Chapter 1 - Chapter one, Part one
Submitted August 2, 2004 Updated November 9, 2004 Status Incomplete | The story of how Hiei and Shiei (orignal character) meet and fall in love. Also the story of how Shiei orginally an enemy of the gang now fights along side them!
Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Hiei |
Chapter 1 - Chapter one, Part one
Chapter 1 - Chapter one, Part one
Part one:
It was right after Kurama's fight with Karasu, and thedevastation from the win going to the opposing team still hung thickly in theair around the Urameshi team.
”It's not fair...” Yusuke thought, fuming silently, “Karasudied! Kurama should have won, who cares if he was down for 10 freakingseconds?!”
It was Hiei's turn to fight now, his opponent being a femaledemon by the name of Shiei.
It unnerved Hiei slightly, that woman's name was so close tohis own, and she even seemed to act like him...or at least had the sameattitude towards humans. He glared at her, she even dressed like him, dammit.
Hiei brushed it off as coincidence, and jumped into the ring, landing lightlyon his feet without even wrinkling his clothes.
Juri's voice boomedfrom the speakers, amplified by the advanced sound system that had been installed.“From Team Urameshi, we have Hiei at a height of four foot ten inches! And fromTeam Toguro, Shiei, at an almost equal height of four foot nine inches! Thislooks like this is going to be one exciting fight, people!”
”Don'tthink just because you’re female I’m going easy on you!” Hiei told his opponent, giving her his trademarkicy glare.
”Just as expected, I don’t need special treatment!” Answered Shiei as she got intoattacking position.
The crowd began tocheer, and the fight started. Unbeknownst to them, the two fighters had startedmore than just a fight for victory, and their destinies were soon tointertwine...
Hiei thenmade the first attack, to the untrained eye, thetwo fighters became nothing but blurs of black as both took off suddenly,heading straight for each other. The clanging of blades clashing filled thearena until it became so loud it was as if an entire army was fighting. Hieicould hardly believe it...this opponent...this girl seemed to be as welltrained as he was! His eyes narrowed into pinpricks of crimson. There was noway he was going to lose!
”WOAH!She’s just as fast as Hiei! How is Hiei supposed to hurt her?” Said Kuwabara asShiei dodges one of Hiei’s attacks.
“Don'tworry knowing Hiei he’ll think of something...” Kurama and Yusuke said as theystared at the fight.
Kurama thinks to himself ”Hiei what are you planning? I know those bandageson your arm are because you remastered the darkness flame, but will that beenough against somebody who has the same skills as you!?”
Shiei thencomes in with a counter attack from behind but Hiei dodges that. Hiei thentries the to hit Shiei with his sword but she dodges again. Shiei then comes inwith another counter attack. Hiei easily dodges that attack too. They just keepdodging each other’s attacks.
Hiei & Shiei then stop attacking each other and arestanding on opposite sides of the ring. Now they are staring at each other withthe look of determination in their eyes.
”You are worthy opponent…” Hiei says as he stares acrossthe ring at Shiei.
”As to you the same!” Shiei answered from the other side of the ring.
”But don't think I will give up that easily!” Hiei said as he got ready to attackagain!
Hiei then pulls off his bandana reveling his Jagan eye! Healso unwraps the bandages on his arm.
”Should have figured you would pull that trick off, but that does not changeanything cause I have my own experiences with the Dragon Of The DarknessFlame!” Shiei said as she watches Hiei get ready to attack her with his Jaganskills.
“What doesshe mean by that.” Kuwabara says, then he starts to think to himself “Don'ttell me she has one of those third eyes too!? ...AH!”
”So how long do plan to hide the truth? I know that outfit: Long sleeves tohide the bandages and a bandana to hide the Jagan! Did you really think youcould fool me?” Said Hiei as he glares at Shiei.
”No I did not think I could fool you!” Shiei said sarcastically, “But now thatyou have figured it out….”
Shiei then pulls off her cape thing and now the two of them are wearing sameoutfit!
”They look alike! That's just plain creepy!” Kuwabara said with slight fear inhis voice.
Kuwabarathen started to think to himself again ”AH! She does have a third eye likeHiei! That is plain creepy! Can I go hide somewhere?” Kuwabara then hidesbehind Yusuke.
