Chapter 7 - Behind The Scenes 3
Submitted March 3, 2005 Updated May 30, 2005 Status Incomplete | I trap the bladers from season one and V-force into a tiny room and do many random things with them. You will laugh they will scream and I think I need a new computer machine, lol. ^-^ Well it is humour and also up on if you want to look. R&R
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade |
Chapter 7 - Behind The Scenes 3
Chapter 7 - Behind The Scenes 3
Behind The Scenes 3
The wind iscalm the weather is hot and Saph is sitting outsideon a chair reading some notes when…
“Oh hi Tiilia” And with that is Saphstill sitting on her chair reading her notes.
“Didn’t youget scared?” Tiilia says while she is looking at her creatoralmost crying.
“Yes I gotreally scared can’t you see that I am shaking and stuff?”
“Yay!” And with that is Tiiliajumping away just as happy as she was coming there. Saphsighs and continue to read her notes.
Kat who hasbeen screaming walks up to Saph and yells into herear. “Hey Saph!!!”
“What!?” Saph screams back rubbing her ear. “I am busy”
“Yeah butwith what”
“Thinkingand stuff”
“Oh becauseyour TV show is on air now”
“It is?” Iblink a few times and looks at the cameras filming this “…Oh so that is whatthe red lamp blinking means”
Kat doesthe anime fall “Have you seen it?”
“Yes ithave been blinking a few days now I was starting to wonder what it was allabout”
“So youmean that people have been looking at you reading notes for a few days now”
“I guess sosince that is what I have been doing mostly that and studying”
Kat sweatdrops “Well then maybe you should go and do something?”
“Oh goodidea Kat” Saph stands up “…Okay go do something Kat” Saph sits down again.
“What wasthat?” I ordered you to do something now do it, I have to think on what towrite in my stories…”
“Yes?” Saph looks up from her papers with a smile that say do youwant to say anything important because if you don’t I wont be nice because I ambusy.
“Good” Saph looks on her papers again.
“So whatdid she say then? Is she going to do the show or what?” Sinja asks Kat who hascome back into the control room.
“She toldme to take over for today.”
“Well Ithink she took the smart one to be in charge”
“Well inthat case where is Einstein?”
“Ha ha reallyfunny Sinja…”
“But whatdid she say for real?”
“She toldme to go and do something then she just leaned back on her chair and read hernotes”
“So then…”
Sinja andKat looks at each other and then into a camera filming all that is happening,Kat gets a grin on her face and Sinja is looking to her right side.
“Do youthink what I am thinking Sinja?”
“I don’tthink so”
“Well then…I am the one in charge!”
“No I am heroldest OC I am in charge!”
“Yeah rightas you can be able to handle all this?”
“Well better than you anyways!”
While theyare arguing is Tiilia coming into the room munchingon a candy bar. She looks at the two girls arguing and then she walks up to thecontrol panel and presses a button. “Commercial!”
“Hi andwelcome to this commercial to buy yourself a blader Iam your host Sapphire Angels Devil aka Saph. Our first object is the famous French boy Oliver!”
Camerasturn to the green haired boy.
“He can cookand give you fashion advices and he also has a pink unicorn poster that comesin with the buy. If you order him for a day now! Just call in now to thisnumber 117-BUY-A-LOSER-NOW”
“Excuse moi but I am not a loser”
“Pardon moi but have I said that? I just told the viewers thenumber they should call in and when we get a winning offer you will be rentedby them for a whole day…Wait…” Saph listens on thevoice in her earplug. “Okay… We have a winning offer on you”
“Mon dieu”
“Lets see your going to a three year old girl from Wien that likes ponies and pancakes.”
“Can athree year old call in?”
“Hey I amjust telling what I heard now sch! And she is willingto pay…” A drum roll can be heard “3 euro for you! Congratulations Oliver nowyou’re officially worth 3 euro”
“That can’tbe right!”
“Oh but itis and now follow Kat that is standing there in the corner with a rope and shewill take you to the plane that is going to ship you there and it is up to youif she will use force or not.”
Olivergrumbles but follows Kat out from the room.
