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Chapter 1 - Minds betrayal

A ReiKai pairing. Basiclly, admitting feelings isn't hard. The trick is on staying true to that person. Can Kai keep his promises, and stay with Rei?

Chapter 1 - Minds betrayal

Chapter 1 - Minds betrayal
Disclaimer: Me no own Beyblade. I apoligize. And the song "Bloody Mary" isn't mine either. It's the Living End's. OR "Worst hangover Ever" by the Offspring. And I don't own Weird Al.
Shadow's notes: Lerve is another way of saying love among me and my friends. I've just noticed that all of my Beyblade fics are yaoi. Why? Do I just think it's cute? I dunno. This will be my first ReiKai fic, and I mean PURELY REIKAI! I won't have triangles, quadrangles, or love betrayals-this is a ReiKai focas. If you have ANY suggestions, let me know, ASAP. Better yet, tell me in your reveiw! ^.^ Anyway, I have a few dedications. 1)Dr.pepper, 2)Alli-Chan, 3) And finally, the word "Jeebus".
1) Mind's betrayal
Things were getting confusing. Thoughts couldn't be thought straight, what used to be purely thoughtless in task was becoming more confusing than the stratigies of Beyblading could be. He couldn't even be his usual grumpy self without thinking, and being mean and ornery was what he did best at, besides yelling at Tyson for being a lazy @$$ slob. But as he sat on the plane next to Rei, he had to make up his mind.
It had to stop.
Kai couldn't help it. No matter what he did, his thoughts kept circling to Rei. He'd even dreamt about the tall, Neko-Jin, and woke up in a cold sweat. Even in eating, he'd wonder what it would be like to have Rei's tounge in his mouth rather than the beef and brocilli dinner he was stuffing his face with. And it had begun to bother him more than anything else. Since this had started, even Tyson's nonsence letters made since.
"I just don't understand!" Kenny had said in an e-mail a few days ago. "What could you have on your mind that would cause you to actually UNDERSTAND Tyson's letters?"
Kai almost concidered telling Kenny the truth, but he couldn't. The thought of obsessing over Rei was scary enough for him, but to tell someone and see their reaction was unthinkable. He'd just typed in:"-shrug- I dunno. Maybe it's from the stress of having to actually LISTEN to Tyson again?"
Kenny had fell for that. But it wasn't exactly a lie. He'd been annoyed for a month now on the seeing Tyson again. He couldn't wait to see Max, much less, NOT see Tyson, but mostly, he couldn't wait to see Rei.
Everytime he thought of Rei, he tried training for an hour or two, but that just made things worse. At every move he made, he could think of a counter attack from Rei. He was distraught, and in a way, mildly confused.
And now, just hours before he and Rei landed, Kai sat there, emotionless, thoughtless, and disoriented.

