Chapter 1 - Just the Beginning
Submitted October 3, 2005 Updated January 12, 2006 Status Incomplete | Warning: reading this may cause uncontrollable laughing, seizure etc. I'm not responsible for anything that is bad, happens. As Vikki says, "There's no such thing as Shame in Insanity!"
Anime/Manga » MegaMan |
Chapter 1 - Just the Beginning
Chapter 1 - Just the Beginning
Disclaimer: I don't own RockMan.EXE. If I did, I'll be telling them to clean my house and do every chore I have. And also serve my best-est -est -est -est fwends!!
Vikki: (walking up and down) God dammit! I knew he's always late but I never knew he was THIS late!!! ><
Netto: (barging in) Sorry! Woke up late! And now, I'm REALLY late, right? (pants really hard)
Vikki: Yesh! You're late and now, I have to spank you! (spanks Netto with a chicken leg) Well, at least you're here! (takes out a black bag) Here! Take this! You'll be needing it on your journey!
Netto: (takes the bag and rubs his @$$) What kind of journey? A long one?
Vikki: (laughs) Don't worry. You'll be working for me in................. (dundundun music plays) NETTO CAM!!!!!
Netto: (confuzzled) WTF?!? A camera named after me?
Vikki: No silly! A show named after you! All you need to do is to go outside and show our audience what the RockMan.EXE cast is like when they're on their break or when they're not on TV....
Netto: Why the heck did you choose me for? You could've chose someone else like... Rockman!
Vikki: Well, to tell you the truth, I observed you guys a lot. And well, you aren't as crazy as the other characters. Besides, it's a good chance to see what's everyone's like on THE BIG SCREEN!!!!
Netto: (sweatdrops) O...K... BUT! What if I get caught?
Vikki: There's no such thing as `shame' in insanity! And... I've got just the person who should film first!
Beethoven: (plays on the piano) DUNDUNDUN!!!!
Vikki: (flips through her list of people) AHA!!! Ijuin Enzan! You shall go and film your rival. Besides, That's the only thing you're good at. You lose to him in netbattles every time.
Netto: HEY!!!! (walks towards the door) I don't think he'll be doing anything besides netbattling.
Vikki: (grins ebilly) We'll see about that!!!! Hehehe!!
Tape #1: The Big Um….. I Shall not Spoil!!!!!
Netto: Ok, I got here safely without any guards catching me. Now, (hears someone talking) Who the hell talks to themselves?!? (walks to Enzan's room) I think I just got my answer…
Vikki: (talking to Netto through her headphones) Hmm….. Let's find out what Enzan's talking about!!!
Netto: Mmkay! (opens the door)
DUNDUNDUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! [Vikki: Stop that Beethoven!!]
Enzan: Listen to Daddy. Yes, yes good boy. And then, you shall get a lollipop!!
Netto: I never knew Enzan had a son.......
Vikki: (talking through her headphones) Well, let's find out then. And I have a feeling I know who the “son” is….
Netto: I don't think I want to know anymore…
Enzan: Call daddy.
Blues: ........ DaDa?
Netto: O_O (is about to throw up)
Vikki: ^^U Now, that's just wrong..............
Netto: I'm thinking, if Enzan's the father………. WHO THE HELL'S THE MOTHER?!?!?
Vikki: You've got a point there….. Why don't we get a closer look at Blues?
Netto: Yes ma'am.
Blues: (wearing a bib, sucking a pacifist, and wearing a “HUGGIES” diaper) Daddy!
Enzan: Good boy! (hugs his PET) Now you must take a nappie! ^^
Blues: Where's my lollipop, Daddy?
Enzan: Uh…… Daddy will give it to you when you wake up! (sweatdrops at Blues' cute little face)
Netto: What a liar!! I never knew my rival is this weird.....
Vikki: I think I'm gonna hafta use the bathroom now…….
Netto: (sweatdrops) If you're so stunned by this, why the heck are you the hostess?!?
Vikki: Don't ask. My other friends wouldn't stand for this as much as I do. Besides, it's entertaining!
Netto: I think I'm scared of you now……. Anyways, back to the “DaDa.”
Enzan: (puts his PET in a PET charger that looks like a pink cradle) Goodnight Twinkies! (kisses the screen and starts singing a lullaby)
Blues: (is asleep)
Netto: (sweatdrops) Did he just call Blues, “Twinkies”?
Vikki: (face lits up) TWINKIES?!?! WHERE?!?! MUST…….EAT…...TWINKIES!!!!!!!!
Netto: Um…. I don't think you wanna eat Blues….. Anyways, I guess I should go now…. Enzan's coming out.
