Chapter 6 - The cave of DOOM!
Submitted April 9, 2005 Updated June 16, 2005 Status Incomplete | Its Mokuba Kaiba's birthday. And he's inviting Yugi, Yami, Anzu, Joey, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, and of course, his big brother Seto to a 1 week party! Weird randomness, strange events, and Balamory...
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 6 - The cave of DOOM!
Chapter 6 - The cave of DOOM!
"Erm... What do we do now?" Anzu whispered. Seto twitched. It started to pour.
Suddenly there was a mad scrabble of everyone trying to find under the car to
keep dry. Luckily, it was a big car, and everyone could fit under. Nearly
everyone, that is.
"Grrr....' Seto growled, his head the only part of him not getting wet. He
pulled it out, and banged it on the edge of the car. He straightened up, trying
to regain his dignity, and slipped over some wet mud, which sprayed all over
Yugi's face. Mokuba started crying.
"We're going to be stuck here forever... aren't we big brother?" he whimpered.
Seto didn't answer. "Seto.... Seto.... "
"Shut up, Mokuba!" yelled Seto with all his might. Mokuba started crying
harder. Suddenly Anzu saw something RIGHT IN THE CORNER OF HER EYE. It was a
HUGE spider, one of those freaky ones with long legs and really big fat one-
segmenty thing bodies and 2 eyes with really big eyebrows. (A HARRIS. (Don't
worry, it's a long story...))
"AI-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Anzu screeched and tried to stand up, but of course
she couldn't. She banged her head and fell on top of Yami. The spider got
flicked onto Ryou's hair. Ryou screamed and tried to get out from under the car,
but Mokuba was in the way and got a bit trampled, and he started crying harder.
Meanwhile, the spider had fallen on Marik and had gone down his shirt. Bakura
promptly started whacking Marik to try and squash the spider. Of course, this
was all rather hard when you are squished under a car in the pouring rain. Joey
got out to avoid being punched by Bakura and banged into Seto, who fell down
into the mud.
Suddenly there was a loud crunching noise coming from inside Marik's top.
"Eurgh... I think I got it..." said Bakura, his fists still clenched. Marik's
lavender top had a red stain on it.
"Ewwww..." said Marik, and turned his top inside out to wipe the dead spider
remains onto Mokuba's t-shirt. Mokuba started backing away and banged into
Yugi's legs, who fell into the mud, joining Seto, who hadn't bothered to get up.
Anzu peered under the car. "Im not going under there again if there's gonna be
more spiders." She said. Bakura jumped out at her and she screamed, clinging to
Yami tightly. Yami shoved her away and she fell into the mud.
"Erm..." said Ryou, "I think we need to find some shelter..." Seto glared at
him, and Ryou shrank away behind Bakura. Meanwhile, Yugi's hair had deflated
(again) in the rain and there were patches of mud in it. Seto's hair was brown
so you didn't notice the mud. Except the bits that were dripping down his face.
Bakura's hair had gone scarily long and straight. Marik's hair remained pink (it
must have been permanent) Ryou, Anzu and Mokuba had managed to shelter under
Seto's trenchcoat. Joey was... eating some food he had found in his pocket.
"Give that to me!" Yami yelled, and snatched the sandwich off of Joey. "Im the
pharaoh!" Joey just looked stupidly at the space where the sandwich had once
been. Bakura snatched the sandwich off Yami.
"Yoink!" Bakura stuffed the sandwich into his mouth, then licked his lips,
making mm-mm noises in front of Yami. Yami finally decided this was the time.
All the things Bakura and Marik had done to him and Yugi... It was time...
"Its time... to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!" Yami yelled, getting his cards and
waving them back and forth in the air. Everyone looked dumbfounded. The cards
got soaked with the rain and started falling apart. '"Nooooooo.... My dark
magician..." Yami looked at the card pulp in his hands. Then he turned to Bakura
and Marik, who were laughing their heads off. "DIE!!!" Yami jumped at them,
grabbing their legs and they all fell down into the mud. Then he started
punching them with all the strength he had. Which wasn't much.
