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Chapter 1 - The Super Battle

This it is my first Fanfic that I did, I enchant so much Final Fantasy that happened this history to me that in fact was for aid of Fanfic in FFmaniacs (not if you will know the page), and even can that happens to me just a little bit and I feel tha

Chapter 1 - The Super Battle

Chapter 1 - The Super Battle
The Superbattle

In one night dark, we were in a full place of ruins, a desert, full town of monsters. My friends and I am the unique ones who we are in this damn town. I, take a heavy sword with supernatural powers with an armor throws with the blessing of the Gods and a ring that serves to me as shield no attack to transferred that defense until now. My friends, Pand, with its black cane throws by its demonic tribe is able to invoke to the Dark with catastrophic magic its armor absorbs any magic in spite of the damage with which it gives back the blow to him to the enemy; Menrir, the Boomerang did the single one with the intention to defend while he was single most surprising of this soldier is his great facility to move in the battles his protection found it in a cave of the God Apolo that proclaimed itself as well like son of the Sun; and by I complete Albert a monk who can invoke to the Light also is able to invoke to a being of the Dark his weapon are the daggers you throw by tears of Galatea his protection is Sanc a small mechanical ball that he protects to him of any elementary magic. We walked with the care since close he was our great enemy suddenly left a horde Galkimaseras beings demons who rebelled themselves to the tribe of Pand, we reflected the magic to him thanks to Albert and single Sanc but made eliminate few Galkimaseras, in case they were little appeared I exercise of Ferreos and Behemot, then Pand I invoke the God of the Thunderclap, Odin, seems that it did not leave by any site but suddenly was seen him appear at the top of a house of two floors with Sleipnir, the horse of eight legs, Odin removes their sword from the waist when I explode a Thunder, Odin mounted in Sleipnir directly bow to the corridor of Galkimaseras, Ferreos and Behemot and I eliminate them of a single blow with its Saber. One of the Galkimaseras was alive, we could make speak thanks him to the Manipulation of Menrir we could not know to the name of our enemy no saw did not say them that it was in the seat, then we went towards there, then it appeared a shade.
One was which all fear, that being that never have been defeated being the rival more powerful than never we have faced, was Being Omega. Being Omega put to us on approval to know if we were rival worthy to face us him. We had to defeat its two better monsters: Great Molbol and Maestro Tomberi. We decided to separate in two groups in two different battlefields I and Pand we decided to face Molbol whereas Menrir and Albert were in charge of Tomberi Teacher, Molbol began the fighting with its Aliento Fétido we were as if we were drugged, we could not see nothing we were poisoned, blind and severely wounded we had to think soon but Pand seemed smiling as if it had not affected to him absolutely, when as soon as it could move to me Molbol attempt to shake to me with its tentacles with which I could avoid it like Pand with its acid was in the ground has left me blind completely, just when it was going to give the blow to me of Pand grace covered to me, was cured absolutely! With its extended wings of demon it was arranged to give back the task to him, first did Artema magic next to him with Fulgor, Molbol attempt once again its Aliento Fétido against but the this time not him to affected nothing thanks to its ring Tape, then I invoke to which soon him side in the kingdom of deads, the God Hades, opened a gigantic hole of the ground with stairs in which in the end there were doors would be had slowly, of him appeared Hades with its guardian Cancerbero, the giant dog of three heads, first I attack Cancerbero with three Artemas powerful then Hades was concentrated with its Scythe filling it of hatred, sends the Scythe to him as if outside a Boomerang trying to cause the Death, did not affect Molbol to him but he was severely wounded, did I complete attack before the Scythe cut by half to the return, I send the Meteo magic before Pand without waiting for it to it, whereas Molbol started off by Pand half is victima of meteorites of this, when the Pand dust went away believed to be dead but I could save the life to him like it could save thanks to me to the ring with protection of Shield, had gone me the effect of the Blindness but not all the altered states, Pand cost a Panacea to cure to me with what was in form to face Being Omega to me. At the same time, in the other combat, Menrir and Albert it seemed that they had it easy since the enemy as soon as one moved before his attacks as if it did not affect anything to him, then I send its Resentment of the Race as soon as them towards anything, then they doubted if then Tomberi Teacher were a worthy rival I stab to Menrir without he gave time him to defend causing the Death to him, infuriated Albert I invoke to Shiva, began to snow suddenly and between snow grains it appeared Shiva of the ground with the pile of snow, with the snow that exceeded Shiva took it, did