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Chapter 3 - The Return Of Light The hedgehog

Sonic's adventure continues as he was having nightmares about he was going to change into his dark super form someday.

Chapter 3 - The Return Of Light The hedgehog

Chapter 3 - The Return Of Light The hedgehog
As soon the party was over, Chris got Sonic in the lab with Tails helping him to figure out what's wrong with Sonic. They put him in a room where they can scean him for any virus inside of Sonic. So fare they didn't found anything yet.

Tails: well, how's our buddy doing in there?
Chris: so fare I'm not picking up anything on the radar screens.... this is not like Sonic beating up somebody, why he would beat up Shadow for?

Tails was thinking.

Tails: hey, why don't you try to do same thing you did to Cosmo before we try to find out what was wrong with her.
Chris: .... I don't know if that work, but it won't to try.

So Chris tries to do the same thing he did to Cosmo by looking somewhere right to the the center of Sonic's head, but still nothing.

Chris: sorry, Tails.... but I can't get anything, this is the best I can do.
Tails: but there's got to be a reason why he's acting this way and why did he actually hurt someone?
Chris: I know, Tails.... but this isn't helping us anywhere and even if we do help him, he'll might start hurting someone including the ones he cares.
Tails: well then what are we going to do untile then, Chris?

Chris doesn't know what he'll do, he looked at Sonic as he's behind the glass window. So he was thinking what he's going to do.

Chris: I guess I'll have a talk with him and maybe gets some answers from him.... it might help us finding out what's wrong.
Tails: well what do you want me to do?
Chris: see if could try helping the others to make sure Shadow's okay.
Tails: ok, I'll see you later Chris.

When Tails was gone, Chris went in to the room where Sonic's was tested at, Sonic was just setting near the wall shaking while Chris come over where he is standing at just to talk to him.

Chris: .... Sonic....
Sonic: Chris, I know what you're thinking, but I didn't mean to do what I did to Shadow, I don't even hitting him!
Chris: Sonic, relax.... I'm not mad, I just want to know what was matter with you tonight. I never see you acting this way before.
Sonic: .... I don't know....
Chris: well I may not to be a doctor, but maybe you could tell me when did all of this happen.
Sonic: well I don't see what good would do, but I'll try.... it started like 3 weeks ago and I never been like this ever since....

Sonic stop talking right there, but Chris really needs to know.

Chris: since what.... you never been like this since what?
Sonic: uh.... ok, Tails isn't here, is he?
Chris: no, I told him to check on Shadow if he's hurt or not.
Sonic: .... and Shadow, he is still unconches right?
Chirs: acourse.... now what is it?
Sonic: well, I haven't been like this ever since.... Light the Hedgehog died.

Chris doesn't know who's Light.

Chris: Light.... who's Light, was he a friend of yours.
Sonic: kinda.... he's the reason why I been having these nightmares.
Chris: .... can you tell me all about him....
Sonic: alright.... I'll tell you, but you got to keep a secret between us.
Chris: ok, I promise....

So Sonic tells the whole story of the Light the Hedgehog.

Sonic: it started when me & Knuckles went back to Space Colony ARK just to see if those Black Arms weren't up to something and we found a room where Gerald has more of these capsule..... Then we found something was in one of them.
Chris: wait, he was in one of those capsules?
Sonic: yes, me & Knuckles found out that Light was the second ultimate life form.
Chris: .... second.... you mean Gerald made another life form?
Sonic: oh yeah, and he look a lot like Shadow only this one is alot different from him.
Chris: oh man.... you have to tell me what else happen?
Sonic: when we took him to our world and things gone worst.... he blow up Tails' work shop, then he started tricking everybody including you too, Chris....
Chris: me, I didn't even seen this guy!
Sonic: that's because you thought Light was me in disguise.
Chris: disguise?

Chris has no idea why Sonic meant.