3 minutes later: Anzu and Yugi were attempting to revive the knocked out Yami.
Seto was twitching in a corner. Mokuba was crying (again). Ryou was sighing and
holding his head. Joey was snickering about something to himself. And Marik and
Bakura were standing looking bored. Atleast it had stopped raining.
"You know, I think we ought to try and find some proper shelter seeing as we
might be here for quite a while." Anzu sighed. Yugi nodded, Seto just glared at
"See any shelter?" he asked tetchily.
"Um... maybe if we walk somewhere then we can find some?" she added
pathetically. They started walking; they had nothing better to do. Seto was
getting more and more grumpy by the second.
"Seto.... Why are you upset? What's wrong? Seto?" Mokuba whined, hanging on to
his big brothers arm as they trudged along.
" WHATS WRONG? We're stuck out on some ****ing moor, I haven't got any work
done for 3 DAYS! GOT THAT?! 3 ****ing DAYS!" Seto let rip with a thousand
various swear words, making Mokuba flinch.
"Hey, stop that!" Anzu just had to interrupt, putting herself in HUGE danger of
being murdered. "Mokuba doesn't like that!" This stopped Seto swearing, but
instead made him turn to face her, with the look of PURE HATRED on his face.
(The I-want-to-kill-you-sooo-much one) he stomped right over to her, and shook
her hard.
"If YOU'RE so clever, then what are we meant to do?" He shook her with all his
might, Anzu starting to cry.
"Stop it!" Yugi shouted, starting to cry himself. Yami noticed his hikari's
"I COMMAND that you put her down!" he yelled, but of course, being short was a
supreme disadvantage: no one paid any attention to you whatsoever. Seto ignored
him. "I COMMANDED you! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME COMMANDING?!" yelled Yami with all his
might. The result was this time Seto heard him, dropped Anzu and came over to
punch Yami hard in the stomach. As if he hadn't already been beaten up enough.
Yami flew back a metre and bashed into Joey, who fell over.
"Hey, Kaiba!" Joey yelled, and Seto turned, to have a pile of mud thrown at his
face. The result was Joey ended up with his face buried in the ground.
"Seto's being meeeaaaan to me!" Mokuba cried to Anzu and Yugi, the only people
who'd listen. "I wanna go hooome!"
"Well, we're not gonna get back anytime soon so I suggest you shut your mouth
and start trying to find shelter." Bakura growled at Mokuba. This was all too
much for poor little Mokie. Everyone was in a bad mood with him, including his
BIG BROTHER SETO! He felt like going home to cuddle up in a corner in his room
with his Seto plushie, and have a good blub to himself. If only someone cared
for him... If only they could notice his suffering...
"Hey, you!" he felt Bakura shove him in the shoulder, so hard that he fell
over. "You go find some shelter." Mokuba ran off, crying to himself. He was so
occupied with himself that he didn't notice the bog he was running into...
"AWAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Mokuba screamed the loudest scream he had ever screamed as
his feet started to disappear into the ground. Okay, it wasn't quite as loud as
the time when Seto had accidentally locked Mokuba in the bathroom when there had
been a power cut and he had just watched a seriously scary movie and there were
freaky shadows behind the windows and... Well okay, it was still a pretty loud
scream. Loud enough for the others to hear him anyway.
"Hey... Um, isn't that Mokuba screaming and waving at us from that bog?" Anzu
"Hmmm... It looks like him..." Ryou replied.
"It has his hair..." Joey said.
"You idiot, loads of people have that hairstyle!" Yami pointed out.
"Not THAT many people have that hair." Anzu argued. "I mean, you don't get that
many boy kids with long black hair."
"Well, it's just a bit of a plain hairstyle I guess." Yami shrugged.
"Only because you have weirdo hair!" Marik yelled.
"Well, your hair isn't exactly NORMAL, and I have to have this hairstyle
because of Yugi."
"No you don't!" Yugi argued. "You had your hair pretty much like this in
ancient Egypt!"
"My hair's normal!" Marik was shouting in the background.
"Well, I have to share Ryou's hair! Its too girly and long!" Bakura said.