a great estalagmita of snow transforming it with his hand into a block of ice with which I send to Tomberi Teacher, even so continued alive then Albert also was stabbed with which both they were outside combat when Masterful Tomberi went to make them ash-gray suddenly appeared a red giant bird appeared flying, was the Fenix, that creature who revived of her ashes Masterful surprised Tomberi began to run but he was not the sufficiently fast thing like avoiding the fire of the Fenix whereas she flew, I drop a pair of pens as well where they are Albert and Menrir nothing but to be touched by the pens deceived to the Death, Menrir did not understand anything, Albert I explain to him that it had programmed before to Sanc so that it invoked to the Fenix in case that this it died. Both groups we came near to the seat to face Being Omega again to us, did not seem surprised when seeing our performances, whereas the lightning resonated more and more strong was a complete silence, when the storm step Being Omega began attacking with Hielo++ and Piro++, Albert protected to us with Sanc, Albert contraataco him with a strong Sanctus, while Menrir protected to us with Shield, while Pand was concentrated to invoke, would take too much, then removes my sword and it strikes to Being Omega to him without success, took a strong armor, Albert made a call to Alexander, the guardian of the temple of Albert I send its sacred rays from the temple to where it was Being Omega, it could not believe seems to me that not him to affected nothing, to Pand when it needed little for the call Being Omega I send Fulgor to him, took much with which Pand could not make it single, then Pand and Albert decided to concentrate their forces to combine the beings of the dark while I and Menrir distracted to Being Omega, gave good puñetazo us both, almost leaves outside severely wounded combat us we cured, when to state on the verge of interrupting the concentration of Pand and Albert, Sanc I sacrifice myself to save to them, then the four we infuriated then Menrir I use their special attack Blessing on my with which invincible me towards and change my sword by Excalibur, the sword of legendary King Arturo, then I raise my fury, Being Omega attempt to squash to me with his hand but it was impossible to him simultaneously that she destroys the hand to him destroys to the Armor and the Shield to him with my Crossed Cortes, just then Pand and Albert finished the concentration and called to two dragoons, Bahamut Oscuro and Sacred Bahamut, both flew from their respective places of rest to arriving at the battlefield, when arriving both at the same time they were watched fixedly and then they began to fly stop forming ochos in the sky until to arrive at the galaxy, both they hit aposta forming a great sparkle that could be reflected from the battlefield and suddenly appeared the definitive invocation: Bahamut ZERO. From the space I concentrate in a hand the Dark and the other the Light, began to send to forts magical balls, Being Omega that did not give his completes word I mount its more powerful attack, Final Judgment, I send a great gigantic ball that could end a whole planet then tired Bahamut ZERO I send to its definitive attack coat of each hand the Dark and in the other the Light again thinking that it was going it to send I combine the two balls, every time approached but the Final Judgment, Bahamut ZERO absorbed the ball fused unloading all its power, extending its wings was arranged to shoot it by its mouth, just when it lacked little for that Final Judgment cleared Bahamut to him ZERO unloading the fulgor Giga towards the attack Final Judgment, is much but powerful it came near with much speed but Being Omega unloaded but with which Bahamut ZERO withdrew, we decided the four to also help Menrir, Albert and Pand gave all their power me, Being Omega simultaneously that attacks Bahamut ZERO towards which they appeared Iron more powerful to us and resistant they began to attack us then uses my foresight protector so that they left a good short while us, Being Omega also I call to King Behemot so that they helped the Iron ones, King Behemot was breaking my impenetrable Shield, just when it was I aim to give us Iron it concentrates to Excalibur with the force of my companions and I mounted my great attack special: the Saber Dragoon, key to Excalibur in the ground and opened it swallowing the Iron ones and at King Behemot, the attack also I arrive at Being Omega which treatment to protect itself, I do not finish wounded but the sufficient thing was distracted so that Bahamut ZERO sent already with all the forces that it had left I use to increase it the power of the GigaFulgor, Being Omega could not be believed, has been defeated, whereas he was destroyed in pieces returned the light to take its ashes, we returned to the city where they trusted the mission to us to destroy the monster that threatened to the planet for always. They gave a good recibimiento us, King Cid I congratulate to us next to the mayor of the town where we defeated to Being Omega, we occurred a good banquet, also we were praised by the guardians, Albert had recovered to Sanc thanks to the resurrection magic, we became the guardians of the kingdom thanks to our feat, since then the light has been always present.