Sonic: yeah, in disguise.... you see Light has some kind abilitie to transforming himself into anybody he sees by using a Chaos Emerald....
Chris: dang, I'm been fool by one of Gerald's creation.... what else happen?
Sonic: then he almost tried to kill me when we gone back to space again and he blasted me with a Chaos Emerald & Super Emerald....
Chris: Super Emerald?
Sonic: long story, but I'll explain that right some other time.... Chris: yeah, we don't all day, lets continue. Sonic: ....anyway..... after he blast with those emeralds, I was unconches and he was about to finish me off, but he couldn't.
Chris: why didn't he do, Sonic?
Sonic: it seem he was been taking orders by someone else, Light wouldn't stand of hurting people anymore.... but now he save me & others by given his own life, so now he's dead.
Chris: that terrible.... how he'd died....
Sonic: we were fighting this monster that came back for revenge and Light got shout on the left side of his stomach and after giving his own life by release enough energy and destory the monster.... sure we beat it, Light was no longer with us and.... Shadow was very upset too.
Chris: why was Shadow upset?
Sonic: because Light is Shadow half brother and his creator.

Chris was shocked.

Chris: oh my goodness.... now there's something I never heard until now!
Sonic: yeah, but now that Light's gone, he's somehow been sleazing around my dreams lately and maybe that why I gone nuts for 3 week straight now.
Chris: hmm, I think I know what's wrong with you.
Sonic: what is it?
Chris: you musted think that some day that this Light person might come back so he can get his revenge on you.
Sonic: that's crazy!
Chris: is it....why else would make you gone mad.... he probably was trying to tell you that someday he is coming back or he wants somebody to forgive him for what he has done to you.
Sonic: so what are you saying.... go over to his grave and ask him to forgive me, you can count me out, I aren't going to his grave and ask him for forgiveness especially when I had been haven nightmares about him came back to life and turn me into some kind of monster.
Chris: you maybe right Sonic, but what choice do you have?

Sonic haven't thought that way, but he doesn't know if he want to go back to Light's grave even if he wanted too.

Sonic: .... sorry Chris.... Shadow just told me to forget about Light and move on, but I couldn't.... and even if I ask for forgiveness, I don't know what good would it will do.
Chris: I know, Sonic.... but it might help you, trust me I have dream about Shadow when we thought he was dead and look how I turn out.... you don't have to go to Light's grave if you want too.... but it just might you.

Sonic had enough and he got to leave the room, but then he stop at the door.

Sonic: .... I'll think about it, Chris....

Then Sonic leave as Chris worries of what his friend will do.


Sonic was on top of a building, sleeping all night when he had dream again. it was the same nightmare about Light changing him into a monster, then sooner or later he woke up.

Sonic: AHHH! Whew, whew, err! The same nightmare again.... that's it, I can't take it anymore.... Chris is right, if I keep ignoring these dreams, it's just make it worst!

He was thinking what's he going to do for tomorrow.

Sonic: but I'm not going to Light's grave by myself, I need someone to come with me and I can't ask Shadow because he's already mad at me for knocking him out.... so who can I trust to go with me and make sure if I might be in trouble?


Sonic was at Eggman's old abandon space ship with someone else as well and this person wants to know why Sonic needs her to go with him.

Amy: ok, I hate to say this, but why are we doing here and why did you bring me along?
Sonic: because I need someone with me so I can ask Light for forgiveness and the whole reason why want you with me because I can't find anyone who I can trust..... Besides, I would've asked Tails, but he's busy.... Knuckles & Rouge have plans and Shadow would beat the fool out of me if tell him what I'm doing.
Amy: hmm, I don't know about this, Sonic.
Sonic: Amy, the whole reason why I'm doing this is because of these weird nightmares about Light in my dreams and Chris said it may help me if I go to his grave and ask him for forgiveness, you don't have to go with me.... unless you want me to do you a favor....
Amy: actually I do want something.
Sonic: and what is it?

Amy was thinking about the agreement for Sonic.

Amy: here's this, if I agree to go with you in this abandon space ship, would you go out with me this Saturday?
Sonic: what?!
Amy: fine, then I'm out of here.

Amy started to walk away and Sonic tries to stop her because he really doesn't want to go in that space ship by himself.