“Okay thenour next offer for today is this… eh male specie called Robert”
Robertswalks into the room
“He will doanything for you now start the offers!”
“I am notgoing to do anything for them”
“Oh yeahright, remember we have boring story guarantee on this one so you wont have tolisten on any of the boring stories he might have”
“They arenot boring!”
“Yeahright” Saph yawns “If you say so…” Saph stands still for a while jumping on the spot before apeeping sound can be heard “Oh we have a wining offer!”
“Lets seeyou will go to a plant school in Denmark for 2 euros and the reason theywant you is that you would make an excellent scarecrow.”
“Wellfollow Sinja and she will take you to the plane”
Robert sighsbut follows the girl.
“Stay tonedfor more but first look at the main show. The network says we have to put somereal show in every fifteenth minuet so see you all later!”
“Fun commercial! Dragoon says while wagging his tail.”
“Yeah butwhat are they doing now?” Draciel says while focusinghis gaze on the TV.
“Maybe playing a game?”
“I don’tthink so…”
“Move awayDragon we cant see the TV!” The rest of the bit beastsscream looking at him angrily.
“AlrightI’ll move”
“Oh lookthey have decided something.” Said Draciel when hefinally was able see the whole TV screen again.
“Well thenit is decided”
“We areboth in charge” Kat says with a glare. “What now then?”
“I thoughtyou would know”
“Well Idon’t”
Tiiliawalks up to the two girls with a note in her hand “Look what Saph dropped” Kat takes the note and grins before giving itto Sinja.
“Oh this isthe results of who they want us to kick out from the room”
“You goread it and I go fix a few things”
Sinja looksat Kat with a surprised expression on her face but nods and lets the girl walkaway.
“Well thenin no special order then.
Mariah one vote
Tyson one vote
Enrique onevote”
“Done Sinja!”
“What haveyou done now?”
“Oh nothingspecial at all” Kat says with an innocent look on her face. “Just pull a stringand then wait”
“I don’tknow about that” Sinja looks at Kat and then at the three ropes and then againat Kat “Tiilia you pick one”
“Yay!” Tiilia walks up tothe strings “Is there any candy on the other side?”
“Just pickone”
“Okay Kat” Tiilia smiles and then takes a string with a green knob on.She pulls it and a clock can be heard followed by a scream.
“Kat whatjust happened?” Sinja is looking at Kat with confused look on her face,
“Nothing”Kat grins.
“We need tocheck this out”
“If that iswhat you want to do…”
“Yeah Ithink so, just put a commercial on Kat”
“Why not”Kat shrugs and hums a tone while looking after the right commercial.
“Hi andwelcome back to Buy yourself a Bladerwith us now we have Enrique who thinks he is God’s gift to all the women outthere, does anyone wanna pay anything for this guy?”
“Hi chicas it is me Enrique doesn’t anyone want to date me?”
Saphsighs “OMG he has a big ego, wonder if it is biggerthan his wallet must be?” A ringing sound can be heard. “Oh it is done now”
“So whatbeautiful girl did I get then?”
“Let’s seewatch out for a big ego got a total of three biddings”
“It musthave been supermodels”
“Nope theones bidding was… Miss Ethel a 89 year old widow andyour mom”
“What?”Enrique blushes
“But thewining offer with the whole sum of 8 euros came from… Yourteacher!”
“That’sright and he says that the first thing you should do is to start and study theWW2 before you move on to all the other stuff you have been sneaking awayfrom.”
“Oh no”
“Well thensome justice actually seems to exists in this world then so just follow Nichi and she will get you to your teacher who is waitingoutside with your homework”
“He is likeTyson!”
“QuietDragoon I want to know who is next”
“But Dranzer I didn’t know you was interested”
“Are youkidding? Get your own personal slave for a day.”
“You havebeen spending too much time with Black Dranzer”
“What thathobo please”
“Scch it is continuing” Says Galuxand Dranzer sits ready with her phone.
“And ourlast offer for today is… Kai Hiwatarifrom the Bladebreackers!”
The liveaudience gasps for breath and people is running out to get a phone and make acall. That or Tyson backstage farted…
“Well herehe is in his whole glory” Saph looks at Kai “So thenanything you would want to add?”