La Superbatalla

En una noche oscura, nos encontramos en un lugar lleno de ruinas, un poblado desértico, lleno de monstruos. Mis amigos y yo somos los únicos que estamos en este poblado maldito. Yo, llevo una espada pesada con poderes sobrenaturales con una armadura echa con la bendición de los dioses y un anillo que me sirve como escudo ningún ataque a traspasado esa defensa hasta ahora. Mis amigos, Pand, con su bastón negro echa por su tribu demoníaca es capaz de invocar a la Oscuridad con magias catastróficas su armadura absorbe cualquier magia a pesar del daño con lo que le devuelve el golpe al enemigo; Menrir, el Boomerang lo hizo el solo con la intención de defenderse mientras estaba solo lo más sorprendente de este guerrero es su gran facilidad de moverse en las batallas su protección la encontró en una cueva del dios Apolo que a su vez se proclamaba como hijo del Sol; y por ultimo Albert un monje que puede invocar a la Luz también es capaz de invocar a un ser de la Oscuridad su arma son las dagas echas por las lagrimas de Galatea su protección es Sanc una pequeña bola mecánica que le protege de cualquier magia elemental. Andamos con el cuidado ya que cerca estaba nuestro gran enemigo de pronto salieron una horda de Galkimaseras seres demoniacos que se rebelaron a la tribu de Pand, le reflejamos las magias gracias a Albert y Sanc pero solo hicieron eliminar a pocos Galkimaseras, por si fueran poco aparecieron un ejercito de Férreos y Behemot, entonces Pand invoco al dios del Trueno, Odin, parece que no salía por ningún sitio pero de pronto se le vio aparecer en lo alto de una casa de dos pisos con Sleipnir, el caballo de ocho patas, Odin saca su espada de la cintura cuando estallo un Rayo Odin montado en Sleipnir se lazo directamente al pasillo de Galkimaseras, Férreos y Behemot y los elimino de un solo golpe con su Sable. Uno de los Galkimaseras estaba vivo, pudimos hacerle hablar gracias a la Manipulación de Menrir no pudimos saber el nombre de nuestro enemigo ninguno les vio no dijeron que estaba en la plaza, entonces nos dirigimos hacia allí, entonces apareció una sombra.
Se trataba de aquel que todos temen, ese ser que nunca ha sido derrotado siendo el rival más poderoso que jamás nos hayamos enfrentado, se trataba de Ente Omega. Ente Omega nos puso a prueba para saber si éramos rivales dignos de enfrentarnos a él. Teníamos que derrotar a sus dos mejores monstruos: Gran Molbol y Maestro Tomberi.
