Chapter 1 - Untitled
Submitted November 12, 2005 Updated November 12, 2005 Status Incomplete | heheh
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Chapter 1 - Untitled
Chapter 1 - Untitled
A request for Moonlightel
The night shown brightly on the crystal water were a elf sat. She had long golden hair was held in a tail behind her back. Her clothes were simple, they were made up of a shoot that revealed her stomic and her skit was short but she wore no shoes. The dragon next to her gave a small snort in his sleep and the elf looked over at her smiling. “Come on Jazz, wake up” she wisperd to her companion stroking the dragon's scales. Jazz gave another snort and lifted her head looking at her. The elf climbed onto of her back. “Ready?” she said looking at her. The dragon's answer was to lift off the ground with her strong feet. Jazz drifted 10...20...30 feet. The Dragon was flying fast through the worm night sky that they had both failed to notice the evil dragon shortly behind them, it's eyes was cursed with red, as red as the jewel on hot lava and burning as evil as such. The red eyed dragon cranked it's neck back and expelled red, lava hot fire from it's stomoic. The fire had his Jazz in her left with sending her twirling to the left quickly. The elf grabbed the rains with her hands, pulling them back to calm the best. “What the hell?” she said looking back at the black dragon that was far enough to be silluated by the night sky. The black dragon craned his neck again, spilling out the lava this time they were able to doge it. “Come on Jazz, we have to hurry” she wisperd she leaned foreword and Jazz went faster only to connect with a strong force, Jazz fell down word with the elf clung tightly to her back. “JAZZ!” she screamed, the cold air whipped through her hair as she tumbled down, down down, faster faster and faster till......
The elf lay unchonchess on the massed ground, her dragon beside her. Speaks of blood was falling down her pale head. After a while Jazz had come too first, she threw her head up and looked around the forest, nothing was there kept the trees and the grass was beside her. Jazz looked around and layed her head back down and relising the beside her was Rose, her eleven companion. Jazz picked her head up again and nudged Rose's head which only flopped uselessly to the side. Jazz tried again 2 more times before laying her head on Rose's shoulder. It was probely long past mid-night when there clan had come to try and find them, voice woke Jazz up and she turned her head up word to the sound and let out a roar in turn of her brother yelling Rose's name. There were rushed foot steeps and her brother, a short black haired elf came into view. His eyes widdend and ran over to his sister, whipping the dyed blood off her for head and picking her up. He looked over at Jazz through his bright blue eyes. “Are you alight Jazz?” he quistones looking at her, Jazz got up and flexed her wings in answer and her master's brother, Drie laughed. “That's good, come on” he said climbing on top of her back putting Rose on his lap. Jazz jumped up again and took flight in sky that was now dashed with light shades of orange, over the hurizen the sun just peaked is't round face over the mountains in the distance. 2 hours latter they were both landing in a spot of there village, the dragons turned there neck as they aprotched them. Drie walked Jazz over to the other dragons who layed back down going back to sleep Jazz among them. Drie shifted his hold on his younger sister and walked over to there cabin. Once there he opened the hard wood door with some diffectly. He crossed his room and looked over were his father had fallen asleep at the table again. He sighed and layed Rose down on her bed, who just turned on her side, Drie sighed and turned her back on her back making sure she would'n't touch the wound on her head. He than went over to his father, fetching a blanket off his head and put the red blanket over his father's strong shoulders. There father was strong but in the years he had fallen ill, He scares across his well framed face and his eyes, when they were open black bettels. He than went, down the hall and into the storage room to were they keep a bunch of different items. One included was a fist aid kit. He grabbed the kit and walked back down the long hall to were his sisters sleeping boddie waited him. He pulled up the chair and brought it next to her sitting down in it he got the first aid and opened it grabbing some dissenfectent. He bent over her and put a hand on her chin, making her face him and grabbed a cotton ball putting it on the top of the bottle than tipping it up side down he looked at her. “Don't wake up this time” he said rembering last time she woke up while he was busy doing this. He leaned over his sister and gently taped the cotton wad on the side of her forehead, Thankfully she didn't't wake up. He exhaled and sat back down and threw the cotton wad away, reaching his hand back in the aid kit he came back with a roll of bandages. He picked his sister up by the shoulder and leaned her back on his chest after he sat on the bed and started to wind the bandages around her head. “There” he said laying her back down and bringing the blanket back up meeting her chin. Rose let out a small soft sighed and turned over in her sleep. Shaking his head Drie got up again taking the chair back over to the table and returning the fist aid kit back to it's right full place. He let out a yawn and walked to his side of the room and layed down till he yawed and fell asleep quickly with out undressing.
Drie woke up quickly by a force tossing him out of the bed, “Ow! what the?!” he said from the hard wood ground rubbing his head and looking up at the force. “Shhh” the figure wisperd she had long black colored hair just like his but she had it tied behind her back. “Come on” she said lifting him up off the ground just as the roof caught fire. “Who are you? What's going on!?” He snapped. “Come on” the girl wisperd She took him by the hand and ran out the back door. “We must get across the river, than you will meet you're father there and you and you're sister will run” she wisperd. Drie recinised her voice. “M-Mom?!” he said looking at her, She was indeed her mother. He looked to her other hand and in it was a small baby. *That's right! Rose was only a baby when this happened* he thought. They were close to the rive when there was a sudden burning sasnsation in his back, the evil dragon had caught up to them. “Drei! take rose!” there mother yelled throwing the babby in his arms. There came a sickinging sound and her mother screaming he looked back Sen (there mother) was being cut to rippins with blood spraying everwere.....
