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Chapter 1 - A Artificial Human Named Mariah

This is my story for my OC Mariah, the summeary is inside.

Chapter 1 - A Artificial Human Named Mariah

Chapter 1 - A Artificial Human Named Mariah
Summary: Edward thought all homunculi/homunculus were blood thirsty creatures… that was until he met a little girl that resembled Envy. She had no name, no family, or no acknowledge of what she did. Now Edward and Alphonse have to be her guardians and take care of her...that is unless her past gets in the way along with the homunculi.’
“COLONEL MUSTANG THERE’S A CREATURE OUTSIDE WRECKING HAVOC OUTSIDE!!!!!” said Riza Hawkeye, as she busted inside Roy’s office. Roy looked shocked and could only find the words to say, “What?!”


A small girl who only looked like she was either eight or nine prowled around HQ, she had millions of soilders dead bodies around her along with THEIR blood covered on her legs and arms. “She’s almost indestructible!” one of the soliders said, until his eyes widened realizing that the child had just stabbed him in the heart with her hand transformed into a blade.

“What the hell is that thing?!” asked Roy, amazed at that creature. “It only looks like it’s a little girl Colonel and she’s nearly indestructible!!” Riza explained. Roy looked horrified at all the blood around her just when the child got close enough Roy noticed a mark on her thigh.

“She’s an artificial human?!!?!?!” Roy thought, in horror.
~A week later~

“Fullmetal I bet you’re wondering why I called you and your brother here,” said Roy, sitting down at his desk. “Let me guess, is it to do your paperwork?” asked Edward, sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. “No, a few weeks ago after you to left for an automail check a creature attacked HQ,” Roy began.

“What kind of creature?” asked Alphonse, looking like he was the only one interested in what Roy had to say. “…Fullmetal, Alphonse, I know this may be shocking but I think it was a homunculi…” said Roy, not even bothering to look at the shocked face of Edward.
Roy: I know it may seem strange but I honestly think it was one, it had it’s tattoo on it’s left thigh, before anybody killed it something strange happened

The young girl looked down at the blood and looked fearful as she saw Roy about to snap his fingers at her, almost debating if he had to kill a little girl. “Excuse me but happened her?” she questioned, sounding nervous.

”I couldn’t even almost bare to look since it killed so many people like it was nothing,” Roy explained. “SO YOU LET IT GO!?!?!?!?!?!” Edward screamed, in anger. “Of course not, we locked it up in a cell maybe you should take a look,” said Roy.

Just when Ed was about to make a comment about what Roy said Roy explained quickly, “It’s tied up with chains hands and feet too, go check it out for yourself.”


“Nii-san you seem anxious to go see this homunculi,” said Alphonse, fallowing Edward to the cell. “Well Al I’ve been thinking about it, remember what happened in Lab 7?” asked Ed. “How can I not forget?” asked Al.

“Well, I’m just wondering which homunculus it is. It might be that one named Envy and we just might find out what makes them tick,” Ed answered, ticking out the key Roy had given them and opening up the cell. “Well Al here goes nothing…” said Ed, not helping but to smirk.


”H-huh?” a small girl asked, lightly opening up her violet eyes trying to adjusted to the ‘new’ light. “Wait a minute…is this Envy?!” asked Ed, with wide eyes looking at the small girl. She had long green hair that looked black, violet eyes, pale skin, and looked scared half-to-death.

”W-who are you?” she questioned, squirming around trying to get out the chains that were holding her down. “The real question who are you?” asked Edward, noticing that it didn’t sound like Envy either. Instead it sounded like a young girl’s voice.

“I…I…” she began, as tears began watering in her eyes. “Huh?” asked Edward, confused about what the young child was about to do until both Ed and Al got their answer by a loud wailing voice. “Damn Al, looks like we have a disappointment,” said Ed, in depression.

“What should we do? She looks like she’s just a little kid,” said Al, worried about her. “We can’t help her Al! she’s-she’s-a homunculus!!!” said Ed. “Wh-what’s a homunculus?” she questioned, in a whimpering tone.

“Nii-san just look at her, she doesn’t look like a psychopath!” said Al. Ed sighed and said, “Little girl, what’s your name?” she gave Ed a questioning look. “Crap!” thought Ed, in anger.

“What are you saying?!” Roy questioned, in anger. “I’m saying that you need to un-cuff that little kid, she doesn’t even know her own name!” said Edward. “It’s true, she looks hungry and scared she’s only a little kid,” said Al, looking worried.