"There's nothing wrong with my hair!" Ryou mumbled. "Anyway, you can do it how
you like now."
"There's nothing wrong with long, girly hair!" Marik protested.
"Exactly." Ryou nodded his head.
"Um, hey, Kaiba's sitting holding his head in his hands..." Joey said.
"Shouldn't someone tell him about Mokuba?" Anzu said.
"Yeah, we totally forgot about Mokuba. Shouldn't someone tell Seto?" Yugi said.
"Im not telling him! He looks pretty mad!" Joey replied. "You tell him!"
"I tell you what. Ive got some straws... Whoever pulls the short one tells
Seto." Yami said, magically producing some random straws from his pocket. "Heart
of the straws... he whispered as he picked out a straw along with everyone else.
Yugi drew the short straw.
'HA! In your face, Yugi!" yelled Yami. "I knew I'd win, because I believe in
the heart of the straws and..." he couldn't say any more, because Bakura and
Marik shoved him over.
"But I do believe in the heart of the straws...." Yugi mumbled as he slowly
walked over to Seto.
By the time Seto had finally reached the bog, Mokuba had only his head showing.
"Heeeelp me, big brother!" Mokuba cried.
"Um..." Seto looked down at his clean trenchcoat. "Wheeler can get you." He
shoved Joey into the bog.
"Gyaaah!" Joey yelled, but had no choice as the others started to push him
further towards Mokuba with a stick they'd found. At last, both Mokuba and Joey
were out of the bog. Mokuba ran to give Seto a big, bone-crunching hug.
"Waaaaa! I miss home, Seto!" Mokuba started blubbing, again.
All Seto could do was growl. He was suffering from serious work withdrawal
"I miss food." Joey said miserably.
"I miss my cards.' Said Yami, looking at the pulp.
"Well, look on the bright side." Said Ryou cheerfully. "Atleast it isn't
It started to pour.
"Well this is just great." Bakura groaned.
Finally, they managed at last to find some shelter, a small cave. They all ran
inside to dry off.
"Um, should we do something to pass the time?" Yugi suggested.
"I know! We can DUEL!" Yami shouted.
"Ill duel you. I KNOW Im going to win anyway, so beating you will be fun." Seto
"Fine then! I accept your challenge! Hand over your cards Yugi, so that I can
beat this scum!"
"Are you calling me SCUM?!" Seto yelled, while Yami snatched the cards out of
Yugi's hands, which happened to be exactly the same as the ones in Yami's deck.
"Im calling you scum. Let's DUEL!" Yami bellowed. They immediately started
dueling. The others sat around to watch.
It was so intense; Yami was just about to defeat Seto. He just had to draw the
right card, and he would win. Even though Seto could defeat him in the turn
after, there was no way that he couldn't draw the right card. After all, he
believed in the heart of the cards.
"Heart of the cards..." Yami said, holding out the card he had just picked up
with his eyes closed. Seto started sniggering.
"What's YOUR problem?" Yami opened his eyes to glare at Seto.
"Um, I can see your card. And also I don't think that 'shining friendship' is
the one you need." Seto smirked, as he used his blue eyes white dragon to
obliterate Yami's life points. It wasn't even his go, but there really was not
point in Yami taking his turn with the looks of what card he had just drawn.
"SHINING FRIENDSHIP?!" Yami yelled. "Yugi, why the (bleep bleeping bleepy bleep
bleep) did you put this in your deck?!" He waved his arms around wildly to
demonstrate how angry he really was. (very)
"Um," Yugi said in a small voice, "I thought that if I had that card in my
deck, it would be a sign of our friendship and..." he trailed off.
"it doesn't matter Yami!" Anzu said brightly, skipping up to him. "It doesn't
matter if you lose or win, because your friends will always be there for you.
You can always be reminded of our strong friendship and that will pull you
through! (Note: I just realised that rhymes as well...) Its doesn't matter if
you lose some idiotic game because..." But Anzu couldn't continue with her
friendship speech because Yami just about exploded with rage.