Tyson was jumping around with the obviously sugar high Max.
The blond had WAY too much sugar in his system. "Weeeeeeell, there's no time to stop her now!" Max was singing "Bloody Mary" by the Living End, a punk band he'd receintly gotten into, curtisy of a few of his classmates. "Maaaaaaary's gonna get her way soooomehow!Some hoooooow! Maaaary. Maaaary! You'll die toniiiight! Niiiight! Niiiight!"
Tyson tackled the blond anxiously. "Stop it! I know a story about Bloody Mary!" he exclaimed proudly. "And I'm gonna try an urban legend on you, Rei, and Kai!"
"Mersy! Mersymersymersy! Get OFF, Tyson!" The smallest blader of the Bladebreakers was completely crushed under Tyson's body. "I gotta breathe!"
Tyson got up, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Heh, Sorry, Maxi...forgot you were so small."
The next thing Tyson knew, his back squarly hit the ground. Max had tackled him in revenge. It's not like Max was overly strong physically, it just took the black maned teen by suprise.
The blond took pleasur in actually getting Tyson to the ground. Tyson was bigger then he, and this was the first, and most likely last time, he'd ever have Tyson eating dirt. "Cry uncle!"
"Don't need too!" Tyson suddenly sat up, throwing Max off. he then pinned the smaller teen beneath him. "YOU cry uncle."
Max smiled, saying, "Nope!" He then screamed, "RAPE!" just in spite of bordom.
Tyson felt a sharp whack on the head, and when he turned around to see who he was going to have to pulverize, he saw Rei smiling, Kai beside him with his usual scowl. "So you ARE hentai, ne?" Rei teased. "Never thought I'd see the day you would finally crack."
Tyson stood up. "Yeah, yeah, you just wait...I'll get you back, Neko-boy. You just wait..."
"Wattre you gonna do, Ty?" Max asked teasingly. "Rape us all?" He narrowly dodged a punch from Tyson, laughing hysterically.
"Keep it up, blondie!" Tyson warned, yet half challenged. "You just keep it up and I'll give you something to yell 'rape' about!"
"Oooooo!" Max squealed. "Firey, Ty-Chan?"
"Aw, back off, Max," Rei said quietly. "After all, Kai-sama and I aren't exactly in the mood to here you two argue. Tease him later, ne?"
Max's nose scrunched slightly in mid-giggle. "Okay, Rei. But only cause you told me to." He smiled, and followed as the Neko-Jin walked inside. That left Tyson and Kai...alone. (An: I don't know if that's good or bad...O.o)
Tyson looked at Kai shyly. the tallest blader DID look a little worn out, and even a little paler than usual. "...You know," Tyson began, "If you're tired, you can use my bedroom, if you want."
Kai looked at Tyson awkwardly, unsuccessfully raising a brow. "And...what if I don't want to?" he asked. The Russian leaned against the wall sleepily, closing his auborn eyes slowly, as though not wanting to sleep, especially knowing Rei was just beyond the doorway. The truth was, he could just picture, and yet not, himself falling asleep against the wall, falling, and Rei catching him gently. Half of him wanted that to happen, but half didn't. Half of him wanted to frack Rei, and the other wanted to have nothing to do with him. The mis-match of feelings was slightly confusing. He suddenly felt himself get hot in the face. He didn't know if it was the summer heat killing him, or the fact that he knew Rei was only steps away. It wasn't the first time he'd been this close to Rei-no, he'd been closer. Rei had been the first member he'd met. they were so much alike. It had been Rei in everything. He'd felt the heat then, back in the cold. And he felt it now; he knew what it was. He swallowed as he felt his mouth get dry real suddenly.
Kai opened his eyes, and found a pair of amber eyes staring at him. "...Yes, Rei?"
Rei smiled. "C'mon. Let's get some sleep." He pulled Kai to his feet lazily.
Kai stumbled back wards in a head rush. He was disoriented and blind for a moment, and ran into a warm body that let out a small gasp in which he labeled as Tyson's. After regaining his balance, he heard Max say, "He's already been asleep for ten minutes! Why does he need more?" Kai wanted to tell Max to shut up, but he ended up yawning instead and settled with that.
"Because he's our team captain, and he got less sleep than I did, that's why," Rei said matterof factly. "And as the oldest member of the group, as well as the one in charge, he needs sleep." He smiled at Max, and lead Kai inside, sitting him down in the corner, where Kai usually was. "You okay, Kai-sama? You're kinda red...and hot...and sweaty."
Boy, Kai thought, Aren't you pointing out the obvious, Rei? Aren't you a modern day Sherlock? He swallowed, and nodded. "I'm fine, Rei..." he said at length. "But you should rest too. Don't worry too much."
Rei gave Kai a quizzical look, but only nodded. "Yeah, okay. I hope you-WILL YOU SHUT UP OUT THERE?!" he suddenly yelled.
It was then that Kai heard Max singing at the top of his lungs. "Won't someone just kill me? Let me out of my misery! I'm making deals with god, I'll do anything! Make it stop please! Make it stop please! Make it stop please! Make it stop please!" Max let out a loud whoop of laughter as he stuck his head in. "Sorry, Rei! We're having way too much fun out here!"
"So I can tell," Rei muttered to the blond as he walked over to the door. "But, as i've said before, Kai and I haven't had any sleep, and we kinda need it."
Max nodded. "Yeah, okay. We get it, Rei. We'll quiet down." He gave an innocent grin before skipping off toward Tyson, and the new arrival of Kenny and Hillary.
Rei snorted, choking back a small laugh. He opened his mouth to say something to Kai, when Max started singing again.
"I've got the worst hangover Ever! I'm crawlin to the bathroom again! It hurts so bad that I'm never gonna drink again! I'll probably never drink again! I may never drink again! At least not til next weekend! I'm never gonna drink again!" His song was joined by cheers, clapping, and laughter.
"Shut the frack up!"
Max, Hillary, Tyson, and Kenny looked at the doorway. Rei was looking at Kai, who was standing up and in the doorway, even more flushed then he had been earlier, and his breaths were starting to come in short, painful gasps. He was doused in sweat, his legs felt weak and shaky, and he didn't know why.
"...Kai-sama?" Rei asked, breaking the awkward silence in the courtyard. "Kai, go inside and rest. It's alright, I can handle this-"
"if you could handle it, why haven't they shut up then?!" Kai countered.
Kai's outburst made Rei jump slightly. He'd half expected Kai to yell about the noise, but he'd also expected Kai to thank him for at least TRYING to quiet them. He scowled, more out of anguish than fury. His voice cracked, and tears sprang to his dark eyes as he retaliated. "Fine!" he yelled in Kai's face. "Fine then! If you think you can do any better, go ahead! Damn Russian!" He stomped his foot roughly, tears splashing all down his face, and walked inside, and into the kitchen.
"...Rei?" Kai watched Rei leave in silence. Half of him was slightly upset, and the other half didn't really care. He felt somewhat guilty, but it couldn't be helped. He glared his normal death-glare at the others for a moment, as though sayng "Shut up", and walked inside.
Rei, now in the kitchen, slammed his fist into the fridge angrilly. "I yelled at Kai!" He choked. "You baka-neko! You know better! Baka!" He suddenly realized that the tears wouldn't stop flowing, almost as if he were a leaky faucet. He laughed, thinking of a comment Tyson would probably say: "AW! You're eyes are wet! Did the shower spring a leak?" He wiped his face on the back of his hand calmly, finding it easier to quiet himself now. It wasn't his fault that Kai was being a bastard. It was Kai's own fault. He sat down at the table, laying his head on his arms calmly. The position wasn't exactly comfertable, but it did make him feel a little better. He heard footsteps echo down the hall, and he tried to greet the newcomer, but yawned and fell asleep.
Kai looked at Rei, asleep in the chair. he doesn't look to comfertable...he thought dryly, his expression sofening slightly. He could see where tears had once dwelled on Rei's cheeks, leaving shadows and tangled trails down the Neko-jin's face. "...Gomen...Rei-chan..." he whispered, the words sounding strange, to strange to even be coming from his mouth. He blinked at this new feeling; a feeling of calmness and serenity, silence and purity, although his thoughts were anything BUT pure. The corners of his mouth perked slightly, knowing that it was for Rei. That his heart was pounding for Rei. He moaned at how pathetic he felt, and probably sounded. "Gah...I sound like such an idiot..." he sweatdropped, then looked at Rei again. He began to wonder what would happen if he kissed rei on the head, or maybe cheek...