”Hn! Just as I suspected! You do have a Jagan and you have mastered theDragon Of The Darkness Flame too haven’t you!?” Hiei said with sarcasm in hisvoice.
”You have figured me out” Shiei says,then she pulls off her bandana and unwraps the bandages on her arm too! “Let'ssee who has the better Jagan skills of the two us!”
”Fine by me!” Hiei answers with a happytone in his voice.
The two of them charge at each other both doing a fist of the Mortal Flame!They keep hitting each other with the attack but neither are taking any damage!But they were losing a lot of spirit energy!
Hiei starts to think in mid-attack, “This has stop! This is using up toomuch energy!”
Shiei starts thinking in mid-attack too, “I’m losing too much energydoing this! This has to stop!”
Hiei and Shiei stop using the Fist of the Mortal Flame at the same time.
”Now what?”Kuwabara says from the sidelines.
Kurama thinks “Are you going to use the darkness flame Hiei? Even though youknow she has mastered it too? She could just have it turn around and have itattack you instead!”
Hiei smirksand says, “Time to use something have been saving...”
Shiei starts to think to herself, “He is going to use the Darkness flame!THE FOOL! I can just turn it around and have it attack him instead of me!! Butwait… how do I know he hasn't truly mastered it like so many have tried!? Ifthat were the case then the dragon would not hurt him! But then again would ithurt me? I have mastered it too, so it shouldn't hurt me either! So if I’ll letit hit me then I can send it at him! He'll never suspect it!!”
”DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!!!” Screams Hiei as the Dark Black flameshaped like a dragon charges at full force toward Shiei!
Shieistarts to laugh as the dragon hits her!
”There it is over....”Hiei says as he is now out of spirit energy.
”Huh? I guess the winner is Hieicause Shiei is nowhere in sight!” Juri says with much surprise in her voice.
“I wouldn’t count me out yet!” Shiei says as she comes from out of nowhere!
”WHAT NOT EVEN A SCRATCH!?” Kuwabara and Yusuke scream with surprise.
Hiei then says, “Hn! I should have known better!”
”Yes now die at the hands of your own dragon!” Shiei answers as she starts tolaugh!
”DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!” Shiei Screams as the attack goes charging atfull force toward Hiei! Just before the dragon hits Hiei smirks! Shiei now islaughing for she thinks she has won…
“AHH!” Juri screams “ok...I guess Shiei is the winner, then!?”
Hiei then pops out of nowhere and says, “HAHAHAH! Is that all you got?”
“Hn! I see you have truly mastered it too! But now we are both completely outof spirit energy!” Shiei says with no trace of surprise in her looks or voice.
“Seems that we have...” Hiei answers.
“How about we end this with an old-fashioned swordfight!?” Shiei suggests
”Fine!” Hiei answers.
Hiei and Shiei draw their swords and start slashing at each other! Dodging somegetting hit by others until Shiei and Hiei make direct eye contact!
Shiei surprised by her own actions starts thinking to herself, “Huh…whatthe? What’s wrong with me?”
Shiei then accidentally drops her sword!
Hiei sees how she is acting and starts to think to himself, “She dropped hersword, why? And why do I have this felling like I can't attack her!? What'swrong with me!?”
Hiei then almost drops his sword too! Hiei then gets back on track and goesin to attack while Shiei still has her guard down. Shiei picks up her swordjust in time to block Hiei's attack.
Then they start to whisper from their cross swords….
“What's wrong? Why did you put your guarddown? I thought this was to be a fight to the finish?” Hiei whispers to Shiei.
“What about you? You are no longer fightingat full force either!” Shiei whispers back.
“What are you thinking?” Hiei asks quietly.
“We pretend to be fighting, then fall out of the ring and make this a tie!Cause neither of us wants to lose!” Shiei whispers back.
“I don't know why I am agreeing but yes it's a plan we can make-work!” Hieiquietly answers in return to Shiei’s suggestion.
Shiei then Whispers to Hiei, “Ok I will let you knock me out of the ring goafter me and we just make sure we keep fighting outside the ring for 10counts!”
