Chapter 2 - Part 2
Submitted December 22, 2005 Updated December 25, 2005 Status Incomplete | A 3 chapter long story that you can see as a X-mas gift from me. Parody and lots of fun in it if you like madness and the beyblade chars then read this story.
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade » Team Bladebreakers » Max |
Chapter 2 - Part 2
Chapter 2 - Part 2
Maxie Hood
-In the hobby shop more especially in Max room-
“What should we do now then?” Mariam said looking at the blades Max had in his shelves above his bed.
“How about we try to make him normal again?” Hilary said bending over the bed with the sleeping Max on it.
“That's a great idea Hilary and how did you think we should make that happen, with some fairy dust?” Tyson said trying to ironic but all it resulted in was a pissed girl that knocked him down with a baseball bat that Max had in his room.
“Mariam what do you think?” Ozuma said looking at the girl.
“Me?” She asked doing a hand motion on herself.
“Yes you. You have been with him for the longest time when he has been like this you can maybe know a way to cure him.”
Mariam looked puzzled at the group before she found her cold self again. “No I don't know really…” She said looking at Max sleeping. “I don't know more then you do.” She said and then turned away from Max that had started to snore lightly.
“Ok but maybe if we hit him on the head then?” Joseph Mariam's brother said making the rest of the ones look at him with big eyes, even Tyson that had woken+----- up after Hilary had knocked him out with the bat. “What it works in movies” The green haired boy said to defend himself.
“It is worth a try” Dunga said taking up the bat Hilary had left on the floor after hitting Tyson. He walked the few steps he had to the bed and stood in position when the ones in the room started to hang on him to make him stop.
“Dunga stop you will kill him!” Mariam screamed and this made poor Kenny who had been sitting in the corner to wake up, he looked at Dunga with glowing eyes and with a scream he jumped up on Dungas head and tried to take the bat from the gorilla like guy.
“Kill… kill…. Yes indeed kill with bat I will, save the lives for many…”
“Kenny!” Hilary screamed now trying to make Kenny go of Dunga and Dunga who had noticed the one on his head started to, very stupidly, hit the one on his head but all that this gave the tall boy was a mayor headache since he missed the boy with glasses and hit himself witch made him knock out himself and fall on the floor with a boom when he hit the floor.
Now they tried to take the bat away from Kenny instead since he got it when Dunga fell against the floor and with a few screams that woke Max up from his sleep Mariam got the bat but she swung it so it came over his bed and after asking what was going on he got hit by the bat and got knocked out once more.
“Sorry Max…” Mariam then said looking at the boy she knocked while the rest sweat dropped standing around her. At that time Max dad came into the room. He looked at the girl that stood over his son's bed with a bat in her hand and then at Max with a bulb on his head, this made him ask. “What are you doing in her?”
Mariam who turned around in shock hide the bat behind her back before she turned on her angelic smile. “Noting Mr Tate”
“I see…” He said and looked a bit suspicious on the ones in there but he walked in with the medicine he had brought with him and while he leaved the room looking over his shoulder he said that Max mom would soon be here to. He then closed the door and after 5 seconds everybody sighed and turned around to see if Max was ok after the KO hit.
“Sorry again Max” Mariam said bending over the blond boys bed.
“Hey Mariam what was that look you got on your face when Max dad asked what was going on?” Dunga stupidly asked since he didn't know that every girl on this planet have an angelic face for emergency situations.
“It was my I didn't do anything wrong face Dunga you know some people call it an angelic face.”
Dunga looked at Mariam that patted the bulb on Max head and started to laugh. “I didn't know devils imitated devils” He said between laughs and made the rest of his team sigh since he gave them such a lame joke. This made Mariam not that little pissed and soon the war between the two genders, and according to some species, started.
After a little while with this entertaining that was of the same kind that Hilary and Tyson usually gave the others Max started to wake up making everyone to stop with whatever they where doing witch was in Kenny's case trying to get the money out from Max piggy banc.
“He's waking up!” Hilary stated with a scream maybe thinking that this would help the blond boy to wake up but when she did so Max mom came running into the room and started to hug the boy at the same time he opened up his eyes.
“Oh Maxie are you ok?”
The others in the room froze when Judy said her nickname on her son, thinking about the Maxie Hood they hade been with the whole day now.
Max froze a bit but after a while he hugged her back and smiled at her not saying a word.
“Oh honey I was so worried when I heard that you had passed out” Judy said and smiled, Max smiled back. “But I am ok now.” He said and looked around in the room taking a good look on Mariam that was still with the bat in her hand but noticed it and dropped it after blushing a bit. Max mom finally let go off her son after a while and saw that Max dad had forgot to bring a spoon with him when he brought the medicine with him so after saying hat she was going to get one she walked out off the room leaving the others alone with Max.
“Max… Are you ok?” Hilary asked looking at her blond friend.
“Or ells I can knock you on the head…” Dunga started but got interrupted by Mariam.
“Oh no you don't!” She said and the others glared at her. “I mean… uhm…” She backed away into a corner while the others turned back to Max.
