Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Here We Come
Submitted January 1, 2006 Updated June 6, 2009 Status Incomplete | this is a Dual fic that i just started writing. it basically follows the anime series but with some major differences. i put myself in it and i'm gonna have a mech and stuff and get to fight. this is the first fic i've posted so please read&comment.
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Here We Come
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Here We Come
Chapter One: Here We Come
Hi! I'm Michelle Isozaki. I live alone even though I am only in high school. I go to Nanjyo Private Academy. I think it's pretty boring but that's because school is so easy for me. I don't have many friends and spend most of my time alone. But that doesn't bother me, I spend most of my time drawing and writing anyway so I don't need people around interrupting me.
On a normal day like today, I get to school early and sit down in my seat by the window. I pull out my hand-held computer and start typing on it. I occasionally glance up as some of my classmates start to show up. The only one I really pay attention to is Kazuki Yotsuga. He sits right beside me and most of the time he is typing on his hand-held computer as well.
Eventually everyone shows up and the bell rings. The teacher starts class and I put away my computer.
The morning is progressing slowly so I glance over at Kazuki to see if he's typing. He is.
“Psst! Kazuki-kun! Are you writing more on `Parallel Story'?” I whisper.
He nods in reply.
I glance out the window and then back at him. “Is it happening right now?” I ask.
He nods again.
“What's happening?” I ask.
“Hartzenen is fighting an enemy mech. It's black so I'm assuming it's the enemy.” he whispers.
I pull out a blank piece of paper and start sketching. “So is Hartzenen winning?” I ask as I draw.
“I can't tell. The battle has just barely gotten started.” he replies still typing and glancing out the window often.
I glance out the window and for a moment I think I see shadows of two large robots fighting. I look back over at Kazuki and ask, “Can you describe what's happening?”
“Hartzenen just punched the enemy through one of the buildings beside our school. But the black mech is already getting up.” he says.
I make a quick sketch of what he is describing. When I'm done, I tap Kazuki on the shoulder and hand it to him.
“Is that Hartzenen and the black mech?” he asks.
I nod.
“Wow! That really looks like them. How can you get it so accurate?” he asks.
“Sometimes I can see them. And with the descriptions you give in your story on your homepage, I have a pretty good feel for what they look like.” I whisper.
“You can really see them?” he asks.
“Only sometimes. Usually it's more of shadows of their shape but sometimes, just for an instant, I get a really good look at them.” I reply.
“I thought I was the only one who could see them.” he whispers as he hands my sketch back to me.
Just then the teacher comes over to our desks. “Ahem.” he coughs tapping his foot.
I glance up at him and then quickly glance at the board. “The answer is pi squared plus 3xy.” I say answering the problem on the board.
The teacher glances at the board and then back at me and Kazuki. “Um, that's right. I guess you were paying attention.” he says and turns around and walks back to the board.
The whole class erupts in laughter.
“Alright, settle down class.” the teacher says and returns to the lesson.
“How'd you do that?” Kazuki asks.
“I'm a whiz at math.” I reply.
“Ah, well you got the teacher good, Michelle-chan.” he says with a chuckle.
“I know.” I say with a bit of a giggle.
We smile at each other and then Kazuki goes back to typing and I start adding detail to my sketch. I finalize some lines on the mechs and add some scenery. After getting that done I pull out my colored pencils and begin to add detail and color to everything.
Now that I have something to do class goes by quickly and soon it is the end of the day. The bell rings and I gather up my stuff.
“Hey, Kazuki-kun. Look at this.” I say handing him the now finished picture of the battle that he was writing about.
“Wow! You finished it, Michelle-chan.” he says looking at it.
“Yup. And I was thinking about posting it on my homepage.” I say.
“Really?” he asks.
“Yeah, unless you want me to post it on your homepage since it goes with your story.” I say.
“No, it's fine. You can post it on yours.” he says and hands the picture back to me.
“Cool. I know the perfect caption to go with it: Hartzenen vs. Black Mech. Read about the battle in `Parallel Story'.” I say.
“Cool.” he says as he slings his bag over his shoulder.
I put the picture in my bag and we walk out of the classroom together.
When we reach the school entrance hall, Kazuki pauses by the phones.
