Chapter 1 - A chance encounter
Submitted May 25, 2005 Updated July 7, 2005 Status Incomplete | The last thing you expect when looking for superhero recruits is finding the someone just for you.
Cartoons » Teen Titans |
Chapter 1 - A chance encounter
Chapter 1 - A chance encounter
The center of the universe
a semi-AU teen titans fanfiction
Rob/Star with one-sided Rob/Rae
the last thing you expect when looking for superhero recruits is finding the one just for you
Chapter One~ A chance encounter
" Robin?..."
" Yeah, Raven? What?"
" You should start heading back to the tower, a storm is starting up over Gotham, and I don't want you being reckless"
" I'm on my way right now."
" Okay, be seeing you...Oh, by the way, how was the titan search?"
" Nothing. NOBODY wants to join the teen titans, Everybody is either too afraid, too useless or in their own sect."
" Maybe Cyborg, Beast boy, me and you are enough."
" If only it were, but we need one more member. Cy's the power, Beast boy's the wild card, You're the brains and I'm the leader. There's just something missing from the dynamic. The team feels incomplete."
" Oh, well. You can always try again tomorrow. "
The tranmission ended, filling the communicators' screen with static. Robin stared at the tiny machine quietly, wondering if they could ever fill the last spot. Letting out a big sigh, he put away the device, and pushed the depressing thoughts from his mind. Raven said it was going to rain, Robin thought, I should hurry. He looked up at the sky, Its color was the same deep grey that engraced the sidewalk below his feet, the same grey that matched his present mood. Why can't we find anyone? Why is it so hard? Can't you give me any answers? Robin stared at the sky blankly, as if his answer could drop onto his head at any moment. He didnt get an answer, Per se. A streak of green light broke the dull grey of the worsening sky, partly scaring the hell out of the young hero, and partly giving him hope. It was a subtle hope that quickly died out with the coming of the first raindrop. There were alot of weird sightings of unexplained light in the tri-state area recently, it was nothing to get excited about. Letting out another sigh, Robin turned absent-mindedly into a nearby alley in hopes of finding a shortcut. It was going to be a long walk back to Titans tower. If only I had a motorcycle or something....*gasp*. Robin was overtaken. Strong, well toned arms grasped his windpipe cutting off his circulation and air supply. Robin was quickly losing conciousness. His vision was fading, his body becoming limp from the strain. is the world turning green?........
" Ugh..."
Robin got to his knees. The masked teen had fainted due to a lack of air from his attack. Robin rubbed his face, searching for any blood or injury, but what he did find, or lack there of, was his mask. It must had fallen off or had been taken off while he was incapacitated. He scanned the ground around him in order to locate it.
" I believe this mask belongs to you."
The unmasked teen looked up from his position to the ground in front of him. Nothing.
" Umm, up here?"
Robin focused his attention upward. He saw long, slender legs wearing purple platform boots, an equally colored miniskirt. He sped upward towards her face. It was downcast, revealing only long, slightly unkempt red hair. The masked teen came to his feet and brushed himself off . Reaching out his hand, he noticed his savior clutched her chest very warily. He withdrew, and introduced himself.
" Hi, I'm Robin."
The redhead lifted her head. Robin saw a beautiful face, stained and battered by the rain. Her large, green eyes were heavy lidded, a sign of her fatigue. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words escaped. Instead, a heavy, raspy cough came out. The girls' eyes became glassy, losing focus. She started to descend. Robin sped forward, reaching out his arms in order to catch the falling girl. Eyes half closed, she unconciously planted her lips onto his. Great surprise came with this unexpected kiss, and Robin found himself staring past red hair, off into the distance. It was awkward, yes, but...
" Jeez, she's heavy."
He pushed all thoughts of ANY kiss from his mind, and started his long trek home; passenger and all.
CHAPTER 1!!!!!! OMG!
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RaexBB_72sol on January 10, 2006, 4:03:26 PM
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chthonicalchemist on August 23, 2005, 1:15:24 AM
soalone1000 on July 31, 2005, 4:50:00 AM
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