Chapter 5 - Behind The Scenes 2
Submitted March 3, 2005 Updated May 30, 2005 Status Incomplete | I trap the bladers from season one and V-force into a tiny room and do many random things with them. You will laugh they will scream and I think I need a new computer machine, lol. ^-^ Well it is humour and also up on if you want to look. R&R
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade |
Chapter 5 - Behind The Scenes 2
Chapter 5 - Behind The Scenes 2
“Hi andwelcome back to another chapter of Beyblade In A TinyRoom in the behind the scenes. I am still Sapphire Angels Devil and I will beguiding you all thru a part of all we have here in the control room.”
“Is that sogood I mean last time you were on your own in here you got lost and ran thewrong way and if it weren’t for the nice yeti you would still be lost trying toshow Tsunami-chaos were the control room was.” Kat says looking at Saph.
“And yourpoint is?” (Standing in a Kai pose, if you want to know)
“She justmeans that maybe we could handle this today.” Sinja says trying to calm downthe angry author.
“Fine dowhat you want I think I am going to go fish instead of listening to you.” Saph says in an angry bitter tone and then disappears insome sapphire and silver smoke.
“Hey whatis going on?” Tiilia says bouncing into the room.
“I think Ijust made Saph upset.”
“You thinkSinja and what do you think she meant with that she should go fishing insteadthere isn’t any water the nearest miles around?
“You don’tthink she?”
“I suredon’t hope so.”
“What?” Tiilia says looking at the two older OC’swith puppy eyes.
“Don’t haveany time to explain. [/i]Sinja grabs Tiilia and starts to run with Kat behind her.
“What isshe going to do now?”
“Don’tknow.” Draciel answers Dranzerand then they turn around when a third voice that belongs to Dragoon can beheard.
“Hey guys Iwas just kidding please let me in again.”
Sinja:“Finally, there you are.” Sinja says when she sees Saphwalking towards the house with a rod and some kind of tank filled with perfumethat smells like roast beef.
Tiilia:“What you doing, what you doing?” Tiilia says jumpingaround the room.
“What doesit look like? I am going fishing.”
“But youcan’t fish in the house.” Kat says to her creator.
“I can andI will you’ll see.”
“I thinkshe finally have lost it.”
“Lostwhat?” Tiilia asks Sinja with a confused look and Katanswers the question.
“Her brain,but I don’t think she had one to start with.”
“I heardyou and you are going to see what I mean just go to the control room and openthe secret door in the celling.”
“Okay Saph but I still think you are losing it.”
“Just doit.”
In thecontrol room
“What doyou think Kat? Should I do it?”
Kat &Sinja O.O (Not Tiilia sheis busy laughing at Kat & Sinja)
“Are youstill here?” Kat asks Tsunami-chaos.
“Yeah Saph promised me that she was going to take me home againbut she never shoved up.”
“Hey isthat Tsunami-chaos?”
Sinja: “Yesit is.” Sinja answers Saph that can be seen on amonitor.
“Good bringher to me she can help me with the big ones.”
“What isshe doing?” T-c asks looking confused at the three OC’sin front of her.
Tiilia [/i]Is jumping up and down while she answers thequestion “Fishing!”
“On the roof.” Sinja nods. “Sounds fun I want to fish to.”
“Is everyauthor around here insane?” Kat asks while she does a hand motion that say, howstupid can someone be? Or something like that.
“We are notinsane, at least not yet, we have only discovered something you haven’t.
“Like what?
“I amcoming don’t start without me Saph.”
“Okay Iwon’t.”
“Whose ideawas it to let Dragon in again?” Galux says andfollows it up by a hiss.
“Don’tblame me I wanted to drop him in a volcano.” Dranzersays to Galux and then looks at Dragoon when heenters the room with snacks enough to feed an entire army.
“Hey girlswhat are you talking about.”
Dranzer& Galux answers in the same tone and at the sametime “Nothing special, just crap.” (A/N Take that line as you want, it works inevery way).
Back onthe roof
“Did youbring the bait?”
“Of courseI did Saph. What did you think? That I could not findthe 100000 foot tall and 50000 foot long sign saying HERE IS THE BAIT!!!”
“Maybe itwas kind of small.”
“Now unpackhim.”
Tsunami-chaosand Saph opens the bag just to revile a tied up greenhaired boy called Kevin.
“Good nowwe just have to dip him in the roast beef perfume and then we can fish.”
“I wasright they are insane.” Kat says looking at the two girls on the roof.
“Fun I wantto help them.” Tiilia says while she smiles and actslike she is very sugarhigh witch leaves Kat with thiscomment. “…”
The secretdoor on the roof is opening slowly and meanwhile Saphis tying the green haired boy to a rod and slowly let him swing thru the roomso her ¨fishes¨ can smell the bait.
“Now all wehave to do is waiting for them to bite.” Saph sayswith a smirk.
In theroom
All thebladers are asleep but when two special bladers feel the smell the sleepilyattacks their victim.