Decidimos separarnos en dos grupos en dos campos de batalla diferente yo y Pand decidimos enfrentarnos a Molbol mientras que Menrir y Albert se encargaban de Maestro Tomberi, Molbol empezó el combate con su Aliento Fétido estábamos como si estuviéramos drogados, no podíamos ver nada estábamos envenenados, ciegos y mal heridos teníamos que pensar pronto pero Pand parecía sonriente como si no le hubiera afectado del todo, cuando apenas podía moverme Molbol intento sacudirme con sus tentáculos con lo que pude esquivarlo al igual que Pand con su ácido estaba en el suelo me ha dejado ciego por completo, justo cuando me iba a dar el golpe de gracia Pand me cubrió, ¡estaba curado del todo! Con sus alas de demonio extendidas estaba dispuesto a devolverle la faena, primero le hizo magia Artema con Fulgor seguidamente, Molbol intento una vez mas su Aliento Fétido contra el pero esta vez no le a afectado nada gracias a su anillo Cinta, entonces invoco al que pronto le vera en el reino de los muertos, el dios Hades, se abrió un gigantesco agujero del suelo con unas escaleras en el que al final había unas puertas se habrían lentamente, de él aparecía Hades con su guardián Cancerbero, el perro gigante de tres cabezas, primero ataco Cancerbero con tres Artemas potentes en ese momento Hades se concentraba con su Guadaña llenándolo de odio, le lanza la Guadaña como si fuera un Boomerang intentando provocar la Muerte, no le afectaba a Molbol pero estaba mal herido, hizo un ultimo ataque antes de que la Guadaña le cortara por la mitad a la vuelta, lanzo la magia Meteo ante Pand sin esperárselo, mientras que Molbol partía por la mitad Pand es victima de los meteoritos de este, cuando se fue el polvo Pand creía estar muerto pero pude salvarle la vida al igual que él pudo salvarme gracias al anillo con protección de Escudo, se me había pasado el efecto de la Ceguera pero no todos los estados alterados, Pand gasto una Panacea para curarme con lo que estaba en forma para enfrentarme a Ente Omega. Al mismo tiempo, en el otro combate, Menrir y Albert parecía que lo tenían fácil ya que el enemigo apenas se movía ante sus ataques como si no le afectara nada, entonces lanzo su Rencor de la Raza apenas les hacia nada, entonces dudaban si era un rival digno entonces Maestro Tomberi acuchillo a Menrir sin que le diera tiempo a defenderse causándole la Muerte, Albert enfurecido invoco a Shiva, empezó a nevar de pronto y entre los granos de nieve apareció Shiva del suelo con el montón de nieve, con la nieve que sobraba Shiva lo cogió, hizo una estalagmita grande de nieve transformándolo con su mano en un bloque de hielo con lo que le lanzo a Maestro Tomberi, aun así continuaba vivo entonces Albert también fue acuchillado con lo que los dos quedaban fuera de combate cuando Maestro Tomberi se dirigía para hacerles ceniza apareció de pronto un pájaro gigante rojo apareció volando, se trataba del Fenix, esa criatura que resucitaba de sus cenizas Maestro Tomberi sorprendido empezó a correr pero no fue lo suficientemente rápido como para esquivar el fuego del Fenix mientras que volaba, a su vez dejo un par de plumas caer donde están Albert y Menrir nada mas ser tocados por las plumas burlaron a la Muerte, Menrir no entendía nada, Albert le explico que había programado antes a Sanc para que invocara al Fenix en caso de que este muriera.