“What's your name Max?” Tyson asked making Hilary whack him on the head for his stupidity.
“Moron you just said what his name was now he can just copy that and we wont know if he is like he uses to!” She screamed into his ear. Max just looked at this and smiled and he kept on like that till his mom entered the room gave him the medicine that he took in his mouth and after a while and many promises his mom left the room, all the bladers that was present thought that he was now ok but they didn't have the chance to think more before Max walked straight up of the bed and spit out on the street from his window hitting someone with the medicine he had on his mouth on that persons head luckily for our hero that person was Mr Dickenson and he thought that it was just a bird that had done its ¨needs¨ on his hat and didn't give it any more thought.
“Max?” Hilary who had first noticed that he had got up said looking at him, but he didn't even notice her but he went straight out from his room and opened a way up to the attic where he looked true some boxes before he came down again. He bent down on his knee in front off Ray and said nothing he just held the most ugliest clothes in front of Ray and what was worse then this was that the clothes was several sizes to small.
“Max?” Ray said the word of the hour and looked in disbelief at the clothes and then on his friend. “What is going on?”
“This is the royal suit that I promised to protect while you weren't on the throne and now that you have returned and I will soon kill the prince that has taken your throne you can finally put these on and feel like a royalty again. Ray pulled the clothes from Max gentle grasp around them and held them in front of himself whispering. “Like a royal joke yeah…” the clothes where Max old ones a neon green shirt and some orange pants and Ray looked at Max with google eyes trying to find a way out of this mess.
“Come on Ray put it on it's for a good cause!” Tyson screamed making the rest of the ones in there, with the exception of Max that is, to laugh. Ray glared at him but after a while, when Max tried to dress him in front of the girls, he did mumble something and walked to the bathroom to change his outfit.
“But I am keeping my bandana!” Was the last thing they heard before he locked the door.
Max mom then came into the room and since Max was now talking, he said what had come to his mind, when he first saw the woman which was his mom after he woke up. “The poison killer is back!”
“What…?” Max mom looked at the scene puzzled but she got even more surprised when Max then ran to stand in front of Mariam and started to yell. “Don't worry my lady I will protect you from her!”
At that point Max dad came back, who wouldn't after all that screaming you may say then, and asked what was going on? He was a bit groggy since he had been sleeping.
“She got you to?!” Max screamed and took his trusty ripcord in his right hand and started to use it as he would if he had a sword in his hand, clumsy and with no sense of direction.
“What is going on!?” Max mom was now a bit angry and glared at the group that was there, they stood there looking back at her before Mariam good a brilliant idea.
“Nothing, we are just… acting!” She said and everyone there got what she meant with the exception of Tyson that looked more stupid the unusual. “Max is Robin Hood and Tyson is a stupid guy from the future…”
“Like he has to act for that” Hilary mumbled and this Tyson understood and heard so he glared back at her but for the sake of the situation he shut up for once about what he thought.
“…I am Lady Mariam from the story Robin Hood, Dunga is a chimpanzee…” Dunga glared at Mariam with angry eyes and you could almost see how his eyes were on fire after this insult that Mariam had delivered.
“And Kenny is…. Kenny is… actually we are not sure who Kenny is yet but he is doing his role really good.” Everybody looked into the corner where Kenny sat and tried to once more open up Max piggy banc, while he kept on saying my precious or something similar to that with a few adding's of, fire bad here and there. Mariam and the rest of the ones there with the exception of Max and Kenny that was really ¨in character¨ so it was not something that they where supposed to do. Max mom and dad looked at their son still with the ripcord in his hand. But with no other evidence they let it be, and left the room saying that Tyson and Dunga were really good at acting, and then they shut the door. Kai who had been looking at this scenery the whole time and didn't really was a part of it, smirked and if it wasn't the Kai we all know he would have fell on the floor laughing for a week at least. Mariam sighed and Max dropped his ripcord and turned around to face Mariam. “Are you ok my lady?” He said and looked deep into her eyes making Mariam feel not a little uncomfortable.
“Yeah Maxie… I am ok but…”
“Ok stay here then” He said and smiled while he ran up on the attic once more. Mariam looked puzzled but her puzzled look was soon replaced by a face that showed controlled held back laughter. Ray had just come out from the bathroom and he was looking ridiculous. His shirt was to small for him so it was really tight and showed everything that was under it and it didn't reach farter down then to a bit over his bellybutton. The orange pants that was going to be strapped over his back was to small to so that so he had tied the stripes around his wrist making the look, look more complete Max found, and given Ray, a crown for his king to wear made out of plastic and a big red towel completed it all when it was strapped over his back. He glared at them all one after each other just to make sure no one laughed at him and the bandana that was holding his hair up was not that visible under his crown. When the crown that was too small for his ¨royal¨ head fell over his eyes no one could really hold back the laughs.
Max came back when all the laughs had ended more because of the fact that they couldn't breath then that it wasn't funny anymore. He walked up to Mariam with a glimpse in his eyes and bent down in front of her as well, Ray got a grin on his face and thought that finally someone ells would be laughed at this time and not him. Mariam stood up from her position on the bed after all the laughs to open the box that Max had been holding in front of her and held back a gasp. In the box where Max mom's old wedding dress white made of silk with small beyblade details made on it, probably there because of the old couples interest in the sport.