“Really?Okay then we just have to wait since all the phonesbroke due to all the callers so we will be right back after the main show!”
Meanwhilethe commercial was aired Saph heard a scream comingfrom the room behind her. She turned around and saw that everything was like itwas supposed to, one really deep whole around the room followed by a poolfilled with pirayas that was if they got out and camethat far and dragons circling around the room.
“Wait aminuet, dragons’?!” Said Saph and looked at thedragons’ circling around in the air. “I thought I told Kat that we shouldn’tbuy those they eat too much… Ah well then” Saph looksat the dragons and snaps her fingers witch teleports the beasts away. “I lovemy fingers some times”
Knock knock…
“Who can itbe?” Said, Dragoon while he walked up to open the door.
“You don’tthink that…”
“I amafraid that” Was Galux answer to Dranzersquestion when they heard.
“Mom Dadand Uncle Fred what are you guys doing here?” The beasts in the room sweatdropped when they heard him.
“I am notgoing to tell him!” Were most of the beasts response but meanwhile was Salamolyon walking up to Dragoon.
“Theyaren’t your parents”
“What… Areyou sure?”
“Yes I amsure”
“How canyou be that?”
“Well it isbecause” Salamolyon takes a deep breath and continuesin a darker voice. “Because Dragoon I am your father” (A/N For those who don’tknow I am going to give you all a hint Darth Vader)
“Oh, oh…” Salamolyon runs away with Dragoon behind him “See I darednow give me the money Wolborg!”
“When didyou?” Said Draciel while he turned to face the wolfbeats.
“Who caresnow just enjoy they show”
“It was ajoke I am not your father!”
“Daddy Iwant a bike can you get me a bike?!”
”I want itto be red Daddy!”
-Inside thetiny room with the bladers-
“What justhappened?”
“I don’tknow Ray. Hey does anyone know what happened?!”
“No Tysonwe don’t know what happened but…”
“Yeah Kenny?”
“Can youmove away you are crushing me?!”
“Hilary Ijust asked that”
“Well Ihave the right to ask to!”
“Not when Isaid it first!”
“Will theynever stop arguing?” Said Max to Ray while they helped the rest of the peoplein the room up from the floor
“I don’tthink so.”
“Hey whereis Ian?”
“Huh?”Hilary and Tyson stop their argument and looks at Tala.
“I thoughtyou knew where all the people in your team where”
“Do I looklike his mom?”
“Well maybeif you whore a pink dress then…”
“Alright,alright what is it now Hilary?”
“Don’t beso insensitive one of them is missing cant you see that they are worried”
“Nope” SaidSpencer and looked at Bryan.
“Don’t lookat me.”
“Hey guyslook!”
“What is itMax?!”
“Ian isoutside!”
“He iswhat?!” When Tyson screamed that back to his friend everyone took that as a que and ran to the little window that was showing theoutside world.
“How did heget out?”
“Don’tthink about that now Kenny if he got out there has to be some way that we canget out”
“Yeah but where would that be Tyson?”
“How shouldI know that?”
“Gah!” The characters do the animefalland then the cameras moves away to the outside world with Ian and me.
“How did Iget out?”
“huh?” Ian looks at Saph stillsitting reading her notes. “It is you!”
“Yes I am Iand you are Ian now when we got that clear how did you get out?”
“I don’tknow the room started to move and I just ended up here”
“Ohhh… really.” Saph looks at hernotes and thinks for a few minuets.
“Can I go?”
“Do youreally think I would leave you outside if you couldn’t walk away?”
Ian doesn’tanswer that he just runs away, laughing like a maniac.
“I amfree!!! No more of Tyson’s smelly socks”
“But if Iwhere him I would have waited on the buss it takes a week to walk out of thisdessert.”
“Kat whatdid you do?!”
“Do youreally think I did something?”
“It was Tiilia who pulled the string”
“Well thatwas because you told her to”
“No I askedyou but you asked Tiilia”
“Yourimpossible better for you no one got out, oh hi Saph!”
“I want toget out to!”