“DRIE! DRIE! WAKE UP!” Rose's voice cut through the air. “Drie, wake up” she called to him now she was shaking him. “Drei!” she yelled. The dream fadded just as his father, strong and healthy picked them up running them to safety. He sat up painting. “Drie, are you alight?” Rose said to him gently, In the back ground was his father's soft snores. “Yea, I'm fine” he sighed rubbing his sweat soaked hair. “You were having a bad dream, You kept on tossing and turning” Rose said sitting beside him. He sighed, “It was a dream, one were mother died” he sighed looking at her. “That dream again?” Came a gruff voice. Both Rose and Drie jumped and looked over at there father who was looking sicker than ever. “Yea” he said wanting to change the subject quickly but it wouldn't't come quick enough Or will it....the village rumbled, the dragons began to roar and grew restless. “The black dragons?” Rose said looking around from the floor after she fell off it with a soft thud out of shock. “It has to be” Drei said jumping over her and grabbing the sword in the corner of the room. “hurry up Rose!” he snapped. “I'm coming, I'm coming!” Rose called grabbing the bow and arrow. “Get some were safe Dad” Rose said before running out the door and over to were Jazz was laying on the ground looking up at the sky were a mast sky of black was flying towrd them. On the ground was also a mass of black,. black dragons eyes red as the devil himself. “Hurry up Rose!” Drei yelled getting on his Dragon that he called James. He saddled the dragon who was already rearing to go, anxicsse, “Come on James” he said going forward into the black mass. “Jazz!” Rose yelled running over and jumping on top of her and going in the sky. “Get ready Jazz” she wisperd letting go to the rings and grabbing an arrow out of the side of the basket hung on Jazz. She pulled back the sting of the bow and staddied it ready to shot. She shot it and the arrow went forward striking it's target. “YES!” she said, She was so content in the target she didn't't notice that a dragon hit her from the left almost tossing her off if not Jazz caught her by shirt. “Thanks Jazz” she said climbing back on. “Rose! don't get distracted!” he yelled. Drie was off his dragon slissing the black dragons as they went by. James was a little farther off and was blowing fire on the on coming dragons. “I won't” Rose called as Jazz dived down word quickly. Rose pulled back her bow again and slung another arrow at another dragon, striking it on it's wing, That dragon came by hitting her in the face, making a deep cut across her cheek. She held on tightly to the rains as Jazz went down to the ground. “Rose! here” Drei yelled tossing her an extra sword. As they fought more and more people came out to help the, the sun was starting to set behind the valley behind there village and the dragons were not letting up and it was harder to hold them off. Already Drie's arm was useless and Rose's eye was scarred shut. “Drie! what are we going to do?!” Rose said her voice was unsteady with pain. “Just relax! Were gonna win this!” he said ducking under an attack and jumping up kicking the dragon in the face, “But what if we do, what if we lose?” Rose said after she was thrown backwards. “Get a hold of your'e self Rose! were gonna win” he said looking back at her. Rose's eyes was afraid, more like tarrafied as they fought the never ending battle. The sun had gone fully down until there were only a couple left than out of no were there was a scream. “DAD!” Rose yelled going to run to the house but Drei pulled her back and out of the way of a dragon's attack. “Stay here, we need everyone here to fight” he yelled. Tom (there father) was thrown out of the house and stepped on by one of the dragons with a scar over his eye, crushing his ribs. “Get away from him!” Rose screamed running foreword, her attempts were futile she was thrown aside easily. “Rose!” Drie yelled looking at her, “James!” he said looking for his dragon and jumped on him as he was running. James ran foreword with his sword raised. He slashed the dragon but it wasn't't enough. “Rose! I need you to get Jazz and help me!” he shouted. Rose nodded and looked at him. “JAZZ!” she called and Jazz came up to her and Rose jumped up on her. She rode up to the dragon's good eye and darted foreword, sword in hand. Flying at high speed with Drei beside her and they both flew toword him into the eye and out the ear, “Ewww” Rose said disgusted. The dragon fell backwards and on the ground, kicking up dust and letting Tom go. “Dad, Dad are you alight?” Rose said. “I'll take him inside, you deal with the wounded out here” Drie said looking at her. Rose nodded and went to the closest person who was wimpring softly clutching his stump of an arm.
Drie put Tom on the nerest bed and ran to get the fist aid kit taking it out he cut off his shirt, throwing it over his head and looked at the wounds on his chest, there wasn't't many bust there were some a few spots were it was bleeding, Banding them quickly. After he was done he sighed and looked at him and grabbed a themometer putting it in his dad's slightly opened mouth. “It's back to normal?!” he said astonished. After the night of rest Tom had woke up to fine both of his kids fast asleep in there own bed. “Well what do you know? I'm better and you are finnaly revenged” he said quietly. “Dad?” Drei said looking at him. “How did the battle go?” Tom asked. “We won, the nasty demons from hell are defeated, we won” came Dries tiered voice. Tome smiled broadly at that and fell back to sleep slowly.
There ya go moonlightelf I hope you like this story ^^
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Moonlightelf on November 12, 2005, 11:35:07 PM
Moonlightelf on