Kai calmly walked over, wrapping his arms around Rei's shoulders. "Gomen,"he whispered in the Neko-jin's ear.
The raven haired bladermoaned slightly, a smirk appering on his face, along with a trace of crimson across his already tanned cheeks. "Honestly?" he asked opening one eye to Kai.
Kai smiled, his face becoming doused in pink as the blood rushed to his face. "Really..." And just to prove it, he pulled Rei's upper body up against the chair's back, and licked along rei's neck, nipping it lovingly occationally. Moans emitted from Rei's throat, sounding uncertain on how to react.
"K...Kai..."he half-gasped. He had closed his eyes when Kai had started this love-fest, and he opened them at the sudden withdrawl of touch. Kai had crossed to infront of rei, a look of pure lust on his face. "...K...Kai?" rei's voice sounded weak, kinda nervous and scared, but he wasn't. He'd longed for this since the begining.
Kai sat on Rei's lap, making the chinese moan at the new contact of his @$$ upon Rei's legs. A suductive smirk crossed his face, and he suddenly wanted a whip, or maybe handcuffs. "Is it enough, Rei-chan?" he asked sexilly, "Or would you like more?"
"...frack..." Rei managed to gasp. "frack it..."
Kai's hands found themselves by Rei's crotch, and he replied, "Fine then. But our room, k?" He grabbed Rei's groin to seal the deal.
Rei let out a loud gasp, partialy from shock, and partially form enjoyment. "KAI!"

