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Chapter 2 - Language Barrier


Power Rangers Samurai Clash follows the adventures of Angel Grove resident Tai Stapleton, who becomes the reluctant Lord of a Japanese Clan. He accepts his destiny to protect the world from other-wordly creatures called Gedoushu. 

*Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Adaptation

Chapter 2 - Language Barrier

Chapter 2 - Language Barrier
Kane Watanabe sat on the steps surrounding the large training yard of the Watanabe Bushido Studio, where he now worked as an instructor. Just then, however, there was no class. Unless one counted Lokelani Lyong teaching Kiari Sakakibara the wonders of yoga. Kane tilted his head as they contorted themselves into one particularly interesting pose.

Daaamn, his cousin Tai was a lucky man. His ex couldn't bend like that.

He winced at that thought. He really was trying not to think about that. He couldn't say he was heartbroken or they even broke up in some epic fight. No, they just simply grew apart. Then she moved to Japan for University.

Kane made a face and ran a hand through his short bleached-red hair. He naturally had nearly black hair, but he thought a change would be good. He watched the girls again.

Lani was his cousin's lady, a vision of racially ambiguous loveliness. Neither tall nor short, slim but curvy, she was the only one here who didn't have a drop of Japanese in her, being half Hawaiian and half Korean. She had pretty dark eyes and long dark brown hair with blunt bangs. Kiari, whom he'd only just met the week before was the quintessential Japanese girl. Small and delicate, with slim curves, she had wide dark eyes and nearly black hair coiled into a long braid.

He sighed. He was supposed to be helping her with her English, but he'd been procrastinating a bit. He chalked it up to being busy with helping Tai get the School off the ground. Truth was he didn't know why he was putting it off.

He started when Tai's tall, lanky frame folded down next to him. His cousin was unaccountably tall and slim. They didn't really look similar and yet there was no mistaking their relation. He raised a brow. "Oooh, Tono-sama," he said and grinned. "Come to drool over them curves?" he asked and waggled his brows a bit.

Tai Stapleton, owner and proprietor of the Watanabe Bushido Studio, sent Kane a slight glare. "No, though I have to admit watching Lani do yoga is a favorite pastime," he said and was momentarily distracted by her waving slightly at him. He waved back before turning his attention back to Kane. "I want to know why you haven't managed to schedule time to work on Kiari's English. It's horrid," he said honestly.

Kane grimaced. "Lani's helping," he said.

Tai snorted. "Lani doesn't know any Japanese but a few words I've taught her. I still have to translate when Grandpa speaks to her," he said, shaking his head at his stubborn grandfather.


"No, no, no, no, no, no," Daiki denied as he approached, dressed in his kimono and hakama. He carried the wooden sword called a shinai. Daiki Singuji spoke English very well. As well, they'd learned, as several other languages. "I learn, I don't teach," he stated and shook his head.

Shaking his head, Tai silenced him before he could say more. "I didn't ask Daiki or Lani. I said you," he declared and got to his feet. "Tonight, Kiari gets her first lesson. I took the liberty of having Trini bring us some helpful teaching aids. They're waiting in your room," he stated and walked toward the two girls picking up their yoga mats. He greeted Lani with a kiss and said something to Kiari that Kane couldn't hear.

No doubt telling her about her English lesson. Bah. He was as bad as Cam and his uncle about bossing him around. Grumbling to himself, he got to his feet. Before he could stalk off, Daiki stood in his way.

"Kane-san," he said respectfully and pushed his glasses back up his nose, they had a tendency to slip. "Do not be upset. It will be good for Kiari to learn English. I'm very terrible at teaching. I tend to lack patience when others do not grasp things as quickly as I do," he explained.

Kane brushed past him. "Don't worry about it Daiki. I just need to clear my head a bit. Been stuck out here in edge of civilization too long," he declared even as he walked toward the house, where his bike was parked in the garage. He needed a nice long ride.

He wasn't angry with Tai or anyone. He rather liked his cousin, and his new teammates were rather interesting. Being constricted and bossed around chafed sometimes. Probably something to do with being raised for half his life as a space ninja with a mother who let him do basically whatever he wanted and a father who encouraged misbehavior and disobedience (except to him).

He needed some peace and quiet and some alone time.


Sanzu River

shootari sat in the ship reading over ancient scrolls. Kagekamuro's foray into the human world was no all for naught. They did learn that there was indeed a new Lord Shiba. Doukoku was in a rage and had been consoling himself with the essence of human sorrows and Dayuu's music. shootari had been busy looking over things forgotten trying to figure out a way to break through to the human world and rule it.

He got to his feet. "Doukoku!" he said and waved a bit of parchment in the air.