“Hold on a second, Michelle-chan.” he says.
“You gonna upload what you wrote right now?” I ask.
He nods and as he connects to the internet. He goes to his homepage and checks the comments that have been left.
“Mitsuki Sanada…” he mutters in surprise as he sees who left the comment.
Just then Mitsuki Sanada comes up behind him. He notices her and jumps back with a little surprise and accidentally pulls his connector out of the analog jack.
She looks at him and asks, “So you're Kazuki Yotsuga. Is it true that you really watch giant robots fight as you write your story?”
He nods.
I pipe in and say, “I can see them too… sometimes.”
“You must be Michelle Isozaki. You write stories too. And don't you also draw?” she asks.
“Yup. I even drew one of Hartzenen in battle today.” I say.
“Sanada-sempai, why are you interested in what I see?” Kazuki asks.
“Because I want to know more about your visions of robots.” she replies.
“You probably want to make fun of me like everyone else. Come on, Michelle-chan, let's go.” Kazuki says and heads toward the door.
“Sayonara, Sanada-sempai.” I say and wave as I follow Kazuki.
Suddenly Kazuki stops and leans back against the lockers.
“What is it, Kazuki-kun?” I ask looking around.
“What do you see?” Mitsuki asks as she walks over to stand in front of Kazuki.
“The entrance hall has been demolished and the black mech is pointing its gun straight at me.” Kazuki replies.
“Cool! I wish I could see that.” I say smiling.
“I know it's not real, but it's hard not to react.” Kazuki says as he walks toward the door. I catch up to him as he walks out the door and Mitsuki follows us.
Me and Kazuki are walking in silence past the athletic field and pool as Mitsuki follows. Mitsuki comes up alongside Kazuki and Kazuki walks faster to put some distance between himself and her. I hurry to catch up to him. Mitsuki hurries to catch up as well.
“Yotsuga-senpai, wait up.” Mitsuki says.
“You're just going to make fun of me like everyone else.” Kazuki says.
“No, I'm not. I'm really interested in the robots you see.” Mitsuki says.
“No, you're not. You think it's an amusing story and nothing more.” Kazuki says.
“Maybe she really is interested, Kazuki-kun. Give her a chance.” I say.
“How much do you know about the robots, Isozaki-senpai?” Mitsuki asks me.
“Mostly just what I've read in Kazuki-kun's story and the little bit I've actually gotten to see.” I reply.
“Are any of those pictures on your homepage of the robots?” she asks.
“No, but I'm going home today to upload one I drew during class.” I say.
“Can I see it?” she asks.
“Sure. It was of a battle that was going on today.” I say as I pull the picture out of my bag and show it to her.
“This is incredible, Michelle-chan. So this is what Hartzenen looks like. The white one right?” she asks.
“Yup. And the black one is the enemy.” I say.
“Did Hartzenen win, Kazuki-kun?” she asks.
“I don't know. The battle isn't over yet.” Kazuki replies.
“So the battles still going on?” she asks.
He nods.
“I bet Hartzenen's gonna win. I should draw Hartzenen in a victory pose.” I say.
At that moment a bunch of guys from all the sports teams and clubs at our school show up and they look really angry. They are all looking right at Kazuki. Kazuki takes a step back and they all take a step towards him.
“You might want to run, Kazuki-kun.” I say.
“I was thinking the same thing. I'll catch up with you if I can lose these guys, Michelle-chan.” Kazuki says and turns and runs.
The athletes run after him.
“What in the world?” Mitsuki asks confused.
“I don't know, but I hope that they don't hurt Kazuki-kun.” I say.
“Quick. If we go this way, we might be able to help him.” Mitsuki says pointing to an alley nearby.
“Right.” I agree and we hurry off.
Kazuki is running for his life.
“What is going on between you and Sanada-san?” one of the baseball players asks him.
“Nothing!” Kazuki shouts over his shoulder.
“Then why are you running away?” a swimmer shouts.
“Because of the looks on your faces!” Kazuki says.
He then quickly ducks into an alley and runs to the end of it. He emerges on the other side and leans against a wall to catch his breath. Suddenly the group of athletes shows up again. Just then, me and Mitsuki pop our heads out of the doorway of a nearby store and beckon Kazuki to come over.
