Submitted April 20, 2006 Updated April 20, 2006 Status Incomplete | I can`t say anything, cause you never know with roleplays ^_^
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Submitted: April 20, 2006 • Updated: April 20, 2006
Word count: 79 • Size: <1k • Comments: 74 • views: 1240
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Anikue123 on October 30, 2007, 5:58:49 AM
Anikue123 on (Chapter: index)

Anikue123 on October 30, 2007, 5:58:25 AM
Anikue123 on (Chapter: 1)
TailsFanatic on March 29, 2007, 1:09:14 PM
TailsFanatic on (Chapter: 1)

Shadow:Who's there?
Ryu:Who-who are you?
???:Hallo!My name is Jenny,Jenny the cat!:D
Jenny:Who are you looking for?If you need to find someone?leave it to me.
Skye:We need to trust you first.
Jenny:Well, I'm Shadow's blood sister.
Skye:Really Shadow?
Jenny:Well, lets goooo!!!
DaWolff on June 10, 2006, 5:28:42 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: index)
DaWolff on May 20, 2006, 7:50:44 PM
DaWolff on (Chapter: index)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 17, 2006, 3:23:57 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 17, 2006, 10:45:12 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

vanilla_cream_girl on May 16, 2006, 11:11:51 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)

Rikku_Mogonei on May 15, 2006, 10:31:43 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

DaWolff on May 15, 2006, 4:40:08 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 14, 2006, 1:06:26 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

I didn`t know if I was ready to fight her yet. Maybe I wouldn`t have to find out. But I knew why she was here.
"Give me the boy.",said Mirage, holding out an arm to (*probably*) jerk him up with. "I`d rather burn in the pits of hell!",I said. Ryu was walking up toward her. "I`m not afwaid of you!",he said,raising his tiny fist up. I rolled my eyes, and sat him behind me. "I`m telling you now.....give me the boy,or die.",said Mirage. "Blood runs thicker than water.....",I told her,"Not that you would know, abandoning us like you did." She looked sort of...amused. I hated that. She laughed. "Abandoned? Hardly! It was your stupid parents that abandoned`r 'fearless' father must have been a magician,he disapeared when he heard the word 'commitment'.I`ll bet you-" "Shut up!",yelled Ryu,close to tears. "How dare you interupt me,you snot-nosed brat!",yelled Mirage,coming toward us. No way. Not with me here. I blocked her with my katana, jerked it up, and made a scar across her face,blood falling across her face and the ground. "Mom always said you had the looks..... but now all I see is a scarred demon.",I smirked, laughing to myself as the blood shined in a pale light. Should I kill her now? Or let her suffer?
Fargmaster on May 12, 2006, 8:24:25 PM
Fargmaster on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on May 12, 2006, 6:35:47 PM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 12, 2006, 6:34:16 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 12, 2006, 10:54:24 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 12, 2006, 10:49:25 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

"That`s great,now if you excuse me..." I dashed off. Where on Earth was I going!? Then I felt the familiar chill. Mirage was close by. Well,she had been here anyway. She was moving much too fast. I could see flashes of her, here and there...but I knew she was further up than that. But that`s not who I was worried about. I headed toward a cave. Mirage musn`t go there.... I carefully walked inside. "Sis? Nico?",a small voice asked me. I sighed. "Yes,Ryu,its me...",I said, pulling him to me, and ruffling his hair. He had a worried look on his face. "Is she coming?",he asked. I looked at him with pure concern. "I don`t know.....that`s why I came here...",I said.
You see, Ryu is my little brother. Why isn`t he in a house? Because,a house is too obvious. Mirage would surely find him and kill him. So he`s here for his own protection.
The candles all around us gave a nice glow. It made this once-dark pit sort of like home. "Hey,sis, guess what I found today??",asked Ryu,looking up at me with a huge grin. "I don`t know,why don`t you show me?",I asked,smiling. He was showing me a frog when the candles all flicked out. "Ah,so sweet,sorry to ruin this reunion... oh wait,I`m not sorry..." A cruel voice filled the room. Mirage....
vanilla_cream_girl on May 12, 2006, 9:58:38 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on May 12, 2006, 4:21:47 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 9, 2006, 12:01:20 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 8, 2006, 11:29:17 PM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 8, 2006, 1:25:19 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 8, 2006, 8:41:46 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on May 7, 2006, 11:41:32 PM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 6, 2006, 10:29:00 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 5, 2006, 10:32:30 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