"WHAT do you mean, some IDIOTIC GAME?! And it doesn't matter if you WIN OR
play! I am DESTINED to win! Im the KING OF GAMES!" Yami was waving his arms
about wildly and everyone was trying to avoid him as he stomped around the cave.
Even Seto had stopped smirking. "I am THE BEST! I ALWAYS win!"
"Uh.. heh... you just lost..." Bakura laughed.
"That was only because of Yugi's IDIOTIC deck! I can't trust ANYONE!" Yami
picked up several stones from the floor and began throwing them wildly. One of
them hit Bakura on the back of the head, who started to join throwing stones
"Please... stop!" blubbed Mokuba. But this didn't stop him being hit by a
rather large stone and he fell backwards. Suddenly, he screamed as he had fallen
into something. IT WAS A NEST OF HARVESTMEN (those 1-segmenty spiders,
Harrises.) Mokuba screamed even louder as the Harrises began climbed all over
him, swarming him... Soon he was almost submerged under a sea of of them, their
long legs climbing all over him, their eyebrows looking evilly at him....
"WOAH." Was all Bakura managed to say.
"Urk." Said Yami.
"Ew" said Marik.
"I sure am glad that didn't happen to me." Joey nodded.
Yugi, Ryou and Anzu just had a look of ultimate horror on their faces.
"MOOOKKKUUUBBBAAA!" Seto yelled with all his might and grabbed Mokuba, shaking
as many Harrises as possible off him. Everyone screamed and ran out of the cave.
Mokuba was still blubbing of course. Seto had even resorted to hugging him.
"Um, hey." Said Joey. "These just fell out of Mokuba's pocket." Everyone stared
at the object. It was the CAR KEYS.
It was almost a race back to the car. There was so much pushing as shoving that
by the time they'd got back, they had bruises all over.
"Um hey, what's this?" Anzu asked, pointing to something attached to one of the
car wheels. Seto started swearing violently, again. It was a car clamp. Attached
to the window was a note. Joey started reading, but he was pretty slow.
"Um... It is.... Forbidden... to..." Ryou took the letter.
'To park your car here. As this is an illegal offence, your car has been
clamped until further notice."
"GRAAARARRAGAGAGAGAARGAARAGARRRGRGGG!" Seto yelled at nowhere in particular.
Note: Yep, it's totally random. And pretty bad. Oh well.
Suddenly there was a mad scrabble of everyone trying to find under the car to
keep dry. Luckily, it was a big car, and everyone could fit under. Nearly
everyone, that is.
"Grrr....' Seto growled, his head the only part of him not getting wet. He
pulled it out, and banged it on the edge of the car. He straightened up, trying
to regain his dignity, and slipped over some wet mud, which sprayed all over
Yugi's face. Mokuba started crying.
"We're going to be stuck here forever... aren't we big brother?" he whimpered.
Seto didn't answer. "Seto.... Seto.... "
"Shut up, Mokuba!" yelled Seto with all his might. Mokuba started crying
harder. Suddenly Anzu saw something RIGHT IN THE CORNER OF HER EYE. It was a
HUGE spider, one of those freaky ones with long legs and really big fat one-
segmenty thing bodies and 2 eyes with really big eyebrows. (A HARRIS. (Don't
worry, it's a long story...))
"AI-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Anzu screeched and tried to stand up, but of course
she couldn't. She banged her head and fell on top of Yami. The spider got
flicked onto Ryou's hair. Ryou screamed and tried to get out from under the car,
but Mokuba was in the way and got a bit trampled, and he started crying harder.
Meanwhile, the spider had fallen on Marik and had gone down his shirt. Bakura
promptly started whacking Marik to try and squash the spider. Of course, this
was all rather hard when you are squished under a car in the pouring rain. Joey
got out to avoid being punched by Bakura and banged into Seto, who fell down
into the mud.
Suddenly there was a loud crunching noise coming from inside Marik's top.
"Eurgh... I think I got it..." said Bakura, his fists still clenched. Marik's
lavender top had a red stain on it.
