Chapter 5 - Hospital 2 and Realization
Submitted November 1, 2004 Updated November 1, 2004 Status Incomplete | The Sailor Scouts get a shocking surprise: They aren't the only Sailor Scouts! This does not have the outers, only the inners, but it takes place after the last season. I wrote this fic a while ago, so it might be bad.
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series |
Chapter 5 - Hospital 2 and Realization
Chapter 5 - Hospital 2 and Realization
Iuse the American names, except for Amy/Ami cuz I likeAmi better
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Play, but I do own the Sailor Scout versions of Play(Sailor Silver Sky, Sailor Brightening Sun, etc.).
"God! This is soannoying!" Ami said, after what seemed like the hundredth timetrying to get her Mercury computer. With the cast, she couldn't make thegesture needed to get into her sub-space pocket for her computer, and nobodyelse can get into her sub-space pocket. Anais,in the bed next to her, tried to reach Ami's arm with her good arm so she couldmove Ami's fingers for the gesture. The Mercury computer had been beepingthe whole time. It kept getting louder, too.
"Faye, can you help hermake the gesture?" Anais sighed.
"Sure,I'll try," Faye replied. Finally, the computer appearedin Ami's hand.
"ThankGod," Ami sighed. "Faye, can you workit? I can't type, but I can tell you what to do."
"Sure," Faye responded.
"I feel bad that Raye, Lita, Mina, Anna, and Rosie are missingthis. But one question, Anais. Who islike the Sailor Mercury of your group? Like the really smart one andeverything." Serena asked.
"Well, I think it would be Anais," Faye responded, eventhough the question was meant for Anais. "She actually understands the Mercury computer!" Anais was watching Ami intently, looking at thecomputer. The door opened, and two wheelchairs came through.
"Hi guys!" Mina said in her bouncy,hyper voice.
"Anais!" Rosie exclaimed. "I thought you were hurt more badly!"
"Well, I was. I had to have surgery." Anais replied.
"Who wants to sign my cast?" Anna asked, bouncing intothe room.
"God, you're active for someone who just broke theirarm," Lita said, coming in.
"I knew we shouldn't have given her ice cream!" Raye replied, shutting the door behind her.
"Raye, can you get Luna for me from myapartment?" Serena asked. In aminute, Raye disappeared. Soon she appeared with Luna.
"Serena!" Luna gasped. "What happened?" She stopped when she saw Play.
"OK, that blow to the head must have been harder than Ithought." Anais said, collapsing onto thepillow. (OOC: Not like she fainted, but she just lay down again)
"Serena,who are these people?" Luna asked.
"My favorite band, Play, who I just learned are SailorScouts, too." Serena replied. Thenshe told the whole story, with Janet filling in the end.
"I'm proud of you for investigating," Luna said.
"She only did it cuz it was a Playconcert." Ami said. Luna glared at Serena.
"Pleeeaase don't hurt me! Please, pleeeaase!" Serena whimpered, pulling a Dave from Dave the Barbarian. (OOC: It's a show on Disney Channel, really funny, too! I don't ownthat, either)
"I'm only not hurting you cuzyou're hurt bad enough!" Luna snapped. Serena reached over to theremote. She turned on the TV.
"Oh god!" Shegasped. "They know we're gone!"
The TV announcer said, "There have been frequent attacks in Tokyo. But the mainquestion is, where are the Sailor Scouts?"
"We have to get back!" Ami exclaimed.
"But you can't fight in this condition!" Luna scolded.
"Yeah, but we have to get back before the city hatesus!" Raye told Luna. All of them formed a circle andheld hands. Then they teleported back to Japan.
Iadded the power to teleport whenever they want. I can't remember where Iheard about the sub-space pockets. If someone who wrote a fanfic made it up, I'm sorry for using it! If youcan't imagine real people (Play) talking and being with anime people (theSailor Scouts), just imagine Play as anime characters! If you have Play'sfirst CD, then look at the inside of the booklet with the words. It hasanime drawings of Play! They're really cool! For Janet, imagine her as Anna, with Faye's face and Anais's color hair. Minus Faye'sfreckles. You know, I heard a rumor once that Faye's name was spelled Faie. Weird, huh? So,I have to go update some of my other stories. Every time I get a review,I add a chapter! So review!
SailorSilver Sky
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Faellie_Luver on May 15, 2006, 11:41:48 AM

mandy94t on January 3, 2005, 9:21:32 AM
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