Sonic: wait.... ok, ok, I'll agree to go out with you if you do this for me.
Amy: hmm, let me think about it.

Amy has a good way to go with her, and then she also notices something.

Amy: alright, we have deal.... but I'm not doing this just because of you told me too, but I'll come with you because this is an old friend of ours and I could at least see him one more time.
Sonic: I think I can agree with that.... oh one more thing.

He found some flowers on the ground, and he picks some of them out.

Amy: what with the flowers for?
Sonic: for Light and besides, if you're going to visit somebody's grave, then you might as well being them something.

Sonic has a point for it, but now they're ready. They went inside the ship and find the room where they first hide him in, when they found the room, Sonic opens the door and they gone inside. Sonic & Amy seen Light as peaceful as well, something they forgotten of him for so long.

Sonic: .... I forgot how he was before, it's been 3 weeks and yet he's like this.
Amy: yeah.... if only he'd survive from the explosion, Light would've been alive right now.
Sonic: alright, Amy.... I need to be alone.... so untile then can you wait at the door and make sure that none of Eggman's robots are coming or still hiding around somewhere.
Amy: alright.... what ever need, I'll be right here.

So Amy walks at the door while Sonic going to say something to Light's grave, he put the flowers on the glass of the capsule and stand back so he can get down to his knees and say some words.

Sonic: hi Light.... remember me, I'm the blue hedgehog that was friend of you're brother, Shadow. I come here today to tell you that I am really sorry for what's happen to you and where ever you are, I just wanted you to forgive me for what I done to you, even I didn't know you that much. so if you're still alive, that probably will make Shadow happy if you come back and see us once again and maybe if you like come to Chris & Helen wedding, but I wish that you will come back and see you one more time....

Then he walks at the door, as Sonic is about leave, he turn around to see his face one last time.

Sonic: (I hope you forgive me.)

Sonic got out of the room and Amy wants to know how he felt.

Amy: that was good, Sonic.... so how you feel.
Sonic: I'm not sure, I guess I'll just have to find out tonight, okay.... now what was code to close down this door.

Sonic having a hard time figure out the code, something that only Shadow, Rouge or Eggman knows.

Sonic: dang, I should have asked Rouge about the code to this door before we got here.
Amy: why don't you try using the word Maria, it some time works.
Sonic: because on this lock doesn't letters, it only has numbers....
Amy: well I'm not putting my pin number on this thing.
Sonic: I guess I had to figure out myself.

So he trys to do it on his own. he tipe in 4 numbers.

Sonic: I'll try 8297.

He tip it in and something went wrong, that lock just set alarm

Sonic: oh man, what did I do, what did I do?!
Amy: shut it off, Sonic....
Sonic: I can't, it won't let me.

Soon they have a bigger problem, another door open up and there come out a big robot that looks like a cobra.

E-156 Cobra: Subjects Sonic the Hedgehog & Amy Rose.... destroy intruder, Dr. Eggman orders.
Sonic: I like to see you try it fang face!

Sonic got a ring and did the spin dash, he hit it right between the jaw and the neck, knocking that snake against the wall.

Sonic: that wasn't so hard.

Then the robot spit out something that blinded Sonic eyes.

Sonic: ahh, I can't see.

The robot got up quick and raps a hold around Sonic which it was smashing him on the wall, foor, anywhere that give Sonic in so much pain.

Amy: Sonic!!
Sonic: Amy.... run!
Amy: no, I won't leave you here.

She got out her hammer and jump on it's head, banging it until it go down, but then E-156 Cobra hit her with it's tail which knock the side of her head and she past out.

E-156 Cobra: subject Sonic the Hedgehog must be destroyed.

Sonic see Amy been hurt and he was trying get her, but the robot been holding him down it won't let of him.

Sonic: Amy, wake up!

E-156 Cobra was opening its mouth and tries to eat him like a real snake will do to it's pray.

Sonic: (in pain) hey buddy, if you're hungry, let me get you some fast food place! You may have me for dinner, but I will not give up the FIGHT!