”And who do you suppose is going to take of her?” asked Roy. “Well it’s not like we can, I mean I’m always on the road and how the hell am I suppose to be a ‘father’?!” Edward questioned. “True, you are a bit too young for parenthood,” said Roy.

”WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO YOUNG THEY’LL NEVER REACH ADULTHOOD!?” screamed Edward. “He didn’t say that nii-san,” said Al. “Well don’t just keep her locked up forever!” Ed ordered.

“Ed even if I did know what to do with the child I would keep her locked away, she has no home, no family, no name and even if she was adopted the other children would treat her like a freak.” Roy explained. “Fullmetal, Colonel Mustang, excuse me to interrupt but maybe it would be better if you and your brother take care of her.” Riza spoke up.

Edward and Alphonse both looked shocked and Ed said, “But we’re always on the road never in one place!!” “Then maybe it’s best for you to stay in Rizumbul for a while…” Roy said. “WHAT?!!? YOU WANT ME AND AL TO TAKE CARE OF HER?!!?!?” screamed Ed, in shock and horror. “Well it would be best,” said Riza.

Ed looked down wondering if that was the right choice and said, “Alright then…we’ll do it…only for a month though!”


“COME BACK HERE I’M NOT GONNA HURT YOU!!!!!!!” screamed Edward, chasing after the girl in the cell.

“Heeelllloooo, you still in here kid?” asked Edward, stepping inside with Alphonse by his side. “The colonel said that he had un-chained her but left her in the cage nii-san,” Al explained, until he saw her shaking/shivering in the corner of the cell like she was about to ‘die.’ “Hey there you are! Listen my names Edward Elric and this is my little brother Alphonse Elric, we’re going to be taking care of you for a while,” said Ed, walking up to the smaller child.

“Okay?” Ed questioned, as he held out his hand to her. She only looked and did the only thing she could to run away from him when she saw part of his automail arm.

Edward widely grinned as he confronted her back and said, “Gotcha!” until she jumped out of Edward’s wide open arms that were about to grab her and Edward fell down flat on his face. “Damn it…that girl is quick!” he grumbled. “Let me try nii-san,” said Al, walking up to the frightened girl.

“Listen, it’s okay we won’t hurt you my nii-san’s arm is automail because of a…reason he’s not a freak if that’s what you think,” said Al. “Auto…mail…?” she said, slowly. “See nii-san! She can talk!!” said Al, sounding happy.

“Ugh…Al just bring the girl along with us outside this cell so we can get out of here,” Edward ordered. “But nii-san…” Al began. “What?” Ed questioned.

”She can’t go out looking like this,” said Al, pointing to her since she was just practically wearing torn clothes and her hair was sticking out…like a palm tree. Edward stared at her thinking of the accident in Lab 7 with the homunculus Lust, Gluttony, and Envy.

“Do you have any idea who your messing with, HUH?!” Envy questioned, before kicking Edward again.

“Nii-san what are you staring at?” asked Alphonse, sounding a bit worried. “Hm…it’s nothing!!!” said Edward, taking his glance off of her. “We’ll…we’ll find something for her to wear…maybe Mustang has something,” Edward said, walking off.

“Don’t worry he’s nice,” said Alphonse, patting her on the head before they fallowed suit.


“She sure doesn’t talk much does she nii-san?” asked Alphonse. “No,” said Edward, sounding a bit moody. “Is something wrong?” asked Alphonse. Edward suddenly bust opened Roy’s office door calling out, “HEY MUSTANG WE’VE GOT THE GIRL!!” she suddenly whimpered and hid behind Alphonse when she saw Roy walk up to her.

“Yep that’s the girl alright,” said Roy, not exactly forgetting what had happened a week ago. “Fullmetal, buy the girl some clothes she can’t go around wearing rags now can she?” asked Roy. “Sure…” Ed muttered, growling slightly.

“Unless your too young to handle the responsibility,” said Roy. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING-“ Ed began, until Al said, “Nii-san calm down…besides I said the same thing,” “What’s your name little girl?” asked Roy, touching her head only having her jerk away. “She doesn’t have one,” Ed explained.

“Well, why don’t you give her one?” asked Roy. “WHAT?!?!” screamed Ed, in shock. “I mean, she can’t be a freak walking around without a name,” said Roy, smirking slightly.

“Fine then…” said Ed, looking down at her trying to decide a name. “But why can’t she name herself? Can’t she talk?!” asked Ed. “Nii-san! She’s afraid of us!!” said Al.