“Calm downMariah”
“No I won’tcalm down Kevin look what they did to my hair!” (A/N No it has not grown outcompletely yet)
“Yes Ray?”Mariah turns to Ray with sparkly eyes.
“Arguingdoesn’t solve the problem we need to think.”
“ThinkTyson. I didn’t think that was your strong side”
“Don’targue with me Hilary”
“I am notarguing!”
“And nowyou’re screaming!”
“No you areI am not!”
“Can’t weleave them in here?” Max asked with a sweat drop. He looked at the others andthey just shook their heads in despair.
“So whatwere you two talking about? Huh Sinja, Kat?”
“Nothing Saph”
“Just thatKat is stupid”
“No I amnot!”
“Yes youare!”
“Calm downor I send you both to the North Pole!”
The twogirls stop their argument.
“Go awaynow I am not done with my work yet”
“Now Kat”
The threegirls walks away to the control room again.
“She isgoing to flip when she finds out”
“Well thenwe just have to be somewhere ells, right Sinja?”
“Well whatdo you say… China?”
“Works withme”
!Hi andwelcome back to Buy yourself a Blader! We are nowtrying to find the wining bid on Kai”
The onlyone that didn’t run away to the phone sits in the audience and claps ¨it’s¨hands.
“Tanks you…Oh finally I got the result everyone!” When Saph saidthat she heard the sound of people’s feet’s when they ran back to their seats.
“Okay andnow the result the wining bid was on… uhm I don’tthink I can say this out loud because I will break my tongue but the winneris…Kai himself!?”
Kai smirksand walks up with a cheque.
“I knew Ishouldn’t have let him keep his phone”
Kai thewalks away and the audience watches him do that.
“Well uhm… okay then!” Saph smiles. “That was all for now stay tuned for more nexttime!” Saph looks at the audience leaving the roomand when it is empty.
“Hey Kaiwait up!” She runs after him.
“Sorry youdidn’t get him Dranzer”
“Well youwin and you lose Dragoon but… can’t you let Salamolyongo? His screaming is a bit annoying”
“No daddyis going to buy me a bike first”
“I saidthat I am not your father!”
“You can’ttrick me this time daddy”
“I’m notyour dad!”
“Daddyloves me” And with that is Dragoon hugging his ¨cough¨ father harder giving hima nice shade of blue on his face.
Saph sitswith her notes everything is quiet when…
“There I amdone now we can start the show”
A person inthe camera staff walks up to Saph and whispers in herear
“What doyou mean the show is over!?”
He runsaway and the camera shows Saph.
“Ah wellthen” She smiles “I guess you all have to join us next time in Beyblade In Atiny Room then. I hope you enjoyed the show even though I don’t know whathappened in it, but anyways join us next time at the same channel, time andtube” Saph waves and the screen gets black and then itgets bright and shows Sinja and Kat both wearing a kimono.
“Do youthink she knows yet?”
“I don’tknow Kat but well we deserv some vacation right?”
“Right” Shelicks on a ice cream and they keep on walking.
“But whereis Tiilia?”
“I thoughtyou knew”
The twogirls looks at each other before they say the samething “Oh no…!”
“Sinja Katlook I found a new pet!”
Kat looksat the direction and Sinja turns her head away
“Pleasedon’t say that it is what I think it is”
“Well I amsorry to let you down but that is Godzilla”
“I told youto not say it”
“I am goingto name him Fluffy!”
“Way ahead of you Sinja!”
Artista57 [/b]Thank you for commenting on it yourself ^-^Well I know scanners is a pain some times and when they do work they alwaysdestroys the pic’s -.-U evil things.
lady_chaos[/b] Not yet I am preparing a specialkick out for him ¨Saph smirks and chuckles¨ But firstI want to have some fun with him so for some future torturing reasons he isstill in the show. But if you want you can kick him a few times.
Tyson: Hey!