Suddenly the blue Chaos Emerald was glowing, then Super Emerald in the room with Light was glowing too only it was gone crazy, it was out of control and it will not stop. it release it's full power and strike onto Light's body, the power of the Super Emerald recovered the wounds on him, then it stop a moment. I know don't what's going in that lab, but there some movement behind that glass and capsule open up, release out some smoke. the smoke was so much that anybody couldn't see a thing, but then out comes Light, walking alive with the Super Emerald in his hand and all wounds are gone too. Sonic was still having trouble on his own, he can't escape it.

E-156 Cobra: time to die, Hedgehog....
Sonic: err, Amy.... wake up!

It almost had him, but then something crash into it which let go of Sonic, then he past out laying on the floor.

E-156 Cobra: intruder.... must be found.

The robot can't find the person that knock it over until someone got on top of it's head and pull it down, Sonic can't see the person because he still blind from the spit. E-156 Cobra tries to get away, but this person grabs it mouth and break it jaw. the robot has been destroy, Sonic open his open eyes and he can see a little, then saw someone's foot, he looked up to see the person.

Sonic: .... Sha....dow....

Then he past out which got him to sleep, just then he had another dream only this one is different. He dreams about his home world, it was fine until some monster was destroying everything, it was black monster that looks like Sonic only this one was dark and a lot dangerous. It hunt everybody including Sonic's friends, then Amy was standing front of the creature for some reason.

Amy: .... Sonic.... what wrong with you?!

It turn out it was Sonic that hurting his own friend.

Sonic: err....
Amy: Sonic.... what are you doing?!

He grabs Amy and slams her against a tree.

Amy: ow, no Sonic, don't do this!

He was to release an energy ball from his hand.

Amy: no Sonic.... wake up, Sonic!

Suddenly he was sleeping at Amy house and she's trying to wake him up.

Amy: Sonic.... wake up.
Sonic: ahhh! Whew, whew....
Amy: alright, come down Sonic, it was just another nightmare you had.
Sonic: oh man.... what happen?
Amy: I don't know, I woke up the same way as you.... Sonic: huh.... no kidding..... Amy: ..... how did we get back here in my house.... did someone brought us back here?
Sonic: I'm not sure, last I remember we were going to the Eggman's abandon ship and you were past out because of some snake like robot, then someone rescue us, I couldn't see the person who save us, but it like Shadow at first.
Amy: so Shadow musted known we were in trouble and he probably brought us home.
Sonic: no, it wasn't Shadow, it was someone else.... I mean it look like Shadow only his shoes I saw were blue and they have blue stripes on them....
Amy: hmm, well if it not Shadow, then who?
Sonic: .... well the only person I know who weirs blue stripes shoes is Light.

Sonic & Amy had a thought.

Sonic: wait.... Amy, do you think the person that saft us was....

They were thinking the same thing, but they're thinking no it couldn't be.

Sonic & Amy: ..... NA!!!

They both got out of bed and walk in living room, laughing to what their thinking about.

Amy: haha, it can't be Light.... there's no way it could be possible.
Sonic: yeah really.... it's not like he just came back to life and saft our butts and got us back here in your house which now he should walking around like a real zombie.

As they continue laughing, Sonic trip over something that was in he way.

Sonic: whow!!

He even fell down and landed on his stomach.

Amy: oh Sonic, are you okay?
Sonic: I'm alright..... Dang it, what did I slip over, huh?!

Sonic see the person who save their life, it was Light all along, he was unconches and he was holding Super Emerald on his right hand. Sonic & Amy had no idea of how was it possible.

Amy: you got to be kidding me....

Light was still breathing too, Sonic was shaking as he see an old white hedgehog is in Amy's house laying on floor in front of very eyes.

Sonic: Light's alive?

How did Light came back to life, why was he doing in Amy's house and what did he want with them. Did Light came back to help them or get revenge for things that happen to him, find out later.



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AMnezcorp on November 16, 2006, 11:27:40 AM

AMnezcorp on
AMnezcorpKeep going!This story is good