DaWolff on May 5, 2006, 10:26:30 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 5, 2006, 10:13:21 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

"YOU AREN`T GONNA TOUCH HIM,YOU HAS-BEEN!",I yelled at Shadow, hitting him with the flat side of my katana. I went basically into a rage that had been building up for a while,and poor Shadow was the center of it all. At least he only got a scratch and a bruise.... You should`ve seen the last victim...
DaWolff on May 5, 2006, 10:11:05 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 5, 2006, 9:50:07 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

"Anyway...",I said quietly,trying to keep a calm attitude,"What are we going to do? Fight,or try to figure out what to do?" The only reply I got from Shadow was a "Hmph." Again,what was his prob!? Everyone else was quiet. "Okay,I can see we`re not all going to get along,so.....Eddin, Shadow, you`ll be team leaders,we`ll all split up for a while.... Let everyone chillax...(*chill and relax*)...So....what`ll it be,boys?",I asked.
DaWolff on May 5, 2006, 9:35:46 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

"Hey... if it ain't Shadow?" I said while sitting on my bed.
"Well, if it isn't Ed, the fool of pants?"
"Whaddoya mean? I rather wear big pants then wear no clothes at all! Hey wait... I see... ya don't have a penis!" I was pissing him off.
"Well who has no musc..."
"BOYS! STOP IT!" Nico and Skye jumped i nbetween of us just when Shad was loading a hit.
"Yeah! Stupid boys! Always fighting!" Alex yelled at the background.
There was a big silence and grasshopper voices.
"Alex, you's a boy, right?" Skye axed.
"0h yea... forgot 'bout that." He replied.
Rikku_Mogonei on May 5, 2006, 9:22:24 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on May 5, 2006, 9:19:11 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 5, 2006, 12:25:02 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 5, 2006, 12:03:36 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 4, 2006, 9:08:53 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)

Rikku_Mogonei on May 4, 2006, 10:47:00 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 2, 2006, 12:00:08 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 1, 2006, 11:29:40 PM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on May 1, 2006, 10:16:16 PM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on May 1, 2006, 9:44:01 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on May 1, 2006, 6:11:54 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on April 30, 2006, 7:19:06 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 30, 2006, 9:51:59 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

I crossed my arms. "Do you think he`s ok?",asked Skye. "If I know Ed,I`m sure he`s fine...",replied Alex. I shut my eyes. I didn`t want to think about him more than I already was. Then I saw something speeding towards us......So I glomped it. "WOLFIE!" I giggled,and had a smile more than a mile long. ^_^
DaWolff on April 30, 2006, 5:41:12 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

"Are you awake?" she asked. "Do I like like sleepin'?" I replied sarcastically. "Well, a bit. Does it hurt?" "Being awake?" "No, your chest!"
"Oh... hehe. Yes it does." I understood.
"Do you remember what happened?" She asked me.
"They didn't tell??"
"Who THEY??"
"My friends who got me here!"
"There was nobody there when we found you."
I suddendly stood up. "Alex, Nico, Skye!!" I said on a creepy voice: "Rrrrobin..." Then i took off at high speed.
"What happened??" a male doctor came in. "He just said some names and left... whoa... What a speed!" the nurse awnsered.
Fargmaster on April 30, 2006, 12:36:21 AM
Fargmaster on (Chapter: 1)

vanilla_cream_girl on April 29, 2006, 1:15:34 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 29, 2006, 12:56:45 PM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
vanilla_cream_girl on April 29, 2006, 11:52:36 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 29, 2006, 11:20:00 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

I started tending to Wolfie`s injury with the stuff Skye gave me...the heck!? We don`t use this in Japan....not traditionally, anyway...
Oh well.......
That was strange how much it had an impact on me....
(*okie,I`m tired.....can`t think of anything to write...but I agree,its a great story so far ^__^*)
vanilla_cream_girl on April 29, 2006, 10:24:33 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)

Great story!I can't wait to see what happens next!n.n
Rikku_Mogonei on April 29, 2006, 8:57:03 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