”Ok! 1-2-3.... GO!” Hiei Whispers.
Hiei thenknocks Shiei out of the ring! Shiei crashes into the wall! Hiei follows her outof the ring…
”Remember 10 counts....” Shiei reminds Hiei.
“Yes I know!” Hiei answers sarcastically.
Hiei and Shiei continue to fight outside the ring, trying to make it seem likethey don’t even realize they are out of the ring!
”What is Hiei doing? Doesn’t he realize that if he stays out the ring for tencounts we loose this round?” Yusuke asks.
“Not if Shiei is out of the ring too, then it will be a tie and both teams geta win!” Kurama answers
Kurama thenstarts to think to himself, “What are you planning Hiei? Do you want to tie?But why would you want to tie against a girl…! Unless…But that could neverhappen! Hiei doesn't understand love!”
Juri then realizes they are out of the ring, “Well since they are out of thering I will start!Since both players were out of the ring for ten counts this round will beconsidered a tie and both teams get a win!”
Hiei and Shiei stop fighting as soon as the tie was announced. Hiei looks atShiei and Shiei looks at Hiei....
“There now, neither of us loses!” Shiei says with satisfaction.
“Hey it's better than losing!” Hiei says with a happy tone again!
Hiei goes back to his team and Shiei goes back to hers...
Yusuke now very much confused asks,“What was that! You tied!? What’s up with that!?”
Hiei now very exhausted from the fight answers, “”
“Yes we did!” Yusuke says, “What's with you?”
”Doing the Dragon Of The Darkness Flame took.... all the energy …...out of me!I barely got.... through the sword fight! Now.... I need….. to hibernate!” Hieianswers with a very tired voice. Hiei looks as if he is about to fall asleepright at that very moment!
”For how long?” Yusuke asks with curiosity.
Hieianswers with the last bit of strength he has left, ”I....don't know..... I amtrusting…. somewhere.....whereit.....won't.....get stepped.....on!And……when.......I.....wake....up…………… Hiei then collapses!
Kurama starts to laugh, “Leave it to Hiei to get in that last-minute threat!”
Yusuke starts to laugh too, “Yup that's Hiei for you!”
”But why did he tie with a girl?” Yusuke asks himself.
End of part one!
Part one:
It was right after Kurama's fight with Karasu, and thedevastation from the win going to the opposing team still hung thickly in theair around the Urameshi team.
”It's not fair...” Yusuke thought, fuming silently, “Karasudied! Kurama should have won, who cares if he was down for 10 freakingseconds?!”
It was Hiei's turn to fight now, his opponent being a femaledemon by the name of Shiei.
It unnerved Hiei slightly, that woman's name was so close tohis own, and she even seemed to act like him...or at least had the sameattitude towards humans. He glared at her, she even dressed like him, dammit.
Hiei brushed it off as coincidence, and jumped into the ring, landing lightlyon his feet without even wrinkling his clothes.
Juri's voice boomedfrom the speakers, amplified by the advanced sound system that had been installed.“From Team Urameshi, we have Hiei at a height of four foot ten inches! And fromTeam Toguro, Shiei, at an almost equal height of four foot nine inches! Thislooks like this is going to be one exciting fight, people!”
”Don'tthink just because you’re female I’m going easy on you!” Hiei told his opponent, giving her his trademarkicy glare.
”Just as expected, I don’t need special treatment!” Answered Shiei as she got intoattacking position.
The crowd began tocheer, and the fight started. Unbeknownst to them, the two fighters had startedmore than just a fight for victory, and their destinies were soon tointertwine...
Hiei thenmade the first attack, to the untrained eye, thetwo fighters became nothing but blurs of black as both took off suddenly,heading straight for each other. The clanging of blades clashing filled thearena until it became so loud it was as if an entire army was fighting. Hieicould hardly believe it...this opponent...this girl seemed to be as welltrained as he was! His eyes narrowed into pinpricks of crimson. There was noway he was going to lose!
”WOAH!She’s just as fast as Hiei! How is Hiei supposed to hurt her?” Said Kuwabara asShiei dodges one of Hiei’s attacks.
