Chapter 4 - Down the rapids
Submitted April 9, 2005 Updated June 16, 2005 Status Incomplete | Its Mokuba Kaiba's birthday. And he's inviting Yugi, Yami, Anzu, Joey, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, and of course, his big brother Seto to a 1 week party! Weird randomness, strange events, and Balamory...
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 4 - Down the rapids
Chapter 4 - Down the rapids
Yugi yawned. He had just woken up. He felt a little cold for some reason. He felt around him, trying to pull the covers over him again. But somehow he found moving his arms a little difficult right now, due to the fact they were chained to him. He opened his eyes only to find he was chained to the loo. Right.... He couldn't remember anything like this happening last night. He struggled, but he couldn't move. He tried calling for help. They would be in the bedroom. They would be able to hear him. Suddenly he heard a yell.
"Oh my god!" yelled a voice he recognised as Seto's. "Get off me you dog!"
"Wa?" came Joey's voice, then a scream.
"Big brother... what happened?"
"Wait a second... I'll untie you Mokuba just after I get this... off me." Seto replied to Mokuba's screams.
"Help?" Yugi cried uncertainly.
They must have heard him because soon Seto, Mokuba and Joey all came into the bathroom.
"It must have been Marik and Bakura." Seto mumbled as Mokuba and Joey tried to untie Yugi. "They tied Mokuba to the ceiling and they... er... tied this DOG to me."
"Yeh well don't think I liked being tied to you, Kaiba." Joey growled.
"Where's everyone else then?" Yugi asked, breaking up the soon to be argument.
"There was no-one else in the bedroom, so I guess we'll just have to look for them" Seto sighed. Suddenly there was a loud banging coming from inside Seto's walk in wardrobe.
"Help me...!" Screamed Ryou from inside.
Eventually they found the wardrobe key and got Ryou out. He was covered in all of Seto's clothes, which had fallen on him. They searched round the whole house looking for the others. Seto was getting annoyed. Eventually they found Bakura and Marik watching TV.
"Hey, where's Anzu and Yami?" Joey asked them.
"I don't know" Bakura replied, his eyes fixed on the television.
"You must know, you're the only ones not tied up or missing." Seto growled, annoyed that Mokuba's party was, so far, not going very well.
"Aw, they just didn't tie us up because we're the nicest, prettiest people here." Marik smiled.
"Yeh right Marik" Joey snorted "C'mon, where are they? YOU tied them up somewhere."
"Do you really honestly think that I tied up Yami and Anzu?" Marik sniffed and looked innocently up at them with huge purple eyes.
"Fine, if you're not going to help we'll have to find them ourselves." Seto dragged the others out of the room, Yugi sniffing, he was missing his Yami already.
"Do you ever think we'll find them?" Yugi whispered to Ryou as they looked around the garden. "'Cause... I really miss Yami."
'You miss your yami?" Ryou was puzzled. He was so glad to get away from Bakura, to have his own body.
'Yes," said Yugi sniffing.
"Well, they've found Anzu I think," Ryou said, as they joined the others. Anzu had been tied up in a wheely bin. She was still covered in rubbish and slime, so she went to have a shower while the others looked for Yami. Eventually they found him, but getting him down would be the hard part. He had been tied hanging upside down out of a window on the fourth floor. In his underwear.
They had to call the fire brigade to get Yami down but eventually the fireman carried the screaming pharaoh down the ladder in a fireman's lift.
"They... are... so.... gonna... pay..." Yami growled, pulling on the jacket and trousers that a very happy Yugi held out to him. "How dare they do that to me... the pharaoh..." Yami went into the house growling with Yugi clinging onto his arm. The others trudged behind a skipping Mokuba.
"Are we going out today big brother? Can we go up to the moor to have a picnic? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we?"
"I think Kaiba's getting annoyed" Joey whispered to Ryou as Seto started twitching. Mokuba was oblivious, and carried on.
"Can we? Can we? CAN WE big brother?"
"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!" Seto grabbed Mokuba by the front of his t-shirt and yelled right in his face. "We're not going to the ****ing moor!" Mokuba started to cry.
"Wow, I never thought I'd see that happening." Joey whispered to Yami, who'd stopped trying to find Bakura and Marik and turned to stare at the two brothers.
"Ur..." Seto suddenly came back to his normal self, and discovered he was holding Mokuba by the t-shirt. He dropped him instantly. Mokuba burst into tears again as he hit the floor.
"Waaaaa! You're the meanest.... Horriblest... worstest big brother in the whole world!" Mokuba stomped off to his room. Seto grabbed his forehead.
"Hur hur," Snickered Joey. "Serenity never got cross with me."