Me: What?She can kick you that cant hurt that much
Tyson: Wellone time then but after that leave me alone
Me: Okay
¨Tysonwalks away¨
Me: Quickput this shoes on they have pointy and sharp objects on them and then kick himhard from me :P
rainbow101[/b] I think they are hiding but now I foundthem and well do I have to say more :P
Pleaseleave a comment and if you do then thank you! ^-^
The wind iscalm the weather is hot and Saph is sitting outsideon a chair reading some notes when…
“Oh hi Tiilia” And with that is Saphstill sitting on her chair reading her notes.
“Didn’t youget scared?” Tiilia says while she is looking at her creatoralmost crying.
“Yes I gotreally scared can’t you see that I am shaking and stuff?”
“Yay!” And with that is Tiiliajumping away just as happy as she was coming there. Saphsighs and continue to read her notes.
Kat who hasbeen screaming walks up to Saph and yells into herear. “Hey Saph!!!”
“What!?” Saph screams back rubbing her ear. “I am busy”
“Yeah butwith what”
“Thinkingand stuff”
“Oh becauseyour TV show is on air now”
“It is?” Iblink a few times and looks at the cameras filming this “…Oh so that is whatthe red lamp blinking means”
Kat doesthe anime fall “Have you seen it?”
“Yes ithave been blinking a few days now I was starting to wonder what it was allabout”
“So youmean that people have been looking at you reading notes for a few days now”
“I guess sosince that is what I have been doing mostly that and studying”
Kat sweatdrops “Well then maybe you should go and do something?”
“Oh goodidea Kat” Saph stands up “…Okay go do something Kat” Saph sits down again.
“What wasthat?” I ordered you to do something now do it, I have to think on what towrite in my stories…”
“Yes?” Saph looks up from her papers with a smile that say do youwant to say anything important because if you don’t I wont be nice because I ambusy.
“Good” Saph looks on her papers again.
“So whatdid she say then? Is she going to do the show or what?” Sinja asks Kat who hascome back into the control room.
“She toldme to take over for today.”
“Well Ithink she took the smart one to be in charge”
“Well inthat case where is Einstein?”
“Ha ha reallyfunny Sinja…”
“But whatdid she say for real?”
“She toldme to go and do something then she just leaned back on her chair and read hernotes”
“So then…”
Sinja andKat looks at each other and then into a camera filming all that is happening,Kat gets a grin on her face and Sinja is looking to her right side.
“Do youthink what I am thinking Sinja?”
“I don’tthink so”
“Well then…I am the one in charge!”
“No I am heroldest OC I am in charge!”
“Yeah rightas you can be able to handle all this?”
“Well better than you anyways!”
While theyare arguing is Tiilia coming into the room munchingon a candy bar. She looks at the two girls arguing and then she walks up to thecontrol panel and presses a button. “Commercial!”
“Hi andwelcome to this commercial to buy yourself a blader Iam your host Sapphire Angels Devil aka Saph. Our first object is the famous French boy Oliver!”
Camerasturn to the green haired boy.
“He can cookand give you fashion advices and he also has a pink unicorn poster that comesin with the buy. If you order him for a day now! Just call in now to thisnumber 117-BUY-A-LOSER-NOW”
“Excuse moi but I am not a loser”
“Pardon moi but have I said that? I just told the viewers thenumber they should call in and when we get a winning offer you will be rentedby them for a whole day…Wait…” Saph listens on thevoice in her earplug. “Okay… We have a winning offer on you”
“Mon dieu”
“Lets see your going to a three year old girl from Wien that likes ponies and pancakes.”
“Can athree year old call in?”
“Hey I amjust telling what I heard now sch! And she is willingto pay…” A drum roll can be heard “3 euro for you! Congratulations Oliver nowyou’re officially worth 3 euro”
“That can’tbe right!”
“Oh but itis and now follow Kat that is standing there in the corner with a rope and shewill take you to the plane that is going to ship you there and it is up to youif she will use force or not.”
Olivergrumbles but follows Kat out from the room.
“Okay thenour next offer for today is this… eh male specie called Robert”
Robertswalks into the room
“He will doanything for you now start the offers!”
“I am notgoing to do anything for them”
“Oh yeahright, remember we have boring story guarantee on this one so you wont have tolisten on any of the boring stories he might have”
“They arenot boring!”