"Ewwww..." said Marik, and turned his top inside out to wipe the dead spider
remains onto Mokuba's t-shirt. Mokuba started backing away and banged into
Yugi's legs, who fell into the mud, joining Seto, who hadn't bothered to get up.
Anzu peered under the car. "Im not going under there again if there's gonna be
more spiders." She said. Bakura jumped out at her and she screamed, clinging to
Yami tightly. Yami shoved her away and she fell into the mud.
"Erm..." said Ryou, "I think we need to find some shelter..." Seto glared at
him, and Ryou shrank away behind Bakura. Meanwhile, Yugi's hair had deflated
(again) in the rain and there were patches of mud in it. Seto's hair was brown
so you didn't notice the mud. Except the bits that were dripping down his face.
Bakura's hair had gone scarily long and straight. Marik's hair remained pink (it
must have been permanent) Ryou, Anzu and Mokuba had managed to shelter under
Seto's trenchcoat. Joey was... eating some food he had found in his pocket.
"Give that to me!" Yami yelled, and snatched the sandwich off of Joey. "Im the
pharaoh!" Joey just looked stupidly at the space where the sandwich had once
been. Bakura snatched the sandwich off Yami.
"Yoink!" Bakura stuffed the sandwich into his mouth, then licked his lips,
making mm-mm noises in front of Yami. Yami finally decided this was the time.
All the things Bakura and Marik had done to him and Yugi... It was time...
"Its time... to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!" Yami yelled, getting his cards and
waving them back and forth in the air. Everyone looked dumbfounded. The cards
got soaked with the rain and started falling apart. '"Nooooooo.... My dark
magician..." Yami looked at the card pulp in his hands. Then he turned to Bakura
and Marik, who were laughing their heads off. "DIE!!!" Yami jumped at them,
grabbing their legs and they all fell down into the mud. Then he started
punching them with all the strength he had. Which wasn't much.
3 minutes later: Anzu and Yugi were attempting to revive the knocked out Yami.
Seto was twitching in a corner. Mokuba was crying (again). Ryou was sighing and
holding his head. Joey was snickering about something to himself. And Marik and
Bakura were standing looking bored. Atleast it had stopped raining.
"You know, I think we ought to try and find some proper shelter seeing as we
might be here for quite a while." Anzu sighed. Yugi nodded, Seto just glared at
"See any shelter?" he asked tetchily.
"Um... maybe if we walk somewhere then we can find some?" she added
pathetically. They started walking; they had nothing better to do. Seto was
getting more and more grumpy by the second.
"Seto.... Why are you upset? What's wrong? Seto?" Mokuba whined, hanging on to
his big brothers arm as they trudged along.
" WHATS WRONG? We're stuck out on some ****ing moor, I haven't got any work
done for 3 DAYS! GOT THAT?! 3 ****ing DAYS!" Seto let rip with a thousand
various swear words, making Mokuba flinch.
"Hey, stop that!" Anzu just had to interrupt, putting herself in HUGE danger of
being murdered. "Mokuba doesn't like that!" This stopped Seto swearing, but
instead made him turn to face her, with the look of PURE HATRED on his face.
(The I-want-to-kill-you-sooo-much one) he stomped right over to her, and shook
her hard.
"If YOU'RE so clever, then what are we meant to do?" He shook her with all his
might, Anzu starting to cry.
"Stop it!" Yugi shouted, starting to cry himself. Yami noticed his hikari's
"I COMMAND that you put her down!" he yelled, but of course, being short was a
supreme disadvantage: no one paid any attention to you whatsoever. Seto ignored
him. "I COMMANDED you! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME COMMANDING?!" yelled Yami with all his
might. The result was this time Seto heard him, dropped Anzu and came over to
punch Yami hard in the stomach. As if he hadn't already been beaten up enough.
Yami flew back a metre and bashed into Joey, who fell over.
"Hey, Kaiba!" Joey yelled, and Seto turned, to have a pile of mud thrown at his
face. The result was Joey ended up with his face buried in the ground.
"Seto's being meeeaaaan to me!" Mokuba cried to Anzu and Yugi, the only people
who'd listen. "I wanna go hooome!"