"He's never done this before..." Seto whispered. "Mind you, I've never shouted at him like that. I'll go and apologise now." Seto made off towards the building.
"Where are you going?" Joey called out after Seto. "Why don't you just leave him and then we can go do something else?" Seto glared at Joey, who immediately shut up.
30 minutes later they were all in the car going to the moor. Seto had managed to make up with Mokuba. The seating arrangements were the same as before, they had managed to drag Bakura and Marik into the car with them.
"This is the worst party ever" Bakura leaned to whisper to Marik, so Ryou couldn't hear what he was saying. "And I have to sit next to my hikari"
"Well you were pretty protective of him when we were having that mudfight." Marik giggled.
"Well, I thought they were aiming at me." Bakura shifted uncomfortably. "We haven't had any breakfast either."
"We're here." Seto announced, and everyone got out of the car.
"What do we do now?" Anzu said, gazing around at the empty moor. There were no buildings around for miles, and they'd gone off the road about half an hour ago.
"Let's go down to the stream!" said Mokuba. He seemed to come here pretty often, he knew exactly where everything was. They got down to the stream, which was quite nice really. Clean, cold water ran down the hill, with rocks leading down to it.
"Aw, it looks so nice." Anzu smiled. "Let's go down for a paddle." She grabbed an unwilling Yami's arm and dragged him down to the bank, Yugi following them wistfully. She took off her shoes and socks and dipped one foot in the water. "Oooh! It's freezing!' She made to get up and out of the water but she slipped on a rock and fell into the stream, dragging Yami with her.
"Argghhh!" Yami pulled his hand free and pulled himself out. Luckily he had not fallen totally in, only his legs up to his knees were wet. Anzu however, was screaming as she drifted down the stream, which was much deeper then she had expected.
"Don't worry Anzu, I'm coming!" Yugi yelled and jumped into the stream after Anzu. This was not a very clever thing to do. He had totally forgotten that he could hardly swim and was terrified of water. When he was younger his Grandpa had taken him and some big kids had shoved him under the water, he had been scared ever since. His Grandpa had managed to get him to come in with armbands, but he still avoided it. Whenever his friends asked him to come to the pool with him, he always said he was ill or that he was busy. Now as his head became submerged under the freezing cold water and Anzu grabbed onto his arm, he could only think of one thing to do.
"HELP MEEEEEEEEEE!" Yugi screeched, ducking Anzu under water to keep his own head above. But it was too late. They went down the rapids.
"Ow, ow, ow" Yugi and Anzu squealed as their legs became all twisted up and they banged against the rocks on the riverbed. Finally they got to the bottom, the others running along side them on the bank.
"Yeh, lets go down the rapids!" Mokuba yelled as Joey and Yami pulled Yugi and Anzu out. "I'll go get the rubber rings!"
"Uh, Mokuba," said Seto, following his little brother. "We can't go swimming in our clothes, and no-one brought their swimming things."
"That's okay," said Mokuba cheerfully, "I bought some swimming costumes and towels before they came round."
"You mean... for all of us?" Marik whispered, wondering what awful taste Mokuba had in swimming costumes. Mokuba handed them out.
"Oh great." Said Joey, holding his new bright yellow swimming trunks between his forefinger and thumbs.
"Oh great is right." Yami said to Yugi. He had been given an orange pair; Yugi had been luckier with navy.
'Oh double great.' Yugi whispered in his head, remembering he hadn't been swimming for about 7 years, not including jumping after Tea a minute ago.
"Well, we have to go change." Seto mumbled, but he was okay, his swimming trunks were black.
"Where?" Anzu asked, looking round the moor. It was a flat landscape with no shelter.
"We'll just have to change in the car. The windows are black, so people can't see in." Seto pressed the button and the car unlocked.
Anzu was first. It was a bit unnerving, she knew people couldn't see through the black tinted windows but she could see them. She got changed as quickly as she could, and stepped out of the car in her new Barbie swimming costume in pale pink. She wrapped the towel securely around her. Everyone got changed, and soon they were ready to go. Ryou finally got out of the car in a pair of pale blue swimming trunks. Bakura and Marik were grumbling again, Bakura in lavender swimming trunks, and Marik in pink to match his hair.
"Lets go!" Mokuba yelled, dressed in purple trunks, and threw some rubber rings at them. "We can go swimming, or go down the rapids in these. There's only 4, so if loads of us go down some people will have to share."
Yugi breathed a sigh of relief. If he was forced to swim and go down the rapids, he could always just go down them with Yami. Or he could always just sit on the side or, if he was really brave, paddle on the edge. They made their way down.
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Desuca on July 12, 2005, 4:49:30 AM
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ShadowLord on June 1, 2005, 3:31:02 AM
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