“Yeahright” Saph yawns “If you say so…” Saph stands still for a while jumping on the spot before apeeping sound can be heard “Oh we have a wining offer!”
“Lets seeyou will go to a plant school in Denmark for 2 euros and the reason theywant you is that you would make an excellent scarecrow.”
“Wellfollow Sinja and she will take you to the plane”
Robert sighsbut follows the girl.
“Stay tonedfor more but first look at the main show. The network says we have to put somereal show in every fifteenth minuet so see you all later!”
“Fun commercial! Dragoon says while wagging his tail.”
“Yeah butwhat are they doing now?” Draciel says while focusinghis gaze on the TV.
“Maybe playing a game?”
“I don’tthink so…”
“Move awayDragon we cant see the TV!” The rest of the bit beastsscream looking at him angrily.
“AlrightI’ll move”
“Oh lookthey have decided something.” Said Draciel when hefinally was able see the whole TV screen again.
“Well thenit is decided”
“We areboth in charge” Kat says with a glare. “What now then?”
“I thoughtyou would know”
“Well Idon’t”
Tiiliawalks up to the two girls with a note in her hand “Look what Saph dropped” Kat takes the note and grins before giving itto Sinja.
“Oh this isthe results of who they want us to kick out from the room”
“You goread it and I go fix a few things”
Sinja looksat Kat with a surprised expression on her face but nods and lets the girl walkaway.
“Well thenin no special order then.
Mariah one vote
Tyson one vote
Enrique onevote”
“Done Sinja!”
“What haveyou done now?”
“Oh nothingspecial at all” Kat says with an innocent look on her face. “Just pull a stringand then wait”
“I don’tknow about that” Sinja looks at Kat and then at the three ropes and then againat Kat “Tiilia you pick one”
“Yay!” Tiilia walks up tothe strings “Is there any candy on the other side?”
“Just pickone”
“Okay Kat” Tiilia smiles and then takes a string with a green knob on.She pulls it and a clock can be heard followed by a scream.
“Kat whatjust happened?” Sinja is looking at Kat with confused look on her face,
“Nothing”Kat grins.
“We need tocheck this out”
“If that iswhat you want to do…”
“Yeah Ithink so, just put a commercial on Kat”
“Why not”Kat shrugs and hums a tone while looking after the right commercial.
“Hi andwelcome back to Buy yourself a Bladerwith us now we have Enrique who thinks he is God’s gift to all the women outthere, does anyone wanna pay anything for this guy?”
“Hi chicas it is me Enrique doesn’t anyone want to date me?”
Saphsighs “OMG he has a big ego, wonder if it is biggerthan his wallet must be?” A ringing sound can be heard. “Oh it is done now”
“So whatbeautiful girl did I get then?”
“Let’s seewatch out for a big ego got a total of three biddings”
“It musthave been supermodels”
“Nope theones bidding was… Miss Ethel a 89 year old widow andyour mom”
“What?”Enrique blushes
“But thewining offer with the whole sum of 8 euros came from… Yourteacher!”
“That’sright and he says that the first thing you should do is to start and study theWW2 before you move on to all the other stuff you have been sneaking awayfrom.”
“Oh no”
“Well thensome justice actually seems to exists in this world then so just follow Nichi and she will get you to your teacher who is waitingoutside with your homework”
“He is likeTyson!”
“QuietDragoon I want to know who is next”
“But Dranzer I didn’t know you was interested”
“Are youkidding? Get your own personal slave for a day.”
“You havebeen spending too much time with Black Dranzer”
“What thathobo please”
“Scch it is continuing” Says Galuxand Dranzer sits ready with her phone.
“And ourlast offer for today is… Kai Hiwatarifrom the Bladebreackers!”
The liveaudience gasps for breath and people is running out to get a phone and make acall. That or Tyson backstage farted…
“Well herehe is in his whole glory” Saph looks at Kai “So thenanything you would want to add?”
“Really?Okay then we just have to wait since all the phonesbroke due to all the callers so we will be right back after the main show!”
Meanwhilethe commercial was aired Saph heard a scream comingfrom the room behind her. She turned around and saw that everything was like itwas supposed to, one really deep whole around the room followed by a poolfilled with pirayas that was if they got out and camethat far and dragons circling around the room.
