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Chapter 15 - Assassins (Part 1: Not a Drill)

A dictator with a blankie? Anakin Skywalker in a Naruto story? (Wha...?) A pebble for a country? These can only be the antics of Miharu, the dictator of the entire WORLD!

Chapter 15 - Assassins (Part 1: Not a Drill)

Chapter 15 - Assassins (Part 1: Not a Drill)
Miharu was lounging outside by her pool one day (Yeah. She has her own pool), when Kanna came out to tell her about something important. She usually told Miharu about when the safety drills were going to be occuring. Sometimes the drills were for bombings, and some were fire drills. But this time, it was different, and it wasn't a drill...

"Miharu....?" Kanna said panting.

"Yes, Kanna? What is it? And why are you breathing so hard?" the dictator asked while she was trying to tan.

"Umm, sorry to interrupt you," the executioner started, "But I feel as though I should really tell you, and urgently."

"Yes? And that would be.....?"

Kanna looked kind of scared when she was about to tell her, like she should have told Miharu right away. But finally, she got to the point... "There have been reports of an assassin roaming the area....It's trying to find you..."

"Wait. You mean, no one knows who it is yet?" Miharu asked seriously.

Kanna looked at the ground. "No, there were reports that the person was wearing a black outfit with a black mask. They couldn't see their face."

"...Who wears black in the summer?" Miharu asked with a good point.

Kanna's look changed to an angry look. "Miharu, GET SERIOUS!! There's someone out there who could KILL YOU, and all you care about is WHAT THEY'RE WEARING?!"

"Well, I thought that black absorbs heat, and-"

"WHO CARES?! Now, if you"ll stop being stupid, no offense, you can GO TO SAFETY UNTIL WE SOLVE THE PROBLEM!!!" Kanna screamed.

Miharu just stared at Kanna for a little while and then said "Kanna? I thought I was the dictator. Didn't we have a talk about this a while ago? You know, the one about if you talk to me in a harsh tone, that you'd be punished?"

Kanna's eyes widened, for she remembered the talk, and what the punishment was. "Oh yeah....That talk....Heh heh...." Miharu raised her eyebrow and just stared at the executioner who stared back at her. Kanna just sighed after a few seconds. "Gomen, Miharu-sama. It definitely won't happen again..."

"Umm, whatever 'gohan' means, er, whatever the heck you said, it's OK...I think. Just don't let it happen again."

"Yes, Miharu. Now, should you go back inside? That assassin could be anywhere by now."

"OK then. I don't know why we were arguing if my life was on the line out here, but, whatever."


Miharu walked inside from the pool area, and was heading toward her room. She said hi to Lyra and Nala, who were waiting to talk with her.

"Hello you two. How are you today?"

"Kanna told you, right?" they both asked the dictator, interrupting her a little bit.

"Umm, about the assassin thing, right?" Both of the executioners nodded their heads agreeingly. "Yeeeeeeeeeup. She told me. I was on my way to safety now."

"Oh." they both said at the same time."Then you should be on your way now."

"We're sorry for taking up your time." Lyra said nervously.

"Oh, it's alright. Don't worry about me." Miharu said reassuringly. "I'm sure nothing will happen anytime soon. And if it does, I'll be ready for it." Miharu walked away from them so that they wouldn't hear her finish. "I hope..."

//~In the newly added lobby~\\

"Oh, hi Ilse! How are you?" Miharu asked politely. (Ilse is the new secretary. Her job is to lead unwanted guests, such as solicitors, people who want donations, whatever, to the prison chambers to be executed instead of seeing Miharu, which they were there for. She also answers the phone!.....Okay. Never mind. Back to the story.)

"Hi, Miharu! Yeah, I'm doing good." she replied. "Hey, did Kanna tell you about the assassin thing?"

"Yep. I was on my way to my room now. Y'know, to go to safety and all of that fun stuff?"

Ilse looked at her as Lyra and Nala did before. "Oh. Sorry for taking up y-"

"I already heard it. It's alright. I'm sure nothing will happen yet anyway." Miharu repeated. She seemed nonchalant to everyone, but deep down, she was filled with fear. She knew, however, that she was safe, for all of that people that work for her are also her friends. They wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

So, carrying on with the safety thing, the dictator headed to her room. She set a lock on her door, locked her windows shut and only left a small table light on. While waiting for a word about the assassin, she drew pictures in her sketchbook. Miharu drew a picture of a creature that looked like some kind of Pokemon, and another one made the fear inside of her get worse...

It was a girl, cowering inside her room, looking into her closet. Inside the opening of the closet were two eyes looking back at her. Miharu though that the people represented herself and the assassin.

"Nothing bad will happen to you, Mimi." she thought to herself. "Just stay in here, and everything will be fine." Just to make sure she was safe where she was, Miharu took a peek in her closet. There was nothing there, except for her clothes and some other junk. "Oh, thank God....."

..........A few hours passed and Miharu was still in her room, just staring at the ceiling. She was still scared about the whole assassin thing, but she still knew that nothing would happen to her. (The young dictator was confused by this, but, however, a lot of things confuse her anyway...) So, she waited, and waited, and waited, until she finally heard something...It sounded like a siren. In was.

~End of Part 1, Fifteenth Antic~


Comments (3)

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luffylover222 on July 25, 2007, 6:35:05 AM

luffylover222 on
luffylover222"...Who wears black in the summer?"

XDDDDDD i do....and i regret it!

uchihacrimson on August 15, 2007, 12:15:52 AM

uchihacrimson on
uchihacrimsonI do xDDD

faderocks on September 23, 2007, 12:19:57 PM

faderocks on
faderocksand me XDDD