Chapter 2 - Immunity Challenge 1, pt 1
Submitted August 23, 2004 Updated August 27, 2004 Status Incomplete | Anime characters go on Survivor! IYxSMxTMMxCCSxFBxChobits Includes LOTS of "SIT!" by Kagome to Inu Yasha. (to put it in simpler terms, a lot of Inu Yasha crashing into the ground) Rating is for language.
Anime/Manga |
Chapter 2 - Immunity Challenge 1, pt 1
Chapter 2 - Immunity Challenge 1, pt 1
Hello peoples! Onto the next chapter!
Disclaimer: I donot own any anime mentioned, or Survivor.
At Team A:
“The name of our tribe will be Duba.” Kagome said.
“Why Duba?” Sakuraasked.
“It stands for sit.” Kagome replied. –Thud- “Oops. Sorry Inu Yasha.”
“I assume I have no say in this?” Inu Yasha asked.
“None whatsoever.” Kagome replied, smiling.
At Team B:
“How about the tribe name being Asteboku?” Michelle asked.
“Huh?” Came theresponse from everyone except for Michelle and Chi.
“It is Russian for anime.” Michelle explained.
“Cool.” Hotarunodded.
“Yay! I loveit! Woo hoo! We’re Asteboku now!” (A/N: I’ll give you 3 guesses who that was)
“Pudding, you are WAY too hyper!” Mint said. “You’d think that after a day, the hyperness would wear off!”
“Not with me!” Pudding replied before swinging on the branch of a tree.
At the first challenge:
The Duba tribe walked in from the left side, and theAsteboku tribe walked in from the right side.
“What did you choose for your tribe names?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
“We chose Duba, because it stands for sit.” -Thud- “And Inu Yasha had no say in it whatsoever.” Kagome smiled.
“Kagome, don’t!” Inu Yasha moaned as he got up from his Inu Yasha-shaped hole in theground.
“We chose Asteboku, because it is Russian for anime.” Michelle said.
“Nice choices!” Sailor Silver Sky said. “Now,for today’s challenge, it is a immunity challenge. You will send one person from your tribe up at a time. They will stand here, and I will ask aquestion about an anime. The firstperson to answer it gets a point for their team. When one team gets 8 points, the team wins immunity and is safefrom tonight’s vote. The other teamwill meet me in the Tribal Council area tonight. Send one person up now.”
Team A pushed Sakura up to SSS (A/N: When I’m talkingabout her in an action, I’ll refer to her as SSS), while Team B persuadedHotaru to go over.
“First question: What is the word that Kagome can control Inu Yasha with?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
Sakura and Hotaru looked at each other, then looked at InuYasha and said together, “Sit!”
Inu Yasha crashed to the ground, as Kagome wondered howthey could do that.
“I’m the author, I can make anything happen!” Sailor Silver Sky said. “Anyway, one point to both teams. Bring up a different person!”
Inu Yasha grabbed Kagome and put her in front of SSS. “Sit.” Kagome said. Inu Yasha crashedinto the ground.
Mint walked up next to Kagome.
“Ok, next question: What is the attack that Sailor Moon uses in Sailor Moon S?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
They both thought about it for a second, then Mint shouted, “She says Moon Spiral Heart Attack!”
“Good! One pointto Team B, making it 1-2.”
Tohru walked up, and Pudding ran up to SSS.
“Next question: Which Sailor Scout is the scout of water?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
“Sailor Mercury!” Pudding guessed.
“Wrong! Mercury isthe scout of ice! Tohru, if you cangive us the correct answer, your team gets the point.”
“Umm…Neptune?” Tohru shrugged.
“Correct! Now thescore is even, 2-2.” Sailor Silver Skysaid.
As Tohru walked back to her place, Lita whispered toher, “Did you know that Sailor Neptuneis right over there?” Tohru looked atwhere Lita was pointing and saw Michelle.
“Cool.” Tohruwhispered back.
Lita and Michelle both walked up.
“So, two characters from Sailor Moon, huh? Sweet! As you can see by my name, I love Sailor Moon! I used my author powers to make myself a scout! Silver Sky Crystal Power Make-up!” Sailor Silver Sky transformed with a burstof silver light. “My real name’sEmma. But enough of that, to the nextquestion! Which alien from Tokyo MewMew wears pigtails and is short?” Shetook out a big picture of Tart.
“Umm…” Lita hadnever read Tokyo Mew Mew, and by the looks of it, Michelle hadn’t read iteither.
“Time’s up! Theanswer is-“ Sailor Silver Sky began
“TAR-TAR!!!!!!!!!!” Pudding glomped the picture.
“Uh, yeah. Tart.” Sailor Silver Skysaid. “Pudding, it’s just apicture. Glomp the real Tart.” All of a sudden, Tart appeared. Pudding broke away from the picture to glomponto Tart.
“Since Pudding answered it correctly, Team B gets apoint. It is now 2-3.” Sailor Silver Sky said. “But now, to you readers, we have to have a‘commercial break’. This chapter’sgetting a bit long.”