Kai shook his head violently, his face, even the blue triangles, a bright red. he then realized he was right behind Rei's chair, ready to do what he'd imagianed. He slapped himself with a loud SMACK! He now knew he was awake. He was panting like crazy. He gently reached out to the blader, touching his shoulder. A strange feeling rushed through him, like a new blood. He suddenly found it hard to breathe. He almost thought he couldn't. "...R...Rei?"
Rei's head snapped up, to the point that if Kai's head had been there, it probably would have broken Kai's nose. He blinked a few times before looking at kai. He blushed and sweatdropped. Why is he looking at me like that?! Was I snoring again?! GAH! Not in front of Kai! Anyone but Kai! "uh...yes?"
Kai opened his mouth to say something when Max came running down the hall.
"Hey, Rei!" the blond half-yelled. "Tyson's got a Weird Al CD! I want you to hear this song!"He smiled at kai, as though saying, "Sorry for the interuption!"
Rei smiled. "Yeah! Sure Max!" He jumped up, running after the blond, turning to face kai for a moment. His face had a cute, innocent look to them. "Why don't you come join us, Kai-sama?"
Kai blushed, hearing Rei give him a formal, respective address. It wasn't the first time, but for some reason, this time embarassed him. "I'll...join you in a minute..."
rei nodded. "See you in a while, Kai-sama!" He ran after the blond excitedly.
Kai sat in the chair Rei once inhabited. He relished the warmth for a moment. He then sighed. Why do I feel this way? What is this? And if anything, Why now? He sighed again, closing his eyes. Why me? I never used to get flustered around rei, but now...Now he's taller, more muscular, older...more sexy...He slapped himself again. Damn these thoughts of rei! Damn them to hell!He beat his fist on the table. He stared at the floor. I told him I'd join him...Might as well get up...Slowly, almost reluctantly, Kai stood up, and started to leave the kitchen. Walking down the hall, he could hear the chorus of laughter from the gang. He smiled inwardly. Then he heard Tyson refrence him.
"Guyguysguys! Listen this part reminds me of Kai!" Since the song was talking about the horoscopes, it said: "Sagitterious:All your friends are laughing behind your back-KILL THEM!" More laughter.
Kai stood there for a second, not sure whether he should laugh or yell at them. It seemed like laughing was one of those things he'd forgotten at a young age, along with crying and appoligizing. He hadn't laughed in so long. Oh, maybe a chuckle here or there, but never a pure-laughing-so-hard-you'll-split-your-sides laugh. He'd forgotten that feeling long ago...what seemed like an eternity...
kai snapped out of his thoughts, and found Rei standing before him.
"How...How long have you been here?" Rei asked, almost scared to ask it seemed. He looked appoligetic, as though he knew Kai had heard the Sagitterious thing.
Kai just glared. "Don't ever talk about me behind my back..."he growled. And with that, he stormed off to the kitchen once more.
"Wait, Kai, I-" Rei looked down sadly. I did it AGAIN! I made him mad again. but this time wasn't my fault! What was I supposed to do? he sighed. "Guys, Kai's mad again."
"He's always mad,"tyson commented. "He always seems to have something up his @$$."
"That's...not what i meant," the raven haired blader said at length.
the newYorker stared at Rei for a moment. "...OH!" His sudden outburst toppled Tyson over. "I get it! You think it's your fault that Kai's mad, just like last time! And you feel guilty! But wait..." Max thought about it for a minute. "Wait, you never felt guilty about it before, so..." The blond's eyes went wide. "Rei! You like-MMF!"
Hillary slapped her hand over Max's mouth. "Will you shut up?! Kai is right in the kitchen, he could probably hear you!"
Max smiled appoligeticly. "Sorry sorry. Why don't you go talk to him?" he asked Rei.
Rei looked down, slightly embarassed. "I couldn't. I'd get all nervous and stammery and...well, I just couldn't!"
"just tell him you're sorry, that you scolded Tyson, and ask him how we can smooth the whole thing over,"Kenny replied, typeing somethings up. "If you have to, Bey Battle him to cool him off. You know how Kai is."
Rei sighed, scratching his neck uncertainly. "Well...I dunno. Kai sounded like he was REALLY mad at me..." Then again, he always sounds mad,he thought. "I'll go. Be back in a few."
When Rei got to the kitchen Kai was sitting at the table with a cup of tea, his back towards the door. rei didn't even need to open his mouth to announce his entrence; Kai already knew. "What, Rei?" he growled.
Swallowing, rei asked, "mind if I join you?" Kai gave a "hn." Rei knew he didn't care. That was just Kai's way of saying "it doesn't matter." Rei smiled, got himself a cup of tea, and sat across from Kai. They sat in silence for quite some time. That is, until Kai spoke up.
"So it's true then."
"huh?" rei looked up from his tea at Kai. "What is?"
"All my friends are laughing behind my back..." He looked up at Rei.
Rei blinked, then looked away, trying to hide the blush starting to appear on his face. "L-Look, we're sorry. I scolded Tyson for it. So..." He looked at Kai again. "what do I have to do to smooth it over? I'll do anything. I'll Bey battle you, I'll do laundry, I'll do ANYTHING!"
Kai thought about it for a moment. A Bey battle sounded good...But something kept tugging at him in the back of his mind. "Well..."he began at length.
"C'mon kai, I'll do anything,"rei pleaded.
"Well, then c'mere, dammit,"Kai growled, trying to hold a blush at bay. He pointed in front of him. "c'mere!"
Rei scrambled in front of Kai. "okay..."
Kai looked into those amber eyes, the ones that caused him so much pain and confusion. He couldn't hold it back any longer. He pressed his lips to rei's in a chaste kiss.
Rei's eyes went slightly wide. But this was something he wanted. And he always seemed to get what he wanted. He smiled into the kiss, giggling slightly.
Kai pulled back, taking a good long look at Rei's face.
Rei looked as though he'd strayed out of a dream. He had a goofy grin on his face, and a blush all over. He gave gave a small "heh".
"And daddy, they took my boot!"
Kai and rei blinked, and looked to the doorway. The rest of the gang had been watching them. Tyson looked dumbstruck, Max and hillary were smiling, and Kenny was all a blush. It was the chinese's and russian's turn to blush. "Get out!" they yelled. Kai ran after the gang, who'd ran at the russian's yell. Rei still stood there, a smile playing on his face. Well, what a turn of events...
Final thoughts: Done! What do y'all think? Any good for my first fic? I hope so! reveiw please. Flames will be used to make hamburgers for Maxie(YAY! ^.^).