Ed frowned and questioned, “How about…well I don’t want to name her…Leslie?” the girl cringed and hid behind Al more. “Looks like she doesn’t like it,” said Al, looking like he was about to giggle. “Well, you two decide something and here…” said Roy, picking something off of a dresser.

The girl’s eyes widened in excitement as she looked at it, it was a long black shirt that could possibly cover her arms and fingers and some pants that were also black. “Just think of it as a gift from me to you,” said Roy, handing Ed the clothes. “These are…for her?!” asked Ed.

Roy nodded and said, “I went shopping a little while back after you went to go pick up the girl from her cell,” Ed, Al, and Roy suddenly heard some soft giggling that was coming from her. “You like these clothes?” asked Roy, a bit happy. She nodded and Ed said, “Go on and change into them, there’s a restroom down the hall. We’ll go get you incase you get lost,” she nodded eagerly and took off running down the hall with a smile on her face.

“What a strange child,” Roy thought, seeing she clearly wasn’t a human. Edward only sighed and said, “I’m going to wait for the kid to come out of the restroom so then we can just hop on the train to Rizumbul,” “Fine with me,” said Roy. “Nii-san is just a bit worried because the girl resembles Envy and he might think she might be Envy in disguise,” said Al.

“Well, that is a good point…I’ll be checking up on you just in case we find something out,” said Roy.


Edward groaned not getting that damn Envy out of his head, he just couldn’t help but to think of him and the others whenever he looked at the girl. Ed only sighed and rested his head against the wall remembering a song his mother use to sing him and Al when they were younger.

Edward took a deep breath and sung as much as he could remember from his childhood;

Out here they got a name for rain
For wind and fire only
But when you’re lost and all alone
There ain’t no word but lonely
And I’m a lost and lonely man
Without a star to guide me
Maria blow my love to me
I need my girl beside me
They call the wind Maria

“Hm?” the girl thought, as she poked her head out the restroom door and saw Edward with his eyes closed singing. “Ma…Mariah is a pretty name,” she said, scaring Ed. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT?!?!!?!?” he screamed, frightening her.

“I-I’m sorry…” she said, looking down. “Um, it’s okay,” said Edward, suddenly placing a palm on her head making her look confused. “So…your going to be m-my guardian huh?” she questioned.

“Yeah, your going to be with me for a while is that a problem?” asked Ed, looking at her and also feeling a bit weird that she was barely talking at him at first and now speaking. She warped her hands behind her back and said, “N-no, I don’t mind…not one bit.” “Okay then,” said Ed, lightly smiling at her.

“Oh…I-I’m also sorry for running away from you the first time y-you just looked kinda sc-scary,” she said. “Me?! Scary?! Don’t be ridiculous!!” Edward laughed. “Y-yeah you like kind of too young to be scary,” she explained.

Edward’s eye twitched and muttered, “WHAT…” until he realized she looked scared again. “I mean, sorry about that…little…outburst no hard feelings right?” he questioned. “Ri-right,” she explained, as she and Ed walked off.

“So do you have a name or what?” questioned Ed. “N-not that I know of, nobody ever called me anything,” she explained. “Hey, didn’t you say you liked the ‘Mariah’?” asked Ed, with a grin.

She nodded and asked, “Who is she?” Ed suddenly laughed and said, “Mariah is nobody! it’s a song my mom use to sing to me and my brother when I was younger!! The song is basically saying that they call the wind Mariah,” she nodded and Ed suddenly smiled. “You know, since you don’t have a name…and you like the name Mariah…why don’t you use the name Mariah for yourself?” questioned Ed. “M-me?” she asked, taken back by the question.

“It’s pronounced Ma rye ah,” said Ed, with a smile. She nodded and said, “I…I like that name a lot,” Al lightly smiled and thought, “Looks like nii-san has developed a friendship with her,” “Hey Al! this is our new little sister Mariah,” said Ed, pointing down to Mariah who was blushing like crazy that her pale skin was red. “So you finally have a name huh?” asked Al, patting his ‘new little sister’ on the head.

Mariah nodded and Edward grinned and said, “Well come on let’s go catch the train to Rizumbul before it leaves!” “Rizumbul?” she questioned. “It’s where our friend Winry lives, we’re going to take care of you there,” said Al. “Oh…okay,” Mariah said, as she closely fallowed her ‘brothers’ outside HQ.

“Hopefully this will turn out more then a month for me and nii-san,” thought Al, hoping it would be true. Even though he and Ed both knew that she wasn’t exactly human.


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