“Come on, Kazuki-kun.” I say.
He hurries over and enters the store. He turns bright red when he realizes it's a lingerie store. He almost runs back out of the store but me and Mitsuki grab him by his arms to stop him. None of the athletes follow into the store so Kazuki is safe. We leave the store through a back door and continue on our way.
“Sorry, Kazuki-kun. I didn't expect that to happen.” Mitsuki says.
“It seems that your fan club is very possessive, Mitsuki-chan.” I say with a smirk.
Kazuki is still recovering from having just been in a lingerie store.
“Are you okay, Kazuki-kun?” I ask.
He nods and says, “Just recovery from almost being beaten to a pulp by those guys and then being in a lingerie store.”
“Well let's stop standing around. I'm tired of being here.” I say.
“Okay.” Kazuki agrees with a nod and we start off.
We walk for awhile not really talking about anything, but when we're passing the park, Kazuki looks over at Mitsuki and asks, “So you're really interested in robots?”
“Yes.” Mitsuki replies.
“You don't seem like the robot type.” I say.
“I'm actually very interested in them and in the world that you see, Kazuki-kun.” she says.
“Well, you should've seen the battle today. Hartzenen was incredible.” Kazuki says.
He begins describing the battle in detail and then suddenly Mitsuki stops.
“We're here.” she says.
Me and Kazuki stop and look at her and then look at where we are.
“Here?” we both ask.
“This is my house. I want you to meet my father. He is also very interested in the robots.” she says.
“Your father?” Kazuki asks.
“Yes.” she replies.
As we're walking up the sidewalk to the front door, her father comes out the front door and exclaims, “So you're the one!”
He then grabs Kazuki and drags him back inside and off to who knows where in the house.
“Uh… what just happened?” I ask a little lost.
“That was my father. Come on. He probably took Kazuki-kun down to the basement.” Mitsuki says.
I follow her into the house and down to the basement where we find Kazuki and Mitsuki's father.
“What is going on!?” Kazuki exclaims.
“That's what I'd like to know.” I say.
“My father wanted to run some tests on Kazuki-kun since he can see the robots.” Mitsuki says.
“What!?” Kazuki exclaims.
“Don't worry. It won't hurt.” Mitsuki's father says.
“I don't even know you! Why should I trust you!?” Kazuki asks.
“Oh, that's right, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Ken Sanada.” Mitsuki's father says.
“Your father seems a bit eccentric.” I say to Mitsuki as I look around the basement.
“I'm not eccentric. I'm a genius scientist.” he says having overheard my comment.
“Whatever.” I mutter.
“Why didn't you mention this when we met!?” Kazuki asks.
“Sorry.” Mitsuki says with an apologetic look on her face.
“Now just sit down so I can run a few tests.” Mitsuki's father says as he pushes Kazuki into a chair and straps him to it.
“What are you doing!?” Kazuki shouts.
“Just running a few tests. Hm… you seem fairly normal, how boring.” Mitsuki's father says.
“Who cares about that!? Just let me out of this thing!” Kazuki says.
“Why do you see these visions of robots?” Mitsuki's father asks.
Kazuki has no answer.
“I am so confused.” I say.
“Then let me explain. Kazuki Yotsuga here is seeing visions of a parallel world.” Mitsuki's father says.
“What!?” I exclaim.
“A parallel world, one that I am planning to send you to Kazuki!” Mitsuki's father says as he walks over to a large red button and presses it.
“What!? No! I don't want to go!” Kazuki exclaims.
“You can't send Kazuki-kun to a parallel world!” I exclaim.
“Oh I can't, can I?” Mitsuki's father says as he walks over to a large switch and tries to push it down.
“Dad! You said you were just going to run some tests on him today!” Mitsuki says as she stops her father from pushing the switch.
“You're right. I got carried away.” Mitsuki's father says.
We all let out a sigh of relief and then Mitsuki sits on the switch pushing it down.
“Mitsuki, you just activated it!” her father exclaims.
“Oops.” she says and stands up.
“Get me out of this thing!” Kazuki shouts as the transporter starts up.
