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Know Your Stars!

This is know you stars, Danny! I didn't exactly copy, so... DON'T SUE!!!



Chapter 1 - Danny
Submitted: October 17, 2005 • Updated: October 17, 2005
Word count: 397 • Size: 2k • Comments: 22 • views: 658


Comments (23)

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shapeshifterwolf on July 2, 2008, 11:41:19 AM

shapeshifterwolf on (Chapter: 1)
shapeshifterwolfnow THAT is unny, heheh tights

diva96 on October 4, 2006, 10:17:18 AM

diva96 on (Chapter: 1)
diva96SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *FAVEZ*

homiez502 on October 1, 2006, 5:50:24 AM

homiez502 on (Chapter: 1)


Karannah on September 1, 2006, 2:07:39 AM

Karannah on (Chapter: index)
Karannahthat sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!! favs

luv_ty_like_sly on May 6, 2006, 1:13:53 PM

luv_ty_like_sly on (Chapter: 1)
luv_ty_like_slyABSOLUTE FUNNINESS!!!!!
Me: Well, now it does SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!
*favs* ans POOR Danny! I bet the "Voice" was Dash
Danny: No he's too stupid to do something like this!!!
(No offense Dash fangirl, if there are any -.-;)

Kratosgirl14 on April 24, 2006, 8:04:12 AM

Kratosgirl14 on (Chapter: 1)
Kratosgirl14THAT was hillarious! xP Funny ness! *favs

kngfoo2200 on February 25, 2006, 11:14:12 PM

kngfoo2200 on (Chapter: 1)
kngfoo2200OMGG!! I love that when they do the "know your stars" thing on all that! And this is just like ti would be if it were real!!!! *FAVES X3*

4catdog407 on February 1, 2006, 11:44:10 AM

4catdog407 on (Chapter: 1)
4catdog407you should do Sam next. put more pls.


FullMetal_D on December 21, 2005, 8:00:54 AM

FullMetal_D on (Chapter: 1)
FullMetal_DThis is soooo funny. You should do more!

Edward_Elrics_girl on December 20, 2005, 1:39:24 PM

Edward_Elrics_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Edward_Elrics_girlDUDE that is freaking hillareous! And back off PEOPLE DANNY IS MINE!
*I would get Edward to fight all of you and while your fighting him I'll take Danny away and run away with him and I'll make out with him!!!!*
Oh and this is just some frendly rivalery okay!!!!

dramaqueen101 on November 30, 2005, 10:18:18 AM

dramaqueen101 on (Chapter: 1)
dramaqueen101OMG! That's a riot!

Puppzze on November 12, 2005, 2:18:29 PM

Puppzze on (Chapter: 1)
Puppzzedanny's mine! so bac off!!!!! LOL! just sum frendly rivalery! *is atacced by many fangirls* oww! get off of me!
Danny: *saves me* bac off fangirls! *girls leev* sory! can u forgive me?
me: well....
(few seconds later- me, just me!- making out wit danny)
now u heerd him! bac off!

DannyPhantomLover on November 12, 2005, 6:05:43 AM

DannyPhantomLover on (Chapter: 1)
DannyPhantomLover*gasp*DANNY NO!!!!!!!!! *beating up paulina*get off of him uuu dog!!!!!!!!!!!! *pushes sam*how dare uuu!!!uuu have a crush on him n ur his best friend.
me:frack her uuu gott me danny-pooh!!!!!!!!
danny:tru tru*kisses me*
me:*sigh*life is sooooo freakin goooooooddddd!!!!!!!!!!

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on November 8, 2005, 9:21:00 AM

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on (Chapter: 1)
Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roseshahaha! that's hilarius! i really miss that skit... *sigh* lol

~"nice work...bone daddy"~

Puppzze on October 29, 2005, 3:59:17 PM

Puppzze on (Chapter: 1)
PuppzzeI'll ask again...
What does XD mean? and waht does Lmao mean?

deadmewtwo on October 29, 2005, 1:18:56 PM

deadmewtwo on (Chapter: 1)
deadmewtwoDanny needs to admit that he loves to hear Tucker sing.

Koneko on October 28, 2005, 3:08:56 PM

Koneko on (Chapter: 1)
Koneko*Drools* Mmm... blue cheese...

moonandstars on October 23, 2005, 9:57:15 AM

moonandstars on (Chapter: 1)

Puppzze on October 21, 2005, 1:57:35 PM

Puppzze on (Chapter: 1)
PuppzzeWhat does XD mean?

ouija-phantom-wolf on October 21, 2005, 10:16:25 AM

ouija-phantom-wolf on (Chapter: 1)
ouija-phantom-wolfXD nice!

moonandstars on October 18, 2005, 12:26:35 PM

moonandstars on (Chapter: 1)
moonandstarsEven though you copied the idea,this is the most hillareous thing ive read in my 11 years of being me!

JessyPie on October 18, 2005, 8:37:42 AM

JessyPie on (Chapter: 1)
JessyPieOMG!! DANNY!!!!
"jumps in and starts Fighting with Paulina and Sam"