"Well, we're not gonna get back anytime soon so I suggest you shut your mouth
and start trying to find shelter." Bakura growled at Mokuba. This was all too
much for poor little Mokie. Everyone was in a bad mood with him, including his
BIG BROTHER SETO! He felt like going home to cuddle up in a corner in his room
with his Seto plushie, and have a good blub to himself. If only someone cared
for him... If only they could notice his suffering...
"Hey, you!" he felt Bakura shove him in the shoulder, so hard that he fell
over. "You go find some shelter." Mokuba ran off, crying to himself. He was so
occupied with himself that he didn't notice the bog he was running into...
"AWAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Mokuba screamed the loudest scream he had ever screamed as
his feet started to disappear into the ground. Okay, it wasn't quite as loud as
the time when Seto had accidentally locked Mokuba in the bathroom when there had
been a power cut and he had just watched a seriously scary movie and there were
freaky shadows behind the windows and... Well okay, it was still a pretty loud
scream. Loud enough for the others to hear him anyway.
"Hey... Um, isn't that Mokuba screaming and waving at us from that bog?" Anzu
"Hmmm... It looks like him..." Ryou replied.
"It has his hair..." Joey said.
"You idiot, loads of people have that hairstyle!" Yami pointed out.
"Not THAT many people have that hair." Anzu argued. "I mean, you don't get that
many boy kids with long black hair."
"Well, it's just a bit of a plain hairstyle I guess." Yami shrugged.
"Only because you have weirdo hair!" Marik yelled.
"Well, your hair isn't exactly NORMAL, and I have to have this hairstyle
because of Yugi."
"No you don't!" Yugi argued. "You had your hair pretty much like this in
ancient Egypt!"
"My hair's normal!" Marik was shouting in the background.
"Well, I have to share Ryou's hair! Its too girly and long!" Bakura said.
"There's nothing wrong with my hair!" Ryou mumbled. "Anyway, you can do it how
you like now."
"There's nothing wrong with long, girly hair!" Marik protested.
"Exactly." Ryou nodded his head.
"Um, hey, Kaiba's sitting holding his head in his hands..." Joey said.
"Shouldn't someone tell him about Mokuba?" Anzu said.
"Yeah, we totally forgot about Mokuba. Shouldn't someone tell Seto?" Yugi said.
"Im not telling him! He looks pretty mad!" Joey replied. "You tell him!"
"I tell you what. Ive got some straws... Whoever pulls the short one tells
Seto." Yami said, magically producing some random straws from his pocket. "Heart
of the straws... he whispered as he picked out a straw along with everyone else.
Yugi drew the short straw.
'HA! In your face, Yugi!" yelled Yami. "I knew I'd win, because I believe in
the heart of the straws and..." he couldn't say any more, because Bakura and
Marik shoved him over.
"But I do believe in the heart of the straws...." Yugi mumbled as he slowly
walked over to Seto.
By the time Seto had finally reached the bog, Mokuba had only his head showing.
"Heeeelp me, big brother!" Mokuba cried.
"Um..." Seto looked down at his clean trenchcoat. "Wheeler can get you." He
shoved Joey into the bog.
"Gyaaah!" Joey yelled, but had no choice as the others started to push him
further towards Mokuba with a stick they'd found. At last, both Mokuba and Joey
were out of the bog. Mokuba ran to give Seto a big, bone-crunching hug.
"Waaaaa! I miss home, Seto!" Mokuba started blubbing, again.
All Seto could do was growl. He was suffering from serious work withdrawal
"I miss food." Joey said miserably.
"I miss my cards.' Said Yami, looking at the pulp.
"Well, look on the bright side." Said Ryou cheerfully. "Atleast it isn't
It started to pour.
"Well this is just great." Bakura groaned.
Finally, they managed at last to find some shelter, a small cave. They all ran
inside to dry off.
"Um, should we do something to pass the time?" Yugi suggested.
"I know! We can DUEL!" Yami shouted.
"Ill duel you. I KNOW Im going to win anyway, so beating you will be fun." Seto
"Fine then! I accept your challenge! Hand over your cards Yugi, so that I can
beat this scum!"
