stood on his feet normally after he placed the star on the top of the tree. He looked up at the star for a moment then turned to Quatre. He looked uneasy and unsure of what to say or do. So he shrugged and then reached his arms out to Quatre, a small smile on his face.
“Merry Christmas,” he said.
No sooner had he said that, Quatre had run into his arms. For a brief moment, the blonde realised that Heero had welcomed him into a hug, and he wondered why. But, his happiness drove all logical thoughts out and all he focused on was the fact that Heero was here and hugging him. The Japanese man pulled his gloves off with his teeth and ran his fingers through Quatre’s hair. The coldness of Heero’s fingers sent shivers down the blonde’s spine. The gloves had done nothing to keep his hands warm. Some logic came back to Quatre and the blonde was shocked that Heero was actually being gentle and close with him, running his fingers through his hair. This… wasn’t what you did with friends was it? Did Heero… see more in him then just friends?
Quatre pulled away from the embrace slightly and looked deep into Heero’s icy blue eyes. Ever since he had met Heero, Quatre wondered how odd it was for a Japanese man to have blue eyes like Heero’s, however it made Heero all the more handsome. Heero’s smile only widen, and his cold fingers cupped Quatre’s face.
“Can I have my Christmas present now?” he asked.
Quatre blinked and looked down at his watch. It was 12:03am. It was Christmas Day! He looked up at Heero and smiled widely, kneeling down by the tree and picking up one of many presents that were under it. The present he picked up was wrapped in bright red shiny paper, with gold ribbon all around it. He handed it over to Heero, who only looked at it then placed it down on the ground again. Quatre was confused. Didn’t he like it? Heero explained what he was doing, and surprised Quatre with what he said.
“I mean, my other Christmas present… you,” Heero’s cheeks turned pink even though the Japanese man was trying to stay strong and confident.
Quatre blinked, wondering if he had heard right. Had Heero just asked for him? As a present? This was just like his dreams! Where Heero would ask for a Christmas kiss and then later that morning when everyone was around, Heero would ask him to marry him or something! No, Quatre still had to be asleep or something! But, as Heero gently cupped Quatre’s face with one hand and pulled his face closer to his, Quatre’s thoughts of this being a dream were thrown out the window.
Quatre’s warm lips pressed gently against Heero’s cold and dry lips, them being so because he had been in the cold outside. Quatre didn’t mind though, and pressed his lips a little firmer against Heero’s as he closed his eyes and relaxed against him. The Japanese man wrapped his arms around the blonde’s waist and pulled him closer, hoping that Quatre’s PJs stopped the coldness of his own clothes coming through. As Heero pulled him closer, Quatre followed suit and wrapped his arms around the Japanese man’s neck. As they shared their first kiss together, tears of joy fell and ran down his cheeks. This was actually happening; Heero was actually here and was kissing him! It seemed too good to be true, and not only that, but this was all happen at Christmas! It was so… so… romantic!
They finally broke their kiss, Quatre’s cheeks bright red and his eyes filed with tears. Heero stared long and hard into his ocean greeny blue eyes and brought his hand up. Even though Heero’s hands were still horribly cold, Quatre didn’t back away and allowed Heero to touch his blushing cheeks. The Japanese man stroked his thumb against the corners of Quatre’s eyes, wiping his tears away.
“Merry Christmas Quatre… I… I love you,” he whispered to he blonde.
Quatre sniffled and his smile couldn’t get any wider. He laughed a little to himself also, so happy that he was unable to contain himself. He swiftly wrapped his arms around Heero’s neck and held him tightly. He never wanted to let the Japanese man go! Not now, not now that he had said that he loved him! Quatre gently kissed Heero’s cheek and whispered back what he had wanted to say to Heero ever since he could remember.
“I love you too… You’re the best Christmas present ever, Heero Yuy,”
The End
Hell: There you go! My Christmas fic for you all to read!! Yes, it was another Quatre and Heero one, but I can’t help it! I love this pairing! Anyway, did you like it? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Did you wonder “Why the hell is she bothering?! This sucks!” Haha! Well, hope you did like it! Till next time, See ya!
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_theater_freak_147 on September 4, 2006, 8:49:15 AM

Im_Yaoi_Addicted on March 16, 2006, 7:29:28 AM
vampiretalim on December 6, 2005, 8:25:28 AM
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