Me and Mitsuki hurry over and try to get him out of the chair, but it's too late and all three of us are sent to a parallel world.
Hi! I'm Michelle Isozaki. I live alone even though I am only in high school. I go to Nanjyo Private Academy. I think it's pretty boring but that's because school is so easy for me. I don't have many friends and spend most of my time alone. But that doesn't bother me, I spend most of my time drawing and writing anyway so I don't need people around interrupting me.
On a normal day like today, I get to school early and sit down in my seat by the window. I pull out my hand-held computer and start typing on it. I occasionally glance up as some of my classmates start to show up. The only one I really pay attention to is Kazuki Yotsuga. He sits right beside me and most of the time he is typing on his hand-held computer as well.
Eventually everyone shows up and the bell rings. The teacher starts class and I put away my computer.
The morning is progressing slowly so I glance over at Kazuki to see if he's typing. He is.
“Psst! Kazuki-kun! Are you writing more on `Parallel Story'?” I whisper.
He nods in reply.
I glance out the window and then back at him. “Is it happening right now?” I ask.
He nods again.
“What's happening?” I ask.
“Hartzenen is fighting an enemy mech. It's black so I'm assuming it's the enemy.” he whispers.
I pull out a blank piece of paper and start sketching. “So is Hartzenen winning?” I ask as I draw.
“I can't tell. The battle has just barely gotten started.” he replies still typing and glancing out the window often.
I glance out the window and for a moment I think I see shadows of two large robots fighting. I look back over at Kazuki and ask, “Can you describe what's happening?”
“Hartzenen just punched the enemy through one of the buildings beside our school. But the black mech is already getting up.” he says.
I make a quick sketch of what he is describing. When I'm done, I tap Kazuki on the shoulder and hand it to him.
“Is that Hartzenen and the black mech?” he asks.
I nod.
“Wow! That really looks like them. How can you get it so accurate?” he asks.
“Sometimes I can see them. And with the descriptions you give in your story on your homepage, I have a pretty good feel for what they look like.” I whisper.
“You can really see them?” he asks.
“Only sometimes. Usually it's more of shadows of their shape but sometimes, just for an instant, I get a really good look at them.” I reply.
“I thought I was the only one who could see them.” he whispers as he hands my sketch back to me.
Just then the teacher comes over to our desks. “Ahem.” he coughs tapping his foot.
I glance up at him and then quickly glance at the board. “The answer is pi squared plus 3xy.” I say answering the problem on the board.
The teacher glances at the board and then back at me and Kazuki. “Um, that's right. I guess you were paying attention.” he says and turns around and walks back to the board.
The whole class erupts in laughter.
“Alright, settle down class.” the teacher says and returns to the lesson.
“How'd you do that?” Kazuki asks.
“I'm a whiz at math.” I reply.
“Ah, well you got the teacher good, Michelle-chan.” he says with a chuckle.
“I know.” I say with a bit of a giggle.
We smile at each other and then Kazuki goes back to typing and I start adding detail to my sketch. I finalize some lines on the mechs and add some scenery. After getting that done I pull out my colored pencils and begin to add detail and color to everything.
Now that I have something to do class goes by quickly and soon it is the end of the day. The bell rings and I gather up my stuff.
“Hey, Kazuki-kun. Look at this.” I say handing him the now finished picture of the battle that he was writing about.
“Wow! You finished it, Michelle-chan.” he says looking at it.
“Yup. And I was thinking about posting it on my homepage.” I say.
“Really?” he asks.
“Yeah, unless you want me to post it on your homepage since it goes with your story.” I say.
“No, it's fine. You can post it on yours.” he says and hands the picture back to me.
“Cool. I know the perfect caption to go with it: Hartzenen vs. Black Mech. Read about the battle in `Parallel Story'.” I say.
“Cool.” he says as he slings his bag over his shoulder.
I put the picture in my bag and we walk out of the classroom together.
When we reach the school entrance hall, Kazuki pauses by the phones.
“Hold on a second, Michelle-chan.” he says.
“You gonna upload what you wrote right now?” I ask.
He nods and as he connects to the internet. He goes to his homepage and checks the comments that have been left.
“Mitsuki Sanada…” he mutters in surprise as he sees who left the comment.