"Are you calling me SCUM?!" Seto yelled, while Yami snatched the cards out of
Yugi's hands, which happened to be exactly the same as the ones in Yami's deck.
"Im calling you scum. Let's DUEL!" Yami bellowed. They immediately started
dueling. The others sat around to watch.
It was so intense; Yami was just about to defeat Seto. He just had to draw the
right card, and he would win. Even though Seto could defeat him in the turn
after, there was no way that he couldn't draw the right card. After all, he
believed in the heart of the cards.
"Heart of the cards..." Yami said, holding out the card he had just picked up
with his eyes closed. Seto started sniggering.
"What's YOUR problem?" Yami opened his eyes to glare at Seto.
"Um, I can see your card. And also I don't think that 'shining friendship' is
the one you need." Seto smirked, as he used his blue eyes white dragon to
obliterate Yami's life points. It wasn't even his go, but there really was not
point in Yami taking his turn with the looks of what card he had just drawn.
"SHINING FRIENDSHIP?!" Yami yelled. "Yugi, why the (bleep bleeping bleepy bleep
bleep) did you put this in your deck?!" He waved his arms around wildly to
demonstrate how angry he really was. (very)
"Um," Yugi said in a small voice, "I thought that if I had that card in my
deck, it would be a sign of our friendship and..." he trailed off.
"it doesn't matter Yami!" Anzu said brightly, skipping up to him. "It doesn't
matter if you lose or win, because your friends will always be there for you.
You can always be reminded of our strong friendship and that will pull you
through! (Note: I just realised that rhymes as well...) Its doesn't matter if
you lose some idiotic game because..." But Anzu couldn't continue with her
friendship speech because Yami just about exploded with rage.
"WHAT do you mean, some IDIOTIC GAME?! And it doesn't matter if you WIN OR
play! I am DESTINED to win! Im the KING OF GAMES!" Yami was waving his arms
about wildly and everyone was trying to avoid him as he stomped around the cave.
Even Seto had stopped smirking. "I am THE BEST! I ALWAYS win!"
"Uh.. heh... you just lost..." Bakura laughed.
"That was only because of Yugi's IDIOTIC deck! I can't trust ANYONE!" Yami
picked up several stones from the floor and began throwing them wildly. One of
them hit Bakura on the back of the head, who started to join throwing stones
"Please... stop!" blubbed Mokuba. But this didn't stop him being hit by a
rather large stone and he fell backwards. Suddenly, he screamed as he had fallen
into something. IT WAS A NEST OF HARVESTMEN (those 1-segmenty spiders,
Harrises.) Mokuba screamed even louder as the Harrises began climbed all over
him, swarming him... Soon he was almost submerged under a sea of of them, their
long legs climbing all over him, their eyebrows looking evilly at him....
"WOAH." Was all Bakura managed to say.
"Urk." Said Yami.
"Ew" said Marik.
"I sure am glad that didn't happen to me." Joey nodded.
Yugi, Ryou and Anzu just had a look of ultimate horror on their faces.
"MOOOKKKUUUBBBAAA!" Seto yelled with all his might and grabbed Mokuba, shaking
as many Harrises as possible off him. Everyone screamed and ran out of the cave.
Mokuba was still blubbing of course. Seto had even resorted to hugging him.
"Um, hey." Said Joey. "These just fell out of Mokuba's pocket." Everyone stared
at the object. It was the CAR KEYS.
It was almost a race back to the car. There was so much pushing as shoving that
by the time they'd got back, they had bruises all over.
"Um hey, what's this?" Anzu asked, pointing to something attached to one of the
car wheels. Seto started swearing violently, again. It was a car clamp. Attached
to the window was a note. Joey started reading, but he was pretty slow.
"Um... It is.... Forbidden... to..." Ryou took the letter.
'To park your car here. As this is an illegal offence, your car has been
clamped until further notice."
"GRAAARARRAGAGAGAGAARGAARAGARRRGRGGG!" Seto yelled at nowhere in particular.
Note: Yep, it's totally random. And pretty bad. Oh well.
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