“Don'tworry knowing Hiei he’ll think of something...” Kurama and Yusuke said as theystared at the fight.
Kurama thinks to himself ”Hiei what are you planning? I know those bandageson your arm are because you remastered the darkness flame, but will that beenough against somebody who has the same skills as you!?”
Shiei thencomes in with a counter attack from behind but Hiei dodges that. Hiei thentries the to hit Shiei with his sword but she dodges again. Shiei then comes inwith another counter attack. Hiei easily dodges that attack too. They just keepdodging each other’s attacks.
Hiei & Shiei then stop attacking each other and arestanding on opposite sides of the ring. Now they are staring at each other withthe look of determination in their eyes.
”You are worthy opponent…” Hiei says as he stares acrossthe ring at Shiei.
”As to you the same!” Shiei answered from the other side of the ring.
”But don't think I will give up that easily!” Hiei said as he got ready to attackagain!
Hiei then pulls off his bandana reveling his Jagan eye! Healso unwraps the bandages on his arm.
”Should have figured you would pull that trick off, but that does not changeanything cause I have my own experiences with the Dragon Of The DarknessFlame!” Shiei said as she watches Hiei get ready to attack her with his Jaganskills.
“What doesshe mean by that.” Kuwabara says, then he starts to think to himself “Don'ttell me she has one of those third eyes too!? ...AH!”
”So how long do plan to hide the truth? I know that outfit: Long sleeves tohide the bandages and a bandana to hide the Jagan! Did you really think youcould fool me?” Said Hiei as he glares at Shiei.
”No I did not think I could fool you!” Shiei said sarcastically, “But now thatyou have figured it out….”
Shiei then pulls off her cape thing and now the two of them are wearing sameoutfit!
”They look alike! That's just plain creepy!” Kuwabara said with slight fear inhis voice.
Kuwabarathen started to think to himself again ”AH! She does have a third eye likeHiei! That is plain creepy! Can I go hide somewhere?” Kuwabara then hidesbehind Yusuke.
”Hn! Just as I suspected! You do have a Jagan and you have mastered theDragon Of The Darkness Flame too haven’t you!?” Hiei said with sarcasm in hisvoice.
”You have figured me out” Shiei says,then she pulls off her bandana and unwraps the bandages on her arm too! “Let'ssee who has the better Jagan skills of the two us!”
”Fine by me!” Hiei answers with a happytone in his voice.
The two of them charge at each other both doing a fist of the Mortal Flame!They keep hitting each other with the attack but neither are taking any damage!But they were losing a lot of spirit energy!
Hiei starts to think in mid-attack, “This has stop! This is using up toomuch energy!”
Shiei starts thinking in mid-attack too, “I’m losing too much energydoing this! This has to stop!”
Hiei and Shiei stop using the Fist of the Mortal Flame at the same time.
”Now what?”Kuwabara says from the sidelines.
Kurama thinks “Are you going to use the darkness flame Hiei? Even though youknow she has mastered it too? She could just have it turn around and have itattack you instead!”
Hiei smirksand says, “Time to use something have been saving...”
Shiei starts to think to herself, “He is going to use the Darkness flame!THE FOOL! I can just turn it around and have it attack him instead of me!! Butwait… how do I know he hasn't truly mastered it like so many have tried!? Ifthat were the case then the dragon would not hurt him! But then again would ithurt me? I have mastered it too, so it shouldn't hurt me either! So if I’ll letit hit me then I can send it at him! He'll never suspect it!!”
”DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!!!” Screams Hiei as the Dark Black flameshaped like a dragon charges at full force toward Shiei!
Shieistarts to laugh as the dragon hits her!
”There it is over....”Hiei says as he is now out of spirit energy.
”Huh? I guess the winner is Hieicause Shiei is nowhere in sight!” Juri says with much surprise in her voice.
“I wouldn’t count me out yet!” Shiei says as she comes from out of nowhere!
”WHAT NOT EVEN A SCRATCH!?” Kuwabara and Yusuke scream with surprise.
Hiei then says, “Hn! I should have known better!”
”Yes now die at the hands of your own dragon!” Shiei answers as she starts tolaugh!
”DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!” Shiei Screams as the attack goes charging atfull force toward Hiei! Just before the dragon hits Hiei smirks! Shiei now islaughing for she thinks she has won…
“AHH!” Juri screams “ok...I guess Shiei is the winner, then!?”
Hiei then pops out of nowhere and says, “HAHAHAH! Is that all you got?”
“Hn! I see you have truly mastered it too! But now we are both completely outof spirit energy!” Shiei says with no trace of surprise in her looks or voice.
“Seems that we have...” Hiei answers.
“How about we end this with an old-fashioned swordfight!?” Shiei suggests
”Fine!” Hiei answers.
Hiei and Shiei draw their swords and start slashing at each other! Dodging somegetting hit by others until Shiei and Hiei make direct eye contact!
Shiei surprised by her own actions starts thinking to herself, “Huh…whatthe? What’s wrong with me?”
Shiei then accidentally drops her sword!
Hiei sees how she is acting and starts to think to himself, “She dropped hersword, why? And why do I have this felling like I can't attack her!? What'swrong with me!?”
Hiei then almost drops his sword too! Hiei then gets back on track and goesin to attack while Shiei still has her guard down. Shiei picks up her swordjust in time to block Hiei's attack.
Then they start to whisper from their cross swords….
“What's wrong? Why did you put your guarddown? I thought this was to be a fight to the finish?” Hiei whispers to Shiei.
“What about you? You are no longer fightingat full force either!” Shiei whispers back.
“What are you thinking?” Hiei asks quietly.
“We pretend to be fighting, then fall out of the ring and make this a tie!Cause neither of us wants to lose!” Shiei whispers back.
“I don't know why I am agreeing but yes it's a plan we can make-work!” Hieiquietly answers in return to Shiei’s suggestion.
Shiei then Whispers to Hiei, “Ok I will let you knock me out of the ring goafter me and we just make sure we keep fighting outside the ring for 10counts!”
”Ok! 1-2-3.... GO!” Hiei Whispers.
Hiei thenknocks Shiei out of the ring! Shiei crashes into the wall! Hiei follows her outof the ring…
”Remember 10 counts....” Shiei reminds Hiei.
“Yes I know!” Hiei answers sarcastically.
Hiei and Shiei continue to fight outside the ring, trying to make it seem likethey don’t even realize they are out of the ring!
”What is Hiei doing? Doesn’t he realize that if he stays out the ring for tencounts we loose this round?” Yusuke asks.
“Not if Shiei is out of the ring too, then it will be a tie and both teams geta win!” Kurama answers
Kurama thenstarts to think to himself, “What are you planning Hiei? Do you want to tie?But why would you want to tie against a girl…! Unless…But that could neverhappen! Hiei doesn't understand love!”
Juri then realizes they are out of the ring, “Well since they are out of thering I will start!Since both players were out of the ring for ten counts this round will beconsidered a tie and both teams get a win!”
Hiei and Shiei stop fighting as soon as the tie was announced. Hiei looks atShiei and Shiei looks at Hiei....
“There now, neither of us loses!” Shiei says with satisfaction.
“Hey it's better than losing!” Hiei says with a happy tone again!
Hiei goes back to his team and Shiei goes back to hers...
Yusuke now very much confused asks,“What was that! You tied!? What’s up with that!?”
Hiei now very exhausted from the fight answers, “”
“Yes we did!” Yusuke says, “What's with you?”
”Doing the Dragon Of The Darkness Flame took.... all the energy …...out of me!I barely got.... through the sword fight! Now.... I need….. to hibernate!” Hieianswers with a very tired voice. Hiei looks as if he is about to fall asleepright at that very moment!
”For how long?” Yusuke asks with curiosity.
Hieianswers with the last bit of strength he has left, ”I....don't know..... I amtrusting…. somewhere.....whereit.....won't.....get stepped.....on!And……when.......I.....wake....up…………… Hiei then collapses!
Kurama starts to laugh, “Leave it to Hiei to get in that last-minute threat!”
Yusuke starts to laugh too, “Yup that's Hiei for you!”
”But why did he tie with a girl?” Yusuke asks himself.
End of part one!
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punkrocker on May 11, 2005, 12:17:01 PM
punkrocker on