Doukoku looked up from slurping the cloudy white substance. "What?" he half growled half grunted.

Dayuu paused in her playing to watch.

"No one told you to stop, Dayuu," Doukoku said in a relatively mild voice as he glowered at shootari, awaiting an answer.

As Dayuu began playing again, shootari waved the parchment. "Doukoku. It says in here that human sorrows, pain and anguish can make the waters of the Sanzu River rise," he explained. Before Doukoku could get belligerent, shootari continued, "If the waters of the Sanzu River rises high enough, they can flood the human world!" he declared.

Doukoku got his feet and grabbed shootari by his tentacles. "Then see to it! Flood the Earth!" he commanded in a snarl.

shootari nodded and went to the opening overlooking the Sanzu River. "Ootsumuji!" he called.

Presently and Ayakashi appeared. He carried a large weapon known as the Whirlwind Scythe Sword. He gave shootari a bit of a sneer but bowed differentially to Doukoku. "I was summoned?" he asked.

shootari narrowed eyes at him. "Go to the human world and cause havoc," he commanded.

Ootsumuji bowed slightly and jumped through the hole.


Kane had been to Angel Grove before in the past, but he wasn't totally familiar with it, but he knew the places to avoid if he didn't want to be bothered by ex-rangers. He pulled up to a little eatery with outdoor seating. Turning off his bike, he removed his helmet and moved to one of the tables.

He'd taken a long ride, just clearing his head really. After he ate, he'd go back to Tai's, apologize and make arrangements with Kiari. He'd seen her skill at drawing the characters and since he wasn't stupid, knew that Tai probably thought they could help each other. He was lucky he even knew the character for Wood and the 'large' character had been sheer luck by watching how Tai did it.

He smiled at the waitress as she came with a menu. He scanned the menu and asked for a coke. She had just left when he heard a muted 'whoomph!' sort of sound. Cocking his head he listened closer.


This time the sound was closer and he heard the screams of frightened people. "Bah," he grumbled and left the waitress a tip since it wasn't her fault he had to run. He ran toward the direction fleeing people were coming from. He skidded to a halt when he saw the big weasely dude and the blade he was using to throw people around with wind making attacks.

Kane opened his phone and pressed the star key, opening a link to everyone. "We have an Ayakashi in the middle of downtown," he stated briefly.

"We're on our way," Tai assured.

With his Morpher still open he stepped out where the Ayakashi could see him. "Hey, you! I'm not in the best of moods today and you happen to have come at a very convenient time for me to kick the shoot out of," he stated loudly.

Ootsumuji turned away from the young couple he was terrorizing. "A challenge? From a mere human? Bah!" he began to form his attack.

"Samurai Sword Clash!" Kane drew his Wood Character in the air. He pressed the red button and the glowing green symbol turned and enveloped him, forming his powersuit and his helmet. He drew his sword, bracing himself as the attack hit.

He was picked up off the ground and sent flying through the air.

He hit hard, hard enough to disrupt his morph.


Ootsumuji swirled toward the voice. Propping himself up on his arms, Kane looked in that direction. Not far away stood the four costumed Samurai Rangers. Red has his sword pointed at the Ayakashi. Ootsumuji snarled. "Wha--"

"Authorized by Providence, we are the Samurai Rangers," Tai declared.

"Authorized or not, you're done for!" Ootsumuji said. "Nanashi!" he summoned. Out from the cracks of anything and everything appeared minions of the Nanashi Company appeared and fanned out to attack the Rangers.

The four of them were immediately beset by the enemy. Grunting, Kane got to his feet. His back and butt hurt. He saw that Ootsumuji was trying to get away and terrorize more people. "Oh no you don't," he said and activated his morph again.

Tai saw Kane get to his feet and morph again, but was immediately distracted by the Nanashi. He slashed at one and kicked at another before reaching for his Disk. He slid it onto his sword and spun it. "Giant Flaming Blade!" The sword turned into a humongous blade that caught ablaze. He pivoted and turned his body in a wide circle. Blade and flames caught Nanashi.

Kiari was surrounded by Nanashi, but luckily she was well trained, light and agile. She turned several back flips and got herself out of the circle. She reached for her Hidden Disc and slipped it onto her sword and spun it. "Landu Slysa!" The sword turned into a giant shuriken, which she hurled it at the Nanashi. It spun around in a circle getting each of them.

Daiki fought his way free of Nanashi that had surrounded him. He pulled his Hidden Disc from his belt. He slid it onto his sword and set it to spinning. "Water Arrow!" The sword transformed into a bow that shot a mini tidal wave crashing over the Nanashi.