Just then Mitsuki Sanada comes up behind him. He notices her and jumps back with a little surprise and accidentally pulls his connector out of the analog jack.
She looks at him and asks, “So you're Kazuki Yotsuga. Is it true that you really watch giant robots fight as you write your story?”
He nods.
I pipe in and say, “I can see them too… sometimes.”
“You must be Michelle Isozaki. You write stories too. And don't you also draw?” she asks.
“Yup. I even drew one of Hartzenen in battle today.” I say.
“Sanada-sempai, why are you interested in what I see?” Kazuki asks.
“Because I want to know more about your visions of robots.” she replies.
“You probably want to make fun of me like everyone else. Come on, Michelle-chan, let's go.” Kazuki says and heads toward the door.
“Sayonara, Sanada-sempai.” I say and wave as I follow Kazuki.
Suddenly Kazuki stops and leans back against the lockers.
“What is it, Kazuki-kun?” I ask looking around.
“What do you see?” Mitsuki asks as she walks over to stand in front of Kazuki.
“The entrance hall has been demolished and the black mech is pointing its gun straight at me.” Kazuki replies.
“Cool! I wish I could see that.” I say smiling.
“I know it's not real, but it's hard not to react.” Kazuki says as he walks toward the door. I catch up to him as he walks out the door and Mitsuki follows us.
Me and Kazuki are walking in silence past the athletic field and pool as Mitsuki follows. Mitsuki comes up alongside Kazuki and Kazuki walks faster to put some distance between himself and her. I hurry to catch up to him. Mitsuki hurries to catch up as well.
“Yotsuga-senpai, wait up.” Mitsuki says.
“You're just going to make fun of me like everyone else.” Kazuki says.
“No, I'm not. I'm really interested in the robots you see.” Mitsuki says.
“No, you're not. You think it's an amusing story and nothing more.” Kazuki says.
“Maybe she really is interested, Kazuki-kun. Give her a chance.” I say.
“How much do you know about the robots, Isozaki-senpai?” Mitsuki asks me.
“Mostly just what I've read in Kazuki-kun's story and the little bit I've actually gotten to see.” I reply.
“Are any of those pictures on your homepage of the robots?” she asks.
“No, but I'm going home today to upload one I drew during class.” I say.
“Can I see it?” she asks.
“Sure. It was of a battle that was going on today.” I say as I pull the picture out of my bag and show it to her.
“This is incredible, Michelle-chan. So this is what Hartzenen looks like. The white one right?” she asks.
“Yup. And the black one is the enemy.” I say.
“Did Hartzenen win, Kazuki-kun?” she asks.
“I don't know. The battle isn't over yet.” Kazuki replies.
“So the battles still going on?” she asks.
He nods.
“I bet Hartzenen's gonna win. I should draw Hartzenen in a victory pose.” I say.
At that moment a bunch of guys from all the sports teams and clubs at our school show up and they look really angry. They are all looking right at Kazuki. Kazuki takes a step back and they all take a step towards him.
“You might want to run, Kazuki-kun.” I say.
“I was thinking the same thing. I'll catch up with you if I can lose these guys, Michelle-chan.” Kazuki says and turns and runs.
The athletes run after him.
“What in the world?” Mitsuki asks confused.
“I don't know, but I hope that they don't hurt Kazuki-kun.” I say.
“Quick. If we go this way, we might be able to help him.” Mitsuki says pointing to an alley nearby.
“Right.” I agree and we hurry off.
Kazuki is running for his life.
“What is going on between you and Sanada-san?” one of the baseball players asks him.
“Nothing!” Kazuki shouts over his shoulder.
“Then why are you running away?” a swimmer shouts.
“Because of the looks on your faces!” Kazuki says.
He then quickly ducks into an alley and runs to the end of it. He emerges on the other side and leans against a wall to catch his breath. Suddenly the group of athletes shows up again. Just then, me and Mitsuki pop our heads out of the doorway of a nearby store and beckon Kazuki to come over.
“Come on, Kazuki-kun.” I say.
He hurries over and enters the store. He turns bright red when he realizes it's a lingerie store. He almost runs back out of the store but me and Mitsuki grab him by his arms to stop him. None of the athletes follow into the store so Kazuki is safe. We leave the store through a back door and continue on our way.