“Max…?” Mariam started and looked at the dress with big eyes, Hilary that had been running up to Mariam had echoed this word too and both the girls looked at the dress then at Max with their big eyes for a while before Max wanted Mariam to put it on. Mariam refused to but after some pressure from Max and Ray who had to put on the outfit he now wore she went and put it on with the help of Hilary. This fact that Mariam got help from the one he thought was brother Tuck took him a little with surprise but when he thought about it for a while he came to the conclusion that his lady would be safe since he was a priest and therefore not interested in girls.
“Ray, you look…”
“Don't even think about it Tyson” Ray glared at the boy with the baseball cap.
“As you wish my king” Tyson said and then bowed making the rest of them laugh because this act made gave his pants one more air hole in the back.
The guys were the only ones in the room and it took them 3 seconds then they laughed at Tyson's misery. Tyson who had just noticed the breeze coming up north stop straight up with a red face, he was the looking around to make sure that the girls hadn't come out yet.
“Let's celebrate Christmas my friends!” max the shouted out, out of the blue and made everyone turn around to look at him.
“Christmas?” Dunga asked looking at Max who hadn't been noticing him for a while.
“It's the fat sheriff of Nothingnessville!”
“I am not fat!” Dunga then screamed because Max statement made him pissed. “And I am not the fat sheriff of Nothingnessville!”
“You aren't?”
This made Max think for a while and after a few minutes he came to a conclusion. “OK I know who you are!”
“Really?” Ray asked feeling a relief since he might get out from the outfit soon.
“Yeah… He is Santa that has come to help us celebrate Christmas!”
Max looked around in the room and saw the faces of the ones there. “Isn't he?” Maxie said and looked at them with a smile on his face.
“Yeah sure Max” Tyson said putting on another pair of pants that he just saw and it just happened to be Ray's pants.
“Don't you dare take my pants!”
“I have to Ray and you already have pants!”
“I am NOT going out of this room dressed like this you know that Tyson!”
“So what orange is so your colour.”
“No its not!”
While they argued the girls came out with Mariam in the dress and they looked confused at what was going on.
“We are gone for 5 min and this is what happens.” Hilary said crossing her arms over her chest.
“Don't blame them they are just guys.”
“Really Santa you're giving ME your job!” Max screamed then after looking on Dunga for a while and notice that he wasn't wearing a red dress nor a beard. “Is the reindeers outside?” Max then rushed against the window and jumped out from the second floor believing that the deer's would catch him when he feel.
“Max!” Mariam screamed and looked at the boy that landed in a bush and didn't hurt himself to much because he then ran away screaming after the deer's.
“What happened guys?” Hilary screamed at them when they all ran out to catch Max, both Ray and Tyson completely forgetting about what they where wearing and, Mariam had forgotten to since she had jumped out into the tree with the dress on a while after Max had made his ¨great escape¨. Joseph had been following with her and they both ran after the confused blond boy.
“Hey are you running after your broom girl!”
“No she must be a runway bride!” Some guys screamed and then laughed when Max ran into the mall making poor Mariam realising what she was wearing. With a little yelp out of surprise Mariam ran into a store selling girl clothes and just taking something and paying for it and then changing in the time of a few minutes she was of again not noticing that the colour of the year was pink and that was what she was wearing from top to toe.
“Mariam… are you sure that you're going to wear that?” Her brother asked covering a smile. Pink was not her colour.
“Its better then the dress at least.” She said and started to run away just turning around long enough to toss the bag with the dress to her brother and scream to him. “Here take it home to Max and get my normal clothes Joseph!” she screamed at her brother and then again dashed of after Max that was now a bit farther away from them but since he had stopped and asked people where the deer's where the distance wasn't that great between them.
“Come on Maxie stop running…” Mariam mumbled to herself while she followed the boy when he ran past a restaurant and went straight away to the toy store.
-A bit from the mall where Mariam and Max is-
“Are you sure that Max is in here?” Tyson said to Joseph that was running next to him, Hilary had taken over the mission to return the dress to max mom and wasn't there with them, although Kenny was running with them still trying to get the money out from Max piggy banc.
“I am sure.”
“We have to find him before he hurts himself” Ozuma said while they ran into the mall.
“Or we have to find him so we can hurt him back to normal”
“What Ozuma!? It has worked before”
“You know Ozuma the chimpanzee seems to have a point.” Tyson said mimicking something that Mariam could have said. “I don't like it but maybe we should try to hit him on the head with something.”
“Hilary where is Max? He shouldn't be running outside after his accident”
“Ehh…” Hilary froze this was not something she had been expecting. “Well he isn't he is… sleeping now yeah, sleeping he was really tired and I just came here to see if he was ok witch he was so I better be going now. Bye Mr and Ms Tate!” And with that Hilary ran out from the Tate's home leavening Max parents confused behind her.
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Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on January 12, 2006, 3:35:19 PM