Chapter 7 - War
Submitted July 8, 2005 Updated March 5, 2006 Status Complete | A tale of vengance, destruction, power and more vengance. The most serious Zim story that I am aware exists at the moment, but also has funnys in it. Think JTHM+Zim-JTHM characters/(x^2+2w^5) ^=to the * power...mmmyep This story is finished and ready f
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 7 - War
Chapter 7 - War
Tak: Welcome, my soldiers, to Planet Gorged; the planet made purely of obese Gorthians. It is here that we shall test our newest warfare device; The Black Hole Generator!
The army of soldiers let out an enormous roar for their new leader. An explosion was heard as the makeshift black hole bulleted towards the planet and created a massive explosion when it hit.
Tak: I, guess that was the wrong cannon, but wasn't it still pretty cool?
The army roared again in agreement. Minutes away, Zim and crew approached the Massive at undetectable speeds. Dib was pressing numerous buttons and pulling many levers.
Dib: What's this do? What's this do? What's that do? What's this do?
Zim thinking: Well, at least I locked the controls after we left…
The new ship was spacious enough to accommodate everyone, although much of that space was not being used. Zim had squished himself against the controls, Dib was right next to him, and Gir was sitting in the corner.
Zim: We are approaching the outer ships. Make silence and move none, Dib, so that we may slip by their radar undetected.
Dib: Aw, but I like to move…
They breached the outer defenses without flaw. In minutes the team was on the ship's outer docking bay, and fighting quite well. Dib was just walking around on his spider-legs stabbing all the Irkens he could and kicking those able to get under him. Zim had built himself a laser sword and was hacking away at everything that came his way. Gir had run in a different direction once his guns wore out. Just as the battle further intensified, the Irken troops dispersed, and Tak came forth with several body guards.
Tak: Zim. I thought you would come here, if you survived of course.
Zim: Which, evidently, I did.
Tak: Take him to the main hall. Oh, and uh, put the human in a jar or, something…
Tak's bodyguards, the former tallest, walked alongside Zim while Red dragged Dib by his hair spike into the ship. They passed many places, such as a jail, an execution room, and a vending machine which Zim scowled at. Dib had turned all feeling in his head off so the dragging wouldn't be as annoying otherwise. Gir was still not there, and Zim started to wonder.
Zim thinking: Hmm, Gir has been gone for quite a bit. In fact, if I recall correctly, he just up and left. Perhaps he was scared. Or perhaps he went crazy again and went off in a fit of MADNESS! Who knows? He could have already been captured by Tak's foot soldiers. What will I do then? Surely I might panic, but then again with my astounding-ness I might be able to---
Zim: Eh?
Tak: Do you agree or not!?
Zim: Agree to what?
Tak: My Proposal!!!
Zim: I'm not marrying you. I am Almighty ZIM!!! I feel affection for no thing.
Tak: …I'm going to assume you weren't listening and instead of kill you, I'll simply repeat myself. I offer you, Zim, a seat on the throne. A seat of power beyond what little power you've experienced in your miserable life.
Zim: You're not still mad about all that stuff I did?
Tak: Yes, Zim, I am. BUT I have decided to set aside my rage for this decision. Join me Zim. Together, as the Tallest, we can rule the universe with iron fists! The two most powerful beings in the universe, the rulers of the great and powerful Irken Empire! So, what do you say?
Zim gave her a long, hard stare. Finally, he responded.
Zim: Sorry…(pulls out sword)…But I'd rather rule alone than with you…
Zim swung his sword and the battle was on. Tak had two sabers of her own hidden away. She unsheathed them and charged. The final battle was upon the two Irkens. Tallest versus Tallest; the outcome of this battle would determine the existence of the Irken Empire.
…to be continued
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Geckon_Lord_of_geckos on January 6, 2006, 8:18:24 AM

Lord_Baul on August 3, 2005, 11:40:49 PM
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