“Help mehold the rod! I got them T-c!”
“I’mholding I’m holding!”
Saph andT-c holds the rod and drags their ¨fishes¨ up so they are a bit above ground,and thinking of how big Gary is and how much Tyson most weight since he eat somuch, we are really strong.
“That’senough let him go.” Sinja says walking at the room that is very isolated,actually located in a dessert somewhere in the world so if they could escapethey would not live for long.
“Okay butyou are so not fun.” They let go of the rod with a heavy sigh. “Why did youhave to be so mean we just had them on the hook.”
“Becauseyou cant do that to Kevin.” Kat says with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Why?” T-casks when they walk into the control room and then I follow her example.
“Yeah why?”
“Look,look.” Tiilia say while she points at a screen.
“What? Oh, hihihhi hahahahhahahhahahah.”
“Saph when did you fed them last time?” Kat says looking atthe screen with a disgusted expression.
“I thoughtyou guys feed them. Oh, okay I am going to take care of it.”
In thetiny room where they now have a barbeque
“Hey youguys you cant eat him.”
“Why?”Tyson asks with his forks ready.
“Gary is hungry.” All the others sweatdrop
“Umh yeah but I don’t think he tastes so good and besides” Saph does a motion with her hand “the food over theretastes better.”
Gary & Tyson screams (cover your ears) “FOOD!!!”
“Yeah wellthat was all we had for today join us next time in this really creepy andinsane ficcy.” Saph sayswhile she comes down from the roof using a latter, with T-c waiting on theground.
“What doyou mean with creepy?”
“Theyalmost eat Kevin.”
“That iscreepy.”
“Yeah Ithought so. BYE!!!” Saph waves her hand.
“Hum Iwonder how roasted Kevin tastes like?” Dragoon sayswhile he licks his lips with his long tongue.
“That’s ityou are going out again.” Dranzer says lookingserious.
“No it’sraining.”
“We don’tcare you are going out, help me Gallzy… Gallzy” Galux says looking after Gallazy and when she finds him…
“Yumroasted Kevin.” Was that what he said.
All the Bitbeasts except for Dragon Sweat drop at that comment.
“Yeah wholet him in?” Dranzer says and starts to avoid Dragoonmore than she already did”
Answer tomy reviewer
Lady_chaos[/b] I don’t know, use the name you likebest…I guess -.-
I am goingto when I have found out the best way in doing that but I’ll maybe torture himfirst ¨evil laugh can be heard¨ But when he gets kicked out you’ll notice, he he…
“Is that sogood I mean last time you were on your own in here you got lost and ran thewrong way and if it weren’t for the nice yeti you would still be lost trying toshow Tsunami-chaos were the control room was.” Kat says looking at Saph.
“And yourpoint is?” (Standing in a Kai pose, if you want to know)
“She justmeans that maybe we could handle this today.” Sinja says trying to calm downthe angry author.
“Fine dowhat you want I think I am going to go fish instead of listening to you.” Saph says in an angry bitter tone and then disappears insome sapphire and silver smoke.
“Hey whatis going on?” Tiilia says bouncing into the room.
“I think Ijust made Saph upset.”
“You thinkSinja and what do you think she meant with that she should go fishing insteadthere isn’t any water the nearest miles around?
“You don’tthink she?”
“I suredon’t hope so.”
“What?” Tiilia says looking at the two older OC’swith puppy eyes.
“Don’t haveany time to explain. [/i]Sinja grabs Tiilia and starts to run with Kat behind her.
“What isshe going to do now?”
“Don’tknow.” Draciel answers Dranzerand then they turn around when a third voice that belongs to Dragoon can beheard.
“Hey guys Iwas just kidding please let me in again.”
Sinja:“Finally, there you are.” Sinja says when she sees Saphwalking towards the house with a rod and some kind of tank filled with perfumethat smells like roast beef.
Tiilia:“What you doing, what you doing?” Tiilia says jumpingaround the room.
“What doesit look like? I am going fishing.”
“But youcan’t fish in the house.” Kat says to her creator.
“I can andI will you’ll see.”
“I thinkshe finally have lost it.”
“Lostwhat?” Tiilia asks Sinja with a confused look and Katanswers the question.
“Her brain,but I don’t think she had one to start with.”
“I heardyou and you are going to see what I mean just go to the control room and openthe secret door in the celling.”
“Okay Saph but I still think you are losing it.”
“Just doit.”
In thecontrol room
“What doyou think Kat? Should I do it?”
Kat &Sinja O.O (Not Tiilia sheis busy laughing at Kat & Sinja)
“Are youstill here?” Kat asks Tsunami-chaos.
“Yeah Saph promised me that she was going to take me home againbut she never shoved up.”
“Hey isthat Tsunami-chaos?”
Sinja: “Yesit is.” Sinja answers Saph that can be seen on amonitor.
“Good bringher to me she can help me with the big ones.”
“What isshe doing?” T-c asks looking confused at the three OC’sin front of her.