“Sorry, Kazuki-kun. I didn't expect that to happen.” Mitsuki says.
“It seems that your fan club is very possessive, Mitsuki-chan.” I say with a smirk.
Kazuki is still recovering from having just been in a lingerie store.
“Are you okay, Kazuki-kun?” I ask.
He nods and says, “Just recovery from almost being beaten to a pulp by those guys and then being in a lingerie store.”
“Well let's stop standing around. I'm tired of being here.” I say.
“Okay.” Kazuki agrees with a nod and we start off.
We walk for awhile not really talking about anything, but when we're passing the park, Kazuki looks over at Mitsuki and asks, “So you're really interested in robots?”
“Yes.” Mitsuki replies.
“You don't seem like the robot type.” I say.
“I'm actually very interested in them and in the world that you see, Kazuki-kun.” she says.
“Well, you should've seen the battle today. Hartzenen was incredible.” Kazuki says.
He begins describing the battle in detail and then suddenly Mitsuki stops.
“We're here.” she says.
Me and Kazuki stop and look at her and then look at where we are.
“Here?” we both ask.
“This is my house. I want you to meet my father. He is also very interested in the robots.” she says.
“Your father?” Kazuki asks.
“Yes.” she replies.
As we're walking up the sidewalk to the front door, her father comes out the front door and exclaims, “So you're the one!”
He then grabs Kazuki and drags him back inside and off to who knows where in the house.
“Uh… what just happened?” I ask a little lost.
“That was my father. Come on. He probably took Kazuki-kun down to the basement.” Mitsuki says.
I follow her into the house and down to the basement where we find Kazuki and Mitsuki's father.
“What is going on!?” Kazuki exclaims.
“That's what I'd like to know.” I say.
“My father wanted to run some tests on Kazuki-kun since he can see the robots.” Mitsuki says.
“What!?” Kazuki exclaims.
“Don't worry. It won't hurt.” Mitsuki's father says.
“I don't even know you! Why should I trust you!?” Kazuki asks.
“Oh, that's right, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Ken Sanada.” Mitsuki's father says.
“Your father seems a bit eccentric.” I say to Mitsuki as I look around the basement.
“I'm not eccentric. I'm a genius scientist.” he says having overheard my comment.
“Whatever.” I mutter.
“Why didn't you mention this when we met!?” Kazuki asks.
“Sorry.” Mitsuki says with an apologetic look on her face.
“Now just sit down so I can run a few tests.” Mitsuki's father says as he pushes Kazuki into a chair and straps him to it.
“What are you doing!?” Kazuki shouts.
“Just running a few tests. Hm… you seem fairly normal, how boring.” Mitsuki's father says.
“Who cares about that!? Just let me out of this thing!” Kazuki says.
“Why do you see these visions of robots?” Mitsuki's father asks.
Kazuki has no answer.
“I am so confused.” I say.
“Then let me explain. Kazuki Yotsuga here is seeing visions of a parallel world.” Mitsuki's father says.
“What!?” I exclaim.
“A parallel world, one that I am planning to send you to Kazuki!” Mitsuki's father says as he walks over to a large red button and presses it.
“What!? No! I don't want to go!” Kazuki exclaims.
“You can't send Kazuki-kun to a parallel world!” I exclaim.
“Oh I can't, can I?” Mitsuki's father says as he walks over to a large switch and tries to push it down.
“Dad! You said you were just going to run some tests on him today!” Mitsuki says as she stops her father from pushing the switch.
“You're right. I got carried away.” Mitsuki's father says.
We all let out a sigh of relief and then Mitsuki sits on the switch pushing it down.
“Mitsuki, you just activated it!” her father exclaims.
“Oops.” she says and stands up.
“Get me out of this thing!” Kazuki shouts as the transporter starts up.
Me and Mitsuki hurry over and try to get him out of the chair, but it's too late and all three of us are sent to a parallel world.
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redgirl44 on June 2, 2009, 9:54:36 AM
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arctic_fox_sakura on July 31, 2006, 7:59:08 AM
sis on February 18, 2006, 12:29:37 PM
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