“Wait aminuet, dragons’?!” Said Saph and looked at thedragons’ circling around in the air. “I thought I told Kat that we shouldn’tbuy those they eat too much… Ah well then” Saph looksat the dragons and snaps her fingers witch teleports the beasts away. “I lovemy fingers some times”
Knock knock…
“Who can itbe?” Said, Dragoon while he walked up to open the door.
“You don’tthink that…”
“I amafraid that” Was Galux answer to Dranzersquestion when they heard.
“Mom Dadand Uncle Fred what are you guys doing here?” The beasts in the room sweatdropped when they heard him.
“I am notgoing to tell him!” Were most of the beasts response but meanwhile was Salamolyon walking up to Dragoon.
“Theyaren’t your parents”
“What… Areyou sure?”
“Yes I amsure”
“How canyou be that?”
“Well it isbecause” Salamolyon takes a deep breath and continuesin a darker voice. “Because Dragoon I am your father” (A/N For those who don’tknow I am going to give you all a hint Darth Vader)
“Oh, oh…” Salamolyon runs away with Dragoon behind him “See I darednow give me the money Wolborg!”
“When didyou?” Said Draciel while he turned to face the wolfbeats.
“Who caresnow just enjoy they show”
“It was ajoke I am not your father!”
“Daddy Iwant a bike can you get me a bike?!”
”I want itto be red Daddy!”
-Inside thetiny room with the bladers-
“What justhappened?”
“I don’tknow Ray. Hey does anyone know what happened?!”
“No Tysonwe don’t know what happened but…”
“Yeah Kenny?”
“Can youmove away you are crushing me?!”
“Hilary Ijust asked that”
“Well Ihave the right to ask to!”
“Not when Isaid it first!”
“Will theynever stop arguing?” Said Max to Ray while they helped the rest of the peoplein the room up from the floor
“I don’tthink so.”
“Hey whereis Ian?”
“Huh?”Hilary and Tyson stop their argument and looks at Tala.
“I thoughtyou knew where all the people in your team where”
“Do I looklike his mom?”
“Well maybeif you whore a pink dress then…”
“Alright,alright what is it now Hilary?”
“Don’t beso insensitive one of them is missing cant you see that they are worried”
“Nope” SaidSpencer and looked at Bryan.
“Don’t lookat me.”
“Hey guyslook!”
“What is itMax?!”
“Ian isoutside!”
“He iswhat?!” When Tyson screamed that back to his friend everyone took that as a que and ran to the little window that was showing theoutside world.
“How did heget out?”
“Don’tthink about that now Kenny if he got out there has to be some way that we canget out”
“Yeah but where would that be Tyson?”
“How shouldI know that?”
“Gah!” The characters do the animefalland then the cameras moves away to the outside world with Ian and me.
“How did Iget out?”
“huh?” Ian looks at Saph stillsitting reading her notes. “It is you!”
“Yes I am Iand you are Ian now when we got that clear how did you get out?”
“I don’tknow the room started to move and I just ended up here”
“Ohhh… really.” Saph looks at hernotes and thinks for a few minuets.
“Can I go?”
“Do youreally think I would leave you outside if you couldn’t walk away?”
Ian doesn’tanswer that he just runs away, laughing like a maniac.
“I amfree!!! No more of Tyson’s smelly socks”
“But if Iwhere him I would have waited on the buss it takes a week to walk out of thisdessert.”
“Kat whatdid you do?!”
“Do youreally think I did something?”
“It was Tiilia who pulled the string”
“Well thatwas because you told her to”
“No I askedyou but you asked Tiilia”
“Yourimpossible better for you no one got out, oh hi Saph!”
“I want toget out to!”
“Calm downMariah”
“No I won’tcalm down Kevin look what they did to my hair!” (A/N No it has not grown outcompletely yet)
“Yes Ray?”Mariah turns to Ray with sparkly eyes.
“Arguingdoesn’t solve the problem we need to think.”
“ThinkTyson. I didn’t think that was your strong side”
“Don’targue with me Hilary”
“I am notarguing!”