Comments (6)

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Crazy_Neko_Hiruka on January 11, 2006, 5:53:31 AM

Crazy_Neko_Hiruka on
Crazy_Neko_HirukaI liked it...ALOT! Is it a one chapter thing? I hope not. mew
das vedania, Hiruka =^_^=

raysbabygal on November 19, 2005, 1:47:40 AM

raysbabygal on
raysbabygalOMG!! i should have read this story sooner! its great! to bad my sxy lover Rei is gay...*sniff sniff* lol !!!!!great story!

Riku-kitty on June 14, 2005, 4:26:28 PM

Riku-kitty on
Riku-kittyI want more.....^^ Pwease....O.o how could you say you didn't like it? Well if it says yoai and you hate yoai? WHY READ THE YAOI!? Jeeze is it that hard to figure out? ....Yes wright more I want more...

yami_is_mine on June 11, 2005, 5:13:59 AM

yami_is_mine on
yami_is_minegreat jod i only pueked 50 times
is there more

kiya on March 30, 2005, 2:25:00 AM

kiya on
kiyaOh my god! This is so cool! You have to do another one, only give Kai and Rei what they want, that'll be good. I'm too scared to write a fan fic for Kai and Rei because WolfBlue will seriously kick my @$$!! I love ReixKai pairing though, it's the best!

sakura_aka_OOC on March 17, 2005, 9:02:17 AM

sakura_aka_OOC on
sakura_aka_OOCyay first comment! this story was awsome! i loved it!!! it was great for a first fan fic!!!