Tiilia [/i]Is jumping up and down while she answers thequestion “Fishing!”
“On the roof.” Sinja nods. “Sounds fun I want to fish to.”
“Is everyauthor around here insane?” Kat asks while she does a hand motion that say, howstupid can someone be? Or something like that.
“We are notinsane, at least not yet, we have only discovered something you haven’t.
“Like what?
“I amcoming don’t start without me Saph.”
“Okay Iwon’t.”
“Whose ideawas it to let Dragon in again?” Galux says andfollows it up by a hiss.
“Don’tblame me I wanted to drop him in a volcano.” Dranzersays to Galux and then looks at Dragoon when heenters the room with snacks enough to feed an entire army.
“Hey girlswhat are you talking about.”
Dranzer& Galux answers in the same tone and at the sametime “Nothing special, just crap.” (A/N Take that line as you want, it works inevery way).
Back onthe roof
“Did youbring the bait?”
“Of courseI did Saph. What did you think? That I could not findthe 100000 foot tall and 50000 foot long sign saying HERE IS THE BAIT!!!”
“Maybe itwas kind of small.”
“Now unpackhim.”
Tsunami-chaosand Saph opens the bag just to revile a tied up greenhaired boy called Kevin.
“Good nowwe just have to dip him in the roast beef perfume and then we can fish.”
“I wasright they are insane.” Kat says looking at the two girls on the roof.
“Fun I wantto help them.” Tiilia says while she smiles and actslike she is very sugarhigh witch leaves Kat with thiscomment. “…”
The secretdoor on the roof is opening slowly and meanwhile Saphis tying the green haired boy to a rod and slowly let him swing thru the roomso her ¨fishes¨ can smell the bait.
“Now all wehave to do is waiting for them to bite.” Saph sayswith a smirk.
In theroom
All thebladers are asleep but when two special bladers feel the smell the sleepilyattacks their victim.
“Help mehold the rod! I got them T-c!”
“I’mholding I’m holding!”
Saph andT-c holds the rod and drags their ¨fishes¨ up so they are a bit above ground,and thinking of how big Gary is and how much Tyson most weight since he eat somuch, we are really strong.
“That’senough let him go.” Sinja says walking at the room that is very isolated,actually located in a dessert somewhere in the world so if they could escapethey would not live for long.
“Okay butyou are so not fun.” They let go of the rod with a heavy sigh. “Why did youhave to be so mean we just had them on the hook.”
“Becauseyou cant do that to Kevin.” Kat says with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Why?” T-casks when they walk into the control room and then I follow her example.
“Yeah why?”
“Look,look.” Tiilia say while she points at a screen.
“What? Oh, hihihhi hahahahhahahhahahah.”
“Saph when did you fed them last time?” Kat says looking atthe screen with a disgusted expression.
“I thoughtyou guys feed them. Oh, okay I am going to take care of it.”
In thetiny room where they now have a barbeque
“Hey youguys you cant eat him.”
“Why?”Tyson asks with his forks ready.
“Gary is hungry.” All the others sweatdrop
“Umh yeah but I don’t think he tastes so good and besides” Saph does a motion with her hand “the food over theretastes better.”
Gary & Tyson screams (cover your ears) “FOOD!!!”
“Yeah wellthat was all we had for today join us next time in this really creepy andinsane ficcy.” Saph sayswhile she comes down from the roof using a latter, with T-c waiting on theground.
“What doyou mean with creepy?”
“Theyalmost eat Kevin.”
“That iscreepy.”
“Yeah Ithought so. BYE!!!” Saph waves her hand.
“Hum Iwonder how roasted Kevin tastes like?” Dragoon sayswhile he licks his lips with his long tongue.
“That’s ityou are going out again.” Dranzer says lookingserious.
“No it’sraining.”
“We don’tcare you are going out, help me Gallzy… Gallzy” Galux says looking after Gallazy and when she finds him…
“Yumroasted Kevin.” Was that what he said.
All the Bitbeasts except for Dragon Sweat drop at that comment.
“Yeah wholet him in?” Dranzer says and starts to avoid Dragoonmore than she already did”
Answer tomy reviewer
Lady_chaos[/b] I don’t know, use the name you likebest…I guess -.-
I am goingto when I have found out the best way in doing that but I’ll maybe torture himfirst ¨evil laugh can be heard¨ But when he gets kicked out you’ll notice, he he…
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TurtleQueen on November 2, 2006, 8:17:12 AM
TurtleQueen on
Artista57 on March 29, 2005, 9:26:36 AM
Artista57 on
lady_chaos on March 24, 2005, 7:55:39 AM
lady_chaos on

picture it everyones all happily eating(as happy as you can get when your locked up)and tyson goes back for seconds.he falls into a pit fill of poisonus snakes,venomus darts and deadly pendulm!he then dies a horrible death!
to gory? o well i do try!
kevin: hey, what ever happened to 'poor kevin,' huh?