“And nowyou’re screaming!”
“No you areI am not!”
“Can’t weleave them in here?” Max asked with a sweat drop. He looked at the others andthey just shook their heads in despair.
“So whatwere you two talking about? Huh Sinja, Kat?”
“Nothing Saph”
“Just thatKat is stupid”
“No I amnot!”
“Yes youare!”
“Calm downor I send you both to the North Pole!”
The twogirls stop their argument.
“Go awaynow I am not done with my work yet”
“Now Kat”
The threegirls walks away to the control room again.
“She isgoing to flip when she finds out”
“Well thenwe just have to be somewhere ells, right Sinja?”
“Well whatdo you say… China?”
“Works withme”
!Hi andwelcome back to Buy yourself a Blader! We are nowtrying to find the wining bid on Kai”
The onlyone that didn’t run away to the phone sits in the audience and claps ¨it’s¨hands.
“Tanks you…Oh finally I got the result everyone!” When Saph saidthat she heard the sound of people’s feet’s when they ran back to their seats.
“Okay andnow the result the wining bid was on… uhm I don’tthink I can say this out loud because I will break my tongue but the winneris…Kai himself!?”
Kai smirksand walks up with a cheque.
“I knew Ishouldn’t have let him keep his phone”
Kai thewalks away and the audience watches him do that.
“Well uhm… okay then!” Saph smiles. “That was all for now stay tuned for more nexttime!” Saph looks at the audience leaving the roomand when it is empty.
“Hey Kaiwait up!” She runs after him.
“Sorry youdidn’t get him Dranzer”
“Well youwin and you lose Dragoon but… can’t you let Salamolyongo? His screaming is a bit annoying”
“No daddyis going to buy me a bike first”
“I saidthat I am not your father!”
“You can’ttrick me this time daddy”
“I’m notyour dad!”
“Daddyloves me” And with that is Dragoon hugging his ¨cough¨ father harder giving hima nice shade of blue on his face.
Saph sitswith her notes everything is quiet when…
“There I amdone now we can start the show”
A person inthe camera staff walks up to Saph and whispers in herear
“What doyou mean the show is over!?”
He runsaway and the camera shows Saph.
“Ah wellthen” She smiles “I guess you all have to join us next time in Beyblade In Atiny Room then. I hope you enjoyed the show even though I don’t know whathappened in it, but anyways join us next time at the same channel, time andtube” Saph waves and the screen gets black and then itgets bright and shows Sinja and Kat both wearing a kimono.
“Do youthink she knows yet?”
“I don’tknow Kat but well we deserv some vacation right?”
“Right” Shelicks on a ice cream and they keep on walking.
“But whereis Tiilia?”
“I thoughtyou knew”
The twogirls looks at each other before they say the samething “Oh no…!”
“Sinja Katlook I found a new pet!”
Kat looksat the direction and Sinja turns her head away
“Pleasedon’t say that it is what I think it is”
“Well I amsorry to let you down but that is Godzilla”
“I told youto not say it”
“I am goingto name him Fluffy!”
“Way ahead of you Sinja!”
Artista57 [/b]Thank you for commenting on it yourself ^-^Well I know scanners is a pain some times and when they do work they alwaysdestroys the pic’s -.-U evil things.
lady_chaos[/b] Not yet I am preparing a specialkick out for him ¨Saph smirks and chuckles¨ But firstI want to have some fun with him so for some future torturing reasons he isstill in the show. But if you want you can kick him a few times.
Tyson: Hey!
Me: What?She can kick you that cant hurt that much
Tyson: Wellone time then but after that leave me alone
Me: Okay
¨Tysonwalks away¨
Me: Quickput this shoes on they have pointy and sharp objects on them and then kick himhard from me :P
rainbow101[/b] I think they are hiding but now I foundthem and well do I have to say more :P
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TurtleQueen on November 3, 2006, 11:07:05 PM
TurtleQueen on

llama_boy on February 17, 2006, 6:05:11 PM
llama_boy on
Artista57 on June 1, 2005, 1:41:38 PM
Artista57 on