Los dos grupos nos aproximamos a la plaza otra vez para enfrentarnos a Ente Omega, no parecía sorprendido al ver nuestras actuaciones, mientras que los relámpagos resonaban cada vez más fuertes había un completo silencio, cuando la tormenta paso Ente Omega empezó atacando con Hielo++ y Piro++, Albert nos protegió con Sanc, Albert le contraataco con un fuerte Sanctus, mientras Menrir nos protegía con Escudo, mientras Pand se concentraba para invocar, tardaría demasiado, entonces saque mi espada y le golpee a Ente omega sin éxito, llevaba una fuerte armadura, Albert hizo una llamada a Alejandro, el guardián del templo de Albert lanzo sus rayos sagrados desde el templo hasta donde estaba Ente Omega, no me lo podía creer parece que no le a afectado nada, a Pand cuando le faltaba poco para el llamamiento Ente Omega le lanzo Fulgor, tardaba mucho con lo que Pand no podía hacerlo solo, entonces Pand y Albert acordaron concentrar sus fuerzas para combinar a los seres de la oscuridad mientras yo y Menrir distraíamos a Ente Omega, nos dio un buen puñetazo a los dos, casi nos deja fuera de combate mal heridos nos curamos, cuando a estado a punto de interrumpir la concentración de Pand y Albert, Sanc se sacrifico para salvarles, entonces los cuatro enfurecimos entonces Menrir utilizo su ataque especial Bendición sobre mi con lo que me hacia invencible y cambio mi espada por Excalibur, la espada del legendario Rey Arturo, entonces yo levante mi furia, Ente Omega intento aplastarme con su mano pero le fue imposible a la vez que le destroce la mano le destroce la Coraza y el Escudo con mis Cortes Cruzados, justo en ese momento Pand y Albert terminaron la concentración y llamaron a dos dragones, Bahamut Oscuro y Bahamut Sagrado, los dos volaron desde sus respectivos lugares de descanso hasta llegar al campo de batalla, al llegar los dos al mismo tiempo se miraron fijamente y entonces empezaron a volar alto formando ochos en el cielo hasta llegar a la galaxia, los dos se chocaron aposta formando un gran destello que se podía reflejar desde el campo de batalla y apareció de pronto la invocación definitiva: Bahamut CERO. Desde el espacio concentro en una mano la Oscuridad y la otra la Luz, empezó a lanzar fuertes bolas mágicas, Ente Omega que no daba su ultima palabra lanzo su ataque más poderoso, Juicio Final, lanzo una gran bola gigantesca que podría acabar con un planeta entero entonces Bahamut CERO cansado lanzo su ataque definitivo saco de cada mano la Oscuridad y en la otra la Luz otra vez pensando que lo iba a lanzar combino las dos bolas, cada vez se acercaba mas el Juicio Final, Bahamut CERO absorbió la bola fusionada descargo todo su poder, extendiendo sus alas se disponía a dispararlo por su boca, justo cuando faltaba poco para que Juicio Final le rozase Bahamut CERO descargo el Giga fulgor hacia el ataque Juicio Final, es mucho mas potente se aproximaba con mucha velocidad pero Ente Omega descargaba mas con lo que Bahamut CERO perdía terreno, decidimos los cuatro ayudar también Menrir, Albert y Pand me dieron todo su poder, Ente Omega a la vez que ataca a Bahamut CERO hacia que nos aparecieran Férreos más poderosos y resistentes empezaron a atacarnos entonces utilice mi anillo de protección para que nos dejaran un buen rato, Ente Omega también llamo al Rey Behemot para que ayudaran a los Férreos, Rey Behemot estaba rompiendo mi Escudo impenetrable, justo cuando estaba apunto de darnos los Férreos concentre a Excalibur con la fuerza de mis compañeros e hice mi gran ataque especial: el Sable Dragón, clave a Excalibur en el suelo y lo abrió tragándose a los Férreos y al Rey Behemot, el ataque también llego a Ente Omega que trato de protegerse, no acabo herido pero se distrajo lo suficiente para que Bahamut CERO lanzara ya con todas las fuerzas que le quedaban lo utilizo para aumentar la potencia del GigaFulgor, Ente Omega no se lo podía creer, ha sido derrotado, mientras que era destruido en pedazos volvía la luz para llevarse sus cenizas, volvimos a la ciudad donde nos confiaron la misión de destruir al monstruo que amenazaba al planeta para siempre. Nos dieron un buen recibimiento, el Rey Cid nos felicito junto al alcalde del pueblo donde derrotamos a Ente Omega, nos dimos un buen banquete, también fuimos elogiados por los guardianes, Albert había recuperado a Sanc gracias a la magia de resurrección, nos convertimos en los guardianes del reino gracias a nuestra hazaña, desde entonces la luz ha estado siempre presente.


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