Blood splattered on me as well.
I shoved Robin aside.
All that mattered was that Wolfie was ok.....
"Eddin,are you alright??",I asked. Then I saw the wound,and immediately started to cry. I was a little too late.
Was there anything I could do? I had to do SOMETHING...otherwise,my attempt to save him would be in vain.
I did the most I could by applying pressure to his wound... The health teacher always said that slowed the bleeding....
I knew I had to stay strong,but the tears wouldn`t stop....
DaWolff on April 29, 2006, 2:58:30 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

"No, Nico! He's too... URGH!" I was interrupted by Robin's sword, that sliced a deep scar to my chest. "ED! NO!" I heard Alex and Skye yelling.
Robin settled his sword onto my throat, ready to cut it off. "Welcome to hell, tought guy." He smiled meanly.
Then, before I could say "Toasted jellyfish (wtf)" , long katanasword tore trought Robin's chest. His dirty blood flew onto me. "Bye, but not goodbye..." he said couching blood.
vanilla_cream_girl on April 28, 2006, 8:49:53 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 28, 2006, 11:40:58 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 28, 2006, 6:42:48 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

This...this...thing was mocking me. It stopped nearly a half second in front of me,then sped off in a zigzag pattern. I closed my eyes. I had to focus on the movements MENTALLY,not physically...I would just get dizzy and become vulnerable. I listened to the way the movements pierced the air. I opened my eyes. Now.
I finally hit the real thing. Alex flew up just in time to see the (*now I could see it*) robot fall to the ground. "It was a stupid robot!?",he said. "Yeah..",I said, flipping it over. There was a very familiar marking on it...."Another one of Eggman`s schemes...It looks like his machinery is much more high-tech than it once was.",I said,"It also seems he may become yet ANOTHER problem..." I groaned. But I only stayed still for a moment. Eddin needed help...or at least,that was what I was going to give him....
I ran over to him, avoiding anything I could trip on (*that was something that didn`t need to happen twice -_-"*), and jumped up into the air, and something I didn`t even know was possible happened....Out of the flames forming around me, a long, snake-like dragon was twisting and scratching at the sky. Then it locked its cold,firey embers (*that were his eyes*) on Robin. I lost my ability to control myself. My eyes were glowing, and I spoke in a voice simular to how the dragon`s might have been if it could talk: "For you,Robin,the end is now."
DaWolff on April 28, 2006, 3:45:28 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

Alex flied for the girls while I tried to get the emerald and kept fighting Robin. I quickly kicked him in his head and ran for the Emerald. And just when i was reaching it...
BTW IS IT "flied" or "flew" sorry my no-good english. :(
vanilla_cream_girl on April 27, 2006, 1:43:22 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)

Rikku_Mogonei on April 26, 2006, 6:29:06 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

"I don`t need to worry about Wolfie until this is over!",I whispered, "Or anyone for that matter..." I blushed...that was supposed to stay in a thought bubble!! O//O
I didn`t have much time to think before a cold chill of wind went by me. "WTF??",I said quietly, scanning the area around me. It was moving fast,whatever it was. Even Robin or Eddin,or anyone for that matter, was THAT fast... I ignored it for the moment....
Then something hit me in the stomach. It moved to fast for me to see what. I concentrated on the way the wind was moving around me....finally,I focused on something,and sent my katana through it....only to hit a copy, which fell to the ground in a puddle of water. "Crap...looks like I have yet ANOTHER problem to deal with...",I groaned, casted a sorry look toward the others (*who may still need help*) and tried to kill that sick little-----
(*just guess ^__^*)
Anyway,that`s it for me! Thanks to everyone who`s helped with this! :D
Fargmaster on April 26, 2006, 3:06:49 AM
Fargmaster on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on April 25, 2006, 10:01:49 PM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

The explosion threw me at huge power to a rock. It hurt alot, but it didn't matter right now. If the Emeralds were destroyed, the world would turn to unstoppable chaos. And that ain't good, eh?
"Suprised dog-boys?" Robin smiled meanly. "Black Arms' sientist aliens made my sword ablo to create explosions!"
"Yes... I figured that out already..." I said painfully. Right before that I jumped in air, next to Alex. "Ready?" I asked. "You bet!" he replied. Before i fell back to the ground.
I fell next to Robin and kept battling him with my nails. I yelled: "NOW!!!"
In air, Alex took a number of small but powerful bombs from his pocket and threw them. I ran away from the danger-zone.
Robin tried to ran away, but too late. The bombs exploded right next to Robin... and that looked like it hurt.
"BOOOOOO-YAAAAH!! Who's yo daddy!?!" Alex yelled. "He's not dead yet, Alex. He alot smarter then he looks like." I tried to calm him down: "But I guess this emerald is safe now."
or was it... YOU DECIDE!
vanilla_cream_girl on April 25, 2006, 11:16:53 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 25, 2006, 11:06:05 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

