Chapter 4 - Truth Or Dare, Sweet Sixteen!
Submitted July 18, 2007 Updated August 13, 2007 Status Incomplete | Rin Travels With Inuyasha,Get's Demon Powers,A Sword! Also She Turns 16! Hooks Up With Someone You Would Not Expect! And Now Sesshoumaru Gets Jealous And Wants Her Back! What More Could Happen!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Rin |
Chapter 4 - Truth Or Dare, Sweet Sixteen!
Chapter 4 - Truth Or Dare, Sweet Sixteen!
It was a bright summer day then...
"Sit boy!",Kagome yelled.
"Ouch Kagome what was that for?",Inuyasha whined.
"That was for picking on Shippo",Kagome explained.
"Yah Inuyasha you shouldn't pick on me because you always know what happens when you do.",Shippo said.
"What did you say twerp!",Inuyasha said starting to get mad.
"Sit boy!",Kagome yelled again,"Inuyasha stop it!"
"Fine!",Inuyasha grumbled.
"Whats up with those two?",Rin asked Sango.
"Oh it's nothing Rin. Don't worry about them they just get into fights sometimes.",Sango Explained
"Oh, Ok Sango.",Rin said.
Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo come walking over to the rest of the group.
"Now thats over with who wants to play a game?",Kagome asked.
"I do, I do!",Rin yelled.
"Ok then lets play Truth Or Dare!",Kagome said.
"Whats this game Truth Or Dare Kagome?",Sango asked.
"Well Sango someone would ask the person Truth Or Dare. Then the person would have to choose one. If they chose Truth they would have answer a question truthfully and if they chose dare they have to do a dare that the person gives them.",Kagome explained.
"That sounds simple lets all play.",Miroku said.
"Ok!",Sango, Rin, Shippo And Kagome Said at the same time.
"Fine.",Inuyasha growled.
"Ok I'll go first, Sango Truth Or Dare?",Kagome asked.
"Dare.",Sango answered.
"I dare you to kiss Miroku.",Kagome said with a smirk on her face.
"Fine!",Sango exclaimed.
Sango slowy came forward and so did Miroku until their lips met and went into a kiss. Suddenly...
"PERVERT!",Sango screamed.
"Sango my dear, my hand just accidentally slipped and I needed something to hold on to.",Miroku lied.
"Then couldn't have it been something other then my butt!",Sango said with rage.
"Would you two just cut it out.",Kagome said,"Oh yah Sango it's your turn."
"Rin Truth Or Dare?",Sango asked.
"Ummmm....Dare?",Rin said confused whether or not she made the right choice.
"Rin I have to tell you your dare in privite",Sango said,"Everyone will see what it is tomorrow."
"Ok Lets go into the forest so you can tell me my dare!",Rin said all excited.
So the two walked off into the forest.
"Rin do you want to be older?",Sango asked.
"Yes I do why do you ask Sango?",Rin asked back.
"Because your Dare is to drink this potion that will make you look and think like a 16 year old!",Sango answered handing Rin the potion."If you drink it now, when you wake up in the morning you should be 16."
"Ok lets do it!",Rin said gulping down the potion.
"Lets go back and find the others.",Sango said,"Then we can go to bed!"
After Sango said that her and Rin headed back and noticed that everyone went back to the village and went to sleep. So Rin and Sango went to bed as well.
Then in the middle of the night Rin heard some wolves howl and got scared and could not get back to sleep. She didn't wanna go to any of the girls or Inuyasha and Shippo so she went to Miroku.
"Ummm...Miroku I'm scared can I sleep with you?",Rin asked.
"Of course you can Rin.",Miroku answered.
"Thank you and good night!",Rin said while cuddling into Miroku.
"Good night!",Miroku said as the two fell fast asleep.
Miroku was the first to wake up and notice that the cute little girl that slept with him last night was a beautiful 16 year old.
Read the rest in my next chapter thats coming soon!
"Sit boy!",Kagome yelled.
"Ouch Kagome what was that for?",Inuyasha whined.
"That was for picking on Shippo",Kagome explained.
"Yah Inuyasha you shouldn't pick on me because you always know what happens when you do.",Shippo said.
"What did you say twerp!",Inuyasha said starting to get mad.
"Sit boy!",Kagome yelled again,"Inuyasha stop it!"
"Fine!",Inuyasha grumbled.
"Whats up with those two?",Rin asked Sango.
"Oh it's nothing Rin. Don't worry about them they just get into fights sometimes.",Sango Explained
"Oh, Ok Sango.",Rin said.
Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo come walking over to the rest of the group.
"Now thats over with who wants to play a game?",Kagome asked.
"I do, I do!",Rin yelled.
"Ok then lets play Truth Or Dare!",Kagome said.
"Whats this game Truth Or Dare Kagome?",Sango asked.
"Well Sango someone would ask the person Truth Or Dare. Then the person would have to choose one. If they chose Truth they would have answer a question truthfully and if they chose dare they have to do a dare that the person gives them.",Kagome explained.
"That sounds simple lets all play.",Miroku said.
"Ok!",Sango, Rin, Shippo And Kagome Said at the same time.
"Fine.",Inuyasha growled.
"Ok I'll go first, Sango Truth Or Dare?",Kagome asked.
"Dare.",Sango answered.
"I dare you to kiss Miroku.",Kagome said with a smirk on her face.
"Fine!",Sango exclaimed.
Sango slowy came forward and so did Miroku until their lips met and went into a kiss. Suddenly...
"PERVERT!",Sango screamed.
"Sango my dear, my hand just accidentally slipped and I needed something to hold on to.",Miroku lied.
"Then couldn't have it been something other then my butt!",Sango said with rage.
"Would you two just cut it out.",Kagome said,"Oh yah Sango it's your turn."
"Rin Truth Or Dare?",Sango asked.
"Ummmm....Dare?",Rin said confused whether or not she made the right choice.
"Rin I have to tell you your dare in privite",Sango said,"Everyone will see what it is tomorrow."
"Ok Lets go into the forest so you can tell me my dare!",Rin said all excited.
So the two walked off into the forest.
"Rin do you want to be older?",Sango asked.
"Yes I do why do you ask Sango?",Rin asked back.
"Because your Dare is to drink this potion that will make you look and think like a 16 year old!",Sango answered handing Rin the potion."If you drink it now, when you wake up in the morning you should be 16."
"Ok lets do it!",Rin said gulping down the potion.
"Lets go back and find the others.",Sango said,"Then we can go to bed!"
After Sango said that her and Rin headed back and noticed that everyone went back to the village and went to sleep. So Rin and Sango went to bed as well.
Then in the middle of the night Rin heard some wolves howl and got scared and could not get back to sleep. She didn't wanna go to any of the girls or Inuyasha and Shippo so she went to Miroku.
"Ummm...Miroku I'm scared can I sleep with you?",Rin asked.
"Of course you can Rin.",Miroku answered.
"Thank you and good night!",Rin said while cuddling into Miroku.
"Good night!",Miroku said as the two fell fast asleep.
Miroku was the first to wake up and notice that the cute little girl that slept with him last night was a beautiful 16 year old.
Read the rest in my next chapter thats coming soon!
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biggerdog on October 6, 2007, 10:38:16 PM
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forgottenprincess12 on August 12, 2007, 9:07:33 AM
RinRoxs4 on August 13, 2007, 12:58:26 AM
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gaaralover1 on August 11, 2007, 12:01:36 PM
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RinRoxs4 on August 12, 2007, 8:42:46 AM
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