The next chapter will be the second half of the challengeand the beginning of Tribal Council. I’m running out of ideas for questions, so if you have questions that Icould use, it would be great! And ideasfor challenges are always welcome, as are ‘guest stars’, who might come in fora chapter to help, and maybe I’ll even do something with the character’sfamilies.
C U L8R!
Sailor Silver Sky
Disclaimer: I donot own any anime mentioned, or Survivor.
At Team A:
“The name of our tribe will be Duba.” Kagome said.
“Why Duba?” Sakuraasked.
“It stands for sit.” Kagome replied. –Thud- “Oops. Sorry Inu Yasha.”
“I assume I have no say in this?” Inu Yasha asked.
“None whatsoever.” Kagome replied, smiling.
At Team B:
“How about the tribe name being Asteboku?” Michelle asked.
“Huh?” Came theresponse from everyone except for Michelle and Chi.
“It is Russian for anime.” Michelle explained.
“Cool.” Hotarunodded.
“Yay! I loveit! Woo hoo! We’re Asteboku now!” (A/N: I’ll give you 3 guesses who that was)
“Pudding, you are WAY too hyper!” Mint said. “You’d think that after a day, the hyperness would wear off!”
“Not with me!” Pudding replied before swinging on the branch of a tree.
At the first challenge:
The Duba tribe walked in from the left side, and theAsteboku tribe walked in from the right side.
“What did you choose for your tribe names?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
“We chose Duba, because it stands for sit.” -Thud- “And Inu Yasha had no say in it whatsoever.” Kagome smiled.
“Kagome, don’t!” Inu Yasha moaned as he got up from his Inu Yasha-shaped hole in theground.
“We chose Asteboku, because it is Russian for anime.” Michelle said.
“Nice choices!” Sailor Silver Sky said. “Now,for today’s challenge, it is a immunity challenge. You will send one person from your tribe up at a time. They will stand here, and I will ask aquestion about an anime. The firstperson to answer it gets a point for their team. When one team gets 8 points, the team wins immunity and is safefrom tonight’s vote. The other teamwill meet me in the Tribal Council area tonight. Send one person up now.”
Team A pushed Sakura up to SSS (A/N: When I’m talkingabout her in an action, I’ll refer to her as SSS), while Team B persuadedHotaru to go over.
“First question: What is the word that Kagome can control Inu Yasha with?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
Sakura and Hotaru looked at each other, then looked at InuYasha and said together, “Sit!”
Inu Yasha crashed to the ground, as Kagome wondered howthey could do that.
“I’m the author, I can make anything happen!” Sailor Silver Sky said. “Anyway, one point to both teams. Bring up a different person!”
Inu Yasha grabbed Kagome and put her in front of SSS. “Sit.” Kagome said. Inu Yasha crashedinto the ground.
Mint walked up next to Kagome.
“Ok, next question: What is the attack that Sailor Moon uses in Sailor Moon S?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
They both thought about it for a second, then Mint shouted, “She says Moon Spiral Heart Attack!”
“Good! One pointto Team B, making it 1-2.”
Tohru walked up, and Pudding ran up to SSS.
“Next question: Which Sailor Scout is the scout of water?” Sailor Silver Sky asked.
“Sailor Mercury!” Pudding guessed.
“Wrong! Mercury isthe scout of ice! Tohru, if you cangive us the correct answer, your team gets the point.”
“Umm…Neptune?” Tohru shrugged.
“Correct! Now thescore is even, 2-2.” Sailor Silver Skysaid.
As Tohru walked back to her place, Lita whispered toher, “Did you know that Sailor Neptuneis right over there?” Tohru looked atwhere Lita was pointing and saw Michelle.
“Cool.” Tohruwhispered back.
Lita and Michelle both walked up.
“So, two characters from Sailor Moon, huh? Sweet! As you can see by my name, I love Sailor Moon! I used my author powers to make myself a scout! Silver Sky Crystal Power Make-up!” Sailor Silver Sky transformed with a burstof silver light. “My real name’sEmma. But enough of that, to the nextquestion! Which alien from Tokyo MewMew wears pigtails and is short?” Shetook out a big picture of Tart.
“Umm…” Lita hadnever read Tokyo Mew Mew, and by the looks of it, Michelle hadn’t read iteither.
“Time’s up! Theanswer is-“ Sailor Silver Sky began
“TAR-TAR!!!!!!!!!!” Pudding glomped the picture.
“Uh, yeah. Tart.” Sailor Silver Skysaid. “Pudding, it’s just apicture. Glomp the real Tart.” All of a sudden, Tart appeared. Pudding broke away from the picture to glomponto Tart.
“Since Pudding answered it correctly, Team B gets apoint. It is now 2-3.” Sailor Silver Sky said. “But now, to you readers, we have to have a‘commercial break’. This chapter’sgetting a bit long.”
The next chapter will be the second half of the challengeand the beginning of Tribal Council. I’m running out of ideas for questions, so if you have questions that Icould use, it would be great! And ideasfor challenges are always welcome, as are ‘guest stars’, who might come in fora chapter to help, and maybe I’ll even do something with the character’sfamilies.
C U L8R!
Sailor Silver Sky
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siesie137 on December 29, 2006, 7:45:24 AM
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