Lani slashed and spun around the Nanashi. Once, while she turned, she grabbed her Hidden Disc, slipping it onto her sword. She set it to spinning. "Heaven Fan!" Her sword turned into a fan, but even as she kept spinning, pink wings crashed into the Nanashi.

Kane reached for his Hidden Disc and slipped it onto his sword while running toward Ootsumuji. "Wood Spear!" He dove at Ootsumuji just as the Ayakashi was about to attack. Weapons clashed, both opponents were knocked back.

Kane steadied almost fell but Tai caught his arm with Kiari coming up just behind the other arm. He nodded his thanks.

"All together now," Tai said. "Giant Flaming Blade!"

"Heaven Fan!"

"Wood Spear!"

"Water Arrow!"

"Landu Slysa!"

The five attacks slammed into Ootsumuji. He roared his rage as he fell back, exploding.

Kane leaned on his spear. He should have realized Tai would be there for him. The guy was Red after all, and really didn't have to put up with Kane's shoot. Before he could say anything, Ootsumuji came back to his second life, growing to the size of a tall building.

"I will crush you Samurai Rangers and turn this world red!" he shouted down at them.

"Zord time!" Tai said and held Lion Origami in his hand.

"Right!" The others agreed and held up their Origami. As one they each drew the Large Character over their handheld Zords.

The Zords grew to full size and their pilots appeared in side.

Kane pushed the Bear Origami Zord forward, the animal roaring and slashing claws at Ootsumuji. He owed the dog one.

Ootsumuji knocked him off with his sword. Then he unleashed his attack upon the five Origami Zords.

Kane heard Kiari's muffled squeak, and Daiki's muttering in several languages, Lani huff of annoyance and Tai's growl. "Let's bring it together, Oh Great Ton-sama," he prompted.

Tai nodded. He used his Morpher to write out the Unite Character.

The Zords came together to form the Origami Megazord.

Kane looked at Tai. "Do you think Ayakashi have balls? Can we kick it in the balls?" he asked, though not seriously.

Tai shook his head, distracted by Ootsumuji beginning to form his whirlwind attack. "No time for low blows. Time to finish it!" He drew the sword from the hip of the Megazord and slashed at Ootsumuji.

The Ayakashi blocked. Giant swords glanced off each other in mid air.

"Daiki," Kane said, having a sudden inspiration. "Jump!" he said.

Daiki nodded and pushed forward on the hilt of his sword. Since Dragon Origami made up one leg, the neck expanded, bouncing them off the ground in a high jump.

Ootsumuji was not prepared for that move and they had the element of surprise. They brought the sword down in a killing slash. They landed with the Ayakashi behind them, screaming his rage before falling to the ground in an explosion.

Kane crossed his arms over his chest and propped his hip against his console. "I'd say that bring this chapter to a close," he stated before Tai got a chance.

Tai pointing a finger at him in warning. Behind his helmet Kane grinned while the girls laughed at them and Daiki rubbed his helmet and shook his head.


After the battle Kane returned his bike and rode back to Tai's house. He'd had several ideas while fighting the Ayakashi and was face-to-face with the sad facts was he didn't know the characters he needed. He went to his room and found the study aids Tai mentioned.

As he suspected, there were aids for learning how to write in kanji. With a sigh, he gathered the books under his arm. He walked to Kiari's door and knocked lightly.

It opened momentarily and Kiari stuck her face out and blinked in surprise. "Oh. K-Kane-san," she said. She gave him a soft smile. "What is it you are wanting?" she asked slowly, unsure of her words.

Kane actually found it cute. "Um...Tai wants me to help you with your English. And," he rubbed the back of his head, "He wants you to help me with Japanese and the Characters," he explained. He showed her the study aids. "Are you free now? It's still a couple of hours before dinner," he said.

A smile stretched over her face. She gave a half-nod, half-bow. "Hai, Kane-san. I am," she sated, eager to learn more English and how to fit in better around here.

Kane nodded in relief and smiled. "Well, let's go somewhere quiet. I don't think anyone's using the living room." he said and offered his arm with a grin.

With another smile, Kiari smiled and took his arm.

Kane lead her toward the living room. Oh, he knew he'd occasionally chafe under Tai's leadership. He and Cam clashed often enough during his Bushidotraining. He and Uncle Kanoi were forever butting heads. Even with his best friend was a Red Ranger and having to boss everyone around, Kane could feel the choke collar closing.

Yes, he knew there would be times he and Tai brushed each other the wrong way, but he trusted Tai with his life and he'd just have to get over it. A fast bike and an open road would go a long way to help with that.

He glanced at Kiari. He had to admit; maybe Oh Tono-sama might have had a good idea here. When she glanced questioning at him he flashed another smile. Yep, maybe ol' Tai knew what he was doing after all.

~*End Act 2*~           


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