"Its alright,it`ll go away..",I said.
Even if it wasn`t,I still wouldn`t leave Eddin and Alex by themselves.
It wasn`t my fault that that curse had been inflicted upon me....
When I was young, I had been shunned. But then,I got a gift of sorts...It let me read people`s minds just by touching them.
At first,it was ok,until I found out things I didn`t want to.
I had this bruise now. No matter what,it was here to stay...
Skye looked worried. "I`ll be fine,don`t worry!",I assured her. I got out my katana. [*I`m comin` Wolfie!
vanilla_cream_girl on April 25, 2006, 9:35:43 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 25, 2006, 6:37:36 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

vanilla_cream_girl on April 24, 2006, 10:31:26 AM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 24, 2006, 6:17:22 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on April 23, 2006, 11:03:53 PM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

over here i would like to add some of my character's abilities: Eddin can run faster than knuckles in his super speed, but not as fast as sonic. but he can jump superduper high, and he has these sharp nails.
Robin: he has this longsword (check out my pic of him) wich could cut chaos emeralds. his mission is to destroy all seven chaos emeralds with his sword, he is sent by black doom.
vanilla_cream_girl on April 23, 2006, 1:16:48 PM
vanilla_cream_girl on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 22, 2006, 7:38:23 PM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)
Rikku_Mogonei on April 22, 2006, 4:18:26 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

"Yeah,I did too.....Wha? Wolfie,where are you going!?",I said, shocked by how quickly he took off. I wanted to follow them,but I couldn`t keep up. Fire formed in my hand,like it does when I`m mad. Robin had been harassing us for a long time. It was about time someone made him pay. But then my friend ran up. I quickly extinguished the fire in my hand and turned to face her. After a few minutes,she left,so I decided to do what I could to help Wolfie and Alex.
DaWolff on April 22, 2006, 3:58:55 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on April 22, 2006, 3:32:09 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

"I don't get it..." I muttered. Alex whispered to my ear: "She's talking 'bout a CHAOS EMERALD!" "What da heck are those!?" I asked aloud. "Duh... ? If you collect all of those emeralds you can unlock unlimited power!" Alex yelled. "Maaaaybeeee he just pretends not to know what those are because he can't go SUPER...?" "What do you mean!? Of course I can go super!" I yelled upset.
Rikku_Mogonei on April 21, 2006, 6:20:54 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

I giggled and snuggled into Wolfie`s jacket. "Guys,I heard there was some sort of shiny rock thingy,you think we should go check it out?" They looked at me as if I was talking about something I was always goofing off about...What? I like shiny stuff! But today was DEFINANTLY different! "*sigh* Guys, if you didn`t skip class so much,our teacher tells us about these chaos emerald things...remember?",I asked. As if I even listened.......went, just always fell asleep.
(*Okie dokie then,NEXT! See guys,it WAS a good idea after all!*)
Fargmaster on April 21, 2006, 1:24:17 AM
Fargmaster on (Chapter: 1)
DaWolff on April 21, 2006, 1:12:03 AM
DaWolff on (Chapter: 1)

I was hanging around da school and talking woth my friend Alex the Fox. We had blah blah blah about how boring our teacher is and stuff like that. And I heard a femal voice yelling: "Wolfie!"
I sarcastically whispered for Alex: "I wonder who is it...? Who could call me Wolfie... ?"
PS. i'll call alex into this role play :D
Rikku_Mogonei on April 20, 2006, 3:27:47 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on (Chapter: 1)

I woke up with the sun shining through my window. "Nice day.", I yawned,and stood up. A few minutes later, I was heading to school. Ah yes...the place where you can meet all sorts of strange people and the food is often hostile...almost as hostile as some of the gangs wondering around. I sighed and brushed my long blonde hair back with my hand. Then I saw a familiar figure........"WOLFIE!"
(*you can write a little, you can write a lot,
the more you write,the more adds to the plot!....Mwuahaha...evil rhymes ^_^ *)