Vikki: (eats a Twinkie)
Enzan: (walks out of his room and spots Netto) What the- What in the world are you doing here Hikari?!?
Netto: (turns around and starts mocking Enzan) Well, well, well. If it isn't Big Daddy-o.
Enzan: You-you caught me?!?
Netto: (holds up the CAM!!) I think this film should make a nice souvenir for all the fans!
Enzan: Wha-? (starts chasing Netto) GET BACK HERE!!!!!!! AND GIMME THE FILM!!!!!!!
Netto: Muwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!(runs away)
Vikki: You know, I think Enzan doesn't realized how many fans he's just lost.
Netto: That'll make like…… (counts) One million fans.
Vikki: Well, how'd you like that journey?
Netto: I think it's self-explanatory
Vikki: =^^= Well, there'll be more adventures!!! (claps)
Netto: And I think you have no idea that you've just lost a lot of your audience members!
Vikki: O_o You people love me right, RIGHT?!?
Audience: Yeah……..
Vikki: (doesn't notice the sarcasm) Anyways, next losers……. Um……… contestants will be…. (whisperwhisper)
Netto: (nods) Okay, but this better be better than Enzan calling Blues, “Twinkies”. (leaves)
Vikki: (turns to audience) Well, you guys have no clue on what we're doing right? Want to know what the hell these films are? I'll answer that! We're filming what the RockMan.EXE cast and finding out what they're doing during their spare time. To sum it up, this is like America's Funniest Home Videos except, you get to choose your favorites! ^^ Aren't you lucky? Now, onto Netto. (puts on her headphones)
Tape #2: Hot Dog! Come Get Your Hot Dogs!!
Netto: Well, I'm on the streets, because I heard that we can find some of my friends out here! And besides, Vikki wanted me to anyways. (looks around and spots Meiru and Yaito at a hot dog stand) I wonder what they're doing... Let's go check it out! (approaches Meiru and Yaito)
Meiru: Come one, Come all! Come get your hot dogs while they're cold!
Yaito: Um.... It's supposed to be while they're HOT.
Meiru: Oh. Ok. Why are we doing this anyways?
Yaito: Because that JERK, Enzan thinks his company's so HOT. So, I'm gonna make Gabcom open a hotdog business and we're going to the TOP!
Meiru: Yeah……. Well, good luck to us then.
Dekao: Hi ladies! May I get a free hot dog?
Yaito: This is your 100th in a week!! Go lose some pounds dude!
People on the Streets: O.O;;;;;;;;;
Netto: Did I just hear Yaito-chan tell Dekao to lose some pounds?
Vikki: Well, technically, yeah. In my opinion, he should go lose some pounds. ^^;
Netto: (sigh) I'm going back. I'm NOT going to stand here and hear Yaito-chan curse at Dekao……..
Vikki: Well, that was fast!
Netto: It had to be. That was so pointless that I don't think anyone would support the second film…..
Vikki: Why didn't you get me a hot dog?
Netto: First of all, you had a twinkie. Second, I would've just ate the hotdogs if I were to get them.
Vikki: >_< (sigh) You know, while wathing the news yesterday, I found something really funny! They're going to host a concert at the Square!
Netto: You mean the Square on the Net?
Vicki: Hell yeah! Navis + Performing = FUNN!!!!!
Netto: O.o Rockman never told me about this. Probably he doesn't know. Guess we'll go without him and his friends!
Vikki: Yup. Oh and, do you have access to money in the bank?
Netto: Um… no. Only my parents but I doubt they'll give me any money.
Vikki: Hmm….. this concert costs a lot of money. Maybe…… we can start robbing someone.
Netto: Do you have someone in mind?
Vikki: Hrm…… Yaito's out in the streets with a hotdog stand and Enzan is………….
Netto: Oh….My………F***ing…….GOD!!! (dances) We're gonna rob Enzan!!!
Vikki: And I have just the right plan!!!!
Beethoven: So……… the journey begins. And our heroes search out for some losers *AHEM* CONTESTANTS to film. What is Vikki's plan to rob Enzan? How will they survive ze WRATH?!? And who will be dancing?!?! And will I get my piano back? Oh wait, I already have my piano! Find out in the next episode of NETTO CAM!!!!!
To Be CONTINUED!!!!!!!!
Vikki: Well, it ends here right now. I feel so hyped up for the next adventure!!!! AND…….. You get to choose your favorite film, audience! The winner gets a prize!!
Netto: What about me?
Vikki: You get a lollipop!!!!!
Netto: YAY!
Vikki: And for the audience, you guys get a giant……. TEDDYBEAR!!!!!!! ^^
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Ziggurat-chan on November